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Tascam Digital Multitrack Recorder DA-78HR Owners Manual

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    							4 -  Menu interface,  etc.
    21 T A SC AM  D A- 78 HR
    4.3 Menus and sub-menus
    W hen  th e u nit is i n shift mo de, th e REPEAT (ME NU) 
    key is the “gateway” to the menus . Thi s key is us ed 
    to  sh ow th e top  level gro up s of t he men u tree:
    When the 
    ME NU ke y is p re ss e d,  on e o f th is gr ou p 
    n ames  is  d isp layed o n the screen and  the un it en ters  
    m e nu  mo de .  Whe n  t he  
    ME NU ke y is p re s se d a ga in , 
    th e n ext men u grou p name in  t his list abo ve is  s hown  
    (th e list  is “circular”,  i.e.  the firs t g ro up  n ame foll ows 
    th e last in the list ).
    Pressing and  holding down  the 
    SHIFT ke y  a n d pr e ss-
    in g th e 
    MENU ke y go e s to th e p re vio us  me nu  gr ou p,  
    following t he  order described  above. Once again, the 
    li st is regard ed  as “circular”.
    No te th at the  titles o f thes e  top -level  men u g ro up s  are 
    all follo wed  by two  d ashes  (
    --), s howin g  th at  th ere 
    are  submenus  “under”  this  level.
    4. 3. 1 Ex iti ng  me nu  m ode
    To  ex it men u mo de, either:
    • turn off the shift mode (press  the 
    SHIFT key so  that 
    its  in dicato r is n o lon ger flas hin g)
    • en ter ano ther shifted fun ction  (excep t fo r th e 
    sh ifted 
    ME NU or  S UB ME NU functi ons)
    4. 3. 2 S u b- m en us
    Wh en   a menu  is  d isp layed ,  p ress ing  t he  shifted  
    CHAS E key  (S UB M ENU) b rin gs  u p th e su b- m e nu 
    items ass ociated with  th at particular t op-level men u 
    gr ou p.
    There are two different ways of displaying sub-menu 
    • o ne is that th e n ame of the parameter to be 
    adjusted, and the current  value  of the parameter  are 
    displayed together.
    • th e oth er  way  is  to  that  the n ame o f the  parameter is 
    d ispl ay e d f or  on e se c o nd , a n d the  di spla y  t he n 
    changes  to the current value of the parameter (this 
    is when the parameter name and/or the value are 
    to o lon g to  be disp layed  t og eth er).
    Pres sing the 
    SU B ME NU key cycles th ro ug h th e lis t 
    of s ub -menu  items in  a  top -lev el  men u  grou p  (the  list 
    is regarded as circular).
    Pre s sing  a n d  ho ldi ng  th e  
    SHIFT ke y a nd  p re s sing  t he  
    SU B ME NU ke y c yc le s th ro ug h the  su b- m en u ite m s 
    in the reverse order.
    4. 3. 3 A dj us ting  pa r am e ter  v a lue s
    In  me nu  mo de ,  the  AU TO  M O N and t he ALL INPUT 
    ke ys p e rf or m  th e  fu nc tio n of  up  an d d ow n ke y s (s 
    and t) and they are used to change the values  of 
    parameters in the su b-men u items.
    As soo n as th e valu e o f th e p arameter is ch an ged  on  
    the dis play, th e p arameter itself is chang ed (i.e. there 
    is no need to confirm changes wi th an ENTER key or 
    the equivalent).
    If  o ne  of  t he se  ke ys is pr e sse d  a n d he ld do w n fo r ha lf  
    a s econd, the key changes to a “repeat ” mode. If the 
    key is held down for one second, the repeat mode 
    changes to a “fast repeat” mode, and the value of the 
    parameter changes faster.
    4. 3. 4 Resettin g p arameters to  default 
    To  reset a parameter v al ue to the d efault valu e, p res s 
    and hold down the s key and immediately after-
    wards , pres s  the t k ey,   or  vice versa.
    S YSTEM--S YS TE M-- B asi c syst em p ar amet er s a nd 
    A UDIO. 1--AUDIO1 - - Pa r amete r s affe cti ng  th e a ud i o 
    f un c t i on s  of  t h e D A- 78 H R
    A UDIO. 2--AUDIO2-- Additional audio features
    T C--TC-- Timecode paramet ers (genera-
    t or,  di sp la y, e tc.)
    T C. CHS--TC.CHS- - Pa r amete r s af fecti n g t he  ti me -
    code chase mode of the  DA-
    T CG. REC--T C G. R EC -- T i m ec o de  g ene r at o r  re c or d in g 
    M IDI--MIDI- - Pa r amete r s co nce r ne d wi th  the  
    MIDI  fun cti on s o f th e  DA- 7 8HR
    M AINTN--M A I N T N- - M a in t e na nc e,  et c .  p ar am et er s ,  
    c o nc e r ne d  wi t h  t h e  DA- 7 8H R
    SYSTEM- -
    AUDIO. 1--
    TC. CHS-- MIDI- -
    TCG. R EC-- MAINTN --
    ME NU
    + MENU
    AUDIO. 2- - 
    							4 - Menu interface, etc.
     TA SCA M DA -7 8 HR 22
    4.3.5 “Left”  and “right” keys
    W hen  ed iting  time valu es , etc. it is  u seful to  b e ab le 
    to edit one particular element (i.e. hours, minutes, 
    s eco nd s or frames ) o f th e time value.
    The “cursor” is indicated by a flashing dot following 
    th e “field” currently  b eing  ed ited.
    There are no dedicated left and right cursor keys. 
