Yamaha Cl 5 User Guide
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Warning/Error Messages Reference Manual 251 Loading Aborted.Loading from USB flash drive was aborted. Loading Finished.Finished loading from USB flash drive. Low Battery!The backup battery voltage is low. Maximum Number of Audio Files Exceeded!The number of songs that can be managed by the USB memory recorder has been exceeded. Memory Error.The R series backup memory is corrupted. MIDI: Data Framing Error! MIDI: Data Overrun!An inappropriate signal is being input to the MIDI input port. MIDI: Rx Buffer Full!Too much data is being received at the MIDI input port. MIDI: Tx Buffer Full!Too much data is being transmitted from the MIDI output port. Monitor Assignment is Restricted to Max. 8 Sources!The Monitor Define function allows a maximum of eight sources to be selected, but you attempted to assign more than eight. No Access From Recorder!In the RECORDER screen, it is not possible to move to a level higher than \YPE\SONGS\. No Channel Selected.A copy-source channel was not selected in the GLOBAL PASTE screen. No Copy Item Selected.In the GLOBAL PASTE screen, you attempted to paste without having selected an item to paste. No Corresponding Help Items.The corresponding section was not found in the Help file. No ID3 Tag exists. You can not edit.The music file cannot be edited because it has no ID3 tag. No Response from External HA.No response from an external AD8HR. No Response from I/O DEVICE.The I/O devices not responding. Operating as the word clock master.This console is the Clock Master. Page Bookmarked.The current screen or popup has been bookmarked. Parameter out of range!Some data could not be loaded because the parameters do not match. Password Changed.The password has been changed. PlayBack Failed: Recorder is Busy!Audio file link playback is not possible because recording is in progress. PLAYBACK OUT CUE: Turned Off.CUE was canceled for PLAYBACK OUT because you switched from the RECORDER screen to another screen. Please use Dante Controller.The Dante Patch settings from the console are not valid. Please wait, Dante patch is proceeding now.You attempted to edit in the DANTE PATCH screen at a time when patching was not possible. Power Supply Fan has Malfunctioned!The cooling fan of the internal power supply has stopped. Please contact your Yamaha service center listed at the end of the Owner's Manual (separate document). PREVIEW Mode : Cannot Use This Function.The operation was ignored because this function cannot be used during Preview. PREVIEW Mode : DisabledPreview was disabled. PREVIEW Mode : EnabledPreview was enabled. Message Meaning Processing Aborted.Processing was interrupted. Recorder Busy: Operation Aborted!The button operation was canceled because recorder processing required time. RECORDER: CODEC Error [0x%08X] !A codec error occurred in the RECORDER screen. RECORDER IN CUE: Turned Off.CUE was canceled for RECORDER IN because you switched from the RECORDER screen to another screen. Re-Enter Password!When specifying the user password, the password was not entered a second time. REMOTE: Data Framing Error! REMOTE: Data Overrun!Invalid signals are being input to the Remote connector. REMOTE: Rx Buffer Full!Too much data is being received at the Remote connector. REMOTE: Tx Buffer Full!Too much data is being sent from the Remote connector. Removed from the Channel Link group.The channel was removed from the link group. Saving Aborted.Saving to the USB flash drive has been interrupted. Saving Finished.Finished saving to USB flash drive. SCENE #xxx is Empty!No data has been stored in the scene you attempted to recall, or the data has been damaged so that it cannot be recalled. SCENE #xxx is Protected!You attempted to overwrite (store) a protected scene. SCENE #xxx is Read Only!You attempted to overwrite (store) a read-only scene. Scene Playback Link Canceled!The audio playback link for the scene was canceled. SLOT x: Data Framing Error! SLOT x: Data Overrun!Invalid signals are being input to the SLOT x input port. SLOT x: Rx Buffer Full!Too much data is being received at the SLOT x input port. SLOT x: Tx Buffer Full!Too much data is being transmitted from the SLOT x output port. Some Song Files Are Unidentified.Some songs were not identified. Songs that have not been specified might be used for DIRECT PLAY or SCENE PLAY BACK LINK. Song File Not Found!The file specified for SCENE LINK or DIRECT PLAY assigned to a USER DEFINED key does not exist. STAGEMIX: Data Framing Error! STAGEMIX: Data Overrun!Invalid signals are being exchanged with StageMix. STAGEMIX: Rx Buffer Full!Too much data is being received at the StageMix input port. STAGEMIX: Tx Buffer Full!Too much data is being transmitted from the StageMix output port. STEREO Mode : Cannot Use This Function.You cannot use this function in Stereo mode. STEREO MODE ON.The console has switched to Stereo mode. Storage Full!The file could not be saved because there is insufficient space on the USB flash drive. Storage Not Found!The USB flash drive could not be recognized. Storage Not Ready!Access is not possible because the USB flash drive is not ready. SURROUND Mode : Cannot Use This Function.You cannot use this function in Surround mode. Message Meaning

