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Tascam Digital Multitrack Recorder DA-78HR Owners Manual

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    							5 - Basic operations
     TA SCA M DA -7 8 HR 31
    Enter shift mode, and enter the sub-mixer 
    Make the l ev el  a nd pan settings  for th e tracks 
    which a re to be combi ned, a s described in 7 .4, 
    “Sub-mix er”. See this section fo r full details  o f 
    how  to  ope r a te  th e su b-mi xe r.
    Yo u can  use the DA-78 HR’s  SPDIF (
    TDIF-1 a nd an alo g out put s t o mon ito r  t r ac ks  7  
    and 8 . Only tracks 7  a nd 8 will be output from 
    TDIF- 1 and analog outputs, and the other 
    tra ck o utputs wi ll be muted.
    Arm  tracks  7   and  8 .
    Record track s 7 and  8.
    5 .3 .4 R e tur nin g to  A LL  AN A LOG  s etti ng
    After tracks  h av e b een set ind ivid ually, it may be 
    n ecessary to return th e in pu ts to all analo g. It is  th en 
    easy  to return to  all d igital (see 5 .3, “In pu t s el ec-
    ti on”), but settin g all inp uts  to “all track” wou ld b e a 
    s omewh at p oin tless  s ett ing !
    While the unit is in “ pa tchba y”  mode, as 
    described  in 5 .3.2,  “ I nput p atchbay  ro utin g” , 
    pres s and ho ld down one of the s or  t key s, 
    and press the other of these keys.
    The ro uting will chang e to  a ll ana log  (
    AL L 
    5.4 More on digital recording
    Th e DA-7 8HR  is  ab le to   accep t  (an d  ou tpu t) d igital 
    s ignals  at the 
    DIGITAL I/O connector in  TDIF-1 
    The DA-78HR s hould be connected  to  other TDIF-1 
    e q uip me n t usin g a  PW- 8 8D  or  PW- 88 D L  c o nn e ct or  
    Only use a TASCAM digital cable when making digi-
    tal audio connections to the DA-78HR. Other types of 
    cabl e may cause damage to the system, and the 
    wa rr an ty wi ll be  void ed  if su ch  d a mag e is ca use d b y 
    u s e  o f  t h e wr on g c a ble s .
    Th e DA-7 8HR  s ho uld  b e s et to   be  either  a  wo rd  
    clock mas ter or a word clock s lave when connected 
    to  oth er d igital equ ipment. Th ere can o nly  b e on e 
    w o rd  c loc k m a ste r in  a se tu p.
    5.4.1 Sampling  frequency and word 
    l e ngth
    If yo u attemp t to reco rd dig itally fro m a dig ital 
    source whi ch has a different frequency from that pre-
    viousl y recorded as the DA-78HR’s  tape format, the 
    Fs in dic a tor  c or r es po nd ing  t o the  ta pe ’s s am pli ng  
    frequ ency will start to flash. Th is in dicates a fre-
    quency mi smatch.
    Recordin g with  d ifferen t samp ling  frequ encies is no t 
    recommended – problems  wil l certainly occur on 
    replay of such a recording.
    If yo u attemp t to reco rd dig itally fro m a dig ital 
    sou rce with  a word len gth  (5 .1 , “Fo rmatting  a tap e”) 
    different fro m th at for which  th e tape has b een  fo r-
    matted , erro rs  will  o ccur. A g oo d rule is therefo re to  
    keep one word length and one s ampl ing frequency 
    throughout a tape.
    5. 4. 2 Se le c ting  in put  wor d l en gth
    Wh en  data is accep ted thro ug h the DIGITAL I/O con-
    nector,  th e  word  len gth  o f th e in coming  d ata mus t b e 
    set. This can be selected from between 16-bi t, 20-bit 
    or 24 -b it. Thi s is no t th e same as the resolu tion  
    recorded on tape.
    To  set the word leng th:
    Press th e 
    SH IF T key s o tha t  the SHIFT indicator 
    is flashi ng, and press the 
    MENU key  until the 
    displa y sh ows 
    AUDIO. 1 -- (AUDIO1- -).
    Press  the 
    SU B ME NU key until the disp lay  
    sho ws  
    TDIF. ;; (TDIF xx, where xx is the cu r-
    rent input wo rd length).
    Use the s and t ke ys  t o  ch oo se  be t w e en  24 ,  2 0 
    and  1 6-bit wo rd  len gths.
    We  sug ge s t t ha t  you  ex pe r i me nt  w i th  th e  di th er  
    settings (7.11, “Dither”) if you find you are 
    reco rding  quantizatio n no ise at lo w levels when 
    th e  input  wo rd leng th  is  set to  20  o r 2 4  bits a nd 
    you  are  recording at 16-bit  resolution.  Though 
    you  will lo se a little in the sig nal-to-no ise ra tio, 
    to tal ha rm onic distortio n figures will be 
    improv ed.
    If  y ou  ar e du bb in g t ra ck s  f ro m a DA -8 8,  th is  v al ue  
    must always be set to 16 bi ts.
    5.5 Overdubbing
    Overdubbing subs equent tracks is carried out in a 
    very  similar way to recordin g th e firs t tracks . 