    Instead, when  the  unit is  in menu mode,  pressing  and 
    h old in g the 
    SHIFT key and pressing the s key will 
    have the effect of a left cursor key.
    L ik ew ise ,  pr e ssin g a n d ho ldin g th e  
    SHIFT ke y a n d 
    pressing the t key will have the effect o f a righ t cu r-
    sor key.
    It sh ou ld be n oted th at t here is an  “inv isib le” field to 
    the right  of the frames field.  This  al lows t he whole  of 
    th e disp layed  v alue to be in cremented, no t jus t th e 
    highlighted field. In other words , frame values, etc. 
    will  “roll over” and increment the next field to the 
    left. In  t his mod e, th ere is no  flash ing  do t t o ind icate 
    th e cu rsor.
    R epeated p ress es of th ese keys  will allow the edit ing  
    o f  t h e  fo l l ow i ng  fi e l d s (i n  or de r ):
    Hours Û Minutes Û Seconds Û Frames  Û Frames  
    (with  in crement o f who le time value) Û Su b- fra m e s 
    percentage Û Sub - fram e s p erc e n tage  ( with  in c re-
    ment of whole time  value) Û Su b- fra m es  s am pl es Û 
    S ub -frames sa mples (with  incremen t of wh ole time 
    value) Û Hours  , etc.
    T h e  r igh t “ c ur sor  ke y”  (
    SH IF T + t)  m ov es   fo rw a r d 
    th rou gh  th e list, an d th e righ t “cursor” key (
    SH IF T + 
    s) moves backward.
    Th e s ub -frame  disp lays  (in  italics  ab ove)  are 
    explained in the section below (4.3.6, “Sub-frame 
    4.3.6 Sub-frame values
    There are two ways  of representing s ub-frame val-
    ues: as “percentage” subframes, or as  s amples .
    When s ub-frames are displ ayed as percentages , the 
    minimum  displayed value is always 00 and  the  max-
    imu m dis play ed  value is 99.When displayed as  a sample value, the number of 
    samples per frame varies, according to both the sam-
    pling rate, and the frame rate currently selected:
    When moving around a time value in the way 
    described above, moving the “cursor” past the frames 
    field  will ch an ge th e d ispl ay  to a sub -frame dis play.
    A  s ub -f r am e  disp la y sh ow s SF (
    SF), followed by 
    either th e 2-dig it rep resen tation  of the percen tage 
    sub f ram e valu e 
    SF ;;, o r th e 4 -dig it  rep resen tation  
    of the samp le value 
    SF ;;;;.
    There are four modes of sub-frame display:
    • Percentage
    • Percentage with increment of whole time value
    • Samples
    • Samples with increment of whole time value
    In the two  dis play modes  where there  is an increment 
    of the who le time value, there is  n o d ot dis play ed .
    These modes are acces sed, as  explained  above (4.3.5, 
    ““Left” and “ri ght” keys”) using the “cursor keys”. 
    To  retu rn  to  th e h h:mm:ss.ff  disp lay,  mo ve th e cu rs or 
    “ou tside th e d ispl ay ”, i.e. t o the righ t o f th e sub -
    frame field when the “s amples  with increment of 
    who le time value” mo de is dis play ed .
    4. 3. 7 Using   the DATA/ LEVEL  knob  to  set 
    In  some menu s and  oth er parameter setting s, it is  
    possible to use the 
    DATA/LEVEL knob to set numeri-
    cal valu es.
    Press  a nd  hold  do wn  the 
    SHIFT key, and press 
    th e 
    S HUTT LE/DATA key.
    This  da ta  setting  is  the d efa ult setting, made at 
    When editing the value of a parameter, and the 
    SH UTTLE/DATA indicator is blink ing slo wly, 
    Samp li ng  
    ®® ®
    48 kHz 44.1 kHz Fr ame r ate ¯
    ¯¯ ¯
    2419 99 14 69
    2519 19 17 63
    29. 9716 01 14 71
    3015 99 14 69
    ABS14 39 13 22 
    							4 -  Menu interface,  etc.
    23 T A SC AM  D A- 78 HR
    the current pos ition of the knob and the cur-
    rent p aram eter val ue do not match.
    Wh en  the 
    SH UTTLE/DATA in dicator  kno b 
    b links rapidly, the cu rrent po sition of the kno b 
    m atches the curren t parameter value. Turn ing 
    the kno b from this po sition will now all ow the 
    p aram eter val ue to be changed.
    Turn  o ff  th e “ dat a e nt r y”  m ode  using  the  
    SHIFT a nd SHU TTLE/DATA key combination.
    Un til the match  d escribed ab ove has b een  mad e, th e 
    value  of the  parameter  cannot  be changed  us ing the 
    Note that because of the precision of the knob, the 
    value may sometimes appear to “jump”.
    Fine-tuning of  values should be done  with the s and 
    t ke ys .
    4.4 SYS TEM men u
    The following parameters are 
    u sed  to co ntrol  and  prov ide in formatio n regardin g t he 
    overall  operation of the unit:
    4.5 AUDIO1 menu
    AUDIO. 1. --  
    The following parameters 
    are used to control the audio operati on of the unit 
    u sin g th e firs t au dio  menu :
    DisplayVal ues 
    (*= default)Descri bed in
    iD. sel.
    ( ID se l ecti o n)1*  t h ro ug h 158 . 2. 2,  “S et t in g 
    mach i ne  ID”
    I D  when the unit  is connected in  a chain of  DTRS units
    time. mode.( t i m e m o de )ABS*, TC9 . 1,  “ ABS  an d 
    ti meco de ”
    R e f er en c e t im i ng  s o ur c e
    ( cl ock mo de )AUTO*, INDViD 
    (individual)8 . 6,  “ I nd i v id ua l  
    cl o ck mo de ”
    Cl ock so ur ce  for  a  sl ave  un it . 
