Yamaha Ls 9 Service Manual
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191 LS9-16/LS9-32 B. Hardware check flow at start-up The flow for checking the hardware at start-up like SRAM check and battery voltage check just after starting the LS9 is shown below . Check flow No *1 *2 *3 Start-up Normal start-up Battery voltage> 0.5 V No No Gains characters stored in the specifiedarea (2 regions) in the SRAM Identical with the specifiedcharacters Calculates checksumin the SRAM area Identical with the checksum calculatedwhen turning off the powerExecutes memory initializationMemoryError flag = TRUE NoBattery voltage> 2.2 V LowBattery flag = TRUE No MacAddress NG flag = TRUE No Fader NG flag = TRUE No LowBattery! Popup indication No EffectiveMac Address No NG fader All the flags of any typeare FALSEIndication of initialization menu screenVarious errors popup indication Press the Exit button Battery voltage> 2.5 V *1I f t h e r e a r e a p l u r a l i t y o f N G f a c t o r s , a n e r r o r p o p u p i s s h o w n i n t h e f o l l o w i n g o r d e r o f priority when the indication is changed to the initialization menu scree\ n, (All the factors are stored as log data, but there are no means to show\ the log.) The error popup indicates only the top priority error. If there are a plurality of errors, fix them one by one and restart until all the errors are fixed.MacAddress NG > MemoryError flag > LowBattery flag The following error popups are shown according to the contents of error:\ Mac Address NG: “Illegal MAC Address! Cannot Use Ethernet.” Memory Error: “Memory Error! All Memories Initialized.” Low Battery: “Low Battery!” W h e n t h e i n d i c a t i o n i s c h a n g e d t o t h e i n i t i a l i z a t i o n m e n u s c r e e n , t h e i t e m “ I n i t i a l i z e A l l Memories” is usually selected. However, the item “Fader Calibration” will be automatically selected when the indication is changed to the initialization menu scree\ n in case of “Fader NG”. *2The following is the battery condition indication in the Setup screen ju\ st after the start-up. The indication depends on the detected voltage. The voltage is measured every 10 minutes. *3The error popup “Low Battery!” will appear if the battery should be replaced after the normal start-up as well. However, no popup will appear if the error popup “Low Battery!” is already shown at the initialization menu screen to avoid overlap. Notes:1.The GUI does not show all the errors if there are a plurality of simultaneous errors, therefore, they can be fixed only by repeating fixing procedures. 2.Under a situatoin where “Low Battery!” Popup is displayed, the battery voltage is 2.2 V or less but the memory is not still damaged, if an error of power fan, internal or external power supply is detected, the power supply related Error Popup may be given priority depending on timing. ∗ The same indication will appear in both cases. The only difference is the presence or absence of popup at the start-up. 0.5 V or lessNO OK NG LOW LOW 2.2 V or less 2.5 V or less 3.5 V or less 3.5 V or more The battery is dead or is not installed Inoperative battery backup∗ The battery should be replaced∗ Normal condition Abnormal (This message must not appear.)

