Yamaha Ls 9 Service Manual
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SERVICE MANUAL HAMAMATSU, JAPAN SERVICE MANUAL LS9-16: 200610-724500LS9-32: 200610-1354500 PA011829 Copyright (c) Yamaha Corporation. All rights reserved. PDF ’06.11 SPECIFICATIONS(総合仕様) .................................4 PIN ASSIGNMENTS(ピンアサイン表) .................10 DIMENSIONS(寸法図) ..........................................10 PANEL LAYOUT(パネルレイアウト) .....................11 CIRCUIT BOARD LAYOUT (ユニットレイアウト) .............................................17 DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURE(分解手順) ............22 LSI PIN DESCRIPTION(LSI 端子機能表) .............52 IC BLOCK DIAGRAM(IC ブロック図) ..................64 CIRCUIT BOARDS(シート基板図) .......................69 INSPECTIONS(検査) ....................................112/116 SERVICE CHECK PROGRAM (サービス検査プログラム) ............................120/132 PROCEDURE TO CAPTURE SCREEN (スクリーンショットの手順) ................................144 INSTALLING an OPTION CARD (オプションカードの取り付け) .....................145/146 CONTENTS(目次) USER SETTING (SECURITY) (ユーザー設定(セキュリティ)) ...................147/164 INITIALIZING THE LS9’s INTERNAL MEMORY (LS9 の内蔵メモリーを初期化する) ..............181/182 CALIBRATION FUNCTION (キャリブレーション機能) ............................183/186 START-UP SEQUENCE (起動シーケンス) ...........................................189/193 WARNING/ERROR MESSAGES (ワーニング / エラーメッセージ) ..................197/202 MIDI IMPLEMENTATION CHART .........................207 MIDI DATA FORMAT .............................................208 PARTS LIST BLOCK DIAGRAM(ブロックダイアグラム) WIRING DIAGRAM(コネクタ接続図) CIRCUIT DIAGRAM(回路図) • LS9-16 • LS9-32 LS9-32LS9-16

LS9-16/LS9-32 2 WARNING WARNING: CHEMICAL CONTENT NOTICE! The solder used in the production of this product contains LEAD. In addition, other electrical/electronic and/or plastic (Where applicable) components may also contain traces of chemicals found by the California Health and Welfare Agency (and possibly other entities) to cause cancer and/or birth defects or other reproductive harm. DO NOT PLACE SOLDER, ELECTRICAL/ELECTRONIC OR PLASTIC COMPONENTS IN YOUR MOUTH FOR ANY REASON WHAT SO EVER! Avoid prolonged, unprotected contact between solder and your skin! When soldering, do not inhale solder fumes or expose eyes to solder/flux vapor! If you come in contact with solder or components located inside the enclosure of this product, wash your hands before handling food. IMPORTANT NOTICE T h i s m a n u a l h a s b e e n p r o v i d e d f o r t h e u s e o f a u t h o r i z e d Y a m a h a R e t a i l e r s a n d t h e i r s e r v i c e p e r s o n n e l . I t h a s b e e n a s s u m e d t h a t b a s i c s e r v i c e p r o c e d u r e s i n h e r e n t t o t h e i n d u s t r y , a n d m o r e s p e c i f i c a l l y Y a m a h a P r o d u c t s , a r e a l r e a d y k n o w n a n d u n d e r s t o o d b y t h e u s e r s , a n d h a v e t h e r e f o r e n o t b e e n r e s t a t e d . WARNING : Failure to follow appropriate service and safety procedures when servicing this product may result in personal injury, destruction of expensive components and failure of the product to perform as specified. For these reasons, we advise all Yamaha product owners that all service required should be performed by an authorized Yamaha Retailer or the appointed service representative. IMPORTANT : This presentation or sale of this manual to any individual or firm does not constitute authorization certification, recognition