    Current position
    corresponds to 
    Dis play  shows 102as  the current  value
    I nd ica to r
    flashes s lowlyThis position
    to 102
    Current position
    corresponds to 
    Disp la y no w sho ws 11 0as the current value
    flashes fast as
    soon  as   dial  is
    tu r n ed  p a st
    102 po s i ti o nThis position
    PK. HLD( p ea k  ho l d)0, 1 through 9 
    seco nd s ( de fau lt  
    3), CNT ( c on t i n-
    uo us )7.8.1,  “Peak  hold 
    Meter peak hold t ime
    (release time)FAST*, SLOW 
    (slow), MED 
    (medium)7.8.2,  “Meter ballis-
    t ics”
    Meter release time
    (save)OFF* 7 . 1 4,  “S av i ng  s et -
    t in gs to tap e”
    S aves  the  cu rr en t se tti n gs t o t he  ta pe
    Load.( l oa d)OFF*7.15, “Restoring 
    se tti n gs f ro m ta pe”
    L oa ds  sett in gs  fr om ta pe  
    DisplayVal ues 
    (* =default)Descri bed i n
    D. IN.
    TDIF (TDIF)*, 
    (SPDIF)5.3.1,  “Digit al input  
    se l ecti o n”
    S el e cts d ig i tal  a ud i o so ur ce  (fo r  tr acks 7  an d  8 o nl y)
    IN. PATCH( i np ut  pa t c h )ALL. ANALG* (a ll  
    an al o g) ,  
     (all digit al), 
    individual  track s 
    set  to  
    A; (ana-
    D; (digital) 
    T; (track)5.3, “Input  selec-
    Tr ac k  i n pu t  s o ur c e  c an  be  ei t her  a na l og ,  d ig i t al  o r  a r e c or de d 
    (TDIF)24*, 20, 165.4.2,  “Selecting 
    i n pu t  w or d  l eng t h”
    I np ut   di gi t a l  w or d  le ng t h
    DITH(dit her)OFF*, RECT (rect-
    an gu l ar ),  
    TRI (tri-
    an gu l ar )7.11.1, “Selecting 
    dither set tings”
    Dither noise  shape 
    DisplayVal ues 
    (* =default)Descri bed i n 
    							4 - Menu interface, etc.
     TA SCA M DA -7 8 HR 24
    4.6 AUDIO2 menu
    Audio. 2. --  
    T his  m e nu  pr ov ide s a dd i-
    ti on al au dio  p arameter settin gs:
    4. 7 T C me nu
    TC --  
    The fol lowing parameters  are  used t o 
    con tro l timecod e op eratio ns:REC. MUTE.(rec mute)ALL OFF.*, ALL 
     or  i n di v i du al  
    tr acks 
    ON or OFF
    7.10,  “REC MUTE 
    (recording silence)”
    Re c mute  fu nct io n
    DisplayVal ues 
    (*= default)Descri bed i n
    C. FADE.(crossfade)10*  t h r oug h 200 
    (in 10 ms incre-
    m ent s )7.5, “Crossfade 
    Crossfade time  for punch, etc.
    Out. Patch( o ut p ut  pa t c hi n g)Normal* (nor-
    mal or as set)7.12.2, “Output 
    p at c hb ay”
    O ut p ut  pa t c h bay
    out. bit.
    (output  word 
    length)16, 24* 7 .1 2.1 , “Ou tpu t 
    wo rd  l en gth”
    ( w or d  l eng t h  of  di g it al  o ut p ut )
    ShTL. MoN.( sh utt le  mon i tor )0 (of f)*, 1 (on) 6.3, “Shutt le moni-
    S hu ttl e  mo ni to r  fu ncti o n
    ShTL. MuT.
    ( sh utt le  mute )0 (of f)*, 1 ( o n) 6 .4 , “Sh utt le  mut-
    S hu ttl e  mu te  fu ncti o n
    OSC.(oscillator)OFF*, 440, 1k 
    (1 k )7.9, “Sine oscilla-
    Line-up oscillator
    DisplayVal ues 
    (*= default)Descri bed i n
    DisplayVal ues 
    (* =default)Descri bed i n
    TAPE. TC(t ap e T C )TC TRK* (TC 
    tr ack) , 
    ( c onv e r t e d) ,  ABS 
    ( ab s ol ut e)9. 2 ,  “ Tap e t im e -
    cod e mo de ”
    Ta pe  ti meco de  so ur ce
    FRm mode
    (f ra me  m od e)SYS* (SYS), EXT 
    ( EXT E R NA L) , 
     ( TAPE ): 
    *, 30ND, 
    29ND, 25, 24, 30DF
    9.3, “Selecting t he 
    f ra m e m o de ” ,  
    9.4.1, “Showing 
    in pu t  t im e c od e” ,  
    9.5.8, “Checking 
    the frame mode of 
    striped timecode”
    Sy s t e m  f r am e m o de  an d  ex t er n al / t ap e f ra me  r at e  d is p l ay
    (TC d i spl ay)TAPE* (of f-tape), 
    EXT ( ex t er na l ),  
    diff (dif ference)9.4.1, “Showing 
    in pu t  t im e c od e”
    Time cod e d i spl ay so ur ce
    In. TC. TMG
    (input TC timing)ANALOG*, DIGITAL9.4.2, “Timecode 
    in pu t  t im i ng ”
    Inco min g  ti me cod e r e fer en ce
    OUT. TC. TMG(o ut put  T C  t i m in g)ANALOG* ( an a-
    (digital)9.4.6, “Timecode 
    ou tpu t ti mi ng ”
    Out going timecode reference
    OUT. TC. SRC(o ut put  T C  
    sou rce )TAPE tc*  (f ro m  
    ta pe ),  
    ( re s ha pe d)9.4.3, “Timecode 
    ou t pu t ”
    Source of out going  timecode
    FAST lTC
    (f a s t  LT C)5 FRm* (5 
    fr ame s), 
    (leap), OFF
    9.4.5, “Fast linear 
    ti me cod e (LTC)  
    ou t pu t ”
    Fa s t  LTC   out pu t  m od e 
    							4 -  Menu interface,  etc.
