Tascam Digital Multitrack Recorder DA-78HR Owners Manual
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TASCAM DA-78HR 71 12 - Options, specifications and reference 12.1Options for the DA-78HR You can purchase a number of options through your TASCAM dealer. 12.1.1 RC-898 remote control unit Th is fu ll-fu nctio n remo te co ntrol u nit can con trol up to six DTRS u nits , in ad ditio n to VTRs an d analo g a u dio de vic e s. With 99 lo cation po int memories, and an easi ly-vis i- b le disp la y a nd de d ic ate d ke ys, this uni t r e pr e se n ts one of the most s ophisticated options available for co ntro lling a DTRS sy stem. 12.1.2 RC-828 remote control unit Up to four DTRS recorders can be controlled us ing th e RC-82 8 remo te co ntrol , with jo g/s hu ttle co ntro l, transport and track arming controls, and twelve loca- ti on p oin ts. 12.1.3 RC-808 remote control unit For transport and track arming, etc. of a singl e DTRS unit. 1 2 .1 .4 I F-A E8 AES/ EBU di gita l au dio c onv er te r Converts between TDIF-1 and AES/EBU (or SPDIF) fo rmats (u p to eig ht ch an nels ). Th is u nit can be us ed effectively in dig ital v id eo situ ati ons , etc. 12.1.5 IF-88SD SDIF-2 digital audio c onv er te r C onv erts eig ht chan nels o f di gital aud io between th e TDIF-1 and SDIF-2 format. This unit is for use with DASH fo rmat dig ital mu ltitrack recorders, etc. Th e foll owing cab les sho uld be us ed with th e u nit: 12 .1 .6 I F-TA D A DAT dig ita l a ud io converter Conv erts eig ht chan nels o f d igital aud io b etween the TDIF-1 and ADAT formats, using a “lightpipe” for connection to the ADAT i nterface-equipped unit . Th is un it is su itable fo r d ub bin g o perat ion s. 12 .1 .7 T DI F-1 EX e xte nd er b ox The TDIF-1EX extends the maximum distance over which TDIF-1 sign als can be transmitted, to a max i- mu m of 50 m ( 16 0 ft .) . 12 .1 .8 C a ble s As mentioned, TASCAM cannot accept any respon- sibi lity for d amag e cau sed by the us e o f th e wron g cables. Always consult your TASCAM dealer to s ee if there is a ready-made cable to meet your needs. The TASC AM cables to be used wi th the DA-7 8HR (at the time of writing t his man ual) are g iven in the table be low : C a bl e Pur po s e PW-SD1 IF-88SD ® S DIF- 2 PW-SD2 SDIF-2 ® IF- 88 SD Cabl e Purpose PW- 88 D 1 m ( 3 f t.) DA -7 8HR « DT R S di g it al d ubb i ng ca bl e PW- 88 D L 5 m (15 ft. ) DA-78HR « D T R S di gi t a l du bb in g ca bl e PW- 88 S 1 m ( 3 f t.) DA -7 8HR « DTRS syn c cab le PW- 2D 2 m (6 f t . ) 8- c ha nn el a na l og ba l anc ed au di o I / O c a bl e (e . g. DA -7 8H R « M1 60 0) PW- 4D 4 m (1 2 f t . ) 8- c h an ne l ana l og ba l an c ed au di o I / O c a bl e (e . g. DA -7 8H R « M1 60 0) PW-10D 10m (30 ft .) 8-channel analog balanced audio I / O c a bl e (e . g. DA -7 8H R « M1 60 0)

12 - Options, specifications and reference 72 T A SC AM D A- 78 HR 12.2 Specifications 12.2.1 Tape recorder section1 2 .2 .2 A na log in puts a nd ou tputs 12.2.3 Digital inputs and outputs 12.2.4 Remote/sync connectors 12.2.5 Word sync terminals 12.2.6 Timecode connectors 12.2.7 MIDI connectors 12.2.8 Remote control connectors For mat DTRS/DTRS- HR for mat Recording method Rot ary-head, helical-scan method Tap e type Hi 8 MP tap e / Hi 8 ME Head construction 2 x record, 2 x playback Tra c k i ng m et h od AT F ( Au t om a t i c Tra c k F i nd in g) Erasure method Overwrite D r um s p ee d 2 , 00 0 r . p. m . Tape speed 15.955 mm/ sec. Eq ui val e nt tap e spe ed 4 .2 m/s ec. Maximum recording time 108 min. (using P6-120 tape) Time to play from st op Less t han 2 sec onds F as t fo r wa r d/ r ew i nd t i m e 8 0 s e c on ds (u s i ng P6 -1 20 t a pe ) Search speed Maximum of 100 x play speed Sh ut t l e s p ee d F or w ar d a nd r ev er s e at 8. 