    							5 -  Basic operations
    32 T A SC AM  D A- 78 HR
    If you are unsure about the difference between moni-
    to ri ng  mod es as  impl emented  o n th e DA-7 8HR, no w 
    is  a good time to read 6, “Monitoring”.
    Ob vio usly  y ou  will  wan t to  reco rd wh ile y ou  listen  to  
    the off-tape signals from previous ly-recorded tracks 
    and the input source on tracks  where recording is  tak-
    ing place.
    5.6 Punch-in and punch-out
    There are a number of ways in which the DA-78HR 
    can be used to  perform  reliable punch-in  and  punch-
    o uts  au tomatically. Pun ch p oin ts can  be set and  
    edited to frame accuracy, either from a cue list or 
    “o n-the-fly” in real time.
    The DA-78HR provides  a rehearsal mode which sim-
    ulates the punching process, allowing the art ists to 
    p erfect the timin g o f th e n ew material.
    The mechanics of punching on a digital recorder 
    appear to the operator to be the same as on an anal og 
    Crossfading, however, is an important and useful 
    fun ction  on  d igit al recorders, to ensu re co ntin uity  
    between original and punched material. In the cas e of 
    th e DA-7 8HR , th is cro ssfade time is  ad just ab le from 
    1 0 mill isecon ds to 2 00  millisecon ds  (7.5 , “Cros sfad e 
    AUTO MON mod e is  es sential  h ere:  in  b oth  
    rehearsal and  p un ch mo des , th e material prio r to  th e 
    p un c h po int is mo nito r ed  off  ta pe .  T he  m oni tor ing  o f  
    armed t racks  changes  to  source while rehearsals  and 
    punching  are carried out  and then changes to off-tape 
    ag ai n after the pu nch -o ut p oin t S ee 6 , “Mon itor-
    in g”for details o f mon itoring  mo des, inclu din g th e 
    AUTO M ON  mode.
    Though it is possible to perform punch recording in 
    A L L I NP UT mo de , t h e mo ni to ri ng  i n t hi s  m od e d oe s  
    not make it easy to perform accurate punch opera-
    tions. We suggest that you turn this mode off when 
    performing punch-ins.
    5 .6 .1 A utom a tic  pu nch  po int  se ttin g
    Whenever recording takes place, the time when 
    recording begins is automatically st ored as a punch-
    i n time, and the time when recordi ng s tops is stored 
    a s  a   pu nc h - out  tim e .
    Th is  is n ot  u sually  th e way  in  wh ich  yo u  will wan t to  
    s et th e p un ch  p oin ts, h owever. There are several alter-
    n ative way s in whi ch  yo u can set thes e p oin ts, as  
    described below:
    5.6.2 Settin g p unch p oin ts  “on  the fly”
    This method demands  s harp reflexes (but you can 
    ed it the pu nch  p oi nts later as we sh ow b elow).
    If an optional  footsw itch has been attached to the 
    rear panel 
    RE MOTE  P UNC H  IN /OUT jack X, t hi s  
    can be used in the following steps instead of the 
    RECORD an d PLAY keys (i.e. press the sw itch once 
    to set the punch-in point, and again to set the punch-
    out point).
    Press the AU T O  M O N  key (the indica to r will 
    This is not s trictly speaking necessary for set-
    ting  the punch po ints, but the 
    AUTO MON is  
    neces sary  for punch o pera tions , so  we sug ges t 
    you turn i t on  here.
    Use the 
    RE C FUNC TION ke y( s)  to  ar m t he  
    tra ck(s ) on  which yo u will be recording.
    Press the 
    RHS L (rehearsal) key.
    The indicato r will flas h, sho wing that the DA-
    78HR is in “rehearsal learn” mode.
    Rewin d the tape to before where the pun ch  is  
    to occur.
    Sta rt pla yin g th e tape (pres s 
    PL AY).
    You wi ll monitor the off-tape signals.
    At the po int wh ere th e punch is  to o ccu r, pres s 
    RE CORD. 
    RE CORD key will fla sh, and the RE C 
     indicator of any armed tracks will 
    light steadily. M onito rin g will chang e to  inp ut 
    sou rce record ing for these tracks.
    Pre- roll 
    po in tPu nc h-in 
    pointPost- ro ll 
    point P unc h- out 
    poin t
    Pre-roll timePost-rol l ti me
    R ehe arsal  lea rn
    R ehe arsal
    AU TO IN /O UT
    R epl ay ch eck
    							5 - Basic operations
     TA SCA M DA -7 8 HR 33
    If you do not w ant to change to source monitoring on 
    the punch track(s) between the punch points when 
    setting the points, do not set the 
    RE C FUNCTION on  
    for  these tracks.
    A t an y ti me  w he n t he  RHSL in dicator  is  lit o r 
    fla shing , this mea ns that recordin g will not 
    actually be carri ed out, even if the 
    RE CORD 
    key  and/o r the
     RE C FUNC TION ind icators  are 
    At the po int wh ere you wa nt to punch o ut, 
    pres s 
    PL AY.
    RE C FUNCTION  indicator of any  armed 
    tra cks will s ta rt flas hing a ga in. T he 
    R ECORD 
    key  will g o o ut. Mo nito ring  o f these tra ck s wi ll 
    return to off-tape  status.