    25 T A SC AM  D A- 78 HR
    4.8 TC chase menu
    TC. CHS --  
    The following parameters are 
    used to control the DA-78HR operations when chas-
    ing to an i ncoming timecode signal:
    4.9 TC g enerat or  menu
    TCG. REC--  
    The following parameters are 
    u sed to  co ntro l th e i nternal timeco de gen erato r.
    4.10MIDI menu
    The followi ng parameters are used 
    t o con tro l the MIDI parameters  of th e DA-78 HR.
    DisplayVal ues 
    (*= default)Descri bed in
    INDiv. REC( i nd iv id ua l  re c or d -
    ing)0* ( off ),  1 (on) 9.6. 11, “Individual 
    recording while 
    c h as i n g t i m ec o de ”
    Enabling  individual recording while chasing
    RECHS. MD(rechase mode)RECHASE* 
    (r ec has e ) ,  
    (f re e)9 . 6. 9,  “R e c ha s in g 
    ti meco de ”
    Rechase mode
    RECHS. WD(rechase window)1 SEC*,  2 SEC (1 
    or  2  seco nd s)9 . 6. 9,  “R e c ha s in g 
    ti meco de ”
    Width of rechase “window”
    (error by pas s)10 FRM*, 30 FRM 
    (1 0  or  30  f r am e s )9 . 6. 10 ,  “ By p as s i ng  
    timecode errors”
    Length of time  for error bypass  when chasing
    PK. POS . TST( pa r k po si ti on  
    test)OFF*, ON9 . 6. 6,  “Pa r k  po s i -
    ti o n”
    Performs  the park position test
    PARK. POS.
    ( pa r k po si ti on )00 00* ( 0  sec-
    on ds ,  0 f r am es ) t o  
    01 29 (1  sec ond , 
    29  f r am es )9.6. 7, “Automatic 
    park position set-
    ti n g”
    Pa r k po si ti on  ti min g
    DisplayVal ues 
    (*= default)Descri bed in
    TC. REC. SRC(TC recording 
    so ur ce)EXT* (external), 
    TCG (TC genera-
    TAPE TC 
    (t ap e t i m ec o de )9 . 5. 1,  “S el ec t in g 
    th e ti me cod e 
    so ur ce ”
    S el ect s th e so ur ce  of  the  ti meco de  “ str i pe ”
    TC. REC. EN(TC recording 
    enable)0* (of f), 1 (on) 9.5.2,  “Recording 
    t imecode using the 
    generat or”
    Enabling of  timecode recording
    STRT. Time(TC generator)Time value in 
    hh :mm: ss.ff 
    ( 00: 00 : 00 . 0 0* )9.5.2,  “Recording 
    t imecode using the 
    generat or”
    Start time  for on-board generat or
    TCG. MODE(TC generator 
    mo de )reset* ( re set ),  
    CoNT ( c on t i nu e)9 . 5 . 3,  “Gen er at or  
    mo de s”
    Restart mode for on-board generat or
    (TC generator)stop* ( sto p) , 
    run ( r un)9.5.2,  “Recording 
    t imecode using the 
    generat or”
    S ta r t/sto p  ti me cod e g en er at or
    DisplayVal ues 
    (* =default)Descri bed i n
    ( MIDI)on*, off10. 1, “MMC enable 
    and disable”
    Enables or disables MI DI  (including MTC)
    ID( MIDI I D)ALL*, 1 to 12710. 1.1, “Assigning 
    a  MIDI I D  to  the  
    DA- 78 HR”
    MMC ID
    MTC(MTC)ON*, OFF9 . 4 . 4,  “M T C  ou t p ut ”
    MTC o utp ut
    FAST. MTC(fast MTC)on*, off9 . 4 . 4,  “M T C  ou t p ut ”
    MTC o utp ut  i n fa st wi nd  mod e
    STOP. MTC 
    (stop MTC)on*, off9 . 4 . 4,  “M T C  ou t p ut ”
    M T C  o ut p ut  i n s t op  mo de
    DisplayVal ues 
    (* =default)Descri bed i n 
    							4 - Menu interface, etc.
     TA SCA M DA -7 8 HR 26
    4.11Maintenance menu
    The following menu provides 
    in formatio n relating  to  main tenance pro ced ures, etc.
