Tascam Digital Multitrack Recorder DA-78HR Owners Manual
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9 - Operations related to timecode 61 T A SC AM D A- 78 HR 2 Press the S UB M ENU key so that the dis play shows INDV . REC ; (IN DV RE C x) where x is 0 (disa bled) o r 1 (ena bled). 3 Us e the s a nd t keys to choos e between 0 (dis abled) and 1 (enabled).When this function is ena bled, ind ividua l reco rd ing is pos sible when cha sing to timecod e, and when it is d isabl ed, al l s lave units fo llow the ma st er ’ s l e ad.
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62 TASCAM DA-78HR 10 - MIDI control 10.1 MMC enable and disable T he D A- 7 8H R c a n b e c o ntr olle d usin g M I DI Machine Control Commands (MMC). To enable and disabl e the DA-78HR’s response to these commands: 1 Press the SHIFT key so that the SHIFT indicator is fla shing , a nd then press the ME NU key until t he displa y sh ows MIDI-- (MI DI -- ). 2 Press the S UB M ENU key until the displa y shows MIDI on or MIDI OFF (MIDI ON or MIDI OFF). 3 Us e the s a nd t keys to make...
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10 - MIDI control 63 T A SC AM D A- 78 HR 10.2 MMC Bit Map Array Commands unavailable on the DA-78HR are struck through, as for example (RECORD PAUSE). Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 (40H) Bit 5 (20H) Bit 4 (10H) Bit 3 (08H) Bi t 2 (04H) Bi t 1 (02H) Bi t 0 (01H) c0- 0(0 6) RECO RD ST R OB E(0 5) REW IND(0 4) FAS T FORWARD(0 3) DEF ERRED PLAY(02) PLAY(01) ST OP(00) re se rve d c1- 0(0 D) MM C RE SE T(0 C) COMMA ND E RROR RE SE T(0B) CHAS E(0A) EJECT(09) PA U S E(08) RE CO RD PAU SE (07) RECORD EX IT...
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10 - MIDI cont rol TA SCA M DA -7 8 HR 64 r0- 0(06) GE NERATO R TIME CODE(05) LO C K DEV IAT IO N(04) AC T U AL O FFS ET(03) REQUE ST ED O FFS ET(02) SELECTED MA ST ER CODE(01) SELECTED TIME CODE(00) re se rv ed r1- 0(0 D) GP 5(0 C) GP 4(0B) GP 3(0A) GP 2(09) GP 1(08) GP 0 / LO C ATE POI N T(07) MT C INPUT r2- 0(14) (13) (12) (11) (10) (0F) GP 7(0 E) GP 6 r3- 0( 1B) ( 1A) (19) (18) (17) (16) (15) r4- 0- 0- 0- 0(1 F) (1 E) ( 1D) ( 1C) r5- 0(26) Short GE NERATO R TIME CODE(25) Short LO C K DEV IAT...
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10 - MIDI control 65 T A SC AM D A- 78 HR 10.3 MIDI Control Change It is also p os sible to s en d u se MIDI C on tro l Chan ge messag es to con tro l the su b-mix er parameters, as d e sc ri be d h er e : MIDI channels 1 through 8 control channels 1 through 8 on the master DA-78HR in a DTRS chain. MIDI channels 9 through 16 can be used to control ch ann els 1 th ro ug h 8 on th e firs t s lav e DA-78 HR in a chain. 10.4 MIDI System Exclusive The following are the System Exclus ive...
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10 - MIDI cont rol TA SCA M DA -7 8 HR 66 10.4.6 Track Copy Setup = 09 There are two dat a bytes: and . is t he tape track number – 1 (00 through 07) is either th e in pu t ch ann el n umb er – 1 (00 through 07) or t he ta pe tra c k n um be r – 1 + 8 ( 0 8 through 0F). 10.4.7 Track Copy Enable =0a 1 by te o f d ata to en able o r dis able the fun ct ion . 0 = dis able, 1 = enable.
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10 - MIDI control 67 T A SC AM D A- 78 HR 10.5 MIDI Implementation Chart TASCAM Multitrack Digital Recorder date:1999.09.20 Model DA-78HR MIDI Implementation Chart Version : 1.00 +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ : : Transmitted : Recognized : Remarks : : Function : : : :...
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68 TASCAM DA-78HR 11 - Maintenance, etc. 11.1 Head and transport cleaning The DA-78HR incorporates an internal cl eaning mechanis m that not only cleans the rotary head, but also the tape as it enters the tape path . Th e p ro visio n o f th is clean in g mech an ism sign ifican tly redu ces th e need for manual cleaning. If, des pite the internal cleani ng mechanis m, the P B CONDITION in di cato r 6 lights, the heads are dirty and manual cleaning procedures should be followed....
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11 - Maintenance, etc. 69 T A SC AM D A- 78 HR 4 Play the s uspect tap e. The track meters are u sed to s how the error rate at di fferent loca- tio n, a s listed below: Th e n umber of s eg men ts lit in di- cates the blocks containing e rr or s (p e r gr ou p of 12 8 blo c ks) , as shown here. It is in ev itable th at th ere will be a few erro rs, b ut if th e meter segments are co nsis tently lit while the tape is p layin g, some- thin g is wron g (an d y ou will almost certainly...
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11 - Maintenance, etc. TA SCA M DA -7 8 HR 70 the front panel software) or SVO . ;. ;; (SVO x. y y —the s ervo software). The x. y y here repres en ts the software revis ion number (e.g. 1. 0 0). 3 Use the s a nd t key s to displa y the required software component version number. 11.3.1 Software upgrades TA SC A M p ur sue s a po lic y of c on tinu ou s imp r ove - me n t to pr od uc ts, a nd the r e m a y be f utu re e nh a nc e - ments to the DA-78HR software. Your TASCAM dealer...