Yamaha Ls 9 Service Manual
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201 LS9-16/LS9-32 USB: Data Overrun! USB: Rx Buffer Full! USB: Tx Buffer Full! Word Clock Error! Recorder Stopped!Wrong Audio File Format!Wrong Password!Wrong Word Clock! You Cannot Create User Key.CPUP:Rx Buffer Full!Unknown Format!!CheckSum Error!!===== File Read Error!! ========== CheckSum Error!! ===== Invalid signals are being input from the USB connector input port.Too much data is being received at the USB connector input port.Too much data is being transmitted from the USB connector output port.Recorder was halted due to un-synchronization of word clock.The format of the audio file is invalid.The password you input was incorrect.The LS9 cannot synchronize because the source selected by MASTER CLOCK SELECT in the WORD CLOCK screen is not appropriate.The current user does not have permission to create a user key.—Media that cannot be read is found.Checksum discrepancy of the MAIN Firmware.File reading was unsuccessful during updating the Firmware.Checksum discrepancy after updating the Firmware. · Correct data cannot be received from the USB input port.· The receive buffer size for the main unit USB is not large enough for the transmitted data.· The processing load on the main unit is too large to process the USB receive data in time.· Too much transmission data to the transmission buffer for the main unit USB.←· Playback of an audio format which is not supported by the LS9 was tried.←The error occurs if no digital signal that can be locked comes to the WORD CLOCK IN or SLOT port if the port is selected.· A user who are not authorized to create the user authentica - tion key such as Guest created the user authentication key.·A lot of operations were performed at the same time and the receive buffer for the EBUS command is overflowing. This error is not shown unless quick operations are continued for a long time.· The cluster size of the DISK connected to the USB connec - tor is too large (more than 32k byte). (The format is unusable for the LOADER.)· The MAIN Firmware area is damaged.· Writing to the MAIN Firmware was not successful.· Firmware file data is damaged.· Writing to the MAIN Firmware was not successful. (In most cases, the error is shown in combination with other errors of Firmware updating.) · Check if the settings such as baud rate on the transmission side are correct.· Check if the receive signal to the main unit is input correctly to the input port.· Check for connection looping which is caused by reasons such as turning ECHO on.· Decrease the amount of transmission data.· Stop operating the main unit and check if the data can be received correctly with less load.· Check for connection looping which is caused by reasons such as turning ECHO on.· Don ’t let the Word Clock out of synchronization when the recorder is in operation.·Check if the audio file can be played with PC, etc.·Check if configurations such as tags are set correctly.·If it is impossible to find out the password, execute ALL MEMORY INITIALIZE to clear the password.· Send appropriate clock signal to the designated port. Alternatively, select “Internal” setting.·Log in as an ADMINISTRATOR or POWER USER and create the user authentication key.· Leave the unit for a moment.·It’s impossible to start. Remove the USB memory, start the main unit, and reconnect the USB memory.· Format again with the cluster size set 32k byte or less, or use another memory.· The firmware can be updated even if this error is shown. Update the MAIN Firmware.· Replace the Firmware file and try again.· If the result is still unsuccessful, use another USB memory.· Replace the Firmware file and try again.·Even if the result is still unsuccessful, use another USB memory. If the same error occurs after some attempts, replace the CPU circuit board. Message Meaning Cause Coping process

LS9-16/LS9-32 202 ワーニング/エラーメッセージ Ý¿·”´ “A xxx Parameters Copied.xxx Parameters Initialized.xxx Parameters Pasted.xxx Parameters Swapped with Copy Buffer.Assignment is Restricted to Max.8 Sources!Cannot Recall to Different Parameter Type!Cannot Recall!Cannot Select This Channel.Cannot Store!Cannot Undo!Couldn’t Access File.Couldn’t Write File.Current User Changed. [xxx]Directory Not Empty!EFFECT CUE: Turned Off.External HA Connection Conflict!File Access is Busy!File Already Exists!File Error [xx]! YYY w