    4.12 Dedicated keys
    Th e foll owing  (sh ifted )  key s als o  allow s et ting s t o  be 
    made. These are fully described in the appropriate 
    sections of the manual:
    DisplayVal ues 
    (*= default)Descri bed i n
    version( v er s i on )SYS ( system) .* 
    Frnt (f ro nt ),  Svo 
    (s er v o)11. 3, “Checking 
    version numbers”
    S y s t e m,  f r on t  p an el  d ri v er ,  s e r vo  s o f t w ar e  (f ir m w ar e)  v e rs i o ns
    DRUM. TIM( d ru m ti me)TOTL*  ( t ot al ) ,  
    SRCH (search)1 1. 1.3 , “Che ckin g 
    d r um ti me”
    Number of hours  the drum has been in use
    (cleaning)OFF* 1 1. 1,  “H e ad an d 
    t ra ns p or t  c l ean i ng”
    S t a r t s  t h e  hea d  c l ean i ng  pr o c es s
    B. E. R.(block error rate)OFF*, ON1 1. 1.2 , “Che ckin g 
    e r ro r ra t es ”
    Di sp la ys th e cu rr e nt  bl ock e rr o r  ra te
    ( b ackup  memor y 
    init ialization)off* 1 1. 2,  “B ac k up  
    memory initializa-
    DEVTYPE( e mu la te d d evi ce 
    type)DA-78HR*, da-
    , da-38, da-
    7.13, “Emulation”
    Key Descr iption Descri bed i n
    DE LAYI n di v i du al  r el a t i v e 
    tr ack d el ay7.3 , “ Tra ck de l ay”
    OF F SE TOf fset  re l ati ve  to 
    t i m ec o de  or  a bs o -
    l ut e ti mes8.3, “Machine off -
    set” and 9. 6.2, 
    “T i m ec o de  of f s et ”
    PR ERO L LLo c at e p r e- ro l l 
    an d au t o- p unc h 
    pr e - an d p os t - r ol l  
    ti mes5.6.4, “Edit ing  the 
    pr e- r ol l  an d  po s t -
    ro l l  t i me s ”  an d 
    7.1 .3 , “ Se tti ng  th e 
    location pre-roll 
    ti me ”
    PI T CHVarispeed 
    (±6.0%)7. 6 ,  “ Var i  s p eed  
    (p i tch con tro l ) ”
    LO C/ ME MO  1Lo c at i on me m or y  
    po i nt s7. 1 ,  “ Au t ol o c at i o n”
    LO C/ ME MO  2 
    							 TASCAM DA-78HR 27
    5 - Basic operations
    This section explains some of the basic operations 
    using the DA-78HR. Section 7, “Advanced opera-
    ti ons” describes  more advanced operations.
    Most operations  on a DA-78HR are similar to thos e 
    o n a trad itio nal analo g mu ltitrack  reco rd er, b ut we 
    s ug gest th at y ou  read  th is sectio n and  th e next to  
    learn about the features of the DA-78HR.
    5.1 Formatting a tape
    Before you use a tape in the DA-78HR, you must 
    first fo rmat it. Thi s marks in tern al s yn chron ization  
    p attern s f or  t he serv o to f ollo w o n su bs eq uen t passes  
    th rou gh  th e tap e as  well as th e su bco de data (ABS).
    Th e p ro cess also  in itializes the tape for reco rd ing  at 
    eith er 1 6-bit o r 2 4-bit resolu tio n.
    No audi o data is normally recorded during a format-
    ti ng  o peration  (bu t see below).
    5.1.1 Selecting a word clock  source
    Use the CLOCK key to select a clock source. 
    Remember that in your digital audio setup, only one 
    digital audio device should be set to be a clock mas-
    ter. All other digital audio devices must derive their 
    cl ocks from  it.
    There are four options available:
    • WORD (the 
    WO RD in dicato r lig hts)—th is is the 
    word clock received at the 
    WORD S Y NC IN con-
    nector. You may use this setti ng when recording 
    dig ital aud io thro ug h the TDIF-1  in pu t, if the 
    source of the audio is set to be a clock master.
    • I N T ( inte r na l) —bo th th e  
     ind icators lig ht . Yo u may use this settin g if 
    other digital audio devices are to be word clock 
    slaves, or if the input signals are analog.
    • DIGITAL IN—this refers to the SPDIF (
    inp ut . Use this  i f the recordin g so urce is  t o be 
    received here, and the source device is a word 
    clock master.
    • SYNC IN—this cannot be set using the 
    key, bu t occurs au tomatically  when  th e DA-7 8HR  
    is b ein g co ntrolled  from an oth er DTRS u nit, and  
    REMOTE IN/SYNC  IN c o nn ec tio n h a s be e n 
    made (see 8.1, “Synchronization connections”). 
    Neither the 
    WO RD no r  D IGITAL IN ind icators will 
    lig ht at this time.
    5. 1. 2 F or ma t t in g
    While format ting is  proceeding, you cannot perform 
    any other trans port operation except stoppi ng the 
    Yo u cann ot chan ge the samplin g rate o r th e b it res o-
    lutio n  whi le  formatt ing  is  in   prog res s.
    Switch  o n the DA-7 8H R a nd loa d a tape into 
    th e tape lo ading  slot. As the tape is loa ded and  
    th readed,  the  tape counter  sh ows 
    -- LOAD--”.
    Fo r detai ls of ta pes tha t yo u can use in the DA-
    78 HR ,  se e  1. 5,  “R e c om me nde d ta pe s”.
    REW to take  the tape to  the  beginning 
    and  s to p the  t ape .
    Press  the 
    FORMAT/Fs key. The displa y sho ws 
    Press  the 
    FORMAT/Fs key  ag ain w it hin 5 se c -
    ond s. T he di splay  will then sho w a  fla shing  
    fo llowed by a ll d ashes  (
    F- -- - - --).
    If y ou  do  no t press  the 
    FORMAT/Fs key twice 
    with in 5  s eco nds  the 
    FO RMAT messa ge will d is-
    appear. This is a feature designed to stop you 
    fo rmatti ng a tape a ccidenta lly.