LS9-16/LS9-32 192 The memory initialization procedures work a little differently depending on the type of initialization. The following shows the relationship between the initializing method and\ contents to be processed. Details of contents to be initialized 5ZQFPGJOJUJBMJ[BUJPO %BUBUPCFJOJUJBMJ[FE Current Memory (Entire mixer parameters) Library data (EQ, Effect, GEQ etc) Scene data (Scene 1-300) LCD contrast (Trim value) Fader Caliblation data Mac Address Model identification data DIO status W h i l e h o l d i n g d o w n t h e [ S C E N E ] k e y, t u r n o n t h e p o w e r s w i t c h . T h e n , s e l e c t “INITIALIZE ALL MEMORIES” in the LCD screen menu, and execute. W h i l e h o l d i n g d o w n t h e [ S C E N E ] k e y, t u r n o n t h e p o w e r s w i t c h . T h e n , s e l e c t “ INITIALIZE CURRENT MEM ORIES” in the LCD screen menu, and execute. W h i l e h o l d i n g d o w n t h e [ S C E N E ] k e y and [MIX1] key, turn on the power switch. Automatic initialization ac c ording to the change of memory structure Automatic initialization at star t-up due to the abnormality of SRAM checksum Automatic initialization at star t-up due to low battery level Ó · Ó Ó Ó Ó Ó · Ó · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Ó Ó Ó Ó · · Ó Ó Ó Ó Ó:Initialized ·: Not initialized Ó Ó Ó Ó Ó Ó C. Memory Initialization

193 LS9-16/LS9-32 起動シーケンス A1. 起動モード モードモード遷移方法動作概要 通常モード特になし起動時にハードウェアのチェックを実行します。 エラーが無ければ通常処理を開始します。 エラーが発見されたらメンテナンスモードへ自動的に遷移します。 強制 Factory Preset[SCENE] キー +[MIX1] キーMemory API の Factory Preset 処理を実行します。 モードを 押 し な が ら 電 源 を 投 入Current Memory, Scene etc の初期化処理 します。初期化中は LCD 右上に「Initializing Flash Memory...」と表示します。 初期化終了後、通常モードに遷移し通常処理を開始します。 メンテナンス[SCENE] キーを押しながらLCD スクリーンにメンテナンスメニューを表示します。 モード電源を投入します。・INITIALIZE ALL MEMORY ・INITIALIZE CURRENT MEMORY 初期化されるメモリの内容は「C. メモリー初期化について」(P.196) を参照してください。 初期化中は LCD に「Initializing…」という表示がブリンクします。 初期化終了後、初期化後の状態が音声に反映されます。 ・INPUT PORT TRIM ・OUTPUT PORT TRIM ・SLOT OUTPUT TRIM TRIM 調整が音声にリアルタイムに反映されます。 ・FADER CALIBRATION ・LCD CONTRAST OFFSET CALIBRATION メンテナンスメニュー表示中に RACK[1]-[4] キーと RACK[5]-[8] キー を同時に押すことで、LCD コントラストの個体差を調整するための モードに遷移します。 詳細はサービス検査プログラム (P.132) を参照してください。 ・EXIT 通常モードに遷移します。 メンテナンスモード下で制約される機能 パネル LED は全消灯します。ただし FADER CALIBRATION 実行時の SEL LED を除きます。 FADER は操作不可です ( 動かすことはできますが何も変更されませ ん)。ただし FADER CALIBRATION 実行時を除きます。 カーソルキー、[ENTER] キー、[INC]/[DEC] キー、パラメータホイー ルのみ操作可能です。 通信、USB ストレージ、Audio 機能しません。 EXIT ボタンを押して通常モードに遷移した時点で制約が解除されます。 サービス用 DiagUser Defined Key [1],[2],[3]Flash ROM に書き込まれた Mac Address で起動します。 モードのボタンを 3 つ同時に押しEther 経由でダイアグコマンドを受信してダイアグ処理を実行します。 ながら電源を投入します。Panel / LCD 描画 はそれぞれ別途ダイアグ処理をループします。 Diag モードから他のモードに遷移することはできません。電源再投入が 必要です。

LS9-16/LS9-32 194 A2. 起動モード(フロー) è ×ޔŧ MBDUPSZ1SFTFUÞ”ÅÝïÂÆïµÞ”Å%JBHޔŠ©”©”©”64&3%&*/&%,&:4©”‰Ì!

