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Tascam Digital Multitrack Recorder DA-78HR Owners Manual

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    							8 - Synchronization with other  DTRS  units
     TA SCA M DA -7 8 HR 51
    Press the C HAS E ke y o n all of  th e sl ave  D TR S 
    u nits . Th e indi ca tor will fla sh.
    P ress 
    FORMAT/Fs twice within  five  seconds ,  on 
    each of the DTRS units (m aster and all s laves) 
    s o al l ma c hine s ar e  re a dy t o st ar t  fo rm at tin g.  
    If you press the 
    CLE AR key while the FORMAT 
    in dicator is lit stea dily, yo u will cancel the fo r-
    mat operation.
    S elect the same samp ling rate (48 kHz or 
    44.1 k Hz) on each DTRS unit.
    Any slave DTRS  uni t which has  a different 
    s ampl ing frequency selected  from that selected 
    o n th e ma ster will dis play  a n erro r mes sag e.
    P ress an d h old 
    PLAY a nd p ress  RECORD on 
    the master. All sl ave units’ 
    CH AS E indicators 
    will  lig ht s tea dily, a nd the tapes will start to  b e 
    forma tted in sy nchro nization .
    8 .5 .1 R ec or din g w hil e  for ma tting
    As with a single-machine format (5.1.4, “Recording 
    wh ile fo rmatting ”), it is po ssib le to reco rd  while fo r-
    matting  on  multi ple machi nes.
    You may want to use this feature when making a live 
    multi-mach ine  reco rd ing ,  and  there h as  n ot b een time 
    to  fo rmat all th e tap es  in  ad van ce of the performan ce.
    R ememb er th at y ou  sho uld  let t he tapes run  to  the 
    en d—y ou  s ho uld  n ot  h alt th e  fo rmatting /reco rdin g 
    p ro cess part of the way throu gh  the tape.
    8 .6 Ind iv id ua l clo ck  mo de
    There are some circums tances where it may be nec-
    ess ary to us e independent reference clocks on  a chain 
    of DTRS units when TC ti me mode (see 9.2, “Tape 
    timecode mode”) is selected.Th ere are two settin gs , 
    AUTO and INDVID (individ-
    AUTO is the default, and  th e u nit b eh aves as fo l-
    l ows when th is is selected.
    In  in div idu al mod e, th e u nit  b ehaves  as  follows :
    Press the 
    SHI F T  ke y s o t hat  t he  SHIFT in dicator 
    is fla shing , a nd press the 
    MENU key,  until  the 
    counter s hows 
    SYST EM-- (SYST EM--).
    Press the SUB MENU key  until the displa y 
    briefly  s hows 
    CLOk. MO DE (CLOK MODE) a nd 
    then changes to the current s etting.
    Use the s a nd t keys to change between the 
    AUTO (AU T O) a nd INDViD (INDV ID) mo des.
    8.7 Error messages
    These error messages refer to DTRS 
    s yn c hr on iz a tion :
    E . DIO (E DIO)—ap pears  i f th e d igital cable is no t 
    connected. Re-connect  the correct cable to the 
    D IGITAL I/O connector.
    E . CLOC (E CLOC)—appears  when the  sync cable  is 
    not  connected, the master has been turned off, or the 
    master’s sampling frequency is different from that of 
    t he slave unit’s. Recheck thes e parameters.
    If eit her of these messages appears, correct the fault 
    t o retu rn to n ormal op eratio n.
    Sl ave u ni t’s 
    Time ModeMaster DA-78HR Slave DA-78HR units
    ABSA ll  clo ck  so urces D TRS s yn c
    TCIn tern al In tern al
    Word sync DTRS sync
    Sl ave u ni t’s 
    Time ModeMaster DA-78HR Slave DA-78HR units
    A ll  clo ck  so urcesDTRS sync
    TCIn tern al, 
    WO RD or 
    							52 TASCAM DA-78HR
    9 -  Operations  related  to timecode
    The DA-7 8HR con tains  s yn chron ization  facilities, 
    in clud ing  a SMPTE/ EBU timecod e g en erato r, wh ich 
    allow it to act either as  a timecode master or a time-
    code slave when connected i n a ti mecode chain.
    If timecod e is  recorded   on  tap e,  a  sp ecial  d iscrete 
    s ubcode track is us ed, which leaves all eight  tracks 
    free for recording and playback of audio material. 
    No te th at this su bco de is available bo th as analo g 
    SMPTE/EBU timecode and  also as  MTC.
    The DA-7 8HR is ab le to  syn chron ize with  ex tern al 
    timecode devices, even if the DA-78HR tape has  not  
    b e e n s tri pe d,  by c onv er tin g its inte r na l se rv o sub c od e  
    (ABS) to timecode “on-the-fly”.
    A full ran ge o f op tio ns is p ro vid ed fo r fu ll co mp ati-
    b ility with  t he widest p oss ible ran ge o f oth er eq uip -
    9.1 ABS and timecode
    In so me p arts o f th is man ual we will u se the ph ras es  
    “ABS ” and “TC”. Here, we explain these two differ-
    ent ti ming  reference methods  and  the differences  
    between them.
    9.1.1 ABS time
    “ABS ” stands  for “Absolute”, and is  the absolute 
    time of t he tape as recorded on t he subcode of the 
    tap e. This  timin g starts at th e begin nin g o f th e tap e 
    with  a valu e o f 0 0:0 0:0 0:0 0. This is  th e ti min g refer-
    ence used when the DA-78HR is not using timecode.
    Timecode contains a fixed number of frames  per sec-
    ond. However, the ABS method of ti ming works  in a 
    s ligh tly di fferent  way.
    In three seconds of time, t here are 100 frames. Thes e 
    frames  are  allo cated  as  fo llows:
    Thi s pattern is repeated every t hree seconds, as  you 
    will  no tice  when  yo u s et frame values  us ing  the menu  
    s ystem in  ABS  mo de. Wh en  mu ltiple DTRS  un its are 
    connected  toget her in  DTRS s ync mode,  the master 
    u nit always o utp uts ABS  timin gs to  th e slav e u nit (s).