    If you do press the FORMAT/Fs key twice and you 
    then change your mind about formatting the tape, 
    us e  eit h er  t h e 
    CLE AR or STOP key to cancel the 
    op er at io n.
    Select the s ampli ng frequency (either 44.1k Hz 
    or  48 kH z) ,  using  t he  
    FORMAT/Fs key.
    The  sa mpling  f r e que nc y t hat  you se le c t  
    depends on the eventu al use for the record ing. 
    Fo r a udio  wo rk, selecting 4 4.1kHz will a llow 
    you  to prod uce CD mas ter tapes with no fre-
    quency co nvers ion.
    If a digital signal is received at the DIGITAL I/O ja ck 
    or  a t  t h e  S PD IF  (
    COAX IAL) in pu t, th e DA- 78 HR’s 
    recording and playback sampling frequency is auto-
    matically determined by the sampling frequency of 
    the input signal and you cannot change it.
    Select the recording mode usi ng the HR  M ODE 
    key. When HR mod e (24 -bit reco rding ) is 
    selected, the 
    HR indicator to the left of the time 
    counter will li ght.
    Remember that if HR mod e is selected, the 
    ta pe must be repla yed on an  H R DTRS  
    							5 -  Basic operations
    28 T A SC AM  D A- 78 HR
    recorder. Of course, a  non-HR  (16-b it)  record -
    in g mad e on the DA-78HR can b e replayed on 
    any DTRS  recorder.
    To start forma tting  the tape, hold do wn the 
    RECORD key  and press the PLAY key.
    The tape counter may show a negative ABS time for 
    a short while at the start of the formatting process. 
    While it is displaying a negative value, no audio 
    recording can take place.
    T he ta pe will forma t to the end, and  then 
    rewind au tomaticall y.
    You  are now able to u se the tape for recording.
    All  tran sp ort co ntrols  are d isabled  d uring  fo rmatting , 
    except for the 
    STOP ke y,  w hic h  ca n  be  use d  to a bo rt 
    the format process.
    I t is po ssib le  to f or ma t ta pe s o n a  nu mb er  of  D TR S 
    u nits  s imu ltaneo usly. For d etails, see 8 .5, “S yn ch ro-
    n ized fo rmattin g”.
    5.1.3 Aborting  the format process
    To ab ort the process  b efo re format ting  actu ally takes 
    place (i.e. you have pressed the 
    FORM AT/Fs switch  
    twice in error), press the 
    CLE AR or  the STOP ke y. 
    The only transport operation you can perform once 
    formatting  h as started is to st op  th e tap e. 
    However, we d o n ot reco mmend  in terru ptin g th e for-
    matting  process , bu t sug gest  th at you  let t he tape ru n 
    to  the end .
    If y ou  interru pt th e formatting  (o r th e formatt ing  is  
    in te rr u pte d b y a  p ow e r  c u t o r  e ve n ts be yo nd  yo ur  
    control), rewind t he tape and start the format from 
    th e b egin nin g of the tape again .
    5 .1 .4 R ec or din g w hil e  for ma tting
    If you have armed any tracks (you have pressed its 
    RE C FUN CTION  switch,  and  th e i nd icato r is  flash -
    in g), an y aud io sig nal rou ted to th at track will be 
    recorded  wh ile fo rmatting  is in p ro gress.
    I f  you hav e recorded  and f ormat ted  part  of  a  tape,  and y ou 
    w ish t o c ontinue f ormat ting and  recording on  the res t  of t he 
    t ape (“as sem bly ”), you should rewind t o a pre-form att ed, 
    blank  s ect ion of  t he  tape  and res ume  form att ing and 
    rec ording f rom there.
    R ecording and for mat ting will cont inue at the sam pling f re-
    quenc y used on t he f irst  par t of the tape.
    Avoid re-starting  recording  and formatting  from an 
    unformatted section of the tape.
    5.2 Recording the first tracks
    There are a number of different ways  of recording  the 
    first track s. Ho wever, all fo llow the same b asic 
    • Wh e n us ing  a n ew ly -f or m a tte d ta pe ,  w e su gg e st 
    that you record a blank “leader” about 30 s econds 
    lo ng , starting  fro m the beg inn ing  o f th e tap e, to  
    avoid  dropout. Leave a  similar recorded  blank 
    “trai ler” at the end of the recording. You can use 
    th e Re c  M ute  f un cti on  a s a  c onve n ie nt w a y o f 
    recording silence. See 7.10, “REC MUTE (record-
    in g silen ce)”.
    • If the tape counter s hows a negative value, you can-
    no t reco rd  on  th e t ap e at th at p os ition . 
    5 .2 .1 Pr e pa ri ng  to r e co rd
    If  y ou have  no t a lre a dy lo ade d a fo r ma tt e d 
    blank  tap e, do s o now.
    Make sure th at varisp eed is  turned off. Check  
    VARI SP E ED in dicator 7.6, “Vari speed 
    (pitch control)”.
    Select the recording source (see 5.3, “Input 
    selectio n”) as  either all dig ita l, a ll ana log  or a 
    mixture of these sources. The DA-78HR con-
    ta ins a “ pat c h bay ” w hic h allo w s you  t o r out e  
    inputs to  tra cks.
    5.2.2 Selecting a clock source
    If you have  selected  a di gital  source, you should 
    select the word clock mas ter using the 
    This can either be an external word clock con-
    nected to th e rear pan el BNC 
    WO RD  I N con -
    nector, or it can be the SPDIF (
    COA XIAL) 
    digita l a udio  s igna l.  T he a ppropria te  indica to r 
    to  the right of th e time counter will lig ht.