Warning/Error Messages Reference Manual 252 SURROUND MODE ON.The console has switched to Surround mode. Sync Error! [xxx]The CL series console is not synchronized to the [xxx] signal. Tap Operation Ignored.Tap operation was ignored because the TAP TEMPO button is not displayed in the screen. This Operation is Not Allowed.This operation has been ignored because the current user does not have permission. This Operation is Not Allowed in This View.This function is not allowed in this screen. Too Large Files! Loading Failed.Loading is not possible because the bitmap file is too large. The maximum supported file size is 307,256 Bytes. Or loading is not possible because the bitmap file is too large. The maximum supported file size is 1024 kilobytes. Too Many Bands Used! Cannot Compare.Copying 31BandGEQ and comparing it to Flex15GEQ has failed because more than 15 bands are included in the copy source. Too Many Bands Used! Cannot Paste to Flex15GEQ.Copying and pasting 31BandGEQ to Flex15GEQ has failed because more than 15 bands are included in the copy source. Total Slot Power Capability Exceeded!Power consumption of the I/O cards installed in the slots has exceeded the rated value. Unassigned Encoder.Your operation has been ignored because there is no parameter that corresponds to the knob you operated. Unit Fan has MalfunctionedThe fan in the R series console has malfunctioned. Unit ID Duplicated!The UNIT ID is duplicated on the Dante audio network. Unsupported File Format!The file you attempted to load from the USB flash drive is of an unsupported format. USB Currently Active for Recorder function!Save or Load operations are unavailable because the USB memory recorder is recording or playing. USB Currently Active for SAVE or LOAD!The recorder cannot operate, since mixer scene memory or library data is being saved to or loaded from the USB flash drive. USB Memory Busy: Recorder Stopped!Recording/playback stopped because time is required for USB flash drive processing. USB Memory Full !Can't save the RECORDER playlist because there is insufficient free space on the USB flash drive. USB Memory Full! Recorder Stopped.Recorder processing was halted because the USB flash drive capacity ran out while the USB memory recorder was operating. USB Memory is Protected!The USB flash drive's Protect setting is turned on. USB Memory Unmounted! Recorder Stopped.Recorder processing was halted because the USB flash drive was disconnected while the USB memory recorder was operating. USB over current Error! Disconnect USB device.The USB device was disconnected because of excessive USB current. USER DEFINED KEY BANK CHANGED [x].The bank for the USER DEFINED KEY has switched to [x]. (x is A, B, C, or D.) Version Changed. All Memories were Initialized.The current memory was initialized when the version was updated. Ve r si o n m i s m a t ch .The versions of this console and the R series console do not match. Message Meaning Word Clock Error! Recorder Stopped!Recorder was halted because synchronization to the word clock was lost. Wrong Audio File Format!The format of the audio file is invalid. Wrong Password!The password you input was incorrect. Wrong Word Clock!The CL series console cannot synchronize because the source selected by MASTER CLOCK SELECT in the WORD CLOCK screen is not appropriate. You Cannot Create User Key.The current user does not have permission to create a user authentication key. Message Meaning

Appendices Reference Manual 253 IndexNumerics8BandPEQ .................................................. 132AAssignable encoders ................................... 206 Audio file (links to a scene recall) .................. 99 AUTOMIXER ............................................... 135 Automixer .................................................... 135CCalibration ................................... 245, 246, 248 Cascade connections .................................. 220 Centralogic section ........................................ 12 Channel color ........................................ 28, 248 Channel colors ............................................ 224 Channel Job .................................................. 65 Channel library ........................................ 48, 57 Channel Link ................................................. 