    After the pos t-roll period, the ta pe will return 
    to   the  pre-roll  po int (the p unch-in  po int m inus 
    the  pre-roll  offset).
    RHS L indicator will now lig ht stea dily, 
    showing that the DA-78HR is in rehearsal 
    If you  need to  trim these pu nch  p oi nts to  s ub -frame 
    accuracy, you can do so using the procedure 
    d escribed  in  5.6.3 , “Settin g pu nch  p oin ts u sing  the 
    f r on t pa ne l”  be lo w.
    If you want to alter the pre-roll and post-roll times, 
    see 5.6.4, “Editing the pre-roll and post-roll times”. 
    T he  p u nch -in  an d p un ch- ou t p oi nts will  r em ain  th e  
    s a me  whi le y o u c ha n ge  t h e p re - an d p os t -r oll  t im es .
    5 .6 .3 Se ttin g p unc h p oin ts  us ing  the  
    fr ont pa ne l
    S ett ing  th e p un ch-in  p oin t:
    Press the 
    RHS L (rehearsal) key twice s o  that 
    the indicator l ights flashes  or l ights steadily.
    Press the 
    AU T O  M O N  key (the indicato r will 
    Press the 
    SHIFT key to  enter  shift mode (SHIFT 
    indicator flas hing).
    Press the 
    LOC  1 (MEMO 1) ke y.
    The displa y will briefly  show 
    IN PO INT (In 
    Po i n t
    ), a nd will then sho w the current va lue o f 
    the punch-in poi nt.
    Use the  shifted s and  t keys (
    LEFT and 
    RIGH T) to select the “field” (hours, minutes, second s, fram es  o r  sub-fra mes) tha t  yo u  want 
    to edit, and use  the s and t ke ys  to  c ha nge   the  
    va lue o f the punch-in time. See 4 .3.5, “ “ Left”  
    and  “ r ight ” ke y s” fo r  de ta ils.
    Setting  the pu nch -o ut po in t:
    If you  have not already  performed  steps  1  and 
    2, as  des cribed for setting  the punch-in poin t, 
    do them now.
    Press  the 
    SHIFT  key  to enter shi ft mode (SHIFT 
    indica to r flas hing ).
    Press  the 
    LOC 2 (ME MO  2) key.
    Use the shifted s a nd t keys  (
    LEFT and  
    RIGHT) to select the “fi eld ” (h ours, minutes, 
    second s, fram es  o r  sub-fra mes) tha t  yo u  want 
    to edit, and use  the s
     and t ke ys  to  c ha nge   the  
    va lue o f the punch-out tim e. See 4.3.5 , “ “Left” 
    and  “ r ight ” ke y s” fo r  de ta ils.
    Th e v alue of the pu nch -in  po int can be reset to 
    00:00:00. 00 (th is  inclu des  in  “inv isib le”  su b-
    frame value) by pres sing the s an d t ke ys  to ge th e r.
    After settin g the pu nch times , press 
    SHI F T so  that the 
    indicat or i s no longer flashing.
    Yo u can lo cate the tap e to  t he pu nch-in  p oin t (min us 
    the pre-ro ll time) b y press ing  
    LOC 1.
    The methods described above can be used to “trim” 
    punch points which have been captured “on the fly”.
    5. 6. 4 Ed itin g th e  pr e-r oll  a nd  pos t-r oll  
    ti mes
    As  a  d efau lt (facto ry) s etting ,  th e DA-7 8HR  will 
    po sitio n th e tape  5 s eco nd s b efore the  pu nch-in  po int, 
    however this has  been set.
    Th e d efau lt pos t-ro ll ti me is 3 secon ds . You  can  alter 
    bo th thes e times us ing  th e fo llowing  meth od :
    Ma ke s ure  t he 
    SHIFT  indica to r is  fla shing  (the 
    unit i s  in s hift  mo de).
    Press  the 
    CLE AR (PRE  RO L L) key.
    When the disp lay s hows 
    PR. 00 05. rh 
    PR 0005 RH), the time of the punch pre-roll is  
    sho wn  in  min utes  a nd  seconds  (when  the dis -
    play  show s  
    P R 0000 LC (PR 0000 LC),  t hi s 
    refers to the location pre-rol l time, which is  
    Use the s a nd t  keys  to change the values (the 
    shifted s and  t ke ys a c t as  cur s or  ke ys 
    between minutes an d s eco nds). 
    							5 -  Basic operations
    34 T A SC AM  D A- 78 HR
    Press the CLEAR (PRE ROLL)  ke y on ce  mo re  
    s o  th at  t he  d ispla y  show s  
    PO 0003 (PO 0003), 
    i.e. the po st-roll time.
    Sin ce th ere is little p oin t in  settin g pre- an d po st-ro ll 
    times to frame accuracy, you can only set t hese val-
    ues to second accuracy.
    The minimum values you can s et  are 5 seconds (pre-
    roll ) and  3 secon ds  (po st-roll) an d th e maximum 
    va lu e  is 59  m inu te s 59  se c on ds f or  bo th.