203 LS9-16/LS9-32 Ý¿·”´ “A File Protected!Help File Not Found!Illegal Address!Illegal MAC Address! Cannot Use Network.Illegal Storage Format!KEY IN CUE: Turned Off.Loading Aborted.Low Battery!Maximum Number of Audio Files Exceeded!Memory Error! All Memories were Initialized.MIDI: Data Framing Error!MIDI: Data Overrun!MIDI: Rx Buffer Full! 64#

LS9-16/LS9-32 204 Ý¿·”´ “A MIDI: Tx Buffer Full!No Controllable Knob.No Corresponding Help Items.No Response from External HA.Page Bookmarked.Password Changed.Power Supply Fan hasMalfunctioned!Processing Aborted.Saving Aborted.SCENE #xxx is Empty!SCENE #xxx is Protected! SCENE #xxx is Read Only! SLOT{x}: Data Framing Error! SLOT{x}: Data Overrun! SLOT{x}: Rx Buffer Full! SLOT{x}: Tx Buffer Full! .*%* Z

205 LS9-16/LS9-32 Ý¿·”´ “A Storage Full! Storage Not Found! Storage Not Ready!Sync Error! [xxx]Tap Operation Ignored.This Operation is Not Allowed. Too Large File! Loading Failed.Too Many Bands Used! Cannot Compare.Too Many EQ Bands Used! Cannot Paste!Total Slot Power Capability Exceeded!Unsupported File Format! USB Currently Active for Recorder function!USB Currently Active for SAVE or LOAD!USB Memory Full ! Recorder Stopped.USB Memory Unmounted ! Recorder Stopped.USB over current Error! Disconnect USB device.USB: Data Framing Error! 64#

LS9-16/LS9-32 206 Ý¿·”´ “A USB: Data Overrun! USB: Rx Buffer Full! USB: Tx Buffer Full! Word Clock Error! Recorder Stopped!Wrong Audio File Format!Wrong Password!Wrong Word Clock! You Cannot Create User Key.CPUP:Rx Buffer Full!Unknown Format!!CheckSum Error!!===== File Read Error!! ========== CheckSum Error!! ===== 64# z

207 LS9-16/LS9-32 MIDI IMPLEMENTATION CHART YAMAHA [ Digital Mixing Console ] Date :8-Aug-2\ 006 Model LS9-16/32 MIDI Implementation Chart Version : 1.0\ Transmitted Recognized Remarks Function... Basic Default 1 - 16 1 - 16 Memorized Channel Changed 1 - 16 1 - 16 Defaultx 1, 3 Memorized Mode Messages x x Altered ************** x Note x 0 - 127 Number : True voice ************** x Velocity Note ON xo 9nH, v=1-127 Effect Control Note OFF x x After Keys x x Touch Chs xx Pitch Bend xx 0,32 o o Bank Select 6,38o o Data Entry 98,99o o NRPN LSB,MSB 1-31,33-98, o o Assignable Cntrl Control 102-119 Change Prog o 0 - 127 o 0 - 127 Assignable Change : True # ************** 0 - 300 System Exclusive o *1 o *1,*2 : Song Pos. x x Common : Song Sel. x o Recorder Control : Tune x x System : Clock xoEffect Control Real Time: Commands x x :All Sound Off x xAux :Reset All Cntrls x x :Local ON/OFF x x Mes- :All Notes OFF x xsages:Active Sense x o :Reset x o Mode 1 : OMNI ON , POLY Mode 2 : OMNI ON ,MONO o : Yes Mode 3 : OMNI OFF, POLY Mode 4 : OMNI OFF,MONO x : No Notes: *1 :Bulk Dump/Request and Parameter Change/Request. *2 :MMC