0 , 4 . 0 , 2 . 0, 1. 0 , 0 . 5 an d 0. 2 5 pl ay s p ee d ( 1. 0 s p ee d av a il a bl e o nl y i n fo r wa rd shutt le mode) Var i s p ee d ±6 % ( 0.1 % st ep s) Pos it io ni n g a ccur acy To 1 sa mpl e Pos it ioning lock time Wit hin 8 seconds (when locating 2 DA- 78 HRs sy nce d to ge th er ) N um b er of r ec o rd i ng t r ac k s 8 Su b- c o de AB S t ra c k , SM P TE / EB U t i m ec o de facility Er r or c o rr e c t i on D ou bl e- e nc o de d R e ed -S ol om o n co de Sa m pl i ng f r eq ue nc y 4 4. 1 k H z , 4 8 k Hz Recording/playback resolution16/24 bits linear (DTRS/DTRS-HR) R ef e r enc e l ev el – 16 dB ( f ul l b it ) Cr oss- fad e t ime 1 0ms to 20 0ms ( 1 0ms i ncr eme nts) Track delay –200 to +7, 200 samples (–4 t o +15 0 ms) i n si n gl e- u ni t i ncr emen ts. Can b e se t i n samp le s o r ms. Of f s et ± 2 hou r s ( t o s am pl e ac c u ra c y ) Sync clock Internal, WORD or SPDIF AD convertors 128 times oversampling, 24-bit DS (switc hable dither) DA convert ors 128 times oversampling, 24-bit DS Su pp or t ed t i m ec o de f or m at s 3 0 d ro p, 30 no n- dr o p, 2 9. 9 7 dr op, 2 9. 9 7 n on - dr op, 25 a nd 24 f p sAnalog inputs (balanced) D-sub 25-pin female +4 d Bu I m pe dan c e: 20 k W Analog inputs (unbalanced) 8 x RCA –1 0 d BV I m pe dan c e: 10 kW Analog out puts (balanced) D-sub 25-pin female +4 d Bu I m pe dan c e: 10 k W ( l oa ded ) Analog out puts (unbalanced) 8 x RCA –1 0 d BV I m pe dan c e: 25 0W D i gi t a l I / O ( unb al a nc e d) D- s u b 2 5- pi n f em a le TDI F-1 for mat DIG ITAL INPUT/OUTPUT (COAXIAL, unbalanced)RCA connectors Re mo te in /syn c i n D- su b 1 5- pi n fema le Co nfo r ms to REMOTE IN/S YNC I N pr o t oc o l Sync out D-sub 15-pin female Co nfo r ms to REMOTE IN/S YNC I N pr o t oc o l Wor d syn c i n/ thr u BNC connector, 75 W a t TTL le ve l ( THRU au to- te r min at ed) Wor d syn c o ut BNC connector, 75 W at TTL le ve l Timecode input RCA connector Input impedance: 10 k W Input level: 0.5 Vp-p t o 10.0V p-p T i m ec o de ou t p ut RC A c on ne c t o r Out pu t i m ped an c e 10 0W Out put level: 2.0 V p-p MIDI IN, OUT, THRU (t o MIDI s t an da rd s ) Remote in 8-pin DIN connector (for use with RC-808) R e mo t e pu nc h i n/ o ut 1/ 4 ” mo no j ac k ( f o r us e w i t h op t i on al R C -3 0P f oo t s w it c h)

12 - Options, specifications and reference TA SCA M DA -7 8 HR 73 12.2.9 Physical specifications 12.2.10Power specifications 12.2.11Audio specifications 0dBu = 0.775Vrms, 0 dBV = 1.0Vrms Cha n ge s in spe c if ica tio ns a n d f e at ur e s ma y b e m a de witho ut no tice or o bl igation 482mm (19. 0 in. ) 57m m (2. 25 i n.) 132m m (5. 2 in. ) 143m m (5.6 in.) 456mm (18. 0 in. )9.5m m (0. 4 in.) 1 0 mm ( 0 .4 i n .) 330m m (13 in. ) 432mm (17. 0 in. ) S i ze ( i nc l ud i ng f ee t ) w x h x d482 x 143 x 350 (mm) 1 9 x 5. 6 x 13 . 8 (i n ) W ei g ht 8 . 1 k g (1 7. 8 l bs ) Po we r re qu i re m en t s U SA/ C ana da 1 20 VAC , 6 0 H z U. K. / E ur op e 23 0 VAC , 5 0 H z Aus tralia 240 VAC, 50 Hz Po we r c on s um pt i on 34 W Applicable Elect romagnet ic EnvironmentE4 Peak inrush current 16.5 A F r eq ue nc y r es pon s e 2 0 Hz to 20 kHz ±0.5 dB S i gn al - t o- no i s e r at i o ( Fs=48 kHz, 2 2 k LPF an d A-weight )> 1 04 d B DTRS- HR > 1 00 d B DTRSDynamic range (F s = 48 k H z , 2 2 k LP F an d A - we i g h t )> 104 dB DTRS-HR >95dB DTRS Total harmonic distort ion < 0.004% (DTRS-HR) < 0.005% (DTRS) Ch an ne l s ep ar at io n > 90 dB at 1k H z Wow and flutter Unmeasurable