    An y p un ch op eratio n fro m now will take yo ur s etting  
    for pre-ro ll an d u se it wh en locatin g th e tap e to  the 
    p un ch-in po int. Fo r ex amp le, if yo ur p re-ro ll time h as 
    been set to 10 seconds (00:00:10.00), and the punch-
    in  po int is at 00 :06 :03 .1 2, the tap e will lo cate to  
    00:05:53.12  when starting  rehearsal or punch-in.
    5 .6 .5 R eh ea r si ng  the  pu nch -in
    After you have set the punch points, and you have 
    lo cated the tape to  th e p re-roll p oin t, as d es crib ed 
    above, you can rehears e the punch proces s.
    Press the 
    RHSL key s o that the indicator l ights 
    s tea dily.
    This indicates that you are now in rehearsal 
    P ress 
    PLAY. The ta pe will s ta rt pla ying  from  
    the pre-roll po int.
    At th e punch-in po int, mo nito ring will cha nge 
    to s ource.
    RECORD key  will fla sh, and the REC 
     indica to r o f a ny a rm ed  tracks  will 
    li ght steadily. However, recording will  not be 
    carried out.
    At the punch-o ut  point, mo nito ring  will chan ge 
    b ack to  off-tape mo nito ring.
    T he ta pe will co ntin ue pla yin g to  the po st-roll  
    point and then rewind to the pre-roll point.
    Repea t the rehea rs al process  until yo u are s at-
    is fied with the perform ance.
    5.6.6 Interrupting a rehearsal or punch 
    Very  often while rehearsing  a p un ch-in, yo u will no t 
    want  to  ru n the tap e all the way to  th e p un ch-ou t 
    point (an entry cue is mis sed, or a mistake is made 
    early on  in th e take). In  th ese cas es, th e fo llowin g 
    procedure applies to both rehearsal and punch 
    While the ta pe is running , press the 
    LOC 1 key  
    (there  is  no  need to press 
    STOP first).
    The ta pe will return  to the punch-in p oint, 
    minus th e va lue sp ecified in the punch-in o ffset 
    (5 .6.4, “E ditin g th e pre-ro ll a nd po st-roll 
    ti m es ”) .
    Pressin g 
    PLAY will th en  re-s ta rt the rehea rs al 
    or punch-in pro cess.
    • Pr essin g th e 
    LOC 2 key  will  lo cate  th e tap e t o  the 
    pu nch -o ut  p os ition  min us th e p un ch-in p re-ro ll 
    • These  functions  are only operative when  the 
    RHS L
    or  AU TO IN/OU T ind icato rs are lit or flash ing . 
    When they are off, the 
    LOC 1
     and LOC 2
     ke ys will 
    act normally.
    5 .6 .7 R e co rdi ng  the  pu nc h-in
    Make sure the tape is at the pre-roll point, an d 
    pres s the 
    AUTO IN/OUT key once.
    The indicato r will flas h, sho wing that the DA-
    78 HR is in auto -pun ch  mo de.
    PLAY. The tape will start pl ayi ng.
    At the pu nch-in  po int, the 
    RECORD indicator 
    will l ight stea dily, a s will th e 
    indicators  o f a ny  a rmed tracks .  M onitoring  
    will cha ng e from off-ta pe to so urce a nd the 
    IN PU T  M O N I TO R of any  armed tra cks will 
    Reco rding will no w a ctua lly take pla ce. Any 
    record ed  material which  was  previously  on the 
    armed tra cks between the punch poin ts will be 
    replaced b y th e new recording.
    At the pu nch-o ut po int, the monito ri ng will go  
    back to off-tape (the 
    INPUT MONITOR indica-
    to rs o f a rmed tracks  will  go  o ut), a nd  when the 
    pos t-ro ll poin t is reached, the tape will rewind 
    to the pre-roll point.
    AU TO IN/OUT  in dicator will light steadily, 
    showing  tha t the DA-78 HR is no w in replay  
    5 .6 .8 R e pla yi ng  the  pu nc he d m a ter ia l
    To replay  the punch-in, p ress  the PLAY key.
    Pla yb ack will start (the 
    R EC FU NCTION indi-
    cators o f the a rmed tra cks will co ntinue to  
    fl a sh) .
    At the po st-ro ll point, the tape will autom ati-
    cally rewind to th e pre-roll p oint. 
    							5 - Basic operations
     TA SCA M DA -7 8 HR 35
    If yo u wa nt  to  reco rd  the punch-in  ag ain,  pres s 
    AUTO IN/OUT key so that the indicator 
    flashes, and  repeat the process  d es crib ed  
    abo ve .
    If yo u are satisfied with the pu nch-in, fo llow 
    the steps below, otherwise, pres s 
    LOC 1 to  
    return to  the punch-in point, press  the 
    AU TO  
    IN /O U T
     key  s o that the indica to r fla shes, and 
    repeat the take.
    5. 6. 9 Ex iti ng pun ch -in mo de
    Disarm any  armed tracks (press  the REC 
     switches so that the indicators  go 
    Press  the 
    CLE AR key.
    This  will ex it the 
    AUTO IN/OUT (or rehearsal ) 
    mod e.
    LOC 1 a nd LOC  2 keys will return to  their 
    usua l functio ns, but th e pun ch  po ints are s til l 
    retai ned in  memo ry.