    Alternatively, if both of these are li t, the unit 
    will serve a s  the wo rd clock  mas ter in  th e  audi o 
    sys tem.
    Remember that there must be one, and only one, 
    w ord clock master  unit i n a digital audio system.
    5.2.3 Write-protecting cassettes
    You cannot record on a cassette where t he write-pro-
    t ect tab has been closed (write-prot ected). 
    							5 - Basic operations
     TA SCA M DA -7 8 HR 29
    Hi8  cas sette write tabs  wo rk  in the o ppo site man ner 
    to DAT cass ettes , and “closed” means “write-
    If the tape is writ e-p ro tect ed , eject the tape, op en th e 
    write-protect tab, replace the cas sette, and try again.
    • Sony Hi8 cassettes (and those from some other 
    manufacturers) have the words “SAVE” (write-pro-
    tected) and  “REC” (wri te-enabled) mol ded  into the 
    cassette sh ell b y the p ro tection  tab.
    5.2.4 Recording the first tracks (i)
    Arm  the tracks on which you wis h to record.
    Press the 
    REC  F UNCTION ke y of  th es e  t r ac ks ; 
    the  indica to r wil l s ta rt  flas hing.
    Adjus t the i nput s igna l lev el s so that th e track 
    meters read high, but the 
    OV ER s egment  does 
    not light.
    Ho ld dow n th e 
    RE CORD key, a nd  press  th e 
    PL AY key. The ta pe will s ta rt mo ving  and 
    reco rdi ng will start. 
    RE C FUNCTION indic a to r s of  all ar me d 
    tra cks will l ight stea dily.
    When you start record ing, the point at which 
    re c o rdi ng st ar t s is au to mat ic all y st or e d into  
    memory  for punch-in purpos es .
    To stop  recording and stop  the tape, press  the 
    ST O P key. You can a lso press the PL AY key, 
    which will  co ntin ue the ta pe movement, bu t 
    stop recording.
    5.2.5 Recording  the basic tracks (ii)
    Th is is an altern ative meth od o f recordin g bas ic 
    tracks  on a blank, formatted tape.
    Arm the tracks and adjust the levels as 
    described in [1 ] an d [2 ] ab ove (5.2.4 , “ Reco rd-
    ing  the first tracks (i)”).
    RE C FUNCTION indic a to r s of  all ar me d 
    tra cks will fla sh.
    Press the 
    PL AY key. The ta pe wi ll s ta rt mo ving .
    When you reach the p oint at  which you want  to 
    start recording, press  the 
    RE CORD key.
    RE C FUNCTION indic a to r s of  all ar me d 
    tra cks will l ight stea dily.
    The p oint a t which reco rding starts is automa t-
    ically  s to red into  memo ry fo r punch-i n 
    purposes .4
    Stop recording as described above.
    5. 2. 6 Replaying  the fi rst tracks
    Wh en  yo u have po sitio ned  th e tape at th e begin nin g 
    of the recording you have  just made (or at the pre-roll 
    point), you can start  playing back t he tape.
    Tur n o f f  th e 
    RE CORD FUNC TION switch  of the 
    track you have just recorded (not com pulsory, 
    but recommended, as  this  will prevent y ou 
    fro m a ccidenta lly hittin g the 
    RE CORD key  a nd 
    going into record mode, overwriting what you 
    have already recorded).
    Rewind the tape to th e po int tha t yo u sta rted 
    recording and press  
    5. 3 I np u t s e l ec t i on
    Th is  section  d escrib es h ow t o ch oo se all  analo g  or all 
    dig ital i np ut so urces  wh en reco rdin g with th e DA-
    78 H R.  Fo r o the r  ro utin g p ro c ed ur e s,  se e  b e low  
    (5.3.2, “Input patchbay routing”).
    Press  the 
    SH IF T key  s o that the unit is in shift 
    mod e (
    SHIFT i ndicator is flas hing).
    Press  the 
    ME NU key until th e dis play  s hows 
    AUDIO. 1 -- (AUDIO1 --).
    Press  the 
    SU B ME NU key until the disp lay  
    briefly  s hows 
    IN. PAT CH (IN PATC H) an d t he n 
    changes to the curren t setti ng.
    To change between all analog and all digital 
    inputs, pres s the s a nd t key s  (
    A LL ANALG – all a nalo g)  or  ALL DGTL (A LL 
     – a ll di gital).
    In the above two setti ngs, the inputs are 
    map pe d t o the  tr a c ks on a o ne - to -o ne  ba si s  ( i .e .  
    input 1  i s rou ted  to  tra ck  1 ,  input 5  i s rou ted  to  
    tr a c k 5,  et c . ).
    5. 3. 1 D ig ita l i npu t s el ec tio n
    If 7 and 8 are selected for digital i nput, the D IN (D 
    IN ) 
    menu item allows you to choose between the 
    TDIF-1 input  and the  SPDIF (COA XIAL) inp ut. 
    If the SPDIF (
    COAXIAL)  in pu t is  s elected , th ese  sig-
    na ls (
    D7 and D8) can then be routed to any track (see 
    be low,  5. 3 .2 ,  “ I np ut p a tch ba y  ro utin g” ) .
    If the SPDIF (COAXIAL) inp u t is se lecte d, it is no t 
    po s s ibl e t o u s e t he  ot he r s ix  c h an ne ls  of  t he  
    digital input. It is, however, possible to record analog  
    							5 -  Basic operations
    30 T A SC AM  D A- 78 HR
    signals or to perform track-bounce operations with 
    the SPDIF (
    COAXIAL) input selected.