of any applicable technical capabilities, or establish a principal-agent relationship of any form. The data provided is belived to be accurate and applicable to the unit(s) indicated on the cover. The research engineering, and service d e p a r t m e n t s o f Y a m a h a a r e c o n t i n u a l l y s t r i v i n g t o i m p r o v e Y a m a h a p r o d u c t s . M o d i f i c a t i o n s a r e , t h e r e f o r e , i n e v i t a b l e a n d c h a n g e s i n specification are subject to change without notice or obligation to retrofit. Should any discrepancy appear to exist, please contact the distributor’s Service Division. WARNING : Static discharges can destroy expensive components. Discharge any static electricity your body may have accumulated by grounding yourself to the ground bus in the unit (heavy gauge black wires connect to this bus.) IMPORTANT : Turn the unit OFF during disassembly and parts replacement. Recheck all work before you apply power to the unit. Components having special characteristics are marked and must be replaced with parts having specification equal to thoseoriginally installed. LITHIUM BATTERY HANDLING This product uses a lithium battery for memory back-up.WARNING : Lithium batteries are dangerous because they can be exploded by improper\ handling. Observe the following precautions when handling or replacing lithium batteries. Leave lithium battery replacement to qualified service personnel. Always replace with batteries of the same type. When installing on the PC board by soldering, solder using the connectio\ n terminals provided on the battery cells. Never solder directly to the cells. Perform the soldering as quickly as \ possible. Never reverse the battery polarities when installing. Do not short the batteries. Do not attempt to recharge these batteries. Do not disasemble the batteries. Never heat batteries or throw them into fire. ADVARSEL! Lithiumbatteri-Eksplosionsfare ved fejlagtig håndtering. Udskiftning må kun ske med batteri af samme fabrikat og type. levér det brugte batteri tilbage til leverandren.VARNING Explosionsfara vid felaktigt batteribyte.Använd samma batterityp eller en ekvivalent typ som rekommenderas av \ apparattillverkaren.Kassera använt batteri enligt fabrikantens instruktion.VAROITUS Paristo voi räjähtää, jos se on virheellisesti asennettu.Vaihda paristo ainoastaan laitevalmistajan suosittelemaan tyyppiiin.Hävitä käytetty paristo valmistajan ohjeiden mukaisesti.The following information complies with Dutch official Gazette 1995. 45; ESSENTIALS OF ORDER ON THE COLLECTION OF BATTERIES. • Please refer to the diassembly procedure for the removal of Back-up Batt\ ery. • Leest u voor het verwijderen van de backup batterij deze beschrijving. 印の部品は、安全を維持するために重要な部品です。交換する場合は、安全のために必ず指定の部品をご使用ください。 リチウム電池の取り扱い <注意> リチウム電池を誤って交換すると爆発する危険があります。交換する場合は、サービスマニュアルで指定された部品を使用して ください。

3 LS9-16/LS9-32 IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR THE UNITED KINGDOM Connecting the Plug and Cord WARNING:THIS APPARATUS MUST BE EARTHEDIMPORTANT. The wires in this mains lead are coloured in accordancewith the following code: GREEN-AND-YELLOW : EARTHBLUE: NEUTRALBROWN: LIVEAs the colours of the wires in the mains lead of this apparatus may notcorrespond with the coloured markings identifying the terminals in your \ plug proceed as follows:The wire which is coloured GREEN-and-YELLOW must be connected tothe terminal in the plug which is marked by the letter E or by the safet\ yearth symbol or or colored GREEN or GREEN-and-YELLOW.The wire which is coloured BLUE must be connected to the terminalwhich is marked with the letter N or coloured BLACK.The wire which is coloured BROWN must be connected to the terminalwhich is marked with the letter L or coloured RED. This device has a built-in backup battery. When you unplug the power cord from the AC outlet, the current scene data and library data is retained. However, if the backup battery fully discharges, this data will be lost. When the backup battery is running low, the LCD display indicates “Low Battery!” when you starting up the system. (the Battery field also indicates “LOW” or “NO” in the MISC SETUP screen.) In this case, immediately save the data to a USB memory.Be sure toperform it BACKUP BATTERY(バックアップバッテリー) User Level settings allow you to restrict the parameters that be operated by each user, or tochange the settings of the custom fader layer, user-defined keys, and preference settings foreach user. Settings for each user can be stored as a “user authentication key” on USB memory,allowing users to be switched easily, simply by connecting the memory device to a USB connector. This is convenient in the following situations. • Unintended or mistaken operation can be prevented.• The range of functionality operable by an outside engineer (guest engin\ eer) can be limited.• In situations in which multiple operators alternate with each other\ , output settings etc. can be locked to prevent unintended operations.• Preferences of each operator can easily be switched. User settings may be stored by users. To service the device, get the USB storage device storing the "user authe\ ntic key" from the user. ユーザーレベルを設定することにより、操作できるパラメーターをユーザーごとに制限したり、カスタムフェーダーレイヤーやユーザー定義キーやプリファレンス設定をユーザーごとに切り替えたりすることができます。ユーザーごとの設定は「ユーザー認証キー」としてU S B メモリーにまとめて記憶しておいて、これを U S B 端子に挿入することで簡単にユーザーを切り替えることができます。たとえば、以下のような場合に便利です。 ・ 不用意な誤操作を防止できます。・ 外部のエンジニア ( ゲストエンジニア ) が操作できる範囲を制限できます。・ 複数のオペレーターが交代で操作する場合などに、出力設定をロックするなどして、誤操作を防止できます。・ オペレーターごとに好みの設定に簡単に切り替えられます。 ユーザーがユーザーレベルを設定している場合がありますので、サービス実施時には、ユーザーから「ユーザー認証キー」を記憶してあるUSB 記憶装置を借りてください。 USER LEVEL SETTINGS(ユーザーレベル設定) This product contains a battery that contains perchlorate material. Perchlorate Material – special handling may apply, See www.dtsc.ca.gov/hazardouswaste/perchlorate. * This applies only to products distributed by YAMAHA CORPORATION OF AMERICA. (Perchlorate) This product contains a high intensity lamp that contains a small amount of mercury. Disposal of this material may be regulated due to environmental considerations. For disposal information in the United States, refer to the Electronic Industries Alliance web site: www.eiae.org * This applies only to products distributed by YAMAHA CORPORATION OF AMERICA. (mercury) この機器はバックアップバッテリーが内蔵されていますので、電源プラグがコンセントから外されても、電源を切ったときのカレントシーンデータやライブラリーデータは保持されます。ただし、バックアップバッテリーが消耗すると、カレントシーンデータやライブラリーデータは消えてしまいます。バックアップバッテリーが消耗してくると、起動時に“L o w Battery!”と表示されます (MISC SETUP 画面の BATTERY 欄でもバッテリーが消耗してくると LOW または NO と表示されます )。その場合は、すぐにデータを USB メモリーに保存してください。