    Press  the 
    AU TO  M O N key so that the i ndicator 
    go e s out .
    Normal monitorin g mod es  wil l now b e in oper-
    at io n ( se e  6,  “M onit or in g”) . 
    							36 TASCAM DA-78HR
    6 -  Monitoring 
    We strongly advise you to read this section – the 
    effective use of multitrack monitoring is one of the 
    keys to an effici ent r ecording sessi on. 
    Like all mu ltitrack  reco rd ers , th e DA-7 8HR h as a 
    n um be r  o f dif fe r e nt mo nito rin g mo de s , de pe n din g on  
    the current monitor status, trans port status and 
    whether the  track is  armed  or not.
    When a DA-78HR track is in pl ayback mode, the 
    mon itorin g is off-tap e.
    The controls which affect  monitoring are:
    • AUTO M ON
    In ad ditio n, there are two  men u items  affectin g the 
    mon itorin g:
    • sh uttle mon itor
    • sh uttle mute
    6.1 ALL INPUT
    When this is active, the s ignal from t he DA-78HR’s 
    o utp uts  will always b e th e ap pro priate in pu t sou rce 
    s ign al  for  all  track s. 
    When the 
    A LL IN PU T key is pressed, its indicator 
    will lig ht. Mon itoring  fo r all track s will be so urce 
    mon itorin g, rath er th an  off-tape. 
    6.2 AUTO MON
    Thi s mo de is primarily  u sed  in  pu nch o peration s. 
    W he n  a u to mo ni tor  m od e  is e nte r e d (b y pr e ss ing  th e  
    AUTO M ON  key), the AUTO M ON  in dicato r lig hts .
    Thi s automatically changes the moni toring on armed 
    tracks  from off-tape to source when recording or 
    rehearsing a  recording, and back to off-tape when the 
    p un ch-ou t po int is reach ed.
    6 .3 Shu t tle  mo nit o r
    In ad ditio n to th ese mo des, there is  one further set-
    tin g, that affects mo nito ring , bu t on ly in  o ne sp ecial 
    case –  sh utt le  mo de. Usu ally, wh en s hu ttling  th e tape, 
    y ou  will wan t to  mo ni tor o ff-tap e.  However,  if  a track  
    is  armed , y ou   may  want  to  l isten  to  th e s ou rce  inp ut 
    s ign al ,  rather th an  th e  o ff-tap e recordi ng .
    A LL IN PU T overr ides  any  shuttl e  moni tori ng  selec-
    tions described below. Any shuttle monitoring while 
    A LL IN PU T i s o n  w ill  a lways  be   sou rce  m on itor in g.
    Th e s hu ttle mon itor mo de h as  n o effect when AUTO 
     is off. 
    When t he 
    AU T O  M O N and s hu ttle mon ito rin g  are 
    b ot h on , th e o utp ut fro m all armed  tracks  wil l be the 
    source input.
    AUTO M ON is  o n,  bu t s hu ttle mon itorin g  is  off,  all 
    armed  track s will mo nito r o ff-tap e in  shu ttle mo de.
    Yo u  can  als o  disab le o ff-tap e sh uttl e  mo ni toring  with  
    t he Shu ttle Mu te fu nctio n (6 .3, “Shu ttle mo nito r”)
    S hu ttle mon itorin g is attenu ated by  1 2 d B compared 
    w it h oth e r m on itor ing  mo de s.  T his h el ps to  a vo id 
    d amag e to  tweeters, etc. wh en  shu ttlin g fas t.
    6 .3 .1 Ena bli ng  an d d is ab ling  s huttl e 
    mo nit o ri ng
    Press the SHI F T  ke y s o t hat  t he  SHIFT in dicator 
    is fla shing .
    Press the 
    ME NU key until the disp lay  s hows 
    AUDIO. 2-- (AUDIO2--).
    Press the 
    SUB MENU key  until the displa y 
    Sh TL. MoN. ; (SHTL MON x, where x 
    can be 1 (o n) o r  0 (off).
    Use the s or t ke y t o c ha nge  th e v alue  to  
    (s huttle mon ito ring ena bled) o r 
    0 (shuttle 
    monito ri ng disa bled).
    6.4 Shuttle muting
    It may  be sometimes  d esirable to mute off-tape o ut-
    p ut  wh en  shu ttlin g.  Th e s hu ttle mute  fun ct ion  allows  
    y ou  to do  this :
    Press the 
    SHI F T  ke y s o t hat  t he  SHIFT in dicator 
    is fla shing .
    Press the 
    ME NU key until the disp lay  s hows 
    AUDIO. 2-- (AUDIO2--).
    Press the 
    SUB MENU key  until the displa y 
    Sh TL. MuT. ; (SHTL MUT x, where x 
    can be 
    1 (o n) o r  0 (off).
    Use the s or t ke y t o c ha nge  th e v alue  to  
    (s huttle  mute ena bled) o r 
    0 ( shu tt l e  mute  
    disa bled). 
    							6 -  Monitoring
    37 T A SC AM  D A- 78 HR
    6.5 Sum mar y o f  mo nit or  mod es
    The  follo wi ng  tab le s hows  wh at will  b e mon itored  
    from a track. This depends  on the 
     an d t h e  R EC FU NCTION setting s, and  o n th e 
    t ransport  mode current ly  engaged.