195 LS9-16/LS9-32 B. 起動時ハードウェアチェックフロー 以下に LS9 の起動直後の SRAM、バッテリー電圧チェック等の起動時ハードウェアチェックフローを示します。 チェックフロー /P Þ Þ Þ Iˆ è ×Iˆ Ì¿Âæ”?y¼7 /P /P 43.ºw›w–¬ U t t¨ò^•oM”È»› ˜ 7^•hÈ»q°• 43.–¬w½£¿«±Ü›-‰ ?o…Ìt-‰`h½£¿«±Üq°•ÝÞæ s8=îæ.FNPSZ&SSPSÑå¬536& /PÌ¿Âæ”?y¼7 -PX#BUUFSZÑå¬536& /P .BDEESFTT/(

LS9-16/LS9-32 196 LS9 のメモリ初期化処理は、その初期化方法により初期化内容が若干異なります。 初期化方法と処理内容は表のようになります。 初期化内容詳細 s8=MO s8=0 Å Current Memory (Û©±” ÍåÝ”» ¶ `) Library Ô» (EQ, Effect, GEQ etc) Scene Ô» (Scene 1-300) -$% ¯ïÄåµÄ (ÄæÜ‹) Fader Caliblation Ô» Mac žÅèµ ; Q Ô» DIO µÂ”»µ

197 LS9-16/LS9-32 WARNING/ERROR MESSAGES Message Meaning xxx Parameters Copied.xxx Parameters Initialized.xxx Parameters Pasted.xxx Parameters Swapped with Copy Buffer.Assignment is Restricted to Max.8 Sources!Cannot Recall to Different Parameter Type!Cannot Recall!Cannot Select This Channel.Cannot Store!Cannot Undo!Couldn’t Access File.Couldn’t Write File.Current User Changed. [xxx]Directory Not Empty!EFFECT CUE: Turned Off.External HA Connection Conflict!File Access is Busy!File Already Exists!File Error [xx]! Parameter xxx was copied to the copy buffer.Parameter xxx was initialized.Parameter xxx was pasted from the copy buffer.Parameter xxx was swapped with copy buffer contents.Assignment of more than 8 sources was attempted though the maximum number of sources selectable with the Monitor Define function is 8.You attempted to recall a library of a different type.Failed to recall a scene memory or library.You attempted to select a channel that cannot be operated due to your user level or some other reason.A scene memory or library could not be stored.You pressed the [UNDO] button when Undo was not avail - able.File on the USB memory could not be accessed for some reason.File could not be saved from the USB memory.Current user was changed to [xxx].You attempted to delete a directory, but failed because there were files remaining in the directory.CUE was turned off because you switched from the RACK screen to a different screen.External HA connection status is different so that External HA data cannot be recalled.The following operation has not been performed yet because the USB memory is being accessed.The USB memory already contains a file/directory with the same name as the one you are attempting to save, rename, or create.Internal file access error Cause · EQ/DYNAMICS/GEQ/EFFECT were copied.· EQ/DYNAMICS/GEQ/EFFECT were initialized.· EQ/DYNAMICS/GEQ/EFFECT were pasted.· EQ/DYNAMICS/GEQ/EFFECT were compared.←←·Recall of an empty SCENE or SCENE #0 was tried by assign - ing SCENE INC/DEC RECALL to USER DEFINED KEY.· Recall of a non-existent SCENE or LIBRARY number was tried through MIDI command, etc.←· The SCENE/LIBRARY number selected as storing destina - tion is wrong.·UNDO was attempted using STORE UNDO key or USER DEFINED KEY to which RECALL UNDO was assigned, but in vain because RECALL/STORE was not executed before that.· N o access w as p erfo rme d b eca u se o f re a so n s su ch a s non-existence of the FILE.· Writing was unsuccessful.←· Deletion of a directory was tried though there is a file in the directory.←· The external HA data can not be recalled because SLOT setting for STORE and current setting are different.· When the ACCESS indicator in the top right of the screen is still lighting, an operation for another file was tried.· The file/directory name just inputted is the same as the existing file/directory name.· Creation of the CREATE USER KEY was tried though the USB memory device is protected.· The memory device was removed during file access was performed.· The internal file system detected an error for some rea son . Coping process ————· Cancel the currently selected sources and select other sources.—————· Try accessing the file with a PC.· Check for write-protect, and use a PC to check if the USB device is not defective.· Backup the data, format with the main unit or PC, then return the backup data and save again.—· Delete all the files in the directory and then delete the directory.—· Set the current setting back to the SLOT setting when the data was stored.· Store the data again.·Wait until the ACCESS indicator in the top right of the screen turns off before performing another operation.· Input another name.· If [I/O Error] is shown, probably the USB memory was removed during file access and the file was damaged. In this case, there is no countermea - sure.