    9.1.2 Tape timecode
    “TC” stands for timecode, and is shown whenever a 
    timecod e valu e is used  rath er than  the ABS value. 
    The timecode may be int ernal or external and can be received and trans mitted  v ia th e MIDI  con nectors,  or 
    timecode synthesized from the ABS subcode (9.2, 
    “Tape timecode mode”).
    Whether the timecode is generated or synthesized, 
    we will refer to  it as  “timecod e” in  t his manu al, to 
    d istin gu ish  i t from AB S  timin g  valu es .
    Timecode can be re-produced independently of ABS 
    t imings  and can be of  any frame format  supported  by 
    common timecode standards.
    Timing information received and transmitted fro m 
    an d to  ex tern al co ntroll ers will alway s be referenced 
    t o timeco de values .
    W hen  t he DA-78 HR is referen ced to its ab solu te 
    t imecode, the 
    ABS in dicato r to  th e left of the tape 
    co un ter will lig ht, and  wh en referen ced to timecod e 
    (internal or external),  the 
    TC ind icator will ligh t.
    9.1.3 Selecting TC or  ABS timing
    This procedure is fundamental to synchronization 
    operations. If you select absolute timing mode when 
    you want to synchronize with tim ecode, you wil l be 
    unable to synchronize the DA-78HR. 
    To change between  the  two  different  time reference 
    modes, perform the following procedure:
    Press the 
    SHI F T  ke y s o t hat  t he  SHIFT in dicator 
    is fla shing , a nd then p ress  the 
    ME NU key so  
    tha t  t he  displa y  sho ws 
    SYSTEM- - 
    Press the 
    SUB MENU key  until the displa y 
    briefly  shows 
    TIM E. MODE (TIME MODE) fol-
    lowed by 
    T. Md. ; ;; (T  MD  x xx)—the curren t 
    setting  for this para meter, as described below.
    Use the s a nd t keys to select either 
    ABS) or TC (TC) (the default  is ABS).
    The appropriate in dicator by the time dis play 
    will l ight. 
    9.2 Tape timecode mode
    The fol lowing procedure  allows  you t o  select  the 
    source for tape timecode (including using ABS tim-
    i ngs, which are used to synt hesize SMPTE/EBU 
    t imecode. Thi s synthesi zed timecode is treated 
    exactl y as if a tape had been striped wi th timecode).
    Press the 
    SHI F T  ke y s o t hat  t he  SHIFT in dicator 
    is fla shing , a nd press the 
    MENU key  u ntil  the 
    displa ys  s how s 
    TC-- (TC--).
    SecondNu mbe r  of  
    fr amesMaxi mum frame 
    value displayed
    00 – 01 33 32
    01 – 02 33 32
    02 – 03 34 33 
    							9 -  Operations  related  to timecode
    53 T A SC AM  D A- 78 HR
    Press the S UB M ENU key  until the displa y 
    briefly shows 
    TAPE. T C (TAPE T C),  fo l l ow e d 
    b y th e current setting.
    Us e the s a nd t keys to change the value of 
    this  parameter  between 
    TC  TRK (TC TRK) a nd 
    TC TRK means  that timecode recorded on the 
    ta pe will be used a s the so urce fo r the 
    CONV ABS mea ns tha t th e ABS time (s ubcode) 
    will  be converted to  timeco de a nd output as 
    9.2.1 TAPE TC setting
    You  sho uld  on ly us e th is settin g if y ou  have alread y 
    s trip ed the d ed icated timeco de track  with timeco de 
    (either from an external source or from the DA-
    7 8H R ’s ow n inte r n al g e ne r at or ).
    If you have selected 
    TC TRK f ro m  th e  m e nu   ab ov e,  
    any  timecod e reco rded  on  th e tap e  will b e u sed  as th e 
    tape timecode source. 
    9.2.2 ABS setting
    If you have selected CONV  ABS i n the menu above, 
    th e AB S sub cod e time from the tape will be us ed as 
    th e timecod e,  with  th e s tart  o f  the  tape  h av ing  a  time-
    c o de  va lue  of  00 :00 :00 . 00 , a s w ith  th e  AB S c od e 
    its elf. 
    The timecode frame rate used  will b e the frame rate 
    as selected in 9.3, “Select ing the frame mode”)
    I f  yo u a re  u s in g A BS  ti min gs  a s  t im ec o de , t h e ho ur s , 
    m inu tes a nd  se con d s of th e A B S  ti me  will  cor re spo nd  
    to the converted ti mecode, unles s
     t he  fr am e ra te  is  
    set to 29.97 non-drop or 30 drop. In these cases, the 
    difference between ABS values and timecode values 
    wi ll be  ab ou t  2 s ec o n ds  pe r h ou r.
    9.3 Selecting the frame mode
    The DA-78HR can use the following standards for 
    timecode (including timecode synt hesized by the 
    AB S to   TC  facility): When using the DA-78HR to chase to a timecode 
    master, the system frame mode on t he DA-78HR 
    mu st match th e frame mo de of the timeco de mas ter, 
    otherwise chase operat ions are not possible.
    The s ystem frame mode is automatically set when a 
    tape which has been striped with timecode is 
    i nserted, (o r if power is switched  on  with  a st rip ed 
    t ape already inserted in the unit). The frame mode 
    record ed  o n  the  tap e will  be u sed  as  the s ystem frame 
    However, the system frame mode may be changed 
    f o llow ing  the  pr oc e d ur e  b e low.  
    Th e s ystem frame mo de will determi ne the typ e o f 
    t imecode out put, even if it differs  from the tape time-
    code (the type of which can be viewed as described 
    i n 9. 5 .8 , “Ch e c kin g th e f ra m e  mo de  of  str ipe d tim e -
    The DA-78HR als o outputs timecode synthesized 
    from the ABS code (
    CONV ABS) a s d e sc rib e d in 9. 2,  
    “Tape timecode mode”) us ing the frame mode set 
    Th e DA-7 8HR ’s internal timeco de gen erato r also  
    u ses th is frame mod e wh en gen eratin g timeco de.