    (shuttl e moni tor)
    OF FON
    INP UT
    ONMU T E 
    							38 TASCAM DA-78HR
    7 - Advanced operations
    7.1 Autolocation
    The DA-78HR contains  t wo location memories, 
    accessible through  the 
    LOC  1 and LOC 2 ke ys.  Th e se  
    a l s o  a l l ow  a “A
    «B rep eat ” facil ity, which  allo ws 
    you to rehearse part of a mixdown, for instance. 
    Thes e two location memory points  are referred to as  
    “MEMO 1” and “MEMO 2”.
    As with  the pu nch  recordin g p oin ts (5 .6, “P un ch -in 
    an d  pu nch -o ut ”), i t is  p os sibl e  to  s et an d  edit  th ese 
    p oin ts in a nu mb er o f ways.
    7.1.1 Setting  MEMO  1  an d MEMO  2 “on  
    the fl y”
    T hi s ca n  be  do ne  re g ar d le ss of  the  c ur r en t sta tus  of  
    the tape transport (playing, recording,  winding, 
    s top ped, or sh uttle).
    Press an d h old down the 
    SHI F T key  a nd pres s 
    ME MO  1 or ME MO  2 key.
    The curren t tape pos ition (when the 
    ME MO ke y  
    was pressed) wil l be stored to th e appropriate 
    location memory (MEMO 1 or MEMO 2).
    T he displa y will indicate tha t the loca tio n 
    m em ory point h as been stored (
    PRE SET 
    7.1.2 Checking, editing and  manually 
    enteri ng  MEMO 1 and  MEMO  2
    The check ing , ed iting , an d man ual entry  o f th e 
    Memo  1 and  Memo 2 lo cation  p oin ts are all essen -
    tially  the same o peration . Locatio n po ints  can  b e 
    edited and entered to frame accuracy.
    Press the 
    SHIFT key so that the SHIFT indicator 
    Press either the 
    ME MO  1 or  ME MO  2 key, 
    d ep en ding  o n which  lo cation  po int is  to  be 
    T he displa y briefly  shows  
    M EMO ; (MEMO x),  
    and then  the currently-stored location  memory 
    is  s how n on the  displa y. The  “c ur so r ” (f la shing  
    period) is at the  “hours” field.
    Us e the s and t keys to  set the  “hours”  value, 
    and move the “cursor” with the 
    SHIFTed s 
    a nd t key s.
    For details regarding the entry of time values, 
    in cl uding  sub-fra me entry, see 4 .3, “M enus a nd 
    s ub-menus” .5
    When the location times have been set, press 
    SHIFT ke y to  tur n t he  SHIFT mo de o ff an d 
    return the counter to its  normal dis play.
    7.1.3 Setting the  location pre-roll time
    W hen  y ou  locate to a location  memory, th e tap e will 
    s top  at th e memo rized  location  po int, min us  a p re-
    d efin ed pre-ro ll time.
    As  s hip ped , th e DA-7 8HR ’s defau lt locatio n pre-ro ll 
    t ime is 0 seco nd s. You  can  edit this  to a v al ue 
    between  0  seconds  (the tape wil l locate to  the  exact 
    l ocation  po int) an d 5 9 minu tes , 5 9 secon ds , in  1 sec-
    ond increments.
    This pre-roll time is independent of the punch pre-roll 
    time. See 5.6.4, “Editing the pre-roll and post-roll 
    Set the unit into shift mode (press the SHIFT 
    key so that the 
    SHIFT  indica to r is  fla shing ).
    Press the 
    CLE AR (PREROLL) key.
    The dis play  will  sho w 
    PR 00 00.  LC (P R 00 00  
    Use the s a nd t ke y s to  se t t he  l oc a ti o n pre -
    ro ll time in minutes an d s eco nds (up to  59  m in-
    utes , 59 second s). The 
    SHIFTed s an d t keys  
    can als o be used to move the cu rs or between 
    the minutes a nd s econds “ fields” .
    When a  loca tio n memory  i s used, the ta pe will 
    now locate to the location point, minus the 
    value you have just entered. For  instance, if the 
    location point is at  “00:12:04.03”  and  you have 
    set a location pre-roll time of 5 seconds, the 
    ta pe  wi ll lo c at e  to  “ 00 : 11 :5 9. 03 ”.
    Th is p re-roll ti me is  different  to th e pre-ro ll time us ed 
    fo r p un ch  op eratio ns as d es crib ed in 5 .6 .4, “Ed iting  
    t he pre-rol l and post-roll times”.
    7.1.4 Movin g to  MEMO  1  an d MEMO  2
    When you have set the location memories as 
    described above, you simply need  to  press  the 
    LOC 1 
    LOC 2 keys to  mov e th e tap e to  these lo catio n 
    Th e tap e will lo cat e to  t he locatio n memory minu s 
    t he  loc a tio n pr e -r o ll t ime ,  as  d e sc r ibe d  a b ove .
    7 .1 .5 L oc ati on an d p lay ba ck
    I f  yo u pr e ss th e  PLAY k ey  while the tape is lo cati ng  
    PLAY k ey  will flash ), th e tap e will start play ing  
    wh en it reach es the locatio n po int. 
