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Tascam Digital Multitrack Recorder DA-78HR Owners Manual

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Page 21

4 -  Menu interface,  etc.
21 T A SC AM  D A- 78 HR
4.3 Menus and sub-menus
W hen  th e u nit is i n shift mo de, th e REPEAT (ME NU) 
key is the “gateway” to the menus . Thi s key is us ed 
to  sh ow th e top  level gro up s of t he men u tree:
When the 
ME NU ke y is p re ss e d,  on e o f th is gr ou p 
n ames  is  d isp layed o n the screen and  the un it en ters  
m e nu  mo de .  Whe n  t he  
ME NU ke y is p re s se d a ga in , 
th e n ext men u grou p name in  t his list abo ve is  s hown  
(th e...

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4 - Menu interface, etc.
 TA SCA M DA -7 8 HR 22
4.3.5 “Left”  and “right” keys
W hen  ed iting  time valu es , etc. it is  u seful to  b e ab le 
to edit one particular element (i.e. hours, minutes, 
s eco nd s or frames ) o f th e time value.
The “cursor” is indicated by a flashing dot following 
th e “field” currently  b eing  ed ited.
There are no dedicated left and right cursor keys. 
Instead, when  the  unit is  in menu mode,  pressing  and 
h old in g the 
SHIFT key and pressing the s key will...

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4 -  Menu interface,  etc.
23 T A SC AM  D A- 78 HR
the current pos ition of the knob and the cur-
rent p aram eter val ue do not match.
Wh en  the 
SH UTTLE/DATA in dicator  kno b 
b links rapidly, the cu rrent po sition of the kno b 
m atches the curren t parameter value. Turn ing 
the kno b from this po sition will now all ow the 
p aram eter val ue to be changed.
Turn  o ff  th e “ dat a e nt r y”  m ode  using  the  
SHIFT a nd SHU TTLE/DATA key combination.
Un til the match  d escribed ab ove...

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4 - Menu interface, etc.
 TA SCA M DA -7 8 HR 24
4.6 AUDIO2 menu
Audio. 2. --  
T his  m e nu  pr ov ide s a dd i-
ti on al au dio  p arameter settin gs:
4. 7 T C me nu
TC --  
The fol lowing parameters  are  used t o 
con tro l timecod e op eratio ns:REC. MUTE.(rec mute)ALL OFF.*, ALL 
 or  i n di v i du al  
tr acks 
7.10,  “REC MUTE 
(recording silence)”
Re c mute  fu nct io n
DisplayVal ues 
(*= default)Descri bed i n
C. FADE.(crossfade)10*  t h r oug h 200 
(in 10 ms incre-
m ent s...

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4 -  Menu interface,  etc.
25 T A SC AM  D A- 78 HR
4.8 TC chase menu
TC. CHS --  
The following parameters are 
used to control the DA-78HR operations when chas-
ing to an i ncoming timecode signal:
4.9 TC g enerat or  menu
TCG. REC--  
The following parameters are 
u sed to  co ntro l th e i nternal timeco de gen erato r.
4.10MIDI menu
The followi ng parameters are used 
t o con tro l the MIDI parameters  of th e DA-78 HR.
DisplayVal ues 
(*= default)Descri bed in
INDiv. REC( i nd iv id ua l...

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4 - Menu interface, etc.
 TA SCA M DA -7 8 HR 26
4.11Maintenance menu
The following menu provides 
in formatio n relating  to  main tenance pro ced ures, etc.
4.12 Dedicated keys
Th e foll owing  (sh ifted )  key s als o  allow s et ting s t o  be 
made. These are fully described in the appropriate 
sections of the manual:
DisplayVal ues 
(*= default)Descri bed i n
version( v er s i on )SYS ( system) .* 
Frnt (f ro nt ),  Svo 
(s er v o)11. 3, “Checking 
version numbers”
S y s t e m,  f r on t...

Page 27

5 - Basic operations
This section explains some of the basic operations 
using the DA-78HR. Section 7, “Advanced opera-
ti ons” describes  more advanced operations.
Most operations  on a DA-78HR are similar to thos e 
o n a trad itio nal analo g mu ltitrack  reco rd er, b ut we 
s ug gest th at y ou  read  th is sectio n and  th e next to  
learn about the features of the DA-78HR.
5.1 Formatting a tape
Before you use a tape in the DA-78HR, you must 
first fo rmat it. Thi s marks in...

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5 -  Basic operations
28 T A SC AM  D A- 78 HR
recorder. Of course, a  non-HR  (16-b it)  record -
in g mad e on the DA-78HR can b e replayed on 
any DTRS  recorder.
To start forma tting  the tape, hold do wn the 
RECORD key  and press the PLAY key.
The tape counter may show a negative ABS time for 
a short while at the start of the formatting process. 
While it is displaying a negative value, no audio 
recording can take place.
T he ta pe will forma t to the end, and  then 
rewind au tomaticall...

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5 - Basic operations
 TA SCA M DA -7 8 HR 29
Hi8  cas sette write tabs  wo rk  in the o ppo site man ner 
to DAT cass ettes , and “closed” means “write-
If the tape is writ e-p ro tect ed , eject the tape, op en th e 
write-protect tab, replace the cas sette, and try again.
• Sony Hi8 cassettes (and those from some other 
manufacturers) have the words “SAVE” (write-pro-
tected) and  “REC” (wri te-enabled) mol ded  into the 
cassette sh ell b y the p ro tection  tab.
5.2.4 Recording the first...

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5 -  Basic operations
30 T A SC AM  D A- 78 HR
signals or to perform track-bounce operations with 
the SPDIF (
COAXIAL) input selected.
No te th at whatever d igital so urce is  s elected , th e 
appropriate  clock mus t be s elected. If you are record-
ing from (say) a CD player, which typicall y cannot 
accept a word clock, as well as  from a TDIF -1 source 
(e.g. a TASCAM dig ital mixer) th e DA-7 8HR  mus t 
b e s et to   accep t th e  cl ock  fro m th e 
5.2.2, “Selecti ng a clock...
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