    To change the s ys tem  frame  rate:
    Press the 
    SHI F T  ke y s o t hat  t he  SHIFT in dicator 
    is fla shing , a nd press the 
    MENU key  u ntil  the 
    displa ys  s how s 
    TC-- (TC--).
    Press the 
    SUB MENU key  until the displa y 
    briefly  shows 
    FRM . modE (F RM MO DE),  fo l -
    lowed by the current s ystem setting for this 
    parameter (e.g. 
    Sys 29d F (SYS 29DF)).
    Use the s
     and t keys  to select the frame mode 
    for your project.
    9.4 Timecode input and output
    Remember in this  s ection, “timecode” means 
    S PMTE/EBU timecod e wh en referri ng  to  incomin g 
    t imecode.  Outgoing t imecode  wi ll als o  refer to 
    S MPTE/EBU timeco de, u nles s MTC o utp ut is  tu rn ed 
    o n ( se e  9. 4. 4 , “M TC  ou tpu t”) .Frame mode (fps) Di spl ay
    30 non-drop30ND (30ND)
    30 drop
    30DF (30DF)
    2 9. 9 7 no n- dr op
    29ND (29ND)
    29. 97 drop (default)29DF (29DF)
    25 (25)
    24 (24)
    Frame  mode (fps)
    Di s pl a y 
    							9 - Operations related to timecode
     TA SCA M DA -7 8 HR 54
    9 .4 .1 Sh owin g i npu t tim e co de
    There are two primary reasons  for the DA-78HR to 
    receive ti mecode: when the DA-78HR is  chasing to 
    ti mecode,  and  must receive the master timecode,  and 
    wh en th e DA-7 8HR is  to  record  timecod e from 
    another unit (but see 9.5.5, “External timecode 
    s ources” below).
    To view  incoming t imecode,  follow the  procedure 
    Press the 
    SHI F T  key so that the SHIFT in dicator 
    is fla shing , then press the 
    MENU key   until  the 
    displa y sho ws 
    TC-- (TC--).
    Press the 
    SUB MENU key so that the display 
    DI sp. ;;;; (DI SP  xx xx) where xxxx is  
    the curren t settin g.
    Use the s a nd t keys to change between 
    TAPE (TAPE) (off-tape setting), EXT (EXT—
    timecode received at the timecode input) a nd 
    diff (DIFF—the  difference between the 
    received  timecode and the actual  pos ition).  Use 
    EX T to view th e received timecode.
    E ven  w he n  th e  DA- 78 HR i s in  A B S  mod e,  th is se tting  
    has some effect. If TAPE is selected here, the ABS 
    tape ti me i s shown. If DIFF is sel ected here, and the 
    DA -7 8H R is  cha sing  u sin g D TRS  sync, th e d iffe re nce  
    between the ABS time of the master unit and the 
    slave unit is shown.
    To  s how th e frame mo de of the inco min g timeco de:
    Press the 
    SHI F T  key so that the SHIFT in dicator 
    is fla shing , then press the 
    MENU key   until  the 
    displa y sho ws 
    TC-- (TC--).
    Press the 
    SUB MENU key so that the display 
    briefly  s hows 
    FRM . MODE (F RM MO DE ), fol -
    lowed by the s ystem fra me mode a s described 
    in 9. 3,  “Se le c t ing t he  f r a me  mo de ”.
    Press a nd hold the 
    SHI F T key a nd pres s the s 
    key  so t hat  t he displa y sho ws 
    E XT ;;;; (EXT 
    xx xx
    ) where xxxx is the abbreviation for the 
    external timecode fram e mode. I f no external 
    timecode i s being received, the di splay shows : 
    EXT -- (EX T  --).
    9.4.2 Timecode  input timing
    Because of the nature of analog-to-digital conver-
    s ion , th e ti mecod e in pu t  to  th e  DA-7 8HR  mus t b e 
    s ynchronized either to the audio from the digi tal  or 
    analog out puts.1
    Press th e 
    SH IF T key s o tha t  the SHIFT indicator 
    is flashi ng, then press the 
    MENU key  until the 
    displa y sh ows 
    TC-- (TC--).
    Press  the 
    SU B ME NU key so that the display 
    briefly  shows  
    I N. TC. TMG (IN  T C  T MG) a nd 
    th en  changes  to  the  cu rrent s etting.
    Use the s and t keys to change between 
    9. 4. 3 T im ec od e out p ut
    The t imecode received at the timecode input jack, or 
    the timecode recorded on tape (or s ynthesized from 
    ABS), can be output from the timecode output jack.
    When the DA-78HR is the timecode master, the 
    timeco de it ou tpu ts sho uld  be off tape.
    Howev er, wh en  the DA-78 HR is in th e midd le of a 
    timeco de ch ain, y ou  wil l p ro bab ly  wan t to  retransmit 
    the incoming timecode (the 
    OUT  fu nc tio ns  a s  a  
    THRU). This section explains how to perform these 
    op e ra tio ns.
    Press th e 
    SH IF T key s o tha t  the SHIFT indicator 
    is flashi ng, then press the 
    MENU key  until the 
    displa y sh ows 
    TC-- (TC--).
    Press  the 
    SU B ME NU key so that the display 
    sho ws  
    OUT. TC. SRC (OUT TC SR C) briefly, 
    and  then changes to the curren t settin g.
    Use the s and t keys to choos e between 
    TAP E 
     (TA PE  T C), which  includes  o ff-ta pe  and 
    sy nthes ized  timecode, 
    REGE N (RE GE N), which 
    is regenerated timecode, and 
    R ES HAP E) which is fil tered and re-trans mit-
    ted by  the DA-7 8H R.
    9. 4. 4 M T C out p ut
    It is p oss ible to s elect wheth er o r n ot the DA-7 8HR 
    outputs MIDI timecode, and under what circum-
    stances. The following functions  are available:
    •MTC output
    • MTC output in fas t modes (allows  sequencers , etc. 
    to  k eep  track )
    • MTC output when stopped
    The last two of these are dependent on the first, i.e. if 
    MTC is  s et to  be off, it can no t be ou tpu t i n fast  o r 
    stop modes. All of these are access ed from the MIDI 
    me n u:
    Press th e 
    SH IF T key s o tha t  the SHIFT indicator 
    is flashi ng, then press the 
    MENU key  until the 
    displa y sh ows 
    MIDI-- (MI DI --). 