Index A - F 74 T A SC AM D A- 78 HR A a borting the forma t proc ess 28 ABS a nd time code 52 AB S f rame ra te 52 ABS setting 53 ABS time 52 absolute and relative difference 60 absolute difference 60 absolute time s e e “AB S t i me ” a djusting pa ra me ter value s 21 a dvanc ed output options 44 AL L AN ALOG setting 31 AL L I NPU T 14, 36 a mbie nt temper ature 8 a nalog inputs 72 a nalog inputs ( balanc ed) 16 a nalog inputs ( unbalanc ed) 16 a nalog outputs 72 sync hronizing with time code 55 a nalog outputs ( balanc ed) 16 a nalog outputs ( unbalanc ed) 16 a udio conne ctions 17 Audio spec if ic ations 73 a udio spec ifications 73 AU DIO1 menu 23 AU DIO2 menu 24 AU TO IN/OUT (OFFSET) ke y a nd indicator 14 AU TO MO N 14, 36 auto play 39 autolocation 38 se e location points automatic park position setting 59 a utoma tic punc h point setting 32 a vailable re cording and pla ybac k time 11 B ba ckup me mory initialization 69 ba la nce d a nalog a udio c onnections 17 ba sic ope ra tions 27 BER s e e “B l ock Error R at e” block er ror ra te ( BER) 68 bypa ssing time code er rors 60 C cables 71 c anc elling machine of fset 48, 59 c anc elling time code off set 59 cassette types 9 C HAS E key 15 c has e m ode 48 c has e t o t i m ecode 58 c hec king a nd editing and ma nually enter ing loc ation points 38 checking drum time 69c hec ki ng er ror ra t es 68 c hec king exte rnal time code 57 checking head time 69 c hec king loca tion points 38 c hec king the fra me mode of striped time code 58 c hec king ver sion number s 69 c l ea ning t he heads 68 CLEA R (P RE ROLL) key 14 c lock source in a digital studio 8 c ondensa tion 9 c ondensa tion (dew ) 9 c onnec tions digital audio 17 crossfade time 41, 65 c ursor keys 22 D DA-38 47 DA-88 47 DA-98 47 D ATA/LEVE L knob 22 de fa ult values (re setting) 21 de laying tr acks 39 de w war ning 9 digital audio c onnec tions 17 digital dubbing 50 digital I/O 16 D IGI TAL I N, OUT (C OAX IAL) 16 digital input se lec tion 29 D igital inputs and outputs 72 digital outputs synchroniz ing with time code 55 dither 31, 43 dr um time 69 DTRS 10 em ul at i on 45 mode ls (diff er ence s) 47 synchroniz ation 47 synchroniz ation (e rror messa ges) 51 dubbing 50 E edit/pan setting mode 40 e diting location points 38 e l ec tr ic al cons i dera t ions 9 emulation 45 e nabling a nd disabling MMC 62 e nvironmental conditions 8 error rates 68 external timecode 57 external timecode sources 57 F f ast linea r timec ode (LTC) output 55 f ootsw itc h 16, 18 formatting 27, 50

Index G - O TASCAM DA-78HR 75 frame mode 53 striped timecode 58 frame rate 53 ABS timing 52 G ge ner ating time code 56 ge ner ator mode s 56 gr ounding 9 H he ad cl ea ni ng 68 head time 69 H R mode 7–8 emphasis 8 I ID s ee m ac hine I D I F- 88SD SD IF-2 digital a udio c onverte r 71 I F- AE8 A ES/EBU digital audio c onver te r 71 I F- TAD ADAT digita l audio conve rter 71 “indirect” word sync 19 individual c lock mode 51 individual r ec ording while cha sing time code 60 input pa tchba y routing 30 input se lection 29 input timecode display 54 input w ord le ngth 31 inputs a nd output spe cifica tions 72 inputs a nd outputs 72 installing the DA-78HR 