LS9-16/LS9-32 198 File Protected!Help File Not Found!Illegal Address!Illegal MAC Address! Cannot Use Network.Illegal Storage Format!KEY IN CUE: Turned Off.Loading Aborted.Low Battery!Maximum Number of Audio Files Exceeded!Memory Error! All Memories were Initialized.MIDI: Data Framing Error!MIDI: Data Overrun!MIDI: Rx Buffer Full! Overwriting was not possible because the file on the USB memory is write-protected.Can’ t find HELP file.The IP address or Gateway address setting is invalid.Communication via the Network connector is not possible because the MAC address setting has been damaged for some reason.The USB memory could not be accessed because its format is invalid or unsupported.KEY IN CUE was defeated because you switched from the DYNAMICS 1/2 popup screen to a different screen.Loading from USB memory was aborted.The backup battery voltage is low.T h e n u m b e r o f s o n g s t h a t c a n b e m a n a g e d b y t h e U S B memory recorder has been exceeded.All data has been initialized because the data in internal backup memory has been lost, due to failure of the backup battery or some other reason.Invalid signals are being input from the MIDI IN port.Invalid signals are being input from the MIDI IN port.Too much data is being received at the MIDI IN port. ·Writing, modification, or deletion was tried to the write - protect file.·HELP function was tried when the HELP file is not loaded.·Internet setting conflicts with the TCP/IP specification.·The MAC Address stored on the Flash ROM of the main unit i s d a m a g e d d u e t o p o w e r i n g d o w n w h e n d a t a i s b e i n g written to the Flash ROM for Fader Calibration, etc. or the MAC Address is overwritten for some reason.·The MAC Address is not written at the time of shipment.·Wrong or unsupported-format USB memory device was used.←·During the reading from the USB memory, the STOP button was pressed.·If the menu screen appears after the opening screen at start-up and then error pop-up is shown, the battery voltage is 2.0 V or less. In this case, however, the battery voltage may be below the limit to maintain backup data and the indication “Memory Error! All Memories Initialized.” may be shown preferentially.·If the normal operation screen appears after the opening screen at start-up and then error pop-up is shown, the battery voltage is 2.5 V or less.· The number of songs is more than 300, which is the maxi - mum number a directly can hold.· There is a checksum discrepancy in backup memory. Some data is changed because of a reason such as weak battery.· Correct data cannot be received from the MIDI IN port.· Correct data cannot be received from the MIDI IN port.· The MIDI IN buffer size is not large enough for the transmit - ted data.· The processing load on the main unit is too increased too much to process the MIDI receive data. · Cancel the write-protect of the file with the main unit or PC.· Load the HELP file to the main unit and then use the HELP function.· Contact the network administrator and configure the correct settings.· Exchange the CPU circuit board.·Press the FORMAT button on the main unit to execute formatting or use the Windows and execute formatting with any of the FAT12, FAT16 or FAT32. If a partitioned device or the USB memory device connected through a USB hub is used, proper operation is not guaranteed.——·T h e b a c k u p b a t t e r y s h o u l d b e r e p l a c e d . I f t h e voltage fell below the limit to backup data, there will be a discrepancy in checksum. Therefore, “Memory Error! All Memories Initialized.” will be shown auto - matically and memory initialization will be conducted when powered on the next time. If “Low Battery!” is s h o w n i n s t e a d , t h e d a t a s t i l l r e m a i n s . T h e d a t a should be saved urgently for backup.· Make the number of songs in a directory 300 or less by a procedure such as movement of some audio data to another directory.· Replace the backup battery.Initialization is executed automatically and therefore, setting files stored in advance should be reloaded as needed.· Check if the settings such as baud rate on the trans - mission side are correct.·Check if the receive signal to the main unit is input correctly to the receiving port.· Check if the settings such as baud rate on the trans - mission side are correct.·Check if the receive signal to the main unit is input correctly to the receiving port.· Check for connection looping which is caused by reasons such as turning ECHO on.· Decrease the amount of transmission data.· Stop operating the main unit and check if the data can be received correctly with less load. Message Meaning Cause Coping process