    							9 -  Operations  related  to timecode
    55 T A SC AM  D A- 78 HR
    To s et th e MTC ou tpu t on  o r o ff:
    Press the 
    S UB M ENU key  until the displa y 
    MTC O N (MT C ON) or  MTC O FF (MT C 
    Us e the s a nd t keys to change the setting to 
    the requ ired value (on or off).
    To s et th e  M T C ou tpu t w he n  f a st or  sto ppe d :
    Press the 
    S UB M ENU key  until the displa y 
    s hows either 
    FA ST. MTC (FA S T MTC) or 
    S TOP. MTC (STOP MT C), followed by the cur-
    rent s etting (on
     or of f
    Us e the s a nd t keys to change the setting to 
    the requ ired value (on or off).
    If MIDI i s turned off usi ng the MIDI menu (10.1, 
    “ MMC e na ble  an d d is a ble ”),  MTC  o ut p ut  is  al s o 
    9.4.5 Fast  lin ear timeco de (LT C) o utpu t
    The Fast LTC  fun ction  con tro ls the way in wh ich 
    timecod e is  o utp ut wh en  fast win din g th e tap e, or if 
    s hu ttling  i s carried ou t at  g reater than n ormal p lay -
    back speed. 
    Press the 
    SHIFT key so that the SHIFT indicator 
    is  fla shing , then pres s the 
    ME NU key  un til the 
    d ispla y sho ws  
    T C-- (TC --).
    Press the 
    S UB M ENU key  so that the dis play  
    FAST  LTC (FA S T  LT C) briefly, a nd 
    then chan ges to th e current setting.
    Us e the s a nd t keys  to make the appro priate 
    There are three setting s:
    5FRM (5 FRM) s etting  means  th at t imecod e 
    in fo rmatio n is no t ou tpu t co nt inu ou sly. Here, the 
    DA-78HR reads the timecode from the tape as it i s 
    s pooling, outputs 5 consecutive frames at normal  
    s peed starting  with th e valu e wh ich h as  b een read  
    from tape, then reads the tape again, outputs  another 
    5  co nsecu tive frames based  o n the new tap e p os ition , 
    and  so on.
    LEAP (LEAP) settin g mean s that timecod e is 
    o utp ut con tin uo usly  du rin g fas t op eratio ns, and  will 
    n ot b e co ntig uo us (it will l eap  between frames).
    OFF (OFF) s ett ing  means  th at timecod e is  n ot 
    output during fast operations.
    9 .4 .6 T im ec od e  outp ut ti mi ng
    B ecau se of the natu re of the dig ital-to -an alog  co nver-
    s ion , th e t imecod e wh ich is o utp ut fro m th e DA-
    7 8HR  mu st be syn chron ized to  match the aud io  tim-
    i ng  from eith er th e d igital o r th e an al og au dio  o ut-
    p ut s, wh ichever s et o f o utp uts is  in  use at the time.
    Press the 
    SHI F T  ke y s o t hat  t he  SHIFT in dicator 
    is flashing, then press the 
    MENU key   until  the 
    displa y sho ws 
    TC-- (TC--).
    Press the 
    SUB MENU key so that the display 
    OU T. TC. TMG (OU T TC TMG) briefly, 
    and then ch anges to the current setting.
    Use the s
     a nd t keys to select between  
    D IGITAL).
    9.5 Recording timecode
    9.5.1 Selecting the timecode source
    The DA-78HR allows  you to select one of three 
    s ources for recording timecode: the DA-78HR’s 
    i nternal gen erato r, ext ern al timecod e, or timeco de 
    based on tape.
    To s elect  the s ource  for recording  timecode:
    Press the 
    SHI F T  ke y s o t hat  t he  SHIFT in dicator 
    is flashing, then press the 
    MENU key   until  the 
    displa y sho ws 
    TCG. REC-- (TCG RE C--).
    Press the 
    SUB MENU key so that the display 
    TC . REC. SRC (TC RE C SR C) br i e f l y, 
    and then ch anges to the current setting.
    Use the s
     an d t keys to select a source for the 
    tim ecode recording from the followin g options: 
    EXT (EXT),  TCG (TCG—ti mecode generator) 
    TAPE . TC (TAPE TC).
    If  y ou  select 
    TAP E. TC, the source of the tape 
    tim ecode wil l be used , as determined in the 
    ta pe  timeco de s electio n m en u (9 .2 , “ Tap e  time-
    code mod e”).
    Generally speaking, timecode should be recorded 
    from an external source only when audio tracks and 
    timecode must be transferred together from external 
    units. In all other cases, we suggest that you use the 
    internal generator or the tape as sources for record-
    ing timecode. 
    							9 - Operations related to timecode
     TA SCA M DA -7 8 HR 56
    If you are recording timecode only, we suggest  that 
    you do not use external sources for recording time-
    S et th e s ou rce to 
    TA P E T C a s de s cr ib e d imm e dia te ly  
    a b ove ,  an d u se  
    AB S  ( s e e  9 .2 . 2,  “A B S  s e t t i ng ”)   as  t h e  
    tap e t imecod e sou rce. Th is will ensu re an  accurate 
    match  between  th e timecod e an d  the  ABS  timing  ref-
    erence (the fact that the generat or mus t be started 
    manu ally mean s that there will n ot be a tig ht relation  
    b etween timeco de and  th e ABS timin g).
    Th is will als o allow yo u to  s yn chron ize multip le 
    DTRS  units  accurately to  external  timecode, even 
    though the slave units are not timecode-based.
    9.5.2 Recording timecode using the 
    Insert a formatted tape into the DA-78HR.
    It is  po ss ible to  forma t  a nd s tripe  a  new  tape 
    simultan eo usly, by settin g up th e forma tting  
    pro cedure a s described in 5 .1, “Forma tting  a  
    tape” an d then following the instructions  
    Select ti mecode as the timin g referen ce (9.1.3, 
    “Se le c t ing TC  or  A BS t iming ”) .