LS9-16/LS9-32 208 This section explains the format of the data that the LS9 is able to understand, send, and receive. 1CHANNEL MESSAGE 1.1NOTE OFF(8n) ReceptionThese messages are echoedto MIDI OUT if [OTHER COMMAND ECHO] is ON.They arereceived if [Rx CH] matches, and used tocontrol effects. 1.2NOTE ON(9n) ReceptionThese messages are echoedto MIDI OUT if [OTHER COMMAND ECHO] is ON.They arereceived if [Rx CH] matches, and used tocontrol effects. 1.3CONTROL CHANGE(Bn)Twotypes of CONTROL CHANGE can be transmitted and received; [NRPN] (Non-RegisteredParameterNumbers) and freely-assigned [TABLE] (1CH x 110) messages. Select either [TABLE] or [NRPN]. ReceptionThese messages are echoedto MIDI OUT if [CONTROL CHANGE ECHO] is ON.If[TABLE]isselected,thesemessagesarereceivedwhen[CONTROLCHANGERx] is ON and [Rx CH] matches, and willcontrol parameters accordingto the settings of the [CONTROL CHANGE EVENT LIST].If[NRPN]isselected,thesemessagesarereceivedwhen[CONTROLCHANGERx]isONandthe[RxCH]matches;thefourmessagesNRPNcontrolnumber(62h,63h)andDATAENTRYcontrolnumber(06h,26h)areusedtocontrolthespecified parameter. TransmissionIf [TABLE] is selected, and if [CONTROL CHANGE Tx] is ON when youoperate a parameter that is assigned in the [CONTROL CHANGE EVENTLIST], these messages will be transmitted on the [Tx CH] channel.If [NRPN] is selected, and if [CONTROL CHANGE Tx] is ON when youoperate a specified parameter, the four messages NRPN controlnumber (62h,63h) and DATA ENTRYcontrolnumber (06h, 26h) aretransmitted on the [Tx CH]channel.CONTROL CHANGE messages are not used for transmissionto LS9 Editorbecause there is no guarantee that the contents of the assignment tables willmatch. (PARAMETER CHANGE messages are always used.)CONTROL CHANGE numbers 0 and 32 are for selecting banks. If [TABLE] is selected Equation for converting a Control Value to parameter dataparamSteps= paramMax–paramMin + 1;add= paramWidth / paramSteps;mod= paramWidth–add * paramSteps;curValue= paramSteps * add + mod / 2; (1) If the assigned parameter has fewer than 128 stepsparamWidth = 128; rxValue = Control value; (2) If the assigned parameter has 128 or more but less than 16,384 stepsparamWidth = 16384; (2-1)WhenHigh and Low data is receivedrxValue = Control value(High) * 128 + Control value(Low); (2-2)When only Low data is receivedrxValue = (curValue & 16256) + Control value(Low); (2-3)When only High data is receivedrxValue = Control value(High) * 128 + (curValue & 127); (3)Iftheassignedparameterhas16,384ormorebutlessthan2,097,152 stepsparamWidth = 2097152; (3-1)WhenHigh,Middle, and Low data is receivedrxValue = Control value(High) * 16384 + Control value(Middle) * 128 + C\ ontrol value(Low); (3-2)When only Low data is receivedrxValue = (curValue & 2097024) + Control value(Low); (3-3)When only Middle data is receivedrxValue = (curValue & 2080895) + Control value(Middle) * 128; (3-4)When only High data is receivedrxValue = (curValue & 16383) + Control value(High) * 16384; (3-5)When only Middle and Low data is receivedrxValue = (curValue & 2080768) + Control value(Middle) * 128 + Control value(Low); (3-6)When only High and Low data is receivedrxValue = (curValue & 16256) + Control value(High) * 16384 + Control value(Low); (3-7)When only High and Middle data is receivedrxValue=(curValue&127)+Controlvalue(High)*16384+Controlvalue(Middle)* 128; if ( rxValue > paramWidth)rxValue = paramWidth;param = ( rxValue–mod / 2) / add; If [NRPN] is selected STATUS1000nnnn8nNote off message DATA0nnnnnnnnnNote number 0vvvvvvvvvVelocity(ignored) STATUS1001nnnn9nNote on message DATA0nnnnnnnnnNote number 0vvvvvvvvvVelocity (1-127:on, 0:off) STATUS1011nnnnBnControl change DATA00Control number (00) 0vvvvvvvvvControlValue (0-127) STATUS1011nnnnBnControl change DATA20Control number (32) 0vvvvvvvvvControlValue (0-127) STATUS1011nnnnBnControl change DATA0nnnnnnnnnControl number (1-5, 7-31, 33-37, 38-95, 102-119) *0vvvvvvvvvControlValue (0-127) *Numbers 0, 32, and 96–101 cannot be used.*Control number 6, 38 can be used. STATUS1011nnnnBnControl change DATA0110001062NRPN LSB 0vvvvvvvvvParameter number LSB STATUS1011nnnnBnControl change * DATA0110001163NRPN MSB 0vvvvvvvvvParameter number MSB STATUS1011nnnnBnControl change * DATA0000011006Data entry MSB 0vvvvvvvvvParameter data MSB STATUS1011nnnnBnControl change * DATA0010011026Data entry LSB 0vvvvvvvvvParameter data LSB *The STATUS byte of the second and subsequent messages need not be added during transmission. Reception must occur correctly whether or not the status byte is omitted. MIDI DATA FORMAT

