Toshiba L350 Manual
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191Hot Keys/TOSHIBA Cards Hot key functions 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Zoom (Display resolution) or Fn + [ Space bar ]This TOSHIBA Card or hot key switches screen resolution. Selecting this Card or pressing the hot key displays the following options: (Sample Image) Screen resolution options Cycle through the screen resolutions, then select the desired resolution.

192Hot Keys/TOSHIBA Cards Hot key functions 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Keyboard hot key functions Fn + This hot key turns the cursor control overlay on and off. Fn + This hot key turns the numeric overlay on and off. Fn + This hot key turns the scroll lock feature on and off. Fn + This hot key turns the TOSHIBA Zooming Utility to zoom-out. Fn + This hot key turns the TOSHIBA Zooming Utility to zoom-in.

193 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Appendix B Power Cord/Cable Connectors Your notebook computer features a universal power supply you can use worldwide. This appendix shows the shapes of the typical AC power cord/cable connectors fo r various parts of the world. USA and Canada UL approved CSA approved United Kingdom BS approved Australia AS approved Europe VDA approved NEMKO approved

194 Glossary TECHNICAL NOTE: Some features defined in this glossary may not be available on your computer. Acronyms The following acronyms may appear in this user’s guide. AC alternating current BIOS basic input/output system bps bits per second CD compact disc CD-ROM compact disc read-only memory CD-RW compact disc rewrite memory CMOS complementary metal-oxide semiconductor COM1 communications port 1 (serial port) COM2 communications port 2 (serial port) CPU central processing unit DC direct current DMA direct memory access DIMM dual inline memory module

Glossary195 DOS disk operating system DPI dots per inch DSTN dual supertwist nematic DVD digital versatile (or video) disc DVD-ROM digital versatile (or video) disc read-only memory ECP enhanced capabilities port EPROM erasable programmable read-only memory FAT file allocation table FCC Federal Communications Commission GB gigabyte HDD hard disk drive HTML Hypertext Markup Language IEEE Institute of Electrical a nd Electronics Engineers I/O input/output IRQ interrupt request ISP Internet service provider KB kilobyte LAN local area network LCD liquid crystal display LPT1 line printer port 1 (parallel port) LSI large-scale integration MB megabyte MIDI Musical Instrument Digital Interface PC personal computer PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Association RAM random access memory RFI radio frequency interference ROM read-only memory RTC real-time clock SCSI small computer system interface

196Glossary SDRAM synchronous dynamic random access memory SRAM static random access memory SVGA super video graphics adapter TFT thin film transistor USB universal serial bus URL uniform resource locator WA N wide area network www World Wide Web Te r m s The following terms may appear in this user’s guide. Aactive-matrix display — A liquid crystal display (LCD) made from an array of liquid crystal cells using active-matrix technology. Also known as a “TFT display,” in its simplest form there is one thin film transistor (TFT) for each cell. This type of display works well with notebook computers becau se of its shallow depth and high-quality color. Active-matrix displays are viewable from wider angles than most passive-matrix displays. adapter — A device that provides a co mpatible connection between two units. For example, the computer’s internal display adapter receives information from the software and tr anslates it into images on the screen. An adapter can take a number of forms, from a microprocessor to a simple connect or. An intelligent adapter (one that is capable of doing some pr ocessing) may also be called a controller. alternating current (AC) — The type of power usually supplied to residential and commercial wall outle ts. AC reverses its direction at regular intervals. Compare direct current (DC). application — A computer program that you use to perform tasks of a specific type. Applications includ e word processors, spreadsheets, and database management systems. See also program. Bbackup — A copy of a file, usually on a removable disk, kept in case the original file is lost or damaged. basic input/outpu t system (BIOS) — See BIOS.

Glossary197 baud rate — The speed at which a comm unication device, such as a printer or modem, transmits information. Baud rate is the number of signal changes per second (not necessarily the same as bits per second). See also bits per second. BIOS (basic input/output system) — Basic instructions, stored in read- only memory (ROM), containing the information the computer needs to check hardware and load the operating system when you start up the computer. bits per second (bps) — A way of measuring the speed at which information is passed between two devices. This is the basic unit of measure used in modem communications, and is similar, but not identical, to the baud rate. See also baud rate. boot — To start the computer. The term “boot” originates from bootstrap program (as in “pulling itself up by its bootstraps”), a program that loads and initializes the op erating system. See also reboot. boot disk — See system disk. boot priority (startup sequence) — The order in which the computer accesses its disk drives to locate th e startup files. Under the default startup sequence, the computer lo oks for the startup files in the diskette drive before checking the hard disk. bus — An electrical circuit that c onnects the central processing unit (CPU) with other parts of the computer, such as the video adapter, disk drives, and ports. It is the pathway through which data flows from one device to another. See also bus speed, frontside bus . bus speed — The speed at which the ce ntral processing unit (CPU) communicates with the othe r parts of the computer. Ccache — A section of very fast memory in which frequently used information is duplicated for qu ick access. Accessing data from cache is faster than accessing it from the computer’s main memory. See also CPU cache, L1 cache, L2 cache. CD — An individual compact disc. See also CD-ROM. CD-ROM (compact disc read-only memory) — A form of high- capacity storage that uses laser opt ics instead of magnetic means for reading data. See also CD. Compare DVD-ROM.