    Select a frame rate (9.3, “Selectin g th e frame 
    mode” ).
    Press the 
    SHI F T  key so that the SHIFT in dicator 
    is fla shing , then press the 
    MENU key   until  the 
    displa y sho ws 
    TCG. REC-- (TCG RE C--).
    Select the source  of the timecode as the internal 
    generator (9.5.1, “Selecting the timecode 
    Press the 
    SUB MENU key  until the displa y 
    briefly  s hows 
    STR T. TIME (ST RT  T I ME), fol-
    lowed by the current s tart time of the 
    Edit the generator s tart time as described in 
    4. 3,  “M e nus and  s ub-m en us”.
    To record the timecode, pres s the 
    S UB ME NU 
    key  un til th e displa y sho ws  
    TC. R EC. EN 0 (TC 
    REC  E N 0, 
    i.e. disab led ). Us e the s and t key s 
    to  ch ang e t he  se tt i ng  t o  1
    TC indicato r will start fla shin g. T his set-
    ting  will return to  
    0 (disabled) when timecode 
    recordi ng has finished.9
    To  start  the generator, p ress  the 
    SU B ME NU 
    key until the disp lay  s hows 
    TGc. S TOP (TC G 
    ST O P
    ). Then use the s or  t key  to start  the 
    generator runn ing.
    The displa y will sho w 
    T CG. RUN (TCG RU N).
    Press  a nd  hold  the 
    PL AY and  press the 
     key and th e tape will s ta rt reco rding. 
    TC indicator will  s tart flash ing faster 
    while timeco de s tripin g is go ing  o n.
    You can also start recording (steps 8 and 10) and 
    th e n s t ar t  th e t im ec o de  ge ne ra to r (s t e p 9 ).  
    If the meth od  described  ab ove (arming  the timeco de 
    track , and  then  s tartin g reco rdin g) is used , th e t ap e 
    cou nter is u sed to sh ow th e o utp ut fro m the timeco de 
    sou rce (the gen erato r) when  th e timecod e track is  
    armed, flashing when the tape is  s topped, and steady 
    when  th e tap e is  ru nn ing .
    9. 5. 3 G en er a t or  m ode s
    Wh en  the timeco de gen erato r is sto pp ed, us ing  th e 
    sub -menu  comman d to restart  th e g enerator will 
    either restart from the start t ime as set in 7, or to con -
    tinu e from t he  time  when  i t was  sto pp ed.
    Press th e 
    SH IF T key s o tha t  the SHIFT indicator 
    is flashi ng, then press the 
    MENU key  until the 
    displa y sh ows 
    TCG. REC -- (TC G RE C--).
    Press  the 
    SU B ME NU key so that the display 
    sho ws  
    TCG. MODE (TCG MODE) briefly, an d 
    th en  changes  to  the  cu rrent s etting.
    Use the s and t keys to choose between 
    RESet (RESET—re su me  st ar t  f ro m s e t  val ue ) 
    Co NT (CONT—continue from  currently 
    rea ched valu e).
    9. 5. 4 S y nt h es iz i ng t im ec od e f rom  A B S  
    ti mi ng
    When you are synthesizing timecode from ABS, the 
    tape cou nter d isp lay beh av es differently  from t he 
    way as described above. 
    Th e t ap e co un ter will n ot flas h when  t he timeco de 
    track  is  armed  an d th e tap e is sto pp ed, and  it will no t 
    display all hyphens, since the ti mecode s ource is 
    always available.
    In this case, you can start recording the t imecode at 
    any time (before or after) the tape has started 
    mo vin g. 
    							9 -  Operations  related  to timecode
    57 T A SC AM  D A- 78 HR
    9.5.5 External timecode sources
    T he  f ollo wi ng  n ote s sh ou ld  h e lp yo u w h en  yo u mu st 
    record timecode on the DA-78HR from an external 
    source (analog or digital). 
    As men tion ed earlier, yo u sho uld  o nly  n eed to record  
    timecode from an external  source  when  the audio and 
    timecod e tracks have to be tran sferred to gether, keep-
    in g a strict relation sh ip b etween  th e au dio  and  time-
    code tracks.
    In all other cases, we s uggest using either t he DA-
    78HR’s internal generator or timecode from tape. If 
    y ou  u se thes e as so urces, there will b e n o jitter p rob -
    lems, an d any  prob lems o f sy nch ro nizatio n with  th e 
    digital audio clock are elimi nated
    When recording timecode from an external digital 
    sour ce, make sur e the digital  cl ock of the DA-78H R 
    and that of the external source are synchronized. A 
    wa rn in g me ssa ge  w ill a pp ea r if the  tim eco de  sou rce  
    and the DA-78HR are not synchronized, but time-
    code can sti ll be recorded. However, the resul ti ng 
    tim ecode recording wil l pr obably cause synchroniza-
    tion problems in the future.
    When recording timecod e from an other DTRS  
    uni t,  syn c hr on iz e  the  tw o un its us ing  A B S ch a se  
    (settin g th e timecod e/au dio  sou rce u nit to b e a slave 
    u nit). After th e two  un its have been  s yn chron ized  in 
    this way, timecode and audio can be transferred 
    to geth er.
    When recording timecod e from a digital source 
    ( au dio or  v ide o), make sure that the DA-78HR and 
    th e o ther un it are lock ed  to a co mmo n word (aud io 
    recorder) clock reference. After the two machines 
    have been synchronized in this way, timecode and 
    audio can be  transferred  together.
    If your  analog recorder  cannot chase to external  time-
    code, you must first record the timecode from the 
    analog recorder  on an audio  track of the DA-78HR 
    and then transfer the timecode to the dedicated time-
    code track.
    Timecode recorded on the audi o track i n this  way is  
    s ynchronized to the audio clock, and can subs e-
    q ue n tly be  tr an sf e rr e d ( thr ou gh  pa tc hin g)  to the  tim e-
    code track.