199 LS9-16/LS9-32 MIDI: Tx Buffer Full!No Controllable Knob.No Corresponding Help Items.No Response from External HA.Page Bookmarked.Password Changed.Power Supply Fan hasMalfunctioned!Processing Aborted.Saving Aborted.SCENE #xxx is Empty!SCENE #xxx is Protected! SCENE #xxx is Read Only! SLOT{x}: Data Framing Error! SLOT{x}: Data Overrun! SLOT{x}: Rx Buffer Full! SLOT{x}: Tx Buffer Full! Too much data is being transmitted from the MIDI OUT port.Your operation has been ignored because there is no param - eter that corresponds to the knob you operated.A section in the HELP data cannot be found.No response from an external AD8HR.The current screen or popup has been bookmarked.The password has been changed.The cooling fan of the internal power supply has stopped.Processing was interrupted.Saving to the USB memory has been interrupted.No data has been stored in the scene you attempted to recall, or the data has been damaged so that it cannot be recalled.You attempted to overwrite (store) a protected scene.You attempted to overwrite (store) a read-only scene.Invalid signals are being input from the SLOT{x} input port.Invalid signals are being input from the SLOT{x} input port.Too much data is being received at the SLOT{x} input port.Too much data is being sent from the SLOT{x} output port. · Too much transmission data to the MIDI OUT buffer.· A knob to which no parameter is assigned is operated in SELECTED CHANNEL.· Damaged HELP file or custom-made HELP file is loaded and no corresponding section was found.·Warning indication in case of no response for 500 ms or more in cycle procession.←←·Power voltage for the fan dropped below 10 V and the fan stopped.·The fan stopped because of mechanical failure.·Refer to the ACCOM circuit board diagram for the details of the detection circuit.·The software judgment is based on the signal input to the 166 pin (PTF[2]) of the Main CPU (High: in operation).· FILE COPY was aborted. (File operation other than the STOP during the SAVE/LOAD is aborted.)· During the writing to the USB memory, the STOP button was pressed.· Recall of the SCENE #xxx was tried through operations such as USER DEFINED KEY operation/via MIDI, but the SCENE does not exist.←←·Correct data cannot be received from the SLOT{x} input port.·Correct data cannot be received from the SLOT{x} input port.·The size of the receive buffer for the main unit SLOT{x} is not large enough for the transmitted data.·The processing load on the main unit is too large to process the SLOT{x} receive data.·Too much transmission data to the transmission buffer for the main unit SLOT{x}. · Check for connection looping which is caused by reasons such as turning ECHO on.—· Use the data downloaded from the homepage.·Check if the downloaded data are unpacked correctly.· Check if the connection between the AD8HR and LS9 is correct.——· Check the fan operation.· Check the signal line from the fan to the CPU.——· Execute SCENE STORE or operate to a number containing SCENE data.· If any existing SCENE cannot be recalled, it is i m p o s s i b l e t o r e c o v e r t h e S C E N E . T h e d a t a should be deleted or overwritten.·Cancel the PROTECT of the SCENE to store or store to another SCENE.·Cancel the Read Only of the SCENE to store or store to another SCENE.·Check if the settings such as baud rate on the transmission side are correct.·Check if the receive signal to the main unit is input correctly to the input port.·Check if the settings such as baud rate on the transmission side are correct.·Check if the receive signal to the main unit is input correctly to the input port.·Check for connection looping which is caused by reasons such as turning ECHO on.·Decrease the amount of transmission data.·Stop operating the main unit and check if the data can be received correctly with less load.·Check for connection looping which is caused by reasons such as turning ECHO on. Message Meaning Cause Coping process