198Glossary central processing unit (CPU) — The chip that functions as the “brain” of the computer. It takes informa tion from outside sources, such as memory or keyboard input, processes the information, and sends the results to another device that uses the information. character — Any letter, number, or symbol you can use on the computer. Some characters are non- printing characters, such as a paragraph break in a word-pro cessing program. A character occupies one byte of computer storage. chip — A small piece of silicon contai ning computer logic and circuits for processing, memory, input/output, and/or control functions. Chips are mounted on printed circuit boards. click — To press and release the pointing device’s primary button without moving the pointing device. In the Windows ® operating system, this refers to the pointing device’s left button, unless otherwise stated. See also double-click. color palette — A set of specified colors th at establishes the colors that can be displayed on the scr een at a particular time. compatibility — The extent to which computers, programs, or devices can work together harmoniously, using the same commands, formats, or language as another. configuration — (1) The collection of compon ents that make up a single computer system. (2) How parts of the system are set up (that is, configured). controller — A device that controls the tran sfer of data from a computer to a peripheral device and vice versa. For example, disk drives, monitors, keyboards, and printers all require controllers. CPU — See central processing unit (CPU). CPU cache — A section of very fast memory residing between the CPU and the computer’s main memory that temporarily stores data and instructions the CPU will need to execute commands and programs. See also cache, L1 cache, L2 cache. cursor — A symbol that indicates the current position on the screen. The shape of the cursor varies, depending on the program you are using and what you are doing.

Glossary199 Ddefault — The setting selected by a program when the user does not specify an alternative setting. device — A component attached to the computer. Devices may be external (outside the computer’s case) or internal (inside the computer’s case). Printers, disk dr ives, and modems are examples of devices. device driver — A program (called a “drive r”) that permits a computer to communicate with a device. dialog box — An on-screen window displayed by the operating system or a program giving a direction or requesting input from the user. direct current (DC) — The type of power usually supplied by batteries. DC flows in one direction. Compare alternating current (AC). direct memory access (DMA) — A dedicated channel, bypassing the CPU, that enables direct data transfer between memory and a device. directory — See folder. disable — To turn a computer option off. See also enable. disc — A round, flat piece of material, designed to be read from and written to by optical (laser) technology, and used in the production of optical discs, such as CDs and DVDs. Compare disk. disk — A round, flat piece of materi al that can be magnetically influenced to hold information in digital form, and used in the production of magnetic disks, such as diskettes and hard disks. Compare disc. See also diskette, hard disk. disk drive — The device that reads and writes information and programs on a diskette or hard disk. It rotates the disk at high speed past one or more read/write heads. diskette — A thin, flexible disk in a protective jacket that stores magnetically encoded data. Diskettes can be removed from the computer and come in two sizes: 5.25-inch and 3.5-inch. Your computer uses 3.5-inch diskettes. See also double-density diskette, high-density diskette. document — Any file created with an application and, if saved to disk, given a name by which it can be retrieved. See also file.

200Glossary double-click — To press and release the pointing device’s primary button rapidly twice without moving the pointing device. In the Windows ® operating system, this refers to the pointing device’s left button, unless otherwise stated. double-density diskette — A 3.5-inch diskette that can hold up to 720 KB of information (half the capac ity of a high-density diskette). See also diskette, high-density diskette. download — (1) In communications, to receive a file from another computer through a modem or network. (2) To send font data from the computer to a printer. See also upload. drag — To hold down the mouse button while moving the cursor to drag a selected object. In the Windows ® operating system, this refers to the left mouse button, unless otherwise stated. driver — See device driver . DVD — An individual digital versatile (or video) disc. See also DVD- ROM . DVD-ROM (digital versatile [or video] disc read-only memory) — A very high-capacity stor age medium that uses laser optics for reading data. Each DVD-ROM can hold as much data as several CD-ROMs. Compare CD-ROM. Eemulation — A technique in which a device or program imitates another device or program. enable — To turn on a computer option. See also disable. executable file — A computer program that is ready to run. Application programs and batch files are examples of executable files. Names of executable files usually end with a .bat or .exe extension. expansion device — A device that connects to a computer to expand its capabilities. Other names for an expansion device are port expander, port replicator, docking station, or network adapter. extension — See file extension . external device — See device.