76 Console Lock............................................... 210 Control change control parameters................................... 170 Copying, moving, or initializing a channel ..... 81 Cue ...................................................... 102, 109 Operating ................................................. 110 Custom fader bank ...................................... 208DDante audio network ................................... 226 Dante audio network ..................................... 16 DAW ............................................................ 179 DCA group..................................................... 65 Directly outputting.......................................... 23 Dynamics................................................. 58, 61 Libraries ..................................................... 64EEffect ........................................................... 124 Libraries ................................................... 153 Effects and tempo synchronization ............. 143 EQ ................................................................. 58 Libraries ..................................................... 64 External head amps ............................ 154, 160 FFactory set ................................................... 245 Fade function ................................................. 96 Focus Recall function..................................... 94 Function Tree ................................................... 4 Functions that can be assigned to the assignable encoders ............................. 207GGain ............................................................... 29 Analog gain ................................................ 29 Gain Compensation ....................................... 33 Global Paste function ..................................... 93 GPI ............................................................... 237 Graphic EQ .......................................... 124, 128 Libraries ................................................... 153HHA .................................................................. 29 Head Amp ...................................................... 29 Help function ................................................ 243II/O devices ................................................... 154 Initializing ..................................................... 245 INPUT channels Sending to MIX/MATRIX bus ..................... 37 Sending to STEREO/MONO bus ............... 33 Input channels................................................ 26 Channel library ........................................... 48 Specifying channel name and icon ............ 27 Input Delay ..................................................... 40 Input patch ..................................................... 17 Inserting ......................................................... 20 Internal clock ................................................ 225 Internal effects ............................................. 137LLamp brightness .......................................... 224 LED .............................................................. 224 Libraries ................................................. 64, 153 Library .......................................................... 168 MMaster fader ................................................ 209 MATRIX buses ...................................... 53, 223 MBCL (option) ............................................. 123 Meter bridge (option) ................................... 123 METER screen ............................................ 119 Meters.......................................................... 119 MIDI ............................................................. 165 MIX buses.................................................... 223 MIX channels Sending to MATRIX buses ........................ 53 Sending to STEREO/MONO bus ............... 51 MIX MINUS.................................................... 84 MIX/MATRIX buses ....................................... 37 Monitor................................................. 102, 103 Mute group .................................................... 70NName displays ............................................. 224 Network address.......................................... 225 Nuendo Live ................................................ 182OOscillator.............................................. 114, 116 Output channels ............................................ 49 Channel library........................................... 57 Specifying channel name and icon ............ 50 Output Delay.................................................. 56 Output patch .................................................. 18 OVERVIEW Screen ....................................... 