209 LS9-16/LS9-32 1.4PROGRAM CHANGE(Cn) ReceptionIf [PROGRAM CHANGE ECHO] is ON, bank select messages will also be echoed from MIDI OUT.IfSINGLECHisselected,thesemessagesarereceivedif[PROGRAMCHANGERx]isONandthe[RxCH]matches.Howeverif[OMNI]isON,thesemessagesarereceivedregardless of the channel.When these messages arereceived, scenememory and effect library arerecalled accordingto the settings of the [PROGRAM CHANGE EVENT LIST]. TransmissionIf[PROGRAMCHANGETx]isON,thesemessagesaretransmittedaccordingto the [PROGRAM CHANGE Table] settings when scene memory and effect library arerecalled.If SINGLE CH is selected, these messages aretransmitted on the [Tx CH] channel.If the recalled scene memory and effect library has been assignedto more than one PROGRAM NUMBER, the lowest-numbered PROGRAM NUMBER for each MIDI channelwill be transmitted.PROGRAM CHANGE messages are not used for transmissionto LS9 Editorbecause there is no guarantee that the contents of the assignment tables willmatch. (PARAMETER CHANGE messages are always used.)You can choose either MULTI MIDI CH or SINGLE CH. If SINGLE is selectedYou can choose the Rx CH, OMNI CH, and Tx CH.You can choose whether a bank select message will be added.A bank of up to 16 can be specied. If MULTI is selectedThe Rx and Tx channelswill be the same.The assignment table will use the settings for each MIDI channel. Bank select messageswill not be added.You can make settings for up to sixteen MIDI channels. 2SYSTEM REALTIME MESSAGE 2.1SONG SELECT(F3)Select the tracknumber shown in the TITLE LIST screen of the USB memoryrecorder. 2.2TIMING CLOCK(F8) ReceptionThismessageisusedtocontroleffects.Thismessageistransmittedtwenty-fourtimes per quarter note.Echoing of this message depends on the OTHER item in the ECHO settings. 2.3ACTIVE SENSING(FE) ReceptionOnce this message has been received, MIDI communicationwill be initialized(e.g.,RunningStatuswillbecleared)ifnomessageis receivedforanintervalof400 ms.This message is not subject to echoing. 2.4SYSTEM RESET(FF) ReceptionWhen this message is received, MIDI communicationwill be initialized (e.g.,Running Status will be cleared).This message is not subject to echoing. 3SYSTEM EXCLUSIVE MESSAGE 3.1MMC < MMC STOP > ReceptionIf the [DEVICE NO.] matches or is 7F,receives this message and stops. < MMC PLAY > ReceptionIfthe[DEVICENO.]matchesoris7F,receivesthismessageandstartsplayback. < MMC DEFERED PLAY > ReceptionIfthe[DEVICENO.]matchesoris7F,receivesthismessageandstartsplayback. < MMC RECORD STROBE > ReceptionIf the [DEVICE NO.] matches or is 7F,receives this message, and if stopped,startsrecording. < MMC PAUSE > ReceptionIf the [DEVICE NO.] matches or is 7F,receives this message, and if playing,pauses. STATUS1100nnnnCnProgram change DATA0nnnnnnnnnProgram number (0-127) STATUS11110011F3Song select Song number0sssssssssSong number (0-127) STATUS11111000F8Timing clock STATUS11111110FEActive sensing STATUS11111111FFSystem reset STATUS11110000F0System exclusive message ID No.011111117FReal time System exclusive Device ID0dddddddddDestination (00-7E, 7F:all call) COMMAND0000011006Machine Control Command(MCC) sub-id 0000000101Stop(MCS) EOX11110111F7End of exclusive STATUS11110000F0System exclusive message ID No.011111117FReal time System exclusive Device ID0dddddddddDestination (00-7E, 7F:all call) COMMAND0000011006Machine Control Command(MCC) sub-id 0000001002Play(MCS) EOX11110111F7End of exclusive STATUS11110000F0System exclusive message ID No.011111117FReal time System exclusive Device ID0dddddddddDestination (00-7E, 7F:all call) COMMAND0000011006Machine Control Command(MCC) sub-id 0000001103Deferred Play(MCS) EOX11110111F7End of exclusive STATUS11110000F0System exclusive message ID No.011111117FReal time System exclusive Device ID0dddddddddDestination (00-7E, 7F:all call) COMMAND0000011006Machine Control Command(MCC) sub-id 0000011006Record strobe EOX11110111F7End of exclusive STATUS11110000F0System exclusive message ID No.011111117FReal time System exclusive Device ID0dddddddddDestination (00-7E, 7F:all call) COMMAND0000011006Machine Control Command(MCC) sub-id 0000100109Pause(MCS) EOX11110111F7End of exclusive