9 inter rupting a re hea rsal or punc h r ec ording 34 L “ Lef t” a nd “ right” keys 22 line-up oscillator 43 L OC 1 ( MEMO 1) ke y 15 L OC 2 ( MEMO 2) ke y 15 location 7 MEMO 1 and MEMO 2 38 loc ation a nd playba ck 38 loc ation points 38 aut o pl a y 38 aut o-re pea t 39 editing 38 locating 38 setting pre-roll time 38 L TC output 55 M machine ID 47, 58 master/slave settings 47 setting 48 timecode 58ma chi ne off s et 48, 65 ma i n te n an c e me n u 26 ma nually e ntering loc ation points 38 master/slave settings 47–48 ma ster/slave settings (CHA SE mode) 48 ME tape s 10 menu interface 20 me nu mode exiting 21 me nus 7, 21 sub-menus 21 meter ballistics 42 me ter modes 42 me t ers 42 MIDI 7 conne ctors 15, 18, 72 control 62 Contr ol Change 65 func tions 18 ID 62 implementation chart 67 machine c ontr ol 18, 63 menu 25 MIDI timecode 18 MIDI time code c onnec tions 18 MMC 62 settings 25 Sys t em Excl us i ve 65 timecode 18 MIXDO WN (LEVE L/PAN) ke y a nd indica tor 15 mixdown mode 40 MMC bitmap array 63 commands 62 ena ble a nd disable 62 monitoring 7, 36 monitor mode summa ry 37 shuttle 36 MP ta pes 10 MTC 18 MTC output 54 multiple D TRS units 18 N nthe sizing 56 O offse t DTRS synchr oniz ation 48 setting 49 timecode 58 options 71 PW -88S ( cable ) 47 RC-808 re mote c ontr ol unit 71 RC-828 re mote c ontr ol unit 71 RC-898 re mote c ontr ol unit 71 TDIF-1EX e xte nder box 71

Index P - S 76 T A SC AM D A- 78 HR oscillator 43 output a dvanc ed options 44 pa tchba y 44 w ord le ngth 44 ove rdubbing 31 P parameter values, adjusting 21 park position 59 pe ak hold time 42 pe ak me ters 15, 20 Physic al specif ic ations 73 physica l spec ifica tions 73 pitch control s e e “va ri s peed” pl ayba ck (r epea t ) 39 playba ck time s 11 post-roll time see also “pre-roll time” 33 ~ IN (POWER IN) 16 powe r cor d 7 powe r spec if ic ations 73 powe r supply 9 powe ring the unit of f a nd on 9 pr e-r oll and post- roll (punc h) 33 pre-roll time editing 33 location 38 pr opagation delay 39 punc h-in a nd punc h-out 32 punc h-in mode 35 exiting 35 punc h-ins crossfade times 41 interrupting 34 introduc tion 32 recording 34 r ehe arsing 34 r eplaying 34 se tting points 32 se tting punch points 32–33 R r ack mounting 9 REC FUNCTIO N ke ys and indicator s 15 REC MUTE (r ec ording silence ) 43 rec mute function 43 r echa sing time code 60 r ecommende d ta pes 9 RECORD key 14 r ecor di ng e mphasis 8 r ecor ding punch- ins 34 r ecor ding silence ( REC MU TE) 43 r ecor ding the oscilla tor 43 recording time 11r ec ording timecode 55 from external sources 57 using the gener ator 56 r ec ording timecode f rom e xterna l sourc es 57 r ec ording while for ma tting 28, 51 r ec ta ngular dithe r 44 r ehe arsing punch-ins 34 relative difference 60 relative humidity 8 Re mote c ontr ol conne ctors 72 REMOTE IN 15, 18 R EMOTE IN /S YNC IN 15 R EMOTE P UNC H I N/OUT 16 Re mote /sync c onnector s 72 REPEAT (MENU) ke y a nd indica tor 15 r epe at f unction 39 r epe at pla y 39 r eplaying punche d mate rial 34 r ese tting pa ra me ters 21 r estoring se ttings from ta pe 45 S sa mpling fre quenc y 31 sa ving settings to ta pe 45 se lecting a c lock sour ce 27–28 se lecting dither se ttings 44 se lecting input word le ngth 31 selecting TC or ABS timing 52 se lecting the f rame mode 53 se lecting the timecode sour ce 55 selecting timecode or absolute timing 52 se tting a non-standar d spe ed 41 se tting defa ult par amete r va lues 21 se tting loc ation points 38 setting machine