Timex Health Touch HRM User Manual
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1819 \ftopwatch1. in stopwatc\b mode, p\fess sTarT/sTOp to begin timing. 2. p\fess sT arT/sTOp again to stop timing. 3. To \feset t\be stopwatc\b, p\fess rEsET (t\be c\b\fono- g\fap\b must be stopped). Countdown Timer \fetup1. in countdown Time\f mode, \bold MODE fo\f 3 seconds until t\be display flas\bes. 2. p\fess MODE to advance t\b\foug\b settings: hou\fs / Minutes / seconds 3. Edit t\bese settings by using sT arT/sTOp (+) o\f rEsET (-). 4. To save t\be new settings,...
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2021 No Te: To \fapidly c\bange t\be setting, \bold sTarT/sTOp (+) o\f rEsET (-). Care and Maintenanc\CeTo ensu\fe p\fope\f function of you\f hea\ft rate Watc\b: • T\be watc\b buttons a\fe not intended fo\f use in o\f unde\f wate\f as t\bis will comp\fomise t\be watc\b’s wate\f \fesistance. • avoid \foug\b usage o\f seve\fe impacts to t\be watc\b. • Keep t\be top \fing senso\f and t\be case back plate f\fee f\fom di\ft, oils, o\f ot\be\f contaminants. • pe\fiodically clean t\be watc\b...
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2223 4. Make su\fe t\be case back metal plate of t\be watc\b is laying flat on you\f skin. 5. Make su\fe you\f w\fist and finge\f a\fe clean and f\fee f\fom di\ft, oils, o\f lotions. 6. stay still, and \felax you\f a\fms on a stable su\fface w\bile taking you\f \bea\ft \fate. 7. clean t\be top \fing senso\f and t\be case back metal plate wit\b a mild soap and wate\f, o\f simila\f cleaning solution. 8. Moisten, wit\b wate\f, t\be pad of t\be finge\f you a\fe using to contact...
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2425 • 12/24 \bou\f fo\fmat • calenda\f: mont\b, date, day display wit\b auto leap yea\f adjustment • Key beep On/OFF \blarm • One (1) ala\fm time • hou\fly c\bime • ala\fm du\fation: 30 seconds Stopwatc\f• resolution: 1/100 second • Measu\fing \fange: 100 \bou\fs Countdown Timer • resolution: 1 second • Measu\fing range: 100 \bou\fs Ot\fer • indiglo® button • Wate\f \fesistant up to 50 mete\fs / 164 ft (86 p.s.i.a.) batteryBatte\fy \feplacement will be \fequi\fed f\fom time to...
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2627 We \fecommend batte\fy \feplacement be done by a watc\b \fepai\f se\fvice cente\f to ensu\fe t\be wate\f seals a\fe not comp\fomised du\fing t\be p\focess. T\be watc\b uses one (1) standa\fd lit\bium \feplacement batte\fy: Cr2032 \bower off Mode To conse\fve batte\fy life du\fing long pe\fiods of inactivity, \bold t\be MODE, s Tar T/sTO p and rEsET buttons fo\f 3 seconds. T\be watc\b will tu\fn off and ente\f powe\f Off Mode. To...
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2829 3. f\fom \fepai\f se\fvices not pe\ffo\fmed by Timex; 4. f\fom accidents, tampe\fing o\f abuse; and 5. lens o\f c\fystal, st\fap o\f band, senso\f case, attac\bments o\f batte\fy. Timex may c\ba\fge you fo\f \feplacing any of t\bese pa\fts. This WarranTY anD ThE rEMEDiEs cOnT ainED hErEin arE ExclUsiVE anD in liEU OF all OThEr WarranTiEs , ExprEss Or iMpliED, inclUD- ing anY iMpliED WarranTY OF MErchanT aBiliTY Or FiTnEss FOr parTicUlar pUrpOsE. TiMEx is nOT liaBlE FOr anY...
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3031 Fo\f canada, call 1-800-263-0981. Fo\f B\fazil, call +55 (11) 5572 9733. Fo\f Mexico, call 01-800-01-060-00. Fo\f cent\fal ame\fica, t\be ca\fibbean, Be\fmuda and t\be Ba\bamas, call (501) 370-5775 (U.s.). Fo\f asia, call 852- 2815-0091. Fo\f t\be U.K., call 44 208 687 9620. Fo\f po\ftugal, call 351 212 946 017. Fo\f F\fance, call 33 3 81 63 42 00. Fo\f ge\fmany/aust\fia: +43 662 88921 30. Fo\f t\be Middle East and af\fica, call 971-4-310850. Fo\f ot\be\f a\feas, please contact...
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3233 T hi\f i\f your re\b Air C ou\bo N. kee\b iT iN A \fA fe \bl AC e. TiMeX iNTerNATioNAl WArrANTy re\b Air Cou\boN Original Purchase Date: __________________\(__________________\(___________ (attach a c\fpy \ff sal\(es receipt\b if avai\(lable) Purchased by: __________________\(__________________\(__________________\((name\b address\b tele\(ph\fne number)Place \ff Purchase: __________________\(__________________\(_______________ (name and address)Reas\fn f\fr...
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W265 EU 298-095001\C Part Numbers: W265_NA 29\f-095000 W265_E\b 29\f-095001 W265_AS 29\f-095002 Regions: \b.S. North America (pick one) International Global File Name: W265_E\b_HealthTouch Instructions Designer(s):MSaleeby Dieline Number: n/a CSR Number: W265 Program Name: W265 Health Touch Instruction book Replaces Part Number: n/a GRAPHIC SPECSRelease To Production Date: 9/5/10Vendor: Trim Size: 3.75” wide x 2.125” high Colors used:4-Color Process for Cover Design Notes: NA...
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223 \b\fhoUDsopgavE o vErZ\bChT va\f horlogED\bsplay E\f k\foppE\f ..................\C................226 p\bCT ograMME\f op D\bsplay E\f bEsChr\bjv\b\fg ..................\C..................\C227 o vErZ\bChT va\f WErk\b\fg ..................\C..................\C..................\C................. 228 v olgorDE va\f MoD\b ..................\C..................\C..................\C..................\C..... 229 DE harTslag METE\f...