LS9-16/LS9-32 210 3.2BULK DUMP The LS9 uses the following data types for a bulk dump. *1)0–300 Scene Number (0 Request Only),*2)1–199 Input EQ Library Number (1–40 Request Only)*3)1–199 Output EQ Library Number (1–3 Request Only)*4)1–199 Dynamics Library Number (1–41 Request Only)*5)0–199 GEQ Library Number (0 Request Only)*6)1–199 Effect Library Number (1–57 Request Only)*7)512–575 Input 1–64,*8)576–583 STIN 1L–4R,*9)768–783 MIX 1–16,*10)1024–1031 MATRIX 1-8 (LS9-32 only),*11)1280–1282 STEREO L–C, *12)512–519 GEQ 1–8,*13)512–515 EFFECT 1–4,*14)512 Current Data,*15)768 Current Data with Recall Safe, Data is lost when youwriteto the preset library.The unique header (Model ID) identies whether the device is a LS9.To calculate the check sum, add the bytes startingwith the byte after BYTE COUNT(LOW)andendingwiththebytebeforeCHECKSUM,takethebinarycomplement, and set bit 7 to 0.CHECK SUM = (-sum)&0x7F Bulk Dumps can be received at any time, and can be transmitted at any time when a Bulk Dump Request is received.ABulk Dump is transmitted on the [Rx CH] channel in responseto a BulkDumpRequest.Inthedataportion,sevenwordsof8-bitdataareconvertedintoeightwordsof7-bit data. [Conversion from actual data to bulk data]d[0-6]: actual datab[0-7]: bulk datab[0] = 0;for( I=0; I