    							7 - Advanced operations
    39 T A SC AM  D A- 78 HR
    If you  press PLAY twice wh ile the tape is lo catin g, 
    th e 
    PLAY key will ligh t steadily, th e tape will stop  
    an d play back  will start immediately.
    If you  are  using the DA-78HR with  a remote  control 
    unit,  and you have have pressed  the 
    AUTO P LAY ke y 
    o n th e remo te co ntro l u nit, rep lay will start au to mati-
    cally when the locati on point is reached.
    7.2 Repeat function
    You can repeat playback continuously between the 
    two  lo cation  memo ry  po ints  (Memo  1   an d  Memo   2). 
    When we talk about the “first” and the “second” loca-
    tions here, we are referring to the earl ier and later 
    location times. Memo 1 could be at a later time than 
    Memo 2, and hence we would refer to it in this sec-
    tion as the “second location point”.
    The tap e will wind  to a little before th e first po int (if 
    it is no t there already ) and  s tart pl ay ing . Th e o ff-tap e 
    mon itorin g will start at th e first memory locatio n and  
    co ntin ue un til the secon d lo cat ion  is  reached. The 
    tap e will th en sto p play ing , an d rewin d to a little 
    b efo re th e firs t p oin t and  s tart p lay in g again.
    7.2.1 To start  repeat play
    When the two location points have been set, 
    p ress  the 
    RE PE AT key. 
    T he ta pe will lo cate to  the first loca tio n point 
    a nd start play ing until the s eco nd loca tio n 
    p oi nt ,  r e w i nd to  the  fi rs t l o ca t i on po i nt,  an d 
    p lay  a ga in. T his  process  will  be  repea ted .
    Wh ile the ta pe positio n is between th e two 
    lo catio n p oints, the 
    REPEAT indi ca tor will be 
    li t steadily. It will flas h whi le the ta pe p ositio n 
    is  outside th e two loca tion po ints .
    S to p the rep ea t function by  press ing the 
    REPEAT key (the RE PE AT  indicator wil l go 
     If the tap e is pla yin g, it will continue pla ying  
    (past the second location point). 
    I f the tape is  rewinding to the first location 
    point  when the 
    RE PE AT key is pressed, it will 
    T he t wo locat ion point s must  be at least  5 sec onds apart  
    for the repeat fac ility  t o be operat ional—if you att empt  a 
    repeat  operat ion w hen t hey  are  clos er t ogether  than  this , 
    t he dis play  s hows  
    Too  NEAR (TOO NEAR). I f  you  have only  s et  one loc ation  point,  t he repeat  w ill be 
    bet ween “00:00: 00.00” and t he loc ation point.
    P re s s in g a ny  t ran s p or t  c o n tr ol wh ile  re pe at  pl ay  is  in 
    p ro gr ess wil l sto p  th e re pl ay, b ut will  n ot ca nce l th e  
    repeat mode. To restart the repeat playback, locate 
    to  e ithe r lo catio n po in t, an d wh ile  the  ta pe  i s wi nd ing , 
    PL AY.  Alternatively, press PLAY w hil e the tape 
    is before the second location point.
    7.3 Track delay
    Th e DA-7 8HR  allows  y ou   to  delay   tracks  relative  to 
    t he other tracks, either when recording or playing 
    back. You can use this function for post-production 
    “s lip”, compens ate for delays  caus ed by external pro-
    ces sing  eq uip men t, allo w for prop agatio n d elay  in 
    mu lti-micro ph on e sessio ns  o r ad d sp ecial effects.
    Th e track d elay  can  be set from –2 00  s amp les to 
    +7200 samples. A  negative  number means that  the 
    t rack o n which  the “delay” settin g is made is 
    ad vanced  in  time relativ e to  t he oth er track s. How-
    ever, this  does  not mean that the  DA-78HR includes a 
    t ime machine! Si nce the monitoring head is a “vir-
    t ual” head, made of a composite of delayed off-tape 
    an d inp ut so urce s ign als, th e “p ositio n” of the reco rd -
    i ng head can be adjusted in both directions.
    Make sure that the unit i s in shift mode (the 
    SH IF T ind ica tor is fl ashin g).
    Press the 
    RHS L (DE LAY) ke y.
    The displa y can  s how the dela y in sa mples or 
    milliseco nds in which the delay  is counted. 
    Press and release the 
    DE LAY key  briefly in 
    order to ch ange between these two units.
    Millis eco nd delay s are s hown as  3 -digit va lues, 
    and sa mple displa ys  a re sh own as 4 -di git v al-
    ues (always with  leading zeroes).
    Ty pically, a ll tra cks will have their dela y set 
    together (as shown by the display). Use the s 
    and t ke ys t o c han ge  the  va lue .
    Yo u ca n als o use th e 
    DATA/LEVEL kno b to  set 
    the  delay  value (see  4.3.7, “Using the  DATA/
    LEVE L knob to set va lues”).
    Press a tra ck’s 
    REC FUNCTION k e y  to  s el ec t  a n  
    individu al tra ck whose dela y va lue ca n be 
    To c hang e  f r om e dit ing indiv idual t r ac k valu es  
    back to all tracks  tog eth er, pres s and ho ld the 
    DE LAY key for more than one second . 