    9 .5 .6 R ec or din g ti me c ode  fr om  e xte rn al  
    s our ce s
    Set the time mode to TC (9.1.3, “Selecting TC 
    o r AB S tim ing” ).2
    Set the timecode record source to 
    Ext (9.5.1, 
    “Selecting the timecode s ource”).
    To record the timecode, pres s the 
    S UB ME NU 
    key un til the displa y s hows 
    TC. REC. EN . 0 (TC 
    RE C E N 0
    ),  meaning that timecode recording  is 
    disabled. Use the s an d t  ke ys  t o  c ha nge   t he  
    se tt i ng  to  
    1 (1 —enabled).
    Start the external source to check the s tatus of 
    the external timecode.
    If no external timecode has  been received since 
    the DA-78HR has been switch ed  on, the tape 
    counter will s how all hyp hens. 
    If external timecod e has been received since 
    the DA-7 8H R ha s been switch ed  o n, but is not 
    currently being received, the tape counter wi ll 
    fl a sh.
    If the external tim ecode is currently being 
    received at normal (p lay) speed, the tape 
    counter will s how the va lue of the timecode 
    currently being received. If the external time-
    code is being received from a s ource i n fast 
    wind mode, the tape coun ter will fla sh.
    If the tim ecode source is not clock-synch ro-
    nized with the DA-7 8HR, a  warning will be 
    shown on the displ ay s creen. I n this  case, 
    althou gh you can record timecode, it is  not rec-
    ommend ed , a s this  will prob ably  ca use prob-
    lems later o n.
    Sto p th e ex ternal timecode so urce, and rewind 
    or reset it to a point prior to where you want 
    re c o rd ing t o be gin.  
    The ta pe co unter will no w s ta rt to flash .
    Res tart the source.
    The ta pe co unter will dis play  received ti me-
    Press and hold down 
    PLAY an d press R ECORD. 
    Timecode will now be reco rd ed  from the ex ter-
    nal so urce o nto  the timecode tra ck.
    If the tape counter was flashin g when the time-
    code tra ck wa s armed, the ta pe co unter will 
    now sho w a ll hy phens, an d n othing will be 
    re c o rd ed .
    9.5.7 Checking external timecode
    You can check received timecode by using the time-
    c o de  di spla y  f u nc tio n a s de sc r ibe d  in 9. 4 .1 ,  “Sh ow -
    i ng  in pu t  timeco de”. 
    							9 - Operations related to timecode
     TA SCA M DA -7 8 HR 58
    9 .5 .8 C he ck in g th e  fra m e  mo de  of 
    s tr ipe d tim ec od e
    To view the frame mode of a tape which has  been 
    s trip ed  with  timecod e,  follo w th e s teps  b elow:
    Press the 
    SHI F T  key so that the SHIFT in dicator 
    is fla shing , then press the 
    MENU key   until  the 
    displa y sho ws 
    TC-- (TC--).
    Press the 
    SUB MENU key so that the display 
    briefly  s hows 
    FRM  MODE (F RM MO DE ), fol -
    lowed by the s ystem fra me mode a s described 
    in 9. 3,  “Se le c t ing t he  f r a me  mo de ”.
    Press a nd hold the 
    SHI F T key a nd pres s the s 
    key  twice so  t ha t t he d ispla y sho ws  
    T APE 
     (TA PE  xx xx) where  xxxx is  the  abbrevia-
    tion for the frame m ode of  th e  tim ecode striped 
    on the tape. If no  timeco de ha s been s triped o n 
    the  t ape ,  the  di sp l ay  s how s:  
    TAPE -- 
    TA PE  - -).
    9.6 Chasing to timecode
    Th e foll owing  s ect ion s describe the o peration  o f th e 
    DA-78HR when chas ing to external timecode.
    The operation  of the 
    CHAS E k ey  is similar to  th e 
    way the 
    CHAS E key is used when synchronizing 
    DTRS  u nits , bu t in th is cas e, th e mach in e ID i s no t 
    9.6.1 Machine ID and timecode
    S ince a  DA-78 HR with  machin e ID set  to  1  is  alway s 
    a mas ter unit as regards DTRS s ync operation, there 
    is  n o need to mak e any  settin g on  su ch a mach ine if it 
    is  to be a timecode slave. As long as  timecode is  
    received at the 
    TIME CODE IN connector, a unit 
    wh os e mach ine  ID  is s et to  1  will  auto matically  enter 
    ti mecode chase  mode  when the 
    C HAS E key is 
    However,  when a  DA-78HR  unit  has  its  machine ID 
    s et to  a valu e  oth er  than  1, t here  is a  co nflict wh en  the 
    C HAS E key is pressed. You must determine whether 
    th e ch ase mo de refers to timeco de or to th e DTRS 
    sync,  and  this is done using  the  Time  Mode  menu 
    (9 .1 .3, “S electin g TC or ABS timing”). If 
    ABS is 
    s elected, when 
    CHA SE is pressed , th e machin e will 
    e n te r D T RS sy nc  mo de ,  bu t if  
    TC is selected, the 
    machin e will  attempt to  lo ck to external timecod e.
    When the DA-78HR is in “chase-ready” mode (the 
    C HAS E indicator is flashing) and t imecode i s 
    received at the 
    TIME CODE IN connector, the DA-
    7 8HR  will  s tart  to  ch as e th e  timecod e. W hen  it  is locked  to the in co mi ng  timecod e, th e 
    CH AS E indica-
    tor  will li gh t s tead ily.
    The tim ecode frame rate used on t he DA-78H R mus t 
    mat ch t he f rame rat e of  incom ing t imec ode (9.3,  “Selec ting 
    the  fram e mode ”).  I f  they  do  not  mat ch,  t he DA-78H R  will 
    not chas e t o t imec ode.  C heck  t he f rame rat e of  t he inc om-
    ing t imec ode at  t he s ource  and of  t he t imecode  recorded 
    on t he DA-78H R’s  tape  .
    The tim ecode used internally  by  t he DA-78H R does not 
    hav e t o be  an ac tual  tim ecode  st riped t ape.  Ins tead,  t ime-
    code can by  “s ynt hesiz ed” f rom the ABS s ubcode tim ings, 
    as desc ribed in 9.2,  “Tape tim ecode mode ”.