13PPatching......................................................... 16 Pink frame (TOUCH AND TURN) ................ 204 Preferences ................................................. 195 PREMIUM RACK......................................... 144 Premium Rack Libraries ................................................... 153 Using........................................................ 144 PREVIEW mode .......................................... 100 Program change recall operation ........................................ 168RRecall Safe function....................................... 73 SScene Editing ....................................................... 90 SELECTED CHANNEL section ....................... 6 SELECTED CHANNEL VIEW screen ............. 7 Setup ........................................................... 186 SETUP screen............................................. 186 Slot .............................................................. 218 STEREO/MONO bus............................... 33, 51 STEREO/MONO channels Sending to MATRIX buses ........................ 53 Surround...................................................... 107TTalkback ...................................................... 114 Title list ........................................................ 178 TOUCH AND TURN .................................... 204 Touch screen............................................... 224UUSB flash drive Formatting ............................................... 217 Help/text file loading ................................ 243 Loading a file ........................................... 214 Playing back audio files ........................... 177 Recording ................................................ 175 Saving and loading setup data ................ 211 USB memory recorder................................. 173 Assigning channels ................................. 173 USER DEFINED keys ................................. 197 Functions that can be assigned............... 199 Recalling Help ......................................... 244 USER DEFINED knobs ............................... 203 Functions that can be assigned............... 204 User settings ............................................... 188VViewing Help ............................................... 243 Virtual rack .................................................. 124 operations................................................ 125WWarning/Error Messages............................. 250 WIRELESS .................................................. 160 Word clock................................................... 218

EN Table of ContentsEQ Library List .................................................................... 2 DYNAMICS Library List ...................................................... 3 Dynamics Parameters......................................................... 5 Effect Type List.................................................................... 7 Effects Parameters.............................................................. 8 Premium Rack Processor Parameters ................................ 20 Parameters That Can Be Assigned to Control Changes ............................................................. 22 NRPN Parameter Assignments .......................................... 26 Mixing Parameter Operation Applicability ........................... 30 MIDI Data Format ............................................................... 36 Input/output characteristics ................................................. 43 Electrical Characteristics .................................................... 45 Mixer Basic Parameters ...................................................... 46 Pin Assignment Chart......................................................... 47 MIDI Implementation Chart................................................. 48 Data List

Data List 2 EQ Library List # Title Parameter LOW L-MID H-MID HIGH 01 Bass Drum 1PEAKING PEAKING PEAKING H.SHELF G+3.5 dB -3.5 dB 0.0 dB +4.0 dB F100 Hz 265 Hz 1.06 kHz 5.30 kHz Q1.25 10.0 0.90 - 02 Bass Drum 2PEAKING PEAKING PEAKING LPF G+8.0 dB -7.0 dB +6.0 dB ON F80.0 Hz 400 Hz 2.50 kHz 12.5 kHz Q1.4 4.5 2.2 - 03 Snare Drum 1PEAKING PEAKING PEAKING H.SHELF G-0.5 dB 0.0 dB +3.0 dB +4.5 dB F132 Hz 1.00 kHz 3.15 kHz 5.00 kHz Q1.25 4.5 0.11 - 04 Snare Drum 2L.SHELF PEAKING PEAKING PEAKING G+1.5 dB -8.5 dB +2.5 dB +4.0 dB F180 Hz 335 Hz 2.36 kHz 4.00 kHz Q- 10.0 0.70 0.10 05 Tom-tom 1PEAKING PEAKING PEAKING PEAKING G+2.0 dB -7.5 dB +2.0 dB +1.0 dB F212 Hz 670 Hz 4.50 kHz 6.30 kHz Q1.4 10.0 1.25 0.28 06 CymbalL.SHELF PEAKING PEAKING H.SHELF G-2.0 dB 0.0 dB 0.0 dB +3.0 dB F106 Hz 425 Hz 1.06 kHz 13.2 kHz Q- 8.0 0.90 - 07 High HatL.SHELF PEAKING PEAKING H.SHELF G-4.0 dB -2.5 dB +1.0 dB +0.5 dB F95.0 Hz 425 Hz 2.80 kHz 7.50 kHz