    							7  - Advanced operations
     TA SCA M DA -7 8 HR 40
    Press a nd hold the SHI F T key for more than 
    three seconds  to exit the d elay setting mode.
    The meters can also be used to 
    give  a  v isu a l in dic a tio n o f the  
    track  d elay. 
    SHI F T and one of the 
    REC  F UNCTION ke ys  ( a s 
    de sc r ibe d  in  4. 1. 1 , “ Pe a k 
    meters”) to  to gg le this  meter 
    mo de  of f a nd  on . T he  de f a ult 
    at  po wer-on  is  fo r th is mod e to  
    be  on .
    The track del ay, expressed i n 
    s eco nd s, is between – 4 to +1 50  millis eco nd s. At a 
    ty pi ca l  so un d  p ro pa g ati on  r a te ,  th e  m a xim um   va lue  
    corresponds to  about  50 meters (about 160  feet) of 
    7.4 Sub-mixer
    On e i mp ortant  featu re  o f  th e DA-7 8HR  is  th e  ab ility  
    to mix  input  sources and off-tape signals into a  stereo 
    s ignal which is routed to tracks 7 and 8 and can be 
    output  at the rear panel S PDIF  (
    COAXIAL)  ou t pu t  ( a s 
    w e ll a s th ro ug h c ha n ne ls 7  a n d 8 o f th e  
    TD IF- 1 digi-
    tal an d analo g ou tpu ts). As  well as the track  delay  
    availab le o n th e DA-7 8HR for the tape track s, this  
    internal mixer als o features  level  and pan  controls, so 
    that a s imple mix can be obtained. 
    T h is m ixe d sign a l is ou tpu t on ly w he n the  
    in di cato r is  lit. Pressin g th e (un sh ifted ) 
    MI X DOW N 
    k ey will tog gle the in dicator between o n and  o ff.
    A temporary “patch” can als o be set up for this sub-
    mix ,  overridin g  the cu rren t in pu t p at ch  s etting s wh ile 
    the mixdown mode is active.
    When MIXDOWN is on, the signals from channels 1 
    through 6 (analog and digital) are not output.
    7 .4 .1 En ter in g m ix dow n m od e
    Make sure th e SHIFT indicator is off.
    Press the 
    MI XD OWN key. The MI X DOW N indi-
    ca tor will light.
    P ress ing the 
    MI XD OWN k ey  ag ain (with sh ift mod e 
    o ff) will exit mixd own mod e.
    7.4.2 Setting the  master level
    Th is is the mas ter level of all s ign als  out pu t th rou gh  
    channels 7 and 8.1
    With mix down mo de ena bled, pres s the 
    key so  tha t the i ndicator is flas hing.
    Press  the 
    MI X DOWN (LEVEL/PA N) key. This 
    enters the level/pan setting mode.
    If the dis play  do es  not s how 
    M ST. L ; ;; (MS T 
    L xx x
     — master level), con tinu e to press the 
    LEVEL/PA N key  until  this is sh own.
    Repeated press es of the 
    LEVEL/PA N ke y  o r  th e  
    currently-selected ch annel (as exp lained 
    below) wi ll cycle through the following:
    mas ter level ®
     ® ®  ® cha nnel level ®
     ® ®  ® cha nnel pa n ®
    ®® ® 
    chann el inpu t selection
    Use the da ta  knob a nd/or the s an d t keys  to 
    change the level between 
    0 (–¥ 
    ¥ ¥  ¥ dB) 
        a nd 127 
    (0 dB) .
    The 7 and 8 meters  may be used to show the 
    level (to gg le with 
    0dB segment represents  a value of 12 7, a nd 
    th e 
    –12 dB segm en t rep resents a value of 64.
    7.4.3 Leaving edit/pan setting mode
    Wh en  t he u nit  is  in  edi t/pan  settin g  mode  as  abov e,  it 
    can be returned to normal operations (as shown by a 
    chang e in the di splay ) by  either o f th e fo llowing  
    me th od s:
    Entering  a nother s hift  mo de function  (e.g . 
    delay )
    Press ing the 
    SHIFT key so  tha t the SH IF T ind i-
    c at or  st op s fl a shi ng  (e x i ti ng  shi f t mo de ).
    Remember that turning off the edi t/pan setting mode 
    will  n ot a utom atica lly tur n  o ff th e mixd ow n mo de . To  
    turn off the mixdown mode, you must turn off the shi ft 
    mode and then press the 
    MI X DOW N ke y.
    7.4.4 Setting levels and  pan positions
    To  set the ind ivid ual chann el lev el s an d p an 
    po sitio ns:
    Ma ke s ure that the unit is in lev el/pan setting 
    mod e, as d escri bed above (7.4.2, “Setting the 
    mas ter level”).
    Press  the 
    RE C FUNCTION key who se number 
    correspon ds to the chan nel you want to set. 
    REC FUNCTION indicator at  the bottom  of 
    th e  meter will  start to fla sh, sho wing tha t  this  is 
    th e a ctiv e cha nnel being edited .
    positiv e values
    0 (zero)
    negat ive values 
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