    The exact ways  in which it chas es the timecode and 
    handles transport functions , etc. are determined by a 
    nu mb er of settin gs, as describ ed  below:
    9. 6. 2 T im ec od e of f s et
    When a DA-78HR is a  timecode slave, you may enter 
    an offs et for the audio from the DA-78HR to match 
    the audio (or video sequence) from t he timecode 
    ma ste r.
    As with the machine offset (8.3, “Machine offset”), 
    yo u can either set this manu al ly, entering  the nu m-
    bers, or set it “on-the-fly” by ear. In either case, once 
    the offs et  has been entered, it can then be edited.
    The offset  can be s et  to subframe  or s ample accuracy 
    (4.3.6, “Sub-frame values”).
    Th e way in which  the timeco de o ffset is s et is ex actly 
    the same as for a machine (ABS) offset, except that  
    the DA-78HR must first be s et up as a t imecode 
    slave, as described above (9.6.1, “Machine ID and 
    If   y ou  c h an ge   an  o f fs e t  v a lue  ( t ime c od e  or  A B S) ,  a ny  
    pu nch  po in ts, loca tio n me mo rie s, e tc. wi ll be  inva li-
    dated. For example, if you change the offset to 
    00:30:00.00 (30 minutes) from 00:00:00.00 (no off-
    set), a punch point which was previously at 
    00 :33 :0 0 .0 0 ( 33  m inu tes in to the  ta p e) wi ll still h ave 
    th e  sa me  va lu e (0 0:3 3:0 0.00 ), bu t w ill n ow b e on ly 3  
    minutes i nto the tape.
    9. 6. 3 Settin g ti mecode o ffset 
    Press th e SH IF T key s o tha t  the SHIFT indicator 
    is flashi ng (shift mo de).
    Press  the 
    AU TO IN/OU T (OFFSET) key.
    The displa y will sho w 
    t c. ofst (TC OF ST) 
    fo l l ow e d by t he  cu rr e nt  o f fs et  (i f an y has  be e n 
    set ). 
    							9 -  Operations  related  to timecode
    59 T A SC AM  D A- 78 HR
    Us e the s a nd t ke y s to  s e t t he  o f fs et  fo r  t he  
    s lave  DA - 7 8H R,  an d t he  
    SH IF Ted  s and  t 
    k e y s  to  m ov e t h e  cu rs or  t o th e d i f f e re n t  fi e l d s .  
    You  can also use the 
    OFFSET key as a right 
    curs or key.
    The front panel 
    OFFSET in dicator will light 
    when an offs et value has been set.
    S ee  4. 3 .5 ,  ““L ef t ” and  “ r ight ” ke ys ” fo r de t ails  
    of setting values in a time field. You can set the 
    offs et to sub-frame (percentage or sample) 
    You can also change  the  sign of the offset  value 
    to a minus value by moving the cursor to the 
    a ppropria te po sition a nd using  the s a nd t 
    key s.
    9.6.4 Cancelling timecode offset
    To cancel the offset, s imply set the offset value to 
    00 :0 0:00:00.
    Enter the offs et setting, as described above.
    Press an d h old down the s key a nd pres s the 
     key to reset the valu e.
    T imecode offset will now be cancelled and  the 
    front panel 
    OFFSET ind icator will go  o ut.
    9.6.5 Setting timecode offset “on the 
    As  well as  entering  an  ab solu te n umber,  it is  also  p os-
    s ible to enter a number “on the fly” as the tapes are 
    L oc a te  t he  t w o de vic e s ( mas te r  and  s lave  DA -
    78HR) s o th at they have the right offset, either 
    b y pla yin g the tapes  and  paus ing  them  or ca rry  
    out the next operation while one or both tapes 
    is  being pla yed back.
    O n the s lave DA-78 HR, pres s and ho ld the 
    SHIFT key, a nd pres s the AUTO IN/OUT 
    OFFSET) key at the correct offset tim e to cap-
    ture and store the offset.
    T he dis play  wil l briefly  sho w 
    AT. OF FSET (AT  
    ), and the current difference between 
    the mas ter unit and sla ve DA-78 HR will be 
    stored as an offset.
    9.6.6 Park position
    When the DA-78HR is   slaved  to  an external  time-
    co de so urce, it will take some t ime between th e mas-
    ter un it s tartin g to  p lay and  starting  to  tran smit 
    timecode for  the  DA-78HR  to read.These functions  allow  you  to measure  and tes t the 
    o pt imu m pre-ro ll p os ition  for the DA-78 HR (wh en it 
    i s a timecod e sl ave) to p ark  its elf relativ e to  the mas-
    t er timecode device so t hat it wi ll lock up and s tart 
    playing quickly.
    Press the 
    SHI F T  ke y s o t hat  t he  SHIFT in dicator 
    is flashing, then press the 
    MENU key   until  the 
    displa y sho ws 
    tc. chs-- (TC CHS --).
    Press the 
    SUB MENU key so that the display 
    PA RK. POS (PARK  P OS) briefly, an d 
    then changes to PRK
    PRK) followed by  the 
    current setting, sh own in seconds  and frames.
    Use the s a nd t ke y s to  adj ust  the  va l ue  
    (ma xim um is 1 secon d a nd 29  fra mes)
    9 .6 .7 A utom a tic  pa r k  pos iti on  se tting
    When t he DA-78HR is act ing as a timecode slave, it 
    can  au tomatically d etermine the op timum p ark  pre-
    ro ll p os ition  to sy nc with th e master.
    Turn the  DA-78HR’s 
    CHAS E o n, if  it is  o ff  and  
    make sure tha t the time mo de i s set to TC.
    Press the 
    SHI F T  ke y s o t hat  t he  SHIFT in dicator 
    is flashing, then press the 
    MENU key   until  the 
    displa y sho ws 
    TC. CHS-- (TC CHS --).
    Press the 
    SUB MENU key so that the display 
    PK . POS. TST (PK POS T ST) briefly, 
    and then ch ang es to  
    OFF (OFF).