Q-0.501.0 - 08 PercussionL.SHELF PEAKING PEAKING H.SHELF G-4.5 dB 0.0 dB +2.0 dB 0.0 dB F100 Hz 400 Hz 2.80 kHz 17.0 kHz Q- 4.5 0.56 - 09 E. Bass 1L.SHELF PEAKING PEAKING H.SHELF G-7.5 dB +4.5 dB +2.5 dB 0.0 dB F35.5 Hz 112 Hz 2.00 kHz 4.00 kHz Q-5.04.5- 10 E. Bass 2PEAKING PEAKING PEAKING H.SHELF G+3.0 dB 0.0 dB +2.5 dB +0.5 dB F112 Hz 112 Hz 2.24 kHz 4.00 kHz Q0.10 5.0 6.3 - 11 Syn. Bass 1PEAKING PEAKING PEAKING H.SHELF G+3.5 dB +8.5 dB 0.0 dB 0.0 dB F85.0 Hz 950 Hz 4.00 kHz 12.5 kHz Q0.10 8.0 4.5 - 12 Syn. Bass 2PEAKING PEAKING PEAKING H.SHELF G+2.5 dB 0.0 dB +1.5 dB 0.0 dB F125 Hz 180 Hz 1.12 kHz 12.5 kHz Q1.6 8.0 2.2 - 13 Piano 1L.SHELF PEAKING PEAKING H.SHELF G-6.0 dB 0.0 dB +2.0 dB +4.0 dB F95.0 Hz 950 Hz 3.15 kHz 7.50 kHz Q-8.00.90- 14 Piano 2PEAKING PEAKING PEAKING H.SHELF G+3.5 dB -8.5 dB +1.5 dB +3.0 dB F224 Hz 600 Hz 3.15 kHz 5.30 kHz Q5.6 10.0 0.70 - 15 E. G. CleanPEAKING PEAKING PEAKING H.SHELF G+2.0 dB -5.5 dB +0.5 dB +2.5 dB F265 Hz 400 Hz 1.32 kHz 4.50 kHz Q0.18 10.0 6.3 - 16 E. G. Crunch 1PEAKING PEAKING PEAKING PEAKING G+4.5 dB 0.0 dB +4.0 dB +2.0 dB F140 Hz 1.00 kHz 1.90 kHz 5.60 kHz Q8.0 4.5 0.63 9.0 17 E. G. Crunch 2PEAKING PEAKING PEAKING H.SHELF G+2.5 dB +1.5 dB +2.5 dB 0.0 dB F125 Hz 450 Hz 3.35 kHz 19.0 kHz Q8.0 0.40 0.16 - 18 E. G. Dist. 1L.SHELF PEAKING PEAKING H.SHELF G+5.0 dB 0.0 dB +3.5 dB 0.0 dB F355 Hz 950 Hz 3.35 kHz 12.5 kHz Q-9.010.0- 19 E. G. Dist. 2L.SHELF PEAKING PEAKING H.SHELF G+6.0 dB -8.5 dB +4.5 dB +4.0 dB F315 Hz 1.06 kHz 4.25 kHz 12.5 kHz Q- 10.0 4.0 - 20 A. G. Stroke 1PEAKING PEAKING PEAKING H.SHELF G-2.0 dB 0.0 dB +1.0 dB +4.0 dB F106 Hz 1.00 kHz 1.90 kHz 5.30 kHz Q0.90 4.5 3.5 - 21 A. G. Stroke 2L.SHELF PEAKING PEAKING H.SHELF G-3.5 dB -2.0 dB 0.0 dB +2.0 dB F300 Hz 750 Hz 2.00 kHz 3.55 kHz Q-9.04.5-# Title Parameter LOW L-MID H-MID HIGH 22 A. G. Arpeg. 1L.SHELF PEAKING PEAKING PEAKING G-0.5 dB 0.0 dB 0.0 dB +2.0 dB F224 Hz 1.00 kHz 4.00 kHz 6.70 kHz Q- 23 A. G. Arpeg. 2L.SHELF PEAKING PEAKING H.SHELF G0.0 dB -5.5 dB 0.0 dB +4.0 dB F180 Hz 355 Hz 4.00 kHz 4.25 kHz Q-7.04.5- 24 Brass Sec.PEAKINGPEAKINGPEAKINGPEAKING G-2.0 dB -1.0 dB +1.5 dB +3.0 dB F90.0 Hz 850 Hz 2.12 kHz 4.50 kHz Q2.8 2.0 0.70 7.0 25 Male Vocal 1PEAKINGPEAKINGPEAKINGPEAKING G-0.5 dB 0.0 dB +2.0 dB +3.5 dB F190 Hz 1.00 kHz 2.00 kHz 6.70 kHz Q0.11 4.5 0.56 0.11 26 Male Vocal 2PEAKING PEAKING PEAKING H.SHELF G+2.0 dB -5.0 dB -2.5 dB +4.0 dB F170 Hz 236 Hz 2.65 kHz 6.70 kHz Q0.11 10.0 5.6 - 27 Female Vo. 1PEAKINGPEAKINGPEAKINGPEAKING G-1.0 dB +1.0 dB +1.5 dB +2.0 dB F118 Hz 400 Hz 2.65 kHz 6.00 kHz Q0.18 0.45 0.56 0.14 28 Female Vo. 2L.SHELF PEAKING PEAKING H.SHELF G-7.0 dB +1.5 dB +1.5 dB +2.5 dB F112 Hz 335 Hz 2.00 kHz 6.70 kHz Q-0.160.20- 29 Chorus & HarmoPEAKINGPEAKINGPEAKINGPEAKING G-2.0 dB -1.0 dB +1.5 dB +3.0 dB F90.0 Hz 850 Hz 2.12 kHz 4.50 kHz Q2.8 2.0 0.70 7.0 30 Total EQ 1PEAKING PEAKING PEAKING H.SHELF G-0.5 dB 0.0 dB +3.0 dB +6.5 dB F95.0 Hz 950 Hz 2.12 kHz 16.0 kHz Q7.0 2.2 5.6 - 31 Total EQ 2PEAKING PEAKING PEAKING H.SHELF G+4.0 dB +1.5 dB +2.0 dB +6.0 dB F95.0 Hz 750 Hz 1.80 kHz 18.0 kHz Q7.0 2.8 5.6 - 32 Total EQ 3L.SHELF PEAKING PEAKING H.SHELF G+1.5 dB +0.5 dB +2.0 dB +4.0 dB F67.0 Hz 850 Hz 1.90 kHz 15.0 kHz Q-0.280.70-# Title Parameter LOW L-MID H-MID HIGH

Data List 3 DYNAMICS Library List 33 Bass Drum 3PEAKING PEAKING PEAKING PEAKING G+3.5 dB -10.0 dB +3.5 dB 0.0 dB F118 Hz 315 Hz 4.25 kHz 20.0 kHz Q2.0 10.0 0.40 0.40 34 Snare Drum 3L.SHELF PEAKING PEAKING PEAKING G0.0 dB +2.0 dB +3.5 dB 0.0 dB F224 Hz 560 Hz 4.25 kHz 4.00 kHz Q- 35 Tom-tom 2L.SHELF PEAKING PEAKING H.SHELF G-9.0 dB +1.5 dB +2.0 dB 0.0 dB F90.0 Hz 212 Hz 5.30 kHz 17.0 kHz Q- 4.5 1.25 - 36 Piano 3PEAKING PEAKING PEAKING H.SHELF G+4.5 dB -13.0 dB +4.5 dB +2.5 dB F100 Hz 475 Hz 2.36 kHz 10.0 kHz Q8.0 10.0 9.0 - 37 Piano LowPEAKING PEAKING PEAKING H.SHELF G-5.5 dB +1.5 dB +6.0 dB 0.0 dB F190 Hz 400 Hz 6.70 kHz 12.5 kHz Q10.0 6.3 2.2 - 38 Piano HighPEAKING PEAKING PEAKING PEAKING G-5.5 dB +1.5 dB +5.0 dB +3.0 dB F190 Hz 400 Hz 6.70 kHz 5.60 kHz Q10.0 6.3 2.2 0.10 39 Fine-EQ CassL.SHELF PEAKING PEAKING H.SHELF G-1.5 dB 0.0 dB +1.0 dB +3.0 dB F75.0 Hz 1.00 kHz 4.00 kHz 12.5 kHz Q-4.51.8- 40 NarratorPEAKING PEAKING PEAKING H.SHELF G-4.0 dB -1.0 dB +2.0 dB 0.0 dB F106 Hz 710 Hz 2.50 kHz 10.0 kHz Q4.0 7.0 0.63 -# Title Parameter LOW L-MID H-MID HIGH # Title Type Parameter Va l u e 1GateGATEThreshold (dB) -26 Range (dB) -56 Attack (ms) 0 Hold (ms) 2.56 Decay (ms) 331 2DuckingDUCKINGThreshold (dB) -19 Range (dB) -22 Attack (ms) 93 Hold (ms) 1.20 S Decay (ms) 6.32 S 3A. Dr. BDGATEThreshold (dB) -11 Range (dB) -53 Attack (ms) 0 Hold (ms) 1.93 Decay (ms) 400 4A. Dr. SNGATEThreshold (dB) -8 Range (dB) -23 Attack (ms) 1 Hold (ms) 0.63 Decay (ms) 238 5De-EsserDE-ESSERThreshold (dB) -8 Frequency (kHz) 2.00 Type HPF Q1.6 6CompCOMPRESSORThreshold (dB) -8 Ratio ( :1) 2.5 Attack (ms) 30 Out gain (dB) 0.0 Knee 2 Release (ms) 250 7ExpandEXPANDERThreshold (dB) -23 Ratio ( :1) 1.7 Attack (ms) 1 Out gain (dB) 3.5 Knee 2 Release (ms) 70 8Compander (H)COMPANDER-HThreshold (dB) -10 Ratio ( :1) 3.5 Attack (ms) 1 Out gain (dB) 0.0 Width (dB) 6 Release (ms) 250 9Compander (S)COMPANDER-SThreshold (dB) -8 Ratio ( :1) 4 Attack (ms) 25 Out gain (dB) 0.0 Width (dB) 24 Release (ms) 180 10 A. Dr. BDCOMPRESSORThreshold (dB) -24 Ratio ( :1) 3 Attack (ms) 9 Out gain (dB) 5.5 Knee 2 Release (ms) 58 11 A. Dr. BDCOMPANDER-HThreshold (dB) -11 Ratio ( :1) 3.5 Attack (ms) 1 Out gain (dB) -1.5 Width (dB) 7 Release (ms) 192 12 A. Dr. SNCOMPRESSORThreshold (dB) -17 Ratio ( :1) 2.5 Attack (ms) 8 Out gain (dB) 3.5 Knee 2 Release (ms) 12 13 A. Dr. SNEXPANDERThreshold (dB) -23 Ratio ( :1) 2 Attack (ms) 0 Out gain (dB) 0.5 Knee 2 Release (ms) 151 14 A. Dr. SNCOMPANDER-SThreshold (dB) -8 Ratio ( :1) 1.7 Attack (ms) 11 Out gain (dB) 0.0 Width (dB) 10 Release (ms) 128 15 A. Dr. TomEXPANDERThreshold (dB) -20 Ratio ( :1) 2 Attack (ms) 2 Out gain (dB) 5.0 Knee 2 Release (ms) 749 16 A. Dr. OverTopCOMPANDER-SThreshold (dB) -24 Ratio ( :1) 2 Attack (ms) 38 Out gain (dB) -3.5 Width (dB) 54 Release (ms) 842 17 E. B. FingerCOMPRESSORThreshold (dB) -12 Ratio ( :1) 2 Attack (ms) 15 Out gain (dB) 4.5 Knee 2 Release (ms) 470# Title Type Parameter Va l u e

Data List 4 * At fs=44.1 kHz 18 E. B. SlapCOMPRESSORThreshold (dB) -12 Ratio ( :1) 1.7 Attack (ms) 6 Out gain (dB) 4.0 Knee hard Release (ms) 133 19 Syn. BassCOMPRESSORThreshold (dB) -10 Ratio ( :1) 3.5 Attack (ms) 9 Out gain (dB) 3.0 Knee hard Release (ms) 250 20 Piano1COMPRESSORThreshold (dB) -9 Ratio ( :1) 2.5 Attack (ms) 17 Out gain (dB) 1.0 Knee hard Release (ms) 238 21 Piano2COMPRESSORThreshold (dB) -18 Ratio ( :1) 3.5 Attack (ms) 7 Out gain (dB) 6.0 Knee 2 Release (ms) 174 22 E. GuitarCOMPRESSORThreshold (dB) -8 Ratio ( :1) 3.5 Attack (ms) 7 Out gain (dB) 2.5 Knee 4 Release (ms) 261 23 A. GuitarCOMPRESSORThreshold (dB) -10 Ratio ( :1) 2.5 Attack (ms) 5 Out gain (dB) 1.5 Knee 2 Release (ms) 238 24 Strings1COMPRESSORThreshold (dB) -11 Ratio ( :1) 2 Attack (ms) 33 Out gain (dB) 1.5 Knee 2 Release (ms) 749 25 Strings2COMPRESSORThreshold (dB) -12 Ratio ( :1) 1.5 Attack (ms) 93 Out gain (dB) 1.5 Knee 4 Release (ms) 1.35 S# Title Type Parameter Va l ue 26 Strings3COMPRESSORThreshold (dB) -17 Ratio ( :1) 1.5 Attack (ms) 76 Out gain (dB) 2.5 Knee 2 Release (ms) 186 27 BrassSectionCOMPRESSORThreshold (dB) -18 Ratio ( :1) 1.7 Attack (ms) 18 Out gain (dB) 4.0 Knee 1 Release (ms) 226 28 Syn. PadCOMPRESSORThreshold (dB) -13 Ratio ( :1) 2 Attack (ms) 58 Out gain (dB) 2.0 Knee 1 Release (ms) 238 29 SamplingPercCOMPANDER-SThreshold (dB) -18 Ratio ( :1) 1.7 Attack (ms) 8 Out gain (dB) -2.5 Width (dB) 18 Release (ms) 238 30 Sampling BDCOMPRESSORThreshold (dB) -14 Ratio ( :1) 2 Attack (ms) 2 Out gain (dB) 3.5 Knee 4 Release (ms) 35 31 Sampling SNCOMPRESSORThreshold (dB) -18 Ratio ( :1) 4 Attack (ms) 8 Out gain (dB) 8.0 Knee hard Release (ms) 354 32 Hip CompCOMPANDER-SThreshold (dB) -23 Ratio ( :1) 20 Attack (ms) 15 Out gain (dB) 0.0 Width (dB) 15 Release (ms) 163 33 Solo Vocal1COMPRESSORThreshold (dB) -20 Ratio ( :1) 2.5 Attack (ms) 31 Out gain (dB) 2.0 Knee 1 Release (ms) 342# Title Type Parameter Va l u e 34 Solo Vocal2COMPRESSORThreshold (dB) -8 Ratio ( :1) 2.5 Attack (ms) 26 Out gain (dB) 1.5 Knee 3 Release (ms) 331 35 ChorusCOMPRESSORThreshold (dB) -9 Ratio ( :1) 1.7 Attack (ms) 39 Out gain (dB) 2.5 Knee 2 Release (ms) 226 36 Click EraseEXPANDERThreshold (dB) -33 Ratio ( :1) 2 Attack (ms) 1 Out gain (dB) 2.0 Knee 2 Release (ms) 284 37 AnnouncerCOMPANDER-HThreshold (dB) -14 Ratio ( :1) 2.5 Attack (ms) 1 Out gain (dB) -2.5 Width (dB) 18 Release (ms) 180 38 Limiter1COMPANDER-SThreshold (dB) -9 Ratio ( :1) 3 Attack (ms) 20 Out gain (dB) -3.0 Width (dB) 90 Release (ms) 3.90 s 39 Limiter2COMPRESSORThreshold (dB) 0 Ratio ( :1) ∞ Attack (ms) 0 Out gain (dB) 0.0 Knee hard Release (ms) 319 40 Total Comp1COMPRESSORThreshold (dB) -18 Ratio ( :1) 3.5 Attack (ms) 94 Out gain (dB) 2.5 Knee hard Release (ms) 447 41 Total Comp2COMPRESSORThreshold (dB) -16 Ratio ( :1) 6 Attack (ms) 11 Out gain (dB) 6.0 Knee 1 Release (ms) 180# Title Type Parameter Va l u e