LS9-16/LS9-32 4 SPECIFICATIONS(総合仕様) General Specications Signal Delay¢³¬ÆçÃŸè £Less than 2.5 ms (INPUT to OMNI OUT @Fs=48 kHz) Dimensions¢ GO£LS9-16:480 x 220 x 500 mmLS9-32:884 x 220 x 500 mm Net Weight¢í”£LS9-16:12.0 kgLS9-32:19.4 kg Power Requirements¢?o“7£LS9-16:95 W, 110—240 V, 50/60 HzLS9-32:170 W, 110—240 V, 50/60 Hz Temperature Range¢9S c“£Operating:+10˚C to +35˚CStorage:–20˚C to +60˚C Included Accessories¢ Ç ¼£Owner’s Manual, AC Power Cord, Dust Cover (only LS9-32) Optional Accessories¢ ¦Ó³ãï£mini-YGDAI cards, Gooseneck Light LA5000 (for LS9-32), Rack Mount Kit RK1 AC Power Cord Length¢?o¯”ÅÕ£250 cm ConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit Sampling FrequencyExternal Clock Frequency Range 39.6950.88 kHz Jitter of PLL * *The jitter of input clock is less than 1ns. Digital Input Fs = 44.1 kHz or 48 kHz10 ns Digital Input Fs = 39.69—50.88 kHz20 Sampling FrequencyInternal ClockFrequencyWord Clock: INT 44.1 kHz44.1kHzWord Clock: INT 48 kHz48 AccuracyWord Clock: INT 44.1 kHz or 48 kHz50ppm JitterWord Clock: INT 44.1 kHz or 48 kHz5ns Fader Travel (Stroke)Resolution: 1,024 steps, +10 to –138, –∞ dB for all faders100 mmPosition Error±1.5 Moving TimeFrom end to the other end, Under normal software control0.3sec (WxHxD) ¢° `“7£ ¢ { †Ì {z-  {z?o¯”Åz¼µÄ§Ì”¢-4wˆ££ ¢NJOJ:(%*§”Åz¬”µÉ¿«åïÓ- -4 zå¿«Ú¢ïÄ©¿Ä3,£ ¢±ïÓæï¬ *þ :Ž æ«é¿«£ ¢ *þ : c“£ ¢1--´¿»”£ ¢Ö—«é¿«w´¿

5 LS9-16/LS9-32 Analog Input Characteristics *1. Sensitivity is the lowest level that will produce an output of +4 dBu (1.23 V) or the nominal output level when the unit is set to maximum gain. (all fad- ers and level controls are maximum position.) *2. XLR-3-31 type connectors are balanced. (1=GND, 2=HOT, 3=COLD) * In these specifications, 0 dBu = 0.775 Vrms. * All input AD converters are 24-bit linear, 128-times oversampling.* +48V DC (phantom power) is supplied to INPUT XLR type connectors via each individual software controlled switch. Analog Output Characteristics *1. XLR-3-32 type connectors are balanced. (1=GND, 2=HOT, 3=COLD)*2. PHONES OUT stereo phone jack is unbalanced. (Tip=LEFT, Ring=RIGHT, Sleeve=GND)*3. There are switches inside the body to preset the maximum output level. *4. The position of the level control is 10 dB lowered from Max. * In these specifications, 0 dBu = 0.775 Vrms.* All output DA converters are 24-bit, 128-times oversampling. Input/output characteristics Input TerminalsGAINActual Load ImpedanceFor Use With Nominal Input LevelConnectorSensitivity*1NominalMax. before clip INPUT 1-16 INPUT 1-32 –62 dB3 kΩ50-600 Ω Mics & 600 Ω Lines –82 dBu (61.6μV)–62 dBu (0.616 mV)–42 dBu (6.16 mV)XLR-3-31 type (Balanced)*2+10 dB–10 dBu (245 mV)+10 dBu (2.45 V)+30 dBu (24.5 V) Output TerminalsActual Source ImpedanceFor Use With NominalGain Switch *3 Output LevelConnectorNominalMax. before clip OMNI OUT 1-8 OMNI OUT 1-16 75 Ω 600 Ω Lines +24 dB (default)+4 dBu (1.23 V)+24 dBu (12.3 V)XLR-3-32 type (Balanced)*1+18 dB–2 dBu (616 mV)+18 dBu (6.16 V) PHONES OUT15 Ω 8 Ω Phones —75 mW *4150 mWStereo Phone Jack (TRS) (Unbalanced)*240 Ω Phones —65 mW *4150 mW ¢Ö Z—› Q£ ¢žÆé¬Ö—› Q£ ¢žÆé¬ Z—› Q£

LS9-16/LS9-32 6 I/O Slot Characteristics The rear panel provides one slot (LS9-16) or two slots (LS9-32) in w\ hich separately sold mini-YGDAI cards can be installed. The following types of card can be used. Only Slot 1 has a serial interface (LS9-32). Refer to the Yamaha Pro Audio global website for the most recent information on mini-YGDAI cards\ . http://www. yamahaproaudio.com/ Control I/O Characteristics *1. Bus-powered hubs are not supported.*2. 