    Play and stop the master tape.
    Use the s or t key to turn the park test on.
    The DA-78 HR will then  rewind so  tha t the rel-
    ative difference is  zero. When the DA-78HR 
    has  s to pped, g o  o n to  the  next  step  belo w.
    Play the timecode m aster. 
    When the value shown on the display has 
    st oppe d c hang ing and  is st abiliz e d,  g o on to  t he  
    next step belo w.
    Use the s or t key to turn the park test off. 
    The displa y sho ws done
    DONE), and  the 
    optimum park p re-roll tim e for the timecode 
    mas ter is now stored.
    9.6.8 Absolute and  relative difference
    The offset as set above (“Timecode offset” on 
    page 58) can be called t he  “absolute  difference” 
    b etween the two times. Ho wever, if th e s lav e 
    machine “wanders” (actually, this is  unlikely), the 
    o ffset (theoretical difference) will no t be eq ual to  th e  
    							9 - Operations related to timecode
     TA SCA M DA -7 8 HR 60
    absolute  difference.  The “relative difference” is  
    expressed as below:
    Relative difference = Absolute difference – Offset
    Th us, if th e offset is set o n a s lav e machin e to  
    +00:10:00.00 (10 minutes) and while chasing, the 
    two machines’ counters  read as follows :
    the slave is now 10 minutes and 4 frames behind the 
    S ince the slave is meant to be exactly 10 minutes  
    behind the master, the difference, + 4 frames , is  the 
    “relative difference” between the mas ter and the 
    To view the and relat ive differences  between mast er 
    and slave machines:
    Press the 
    SHI F T  key so that the SHIFT in dicator 
    is fla shing , then press the 
    MENU key   until  the 
    displa y sho ws 
    TC-- (TC--).
    Press the 
    SUB MENU key so that the display 
    DI SP (DIS P) followed by the cu rrent 
    sett ing .
    Use the s a nd t key s to  make the 
    di ff 
    (DIFF) settin g—the di fference between the 
    received timecode and the actual position.
    9.6.9 Rechasing timecode 
    When timecode is  received, the DA-78HR can ei ther 
    co ns tantly  mon itor the in tern al o ff-tap e timecod e (o r 
    the ABS equivalent as set i n 9.2, “Tape timecode 
    mode”) and the external timecode, issuing “s peed-
    u p” and  “slow-down ” messag es to the transp ort to 
    keep itself in sync (rechasing), or it can s ynchronize 
    once and run freely, ignoring the incoming timecode.
    Press the 
    SHI F T  key so that the SHIFT in dicator 
    is fla shing , then press the 
    MENU key   until  the 
    displa y sho ws 
    tc. chs-- (TC CHS --).
    Press the 
    SUB MENU key so that the display 
    briefly  s hows 
    REC HS. MD (RE CHS  M D) a nd 
    then changes to the current s etting.
    Use the s a nd t keys to choose between 
    W hile  th e D A -7 8H R is  r e - syn c ing  ( sp e e din g up  an d 
    s lowing  down ), play back  o utp ut will b e muted , 
    u nles s th e clock  is  set to  
    INT.  Us ua lly  y ou  sh ou ld find  
    that the DA-78HR does  not need to rechase, however, 
    and you can leave it in free-running mode. If the timecode master tape includes a break in the time-
    c od e,  th ou gh ,  yo u  ma y  w a nt th e  DA - 7 8H R  to r e c ha se  
    the mas ter.
    As well  as selecting rechase, you can al so select the 
    length of the “rechase window”. This means that  if 
    the difference between internal and incoming time-
    code is greater t han the value of this window (1 or 2 
    seconds in t he cas e of the DA-78HR), the synchro-
    nizer will st art to rechase.
    Press th e 
    SH IF T key s o tha t  the SHIFT indicator 
    is flashi ng, then press the 
    MENU key  until the 
    displa y sh ows 
    tc. chs- - (TC CH S- -).
    Press  the 
    SU B ME NU key so that the display 
    briefly  shows  
    R ECHS. WD. (REC HS  W D) a nd 
    th en  changes  to  the  cu rrent s etting.
    Use the s and t keys to  cha nge between 1 a nd 
    2 seconds.
    9. 6. 10 B y pa ss in g t i me c ode  e r ro rs
    As timecod e is  received  from a  remote  master u ni t,  it 
    may be subject to errors (dropouts on the timecode 
    master tape, etc.). Thes e errors can cause synchroni-
    zati on  failu re  (th e DA-78 HR wil l no  lo ng er b e lo ck ed 
    to the timecod e o f th e master u nit).
    You can set the DA-78HR to bypass and ignore 
    incoming timecode errors of up to 30 frames in 
    leng th, or up to  10  frames in len gth .
    Press th e 
    SH IF T key s o tha t  the SHIFT indicator 
    is flashi ng, then press the 
    MENU key  until the 
    displa y sh ows 
    tc. chs- - (TC CH S- -).
    Press  the 
    SU B ME NU key so that the display 
    briefly  s hows 
    ERR. BYPAS . (ER R BY PA S) a nd 
    th en  changes  to  the  cu rrent s etting.
    Use the s and t keys to change between 
     (10  F RM) and 30 FRM (30 FRM).
    9. 6. 11 I ndi vi dua l r e co rdi ng wh ile  cha s ing  
    ti me c ode
    If slave DTRS units are chasing a master DTRS unit, 
    the default action  is fo r th e s lav es’ record statu s to 
    follow that of the mas ter. If the s laves are connected 
    with TC as well  as SYNC, and  have TC  rath er than  
    ABS selected as the timing  referen ce, this  d efau lt 
    be h av ior  ca n  be  ove r r idd en  usin g th e  f u nc tio n 
    de sc r ibe d  h e r e.
    Press th e 
    SH IF T key s o tha t  the SHIFT indicator 
    is flashi ng, then press the 
    MENU key  until the 
    displa y sh ows 
    tc. chs- - (TC CH S- -).
    Ma ster10 :15:12:12
    Slave10 :05:12:08 
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