    No te th at whatever d igital so urce is  s elected , th e 
    appropriate  clock mus t be s elected. If you are record-
    ing from (say) a CD player, which typicall y cannot 
    accept a word clock, as well as  from a TDIF -1 source 
    (e.g. a TASCAM dig ital mixer) th e DA-7 8HR  mus t 
    b e s et to   accep t th e  cl ock  fro m th e 
    D IGITAL IN (see 
    5.2.2, “Selecti ng a clock s ource”). This  clock must 
    th en be sen t from the 
    THRU o f the DA-7 8HR to  th e 
    IN of the TDIF-1 device, which must be s et as a 
    word sync slave.
    Press the 
    SHIFT key so that the SHIFT indicator 
    is  fla shing , a nd pres s the 
    ME NU key  un til the 
    d ispla y sho ws  
    A UDIO. 1-- (AU D I O1 - -).
    Press the 
    S UB M ENU key  until the displa y 
    D. IN (D IN) followed  by the current 
    Us e the s a nd t keys to change between 
    T DIF (TD IF) an d SP D (S PD IF —COAX IAL).
    You c annot use the SPDI F (COAX IAL) output  f rom the 
    s ub-mixer while acc epting a s ignal f rom the SPDI F 
    COAX IA L) input .
    Yo u mu s t  us e  a  t ap e fo r mat t e d at  t he  s am pli ng  f r e-
    quency of this input (i.e. you cannot use the SPDIF 
    COAX IAL) input to record a CD on a 48kHz tape. 
    Varispeed is also  not  possible when  recording using 
    this input.
    5 .3 .2 In put pa tch bay  r outi ng
    To route inputs to t racks  whos e numbers do not cor-
    resp on d to th ose o f the in pu ts, o r to  mix  t he typ es of 
    in pu t sou rce (dig ital, an alog  o r o ff-tap e):
    Follo w s teps  1   thro ugh  3  in  5 .3 , “Input  selec-
    t io n” ab ove ,
    Press the 
    R EC FU NCTION key  of  the  t r ac k to  
    whi ch  the  input will  be  routed.
    The di splay  ch anges to sh ow the  track nu mber 
    of the destination track, together with the 
    s ource (e.g. 
    TRK 1 A1 (TRK1  A1) shows that 
    track 1 h as been selected, and  that analog 
    in put 1  i s the so urce.
    Us e the s a nd t key s to  cha ng e the input 
    s ource from 
    A1 throug h A8 (a nalo g  1  throug h 
    D1 throug h D8 (digita l 1  thro ugh  8) a nd T1 
    throug h 
    T8 (track 1 through 8).5
    To select a no ther destinatio n track, press that 
    tr a c k’s REC
     FUNC TION key  a nd repea t the 
    pro cess.
    If your setting resul ts in al l tr acks being fed on a one-
    t o -o ne  ba s is  fr om  t h e s a me  i np ut  s ou rc e  (an a log  or  
    d ig ital ), th e d ispl ay will  ch an g e to sh ow this, a few 
    s e c o nd s  a f t er t h e pa t c hb ay  op e rat io n t h at  c au s ed  
    this to be the case.
    The meters  can  be used  to s ee  the 
    patchbay assignment using the 
    meters , as shown here. Each 
    meter gives the status of its corre-
    spondingly-numbered track.
    SHIFT and one of the RE C 
     ke ys  ( a s de s cr ib e d in 
    4 .1.1, “Peak meters”) t o tog gle 
    th is m et er  mo de  of f a n d on .  T h e 
    d efau lt at p ower-on  is fo r th is 
    m od e  to be  on .
    B ecau se of the limitat ion s of the 
    n umber of meter s eg men ts av ail-
    able, each segment  is  used to rep-
    resen t two  in pu t p os sibil ities. The  top  th ird  is  used  to  
    s how track so urces , th e mid dle third is  u sed for dig i-
    t al, and  the lower th ird  fo r an al og  s ou rces.
    With  a digital  recorder s uch as  the DA-78HR,  track 
    cro sstalk  is  almos t n eglig ible  (better th an  90 dB   at 
    1 kH z ) . Fo r th is re a so n,  yo u do  no t ha ve  to w or ry  so  
    m u ch  a bou t the  c on str a ints  o f c h oo sing  ph ysic a l 
    t rack locat ions as  you do with analog recordings.
    5 .3 .3 Tra ck  b oun ci ng
    If you need to copy a track to another track at any 
    t ime in th e recordin g p ro ces s, rememb er that track  
    c o py ing  i n the  di gita l do ma in  w il l a d d no  no ise  or  
    d isto rtion . A dig ital co py  is  a “clo ne” of the origi nal, 
    a n d n o los s of  qu ali ty is inc u rr e d .
    Th e DA-7 8HR  allows  y ou  to cop y track s dig itally, 
    and you can use the internal sub-mixer (see 7.4, 
    “Sub-mixer”) to combine all tracks  (level and pan 
    can be  set)  to t racks  7  and 8. 
    B e cau se the  DA- 78 HR al so a llow s a  tr ack to be  
    r eplayed  and recorded onto itself,  al l eight  tr acks  can 
    be m ixed i nternal ly and merged into tracks 7 and 8.
    Th e b asic  meth od  for  go ing   abo ut  this  is :
    Exi t shift m ode and  enter the 
    MI X DOWN mode.
    T 7/8
    T 5/6
    T 3/4
    T 1/2
    D 5/6
    D 3/4
    D 1/2
    A 7/8
    A 5/6
    A 3/4
    A 1/2 
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