ID 48 s e t ti ng ma chi ne off s et 48 se tting ma chine off set “ on the fly” 49 se tting MEMO 1 and MEMO 2 “on the f ly” 38 se tting punch points “ on the fly” 32 se tting punch points using the f ront pa nel 33 se tting punch points using the me nus 33 setting the location pre-roll time 38 se tting timec ode offse t “on the fly” 59 settings restoring from ta pe 45 saving to ta pe 45 SHI FT key and indic ator 14 shift mode 20 shifte d ke ys 20 shuttle 42 shuttle monitoring 36, 42 shuttle muting 36, 42 shuttle operations 42 S HUT TLE/DATA knob 22 sine oscillator 43 sof tw are upgr ade s 70 sof tw are ve rsi on 69 sof tw are ve rsion numbe rs 69

Index T - W TASCAM DA-78HR 77 SPDIF connec tors 18 input/output 16 Specifications 72 STOP ke y 14 sub- fra me va lues 22 sub- me nus 21 sub- mixe r 40 input source s 41 ma ste r level 40 setting levels and pan positions 40 summar y of monitor modes 37 sync hroniza tion connec tions 18, 47 formatting 50 PW -88S ca ble 47 with other DA units 47 with other DTRS units 47 synthe siz ing time code fr om ABS timing 56 SYSTEM menu 23 T ta pe brands 10 tape errors 68 ta pe head cle aning 68 ta pe le ngth 11 T ape re corde r sect i on 72 tape timecode 52 ta pe type s 9 DTR S 10 MP and ME 10 ta pes ME 10 MP 10 pla ybac k a nd re cor ding time s 11 TC chase menu 25 T C gene rator menu 25 TC menu 24 T C time 52 T C timing 52 T DIF -1 ( DIG ITAL I/ O) 16 test tone 43timecode 7, 52 ABS times 52 absolute and rela tive diffe re nce 60 bypassing e rror s 60 cha s ing 58 conne ctions 16, 18 ext er nal 54, 57 ext er nal sour ce s 57 fa st LTC 55 fra m e mode 53 fra m e rat e 53 from digita l source 57 from tape 55 gene rator 55 input 54 input timing 54 LTC output 55 m achi ne I D 58 MTC 18 offse t 58–59 output 54 output during f ast ope ra tions 55 output timing 55 par k position 59 par k position when cha sing 59 re chas i ng 60 re cordi ng from ext er nal sourc es 57 selec ting the sour ce 55 synthe sizing f rom ABS timing 53, 56 TC time 52 Time code c onnector s 72 timec ode output 54 timecode time see “TC time” tr ac k bounc ing 30 tr ac k c ontr ols 15 tr ac k c opy ena ble 66 setup 66 tr ac k de la y 39, 65 tr ansport keys a nd c ontrols 13 U unbalanc ed ana log audio connec tions 17 V varispe ed 7, 41 W word clock conne ctions 18 word le ngth 31 word sync 16 Word sync terminals 72 write-protecting cassettes 28

TEAC CORPORATION Phone: (0422) 52-5082 3-7-3, Nakacho, Musashino-shi, Tokyo 180-8550, Japan TEAC AMERICA, INC. Phone: (323) 726-0303 7733 Telegraph Road, Montebello, California 90640 TEAC CANADA LTD. Phone: 905-890-8008 Facsimile: 905-890-9888 5939 Wallace Street, Mississauga, Ontario L4Z 1Z8, Canada TEAC MEXICO, S.A. De C.V Phone: 5-658-1943 Privada De Corina, No.18, Colonia Del Carmen Coyoacon, Mexico DF 04100 TEAC UK LIMITED Phone: 01923-819699 5 Marlin House, Marlins Meadow, The Croxley Centre, Watford, Herts. WD1 8YA, U.K. TEAC DEUTSCHLAND GmbH Phone: 0611-71580 Bahnstrasse 12, 65205 Wiesbaden-Erbenheim, Germany TEAC FRANCE S. A. Phone: 17 Rue Alexis-de-Tocqueville, CE 005 92182 Antony Cedex, France TEAC BELGIUM NV/SA Phone: 0031-30-6048115 P.A. TEAC Nederland BV, Perkinsbaan 11a, 3439 ND Nieuwegein, Netherlands TEAC NEDERLAND BV Phone: 030-6030229 Perkinsbaan 11a, 3439 ND Nieuwegein, Netherlands TEAC AUSTRALIA PTY.,LTD. A.C.N. 005 408 462 Phone: (03) 9644-2442 106 Bay Street, Port Melbourne, Victoria 3207, Australia TEAC ITALIANA S.p.A. Phone: 02-66010500 PRINTED IN JAPAN 1099S1.5 MA-0324A È DA-78HR