4 pin=+12 V, 3 pin=GND, Supported lamp: max. 5 W Card NameFunctionInputOutputThe number of available cards LS9-16LS9-32 MY8-AD24Analog In8In—12 MY8-AD96Analog In8In—12 MY8-ADDA96Analog In/Out8In8Out12 MY8-AEAES/EBU8In8Out12 MY8-AE96AES/EBU8In8Out12 MY8-AE96SAES/EBU8In8Out12 MY8-AEBAES/EBU8In8Out12 MY8-ATADAT8In8Out12 MY8-DA96Analog Out —8Out12 MY8-TDTASCAM8In8Out12 MY4-DAAnalog Out —4Out12 MY4-ADAnalog In4In—12 MY16-AEAES/EBU16In16Out12 MY16-ATADAT16In16Out12 MY16-TDTASCAM16In16Out12 MY16-CIICobraNet16In16Out12 TerminalFormatLevelConnector MIDIINMIDI—DIN Connector 5P OUTMIDI—DIN Connector 5P WORD CLOCKIN—TTL/75 Ω terminatedBNC Connector OUT—TTL/75 ΩBNC Connector NETWORK (Ethernet)100Base-T100Base-TRJ-45 USBUSB 1.1 HostUSB*1USB A Connector (Female) LAMP (LS9-32 only)—0V–12VXLR-4-31 type *2 Digital Input Characteristics Digital Output Characteristics TerminalFormatData LengthLevelConnector 2TR IN DIGITALCoaxialIEC-6095824 bit0.5 Vpp/75 Ω RCA Pin Jack TerminalFormatData LengthLevelConnector 2TR OUT DIGITALCoaxialIEC-60958Consumer Use24 bit0.5 Vpp/75 Ω RCA Pin Jack ¢Ã´»çÖ—› Q£ ¢Ã´»ç Z—› Q£ ¢µé¿Ä“7£ ¢¯ïÄé”çÖ Z—“7£ wNJOJ:(%*§”Å› ÷£b”hŠwµé¿ÄUz-4tx,z-4tx,K“‡b{Ž

7 LS9-16/LS9-32 All faders are nominal when measured. Output impedance of signal generator: 150 ohms Frequency Response Fs = 44.1 kHz or 48 kHz@20 Hz–20 kHz, referenced to the nominal outpu\ t level @1 kHz Gain ErrorFs = 44.1 kHz or 48 kHz@1 kHz Total Harmonic DistortionFs = 44.1 kHz or 48 kHz * Total Harmonic Distortion is measured with a 18 dB/octave filter @80 kHz Hum & NoiseFs = 44.1 kHz or 48 kHz, EIN = Equivalent Input Noise * Hum & Noise are measured with a 6 dB/octave filter @12.7 kHz; equivalent to a 20 kHz filter with infinite dB/octave attenuation. Electrical characteristics InputOutputRLConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit INPUT 1-16 INPUT 1-32 OMNI OUT 1-8 OMNI OUT 1-16 600 Ω GAIN: max.– OUT8 ΩGAIN: max.– InputOutputRLConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit INPUT 1-16 INPUT 1-32 OMNI OUT 1-8 OMNI OUT 1-16 600 Ω Input level: –62 dBu, GAIN: max. àOutput level: +4.0 dBu (Typ.)–2.02.0 dB Input level: +10 dBu, GAIN: min. àOutput level: +4.0 dBu (Typ.)–2.02.0 Internal Oscillator OMNI OUT 1-8 OMNI OUT 1-16 600 Ω Full scale output, Output level: +24.0 dBu–0.50.5 0.5PHONES OUT8 Ω–30 dBFs, Phones level control: max. àOutputlevel: 0 dBu (Typ.)–0.5 InputOutputRLConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit INPUT 1-16 INPUT 1-32 OMNI OUT 1-8 OMNI OUT 1-16 600 Ω +4 dBu@20 Hz–20 kHz, GAIN: max.0.1 % +4 dBu@20 Hz–20 kHz, GAIN: min.0.05 Internal Oscillator OMNI OUT 1-8 OMNI OUT 1-16 600 Ω Full scale output @1 kHz0.02 PHONES OUT8 ΩFull scale output @1 kHz, Phones level control: max.0.2 InputOutputRLConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit INPUT 1-16 INPUT 1-32 OMNI OUT 1-8 OMNI OUT 1-16 600 Ω Rs=150 Ω, GAIN: max.Master fader: nominal, One channel fader: nom-inal –128EIN dBu –62 Rs=150 Ω, GAIN: min.Master fader: nominal, One channel fader: nom-inal–84–79 All Inputs OMNI OUT 1-8 600 Ω Rs=150 Ω, GAINs: min.Master fader: nominal, All channel faders: nomi-nal–67 All Inputs OMNI OUT 1-16 600 Ω Rs=150, GAINs: min.Master fader: nominal, All channel faders: nomi-nal–64 —OMNI OUT 1-8 OMNI OUT 1-16 600 Ω Residual output noise, Stereo Master: off–86 —PHONES OUT8 ΩResidual output noise, Phones level control: min.–86 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ¢?>› Q£ ÌwÑ£”¼”xb‚oÊÛÆçèÕçz³¬Æç´£Éè”»”w Z— ïД¼ïµx ¢ *þ :› Q£ ¢® ï¤å”£ ¢ ¶ôÐþêp£ ¢ËÜÊ ¶£