Data List 5 Dynamics Parameters Dynamics Parameters are the following types.GATEA gate attenuates signals below a set THRESHOLD level by a specified amount (RANGE). DUCKINGDucking is commonly used for voice-over applications in which the background music level is reduced automatically when an announcer speaks. When the KEY IN source signal level exceeds the specified THRESHOLD, the output level is attenuated by a specified amount (RANGE). Input channels Output channels DYNAMIC section 1 DYNAMIC section 2 DYNAMIC section 1 TypeGATE COMPRESSOR COMPRESSOR DUCKINGCOMPANDER-H (Compander Hard)EXPANDER COMPRESSORCOMPANDER-S (Compander Soft)COMPANDER-H (Compander Hard) EXPANDER DE-ESSERCOMPANDER-S (Compander Soft) Parameter Range Description THRESHOLD (dB)-72 to 0 (73 points) This determines the level at which the gate effect is applied. RANGE (dB)-∞, -69 to 0 (71 points) This determines the amount of attenuation when the gate closes. ATTA CK ( ms )0-120 (121 points) This determines how fast the gate opens when the signal exceeds the threshold level. HOLD (ms)44.1kHz: 0.02 ms - 2.13 sec 48kHz: 0.02 ms - 1.96 sec (160 points) This determines how long the gate stays open once the trigger signal has fallen below the threshold. DECAY (ms)44.1kHz: 6 ms - 46.0 sec 48kHz: 5 ms - 42.3 sec (160 points) This determines how fast the gate closes once the hold time has expired. The value is expressed as the duration required for the level to change by 6 dB. Input Level TimeTime Output Level Input Level Output Level• I/O Characteristics •Time Series Analysis RANGE THRESHOLD THRESHOLD RANGE Input Signal Output Signal ATTACK DECAYHOLD Parameter Range Description THRESHOLD (dB)-54 to 0 (55 points) This determines the level of trigger signal (KEY IN) required to activate ducking. RANGE (dB)-70 to 0 (71 points) This determines the amount of attenuation when ducking is activated. AT TA C K ( m s)0-120 (121 points) This determines how soon the signal is ducked once the ducker has been triggered. HOLD (ms)44.1kHz: 0.02 ms - 2.13 sec 48kHz: 0.02 ms - 1.96 sec (160 points) This determines how long ducking remains active once the trigger signal has fallen below the THRESHOLD level. DECAY (ms)44.1kHz: 6 ms - 46.0 sec 48kHz: 5 ms - 42.3 sec (160 points) This determines how soon the ducker returns to its normal gain once the trigger signal level drops below the threshold. The value is expressed as the duration required for the level to change by 6 dB. Input Level Time Time Output Level Input Level Output Level• I/O Characteristics •Time Series Analysis RANGE THRESHOLD THRESHOLD RANGE Input Signal Output Signal AT TA C K D E C AYHOLD

Data List 6 COMPRESSORThe COMP processor attenuates signals above a specified THRESHOLD by a specified RATIO. The COMP processor can also be used as a limiter, which, with a RATIO of ∞:1, reduces the level to the threshold. This means that the limiter's output level never actually exceeds the threshold. EXPANDERAn expander attenuates signals below a specified THRESHOLD by a specified RATIO. Parameter Range Description THRESHOLD (dB)-54 to 0 (55 points) This determines the level at which compression is applied. RATIO1.0:1, 1.1:1, 1.3:1, 1.5:1, 1.7:1, 2.0:1, 2.5:1, 3.0:1, 3.5:1, 4.0:1, 5.0:1, 6.0:1, 8.0:1, 10:1, 20:1, ∞:1 (16 points) This determines the amount of compression, that is, the change in output signal level relative to change in input signal level. ATTA CK ( ms )0-120 (121 points) This determines how soon the signal will be compressed once the compressor has been triggered. RELEASE (ms)44.1kHz: 6 ms - 46.0 sec 48kHz: 5 ms - 42.3 sec (160 points) This determines how soon the compressor returns to its normal gain once the trigger signal level drops below the threshold. The value is expressed as the duration required for the level to change by 6 dB. OUT GAIN (dB)0.0 to +18.0 (181 points) This sets the compressor's output signal level. KNEEHard, 1-5 (6 points) This determines how compression is applied at the threshold. For higher knee settings, compression is applied gradually as the signal exceeds the specified threshold, creating a more natural sound. Input Level Time Time Output Level Input Level Output Level• I/O Characteristics (KNEE= hard, OUT GAIN= 0.0dB)• Time Series Analysis (RATIO= ∞:1) RATIO THRESHOLD THRESHOLD Input Signal Output Signal AT TA C K RE L E A S E Parameter Range Description THRESHOLD (dB)-54 to 0 (55 points) This determines the level of input signal required to trigger the expander. RATIO1.0:1, 1.1:1, 1.3:1, 1.5:1, 1.7:1, 2.0:1, 2.5:1, 3.0:1, 3.5:1, 4.0:1, 5.0:1, 6.0:1, 8.0:1, 10:1, 20:1, ∞:1 (16 points) This determines the amount of expansion. AT TA C K ( m s)0-120 (121 points) This determines how soon the expander returns to its normal gain once the trigger signal level exceeds the threshold. RELEASE (ms)44.1kHz: 6 ms - 46.0 sec 48kHz: 5 ms - 42.3 sec (160 points) This determines how soon the signal is expanded once the signal level drops below the threshold. The value is expressed as the duration required for the level to change by 6 dB. OUT GAIN (dB)0.0 to +18.0 (181 points) This sets the expander's output signal level. KNEEHard, 1-5 (6 points) This determines how expansion is applied at the threshold. For higher knee settings, expansion is applied gradually as the signal exceeds the specified threshold, creating a more natural sound. Input Level Time Time Output Level Input Level Output Level• I/O Characteristics (KNEE= hard, OUT GAIN= 0.0dB)• Time Series Analysis (RATIO= ∞:1)RATIOTHRESHOLD THRESHOLD Input Signal Output Signal ATTAC K RE L E AS E