LS9-16/LS9-32 200 Storage Full! Storage Not Found! Storage Not Ready!Sync Error! [xxx]Tap Operation Ignored.This Operation is Not Allowed. Too Large File! Loading Failed.Too Many Bands Used! Cannot Compare.Too Many EQ Bands Used! Cannot Paste!Total Slot Power Capability Exceeded!Unsupported File Format! USB Currently Active for Recorder function!USB Currently Active for SAVE or LOAD!USB Memory Full ! Recorder Stopped.USB Memory Unmounted ! Recorder Stopped.USB over current Error! Disconnect USB device.USB: Data Framing Error! The file could not be saved because there is not enough space on the USB memory.The USB memory could not be recognized.Access is not possible because the USB memory is not ready.The LS9 is not synchronized with the signal shown in brackets like [xxx].Tap operation was ignored because the TAP TEMPO button is not displayed in the screen.This operation has been ignored because the current user does not have permission.Size of the Bit Map File is too large to load.More than 15 bands are used, when trying to copy 31band GEQ and then compare with Flex15GEQ. More than 15 bands are used, when trying to copy 31band GEQ and then paste to Flex15GEQ. The I/O cards installed in the slots exceed the rated power capacity.The file you attempted to load from the USB memory is of an unsupported format.Since the USB Memory Recorder is recording or playing back, functions such as Save/Load cannot be used. The recorder cannot oparate, since mixer scene memory/library data is being saved or loaded in USB memory.Recorder processing was halted because the USB memory capacity ran out while the USB Memory Recorder was operating.Recorder processing was halted because the USB memory was disconnected while the USB Memory Recorder was operating.Excessive current has occurred at the USB connector.Disconnect the USB memory that is connected to the USB connector.Invalid signals are being input from the USB connector input port. ←·The USB memory was not recognized during SAVE/LOAD procedure.· Mounting of the USB me mory was unsuccessful. ·The signal [xxx] (WORD CLOCK IN, SLOT{1, 2} and corre - sponding signals are shown) is not synchronized with the LS9.←·A n o p e r a t i o n r e s t r i c t e d u n d e r t h e U S E R L E V E L w a s performed.·Data size of 307,256 bytes or more was loaded.·Bit Map Data other than “8/16/24/32 bit Color” and “uncompressed” was loaded.←←·The current value for respective voltage set to the mounted MY card and total power consumption is above the allow - able range of the LS9. Specific settings are as follows:· DC+5 V: 1420 mA· DC+3.3 V: 1000 mA· AC+5 V: 400 mA· AC-5 V: 400 mA· AC+15 V: 200 mA· AC-15 V: 200 mA· TOTAL: 20400 mW←←· The recorder was operated to access the USB memory when the USB memory was already in use.←←· Current above the allowable range was applied to the USB.·A high power device (500 mA or less) was connected to the USB connector. The LS9 is compatible with low power device only.· Correct data cannot be received from the USB input port. ·Increase the available memory by means such as deleting USB memory files and then store again.·Don’t remove the USB memory during access to USB memory.·Remove the USB memory and insert it again.·Use a PC to check if the USB memory is normal.·Check if the devices connected to the LS9 work in synchronization with the same Word Clock.·Check if the Word Clock is not looped (I sn’t the Word Clock of a device is set as master and yet the device is set to work in synchronization with the Word Clock?)—· Change the USER LEVEL settings to permit the operation.·Load the Bit Map Data “whose file size is 307,256 bytes or less”, “8/16/24/32 bit Color” and “uncompressed”.——·Refer to the website,http://www.yamahaproaudio.com/ and click the “ G O ” m a r k u n d e r t h e “ I / O C a r d M a t c h i n g ” t o check the combination of Mini-YGDAI cards that can be used.—·Stop the USB Memory Recorder and then perform SAVE/LOAD.—· Increase available memory by means such as deleting USB memory files.· Don ’t remove the USB memory when the USB Memory Recorder is in operation.· Don’t use a high power device.· Check if the settings such as baud rate on the transmission side are correct.· Check if the receive signal to the main unit is input correctly to the input port. Message Meaning Cause Coping process