LS9-16/LS9-32 Crosstalk@1 kHz Maximum Voltage Gain@1 kHz Phantom Voltage FromToConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit INPUT nINPUT (n–1) or (n+1)CH 1-16 {1-32}, Adjacent inputs, GAIN: min.–80dBOMNI OUT nOMNI OUT (n–1) or (n+1)OMNI OUT 1-8 {1-16}, Input to output–80 InputOutputRLConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit INPUT 1-16 INPUT 1-32 OMNI OUT 1-8 OMNI OUT 1-16 600 ΩRs=150 Ω, Input GAIN: max.86dB OutputConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit INPUT 1-16 INPUT 1-32 hot & cold: No load464850V Dynamic RangeFs = 44.1 kHz or 48 kHz * Dynamic range is measured with a 6 dB/octave filter @12.7 kHz; equivalent to a 20 kHz filter with infinite dB/octave attenuation. InputOutputRLConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit INPUT 1-16 INPUT 1-32 OMNI OUT 1-8 OMNI OUT 1-16 600 Ω AD + DA, GAIN: min.108dB—OMNI OUT 1-8 OMNI OUT 1-16 600 ΩDA Converter110 ¢«éµÄ”«!L)[£ ¢7G?y® ï!L)[£ ¢£ ¢¼ ÆÛ¿«èï´£

9 LS9-16/LS9-32 Libraries Input Function Output Function Output Port Processor Other Functions NameNumberTotal Scene MemoryPreset 1 + User 300301 Input EQ LibraryPreset 40 + User 159199 Output EQ LibraryPreset 3 + User 196199 Dynamics LibraryPreset 41 + User 158199 Effect LibraryPreset 57 + User 142199 GEQ LibraryPreset 1 + User 199200 FunctionParameter PhaseNormal/Reverse Attenuator–96 to +24 dB HPFSlope= 12 dB/Oct Frequency= 20 Hz to 600 Hz 4 Band Equal-izer Frequency= 20 Hz to 20 kHz Gain= –18 dB to +18 dB Q= 0.10 to 10.0 Low Shelving (Low Band) High Shelving, LPF (High Band) Type I/Type II Insert(only ch1-32)Insert Point:Pre EQ/Pre Fader Direct OutDirect Out Point:Pre HPF/Pre EQ Dynamics 1 Type: Gate/Ducking/Comp/Expander Threshold= –54 dB to 0 dB Ratio= 1:1 to ∞:1 Attack= 0 msec to 120 msec Hold= 0.02 msec to 1.96 sec Decay= 5 msec to 42.3 sec (Release) Releace= 5msec to 42.3 sec Range= –70 dB to 0 dB Gain= –18 dB to 0 dB, 0 dB to +18 dB Knee= Hard to 5 (soft) Key In:Self Pre EQ/Self Post EQ/Mix Out13-16Ch1-STIN4R (8ch block) Key In Filter:HPF/LPF/BPF Dynamics2 Type:Comp/De-Esser/Compander H/Com-pander S Threshold= –54 dB to 0 dB Ratio= 1:1 to ∞:1 Attack= 0 msec to 120 msec Release= 5 msec to 42.3 sec Gain= –18 dB to 0 dB, 0 dB to +18 dB Knee= Hard to 5 (soft) Key In:Self Pre EQ/Self Post EQ/Mix Out13-16Ch1-STIN4R (8ch block) FaderLevel: 1024 steps,∞, –138 dB to +10 dB OnOn/Off Mute Group8 Groups Mix Send 16 sends Fix/Variable can be set each two mixes Mix Send Point:Pre EQ/Pre Fader/Post On Level: 1024 steps,∞, –138 dB to +10 dB LCR PanCSR= 0% to 100% FunctionParameter Attenuator–96 to +24 dB 4Band Equalizer Frequency= 20 Hz to 20 kHz Gain= –18 dB to +18 dB Q= 0.10 to 10.0 Low Shelving (Low Band) High Shelving, LPF (High Band) Type I/Type II InsertInsert Point: Pre EQ/Post EQ/Pre Fader/Post On Dynamics 1 Type: Comp/Expander/Compander H/Com-pander S Threshold= –54 dB to 0 dB Ratio= 1:1 to ∞:1 Attack= 0 msec to 120 msec Release= 5 msec to 42.3 sec Gain= –18 dB to 0 dB, 0 dB to + 18 dB Knee= Hard to 5 (soft) Key In:Self Pre EQ/Self Post EQ/Mix Out13-16MIX1-16/MTRX1-8/STIN LR/MONO(C) (8ch block) FaderLevel: 1024 steps,∞, –138 dB to +10 dB OnOn/Off Mute Group8 Groups Mix to Matrix Stereo to MatrixMatrix Send Point: Pre Fader/Post On Level: 1024 steps,∞, –138 dB to +10 dB OscillatorLevel= 0 to –96 dB (1 dB step)On/Off= Software control FunctionParameter Out Port Delay0 msec to 600 msec Out Port PhaseNormal/Reverse Attenuator–96 to +24 dB FunctionParameter GEQ31 bands x 4(8) systems EffectsStereo In/Stereo Out multi effector x 4 systems ¢fw;ó£ ¢å Òå攣 ¢Ö—½ßïÉç£ ¢ Z—½ßïÉç£ ¢ Z—ٔģ ¢Óé·¿±”£

LS9-16/LS9-32 10 LAMP (LS9-32 only) 14 2 PinSignal Name 1 2 3 4 NC NC GND +12V 3 25430 480 25 220 500 220 500 884 8342525 6OJU£ mm LS9-16 LS9-32 DIMENSIONS(寸法図) PIN ASSIGNMENT(ピンアサイン表)