Data List 7 COMPANDER HARD (COMPANDER-H), COMPANDER SOFT (COMPANDER-S) The hard and soft companders combine the effects of the compressor, expander and limiter. The companders function differently at the following levels:1 0 dB and higher ..................................Functions as a limiter. 2 Exceeding the threshold ....................Functions as a compressor. 3 Below the threshold and width ..........Functions as an expander. The hard compander has an expansion ratio of 5:1, while the soft compander has an expansion ratio of 1.5:1. The expander is essentially turned off when the width is set to maximum. The compressor has a fixed knee setting of 2.* The gain is automatically adjusted according to the ratio and threshold values, and can be increased by up to 18 dB. * The OUT GAIN parameter enables you to compensate for the overall level change caused by the compression and expansion processes.DE-ESSERThis detects and compresses only the sibilants and other high-frequency consonants of the vocal. Effect Type List Parameter Range Description THRESHOLD (dB)-54 to 0 (55 points) This determines the level at which compression is applied. RATIO1.0:1, 1.1:1, 1.3:1, 1.5:1, 1.7:1, 2.0:1, 2.5:1, 3.0:1, 3.5:1, 4.0:1, 5.0:1, 6.0:1, 8.0:1, 10:1, 20:1 (15 points)This determines the amount of compression. ATTA CK ( ms )0-120 (121 points) This determines how soon the signal is compressed or expanded once the compander has been triggered. RELEASE (ms)44.1kHz: 6 ms - 46.0 sec 48kHz: 5 ms - 42.3 sec (160 points)This determines how soon the compressor or expander returns to the normal gain once the trigger signal level drops below or exceeds the threshold respectively. The value is expressed as the duration required for the level to change by 6 dB. OUT GAIN (dB)-18.0 to 0.0 (181 points) This sets the compressor's output signal level. WIDTH (dB)1-90 (90 points)This determines how far below the threshold expansion will be applied. The expander is activated when the level drops below the threshold and width. Parameter Range Description THRESHOLD-54 to 0 (55 points) Threshold level at which the de-esser effect is applied. FREQUENCY1kHz-12.5kHz (45 points)Cutoff frequency of the filter used to detect the high frequencies. TYPEHPF, BPF Type of filter used to detect the frequency band. Q10.0-0.10 (41 points) Q (steepness) of the filter when TYPE is BPF. 0dB Input Level Output Level WIDTH THRESHOLD Title Ty pe Description REV-X HallREV-X HALL New reverb algorithm that delivers dense and rich reverberation, smooth decay, and provides a spaciousness and depth that enhances the original sound. Choose from three types depending on your location and needs: REV-X HALL, REV-X ROOM, and REV-X PLATE. REV-X RoomREV-X ROOM REV-X PlateREV-X PLATE Reverb HallREVERB HALL Concert hall reverberation simulation with gate Reverb RoomREVERB ROOM Room reverberation simulation with gate Reverb StageREVERB STAGE Reverb designed for vocals, with gate Reverb PlateREVERB PLATE Plate reverb simulation with gate Stereo ReverbST REVERB Stereo reverb Early Ref.EARLY REF. Early reflections without the subsequent reverb Gate ReverbGATE REVERB Gated early reflections Reverse GateREVERSE GATE Gated reverse early reflections Mono DelayMONO DELAY Simple mono delay Stereo DelaySTEREO DELAY Simple stereo delay Mod.DelayMOD.DELAY Simple repeat delay with modulation Delay LCRDELAY LCR 3-tap (left, center, right) delay EchoECHO Stereo delay with crossed left/right feedback ChorusCHORUS Chorus FlangeFLANGE Flanger SymphonicSYMPHONICProprietary Yamaha effect that produces a richer and more complex modulation than normal chorus PhaserPHASER 16-stage stereo phase shifter Dyna.FlangeDYNA.FLANGE Dynamically controlled flanger Dyna.PhaserDYNA.PHASER Dynamically controlled phase shifter HQ. PitchHQ.PITCH Mono pitch shifter, producing stable results Dual PitchDUAL PITCH Stereo pitch shifter Tr e m o l oTREMOLO Tremolo Auto PanAUTO PAN Auto-panner RotaryROTARY Rotary speaker simulation Ring Mod.RING MOD. Ring modulator Mod.FilterMOD.FILTER Modulated filter Dyna.FilterDYNA.FILTER Dynamically controlled filter Rev+ChorusREV+CHORUS Reverb and chorus in parallel RevChorusREVCHORUS Reverb and chorus in series Rev+FlangeREV+FLANGE Reverb and flanger in parallel RevFlangeREVFLANGE Reverb and flanger in series Rev+Sympho.REV+SYMPHO. Reverb and symphonic in parallel RevSympho.REVSYMPHO. Reverb and symphonic in series RevPanREVPAN Reverb and auto-pan in series Delay+Er.DELAY+ER. Delay and early reflections in parallelDelayEr.DELAYER. Delay and early reflections in series