Tascam Digital Multitrack Recorder DA-78HR Owners Manual
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9 - Operations related to timecode 61 T A SC AM D A- 78 HR 2 Press the S UB M ENU key so that the dis play shows INDV . REC ; (IN DV RE C x) where x is 0 (disa bled) o r 1 (ena bled). 3 Us e the s a nd t keys to choos e between 0 (dis abled) and 1 (enabled).When this function is ena bled, ind ividua l reco rd ing is pos sible when cha sing to timecod e, and when it is d isabl ed, al l s lave units fo llow the ma st er ’ s l e ad.

62 TASCAM DA-78HR 10 - MIDI control 10.1 MMC enable and disable T he D A- 7 8H R c a n b e c o ntr olle d usin g M I DI Machine Control Commands (MMC). To enable and disabl e the DA-78HR’s response to these commands: 1 Press the SHIFT key so that the SHIFT indicator is fla shing , a nd then press the ME NU key until t he displa y sh ows MIDI-- (MI DI -- ). 2 Press the S UB M ENU key until the displa y shows MIDI on or MIDI OFF (MIDI ON or MIDI OFF). 3 Us e the s a nd t keys to make the appro priate setting. NOTE Tu rn ing th is p ara me ter on a nd o ff w ill also e na ble a nd disable respectively the transmission of MIDI timecode (MTC ). 10.1.1 Assigning a MIDI ID to the DA- 78HR A MIDI ID is u sed in a MIDI Machin e C on tro l s etup to ident ify each unit in t he MIDI chain. One (and only one) of up to 127 units can be desig- nated as the MIDI Timecode Master for the whole chain. Thi s MIDI ID is not the same as a MIDI Channel n um be r (e ve n th ou gh s om e u nits ’ ma n ua ls m a y re f e r to it as a “channel number”), and is not connected with the Mach ine ID (8.2 .2 , “Settin g mach ine ID”). To s et th e MIDI ID: 1 Press the SHIFT key so that the SHIFT indicator is fla shing , a nd then press the ME NU key until t he displa y sh ows MIDI-- (MI DI -- ). 2 Press the S UB M ENU key until the displa y shows ID (ID), followed b y th e current ID number. 3 Us e the s a nd t keys to change the ID to a value between 1 a nd 127, m aking sure tha t this is un ique i n y our setup. You can also select the defau lt value of ALL ( ALL), which a llows the DA-7 8HR to a ccep t all MMC comm ands trans mitted over the MIDI network.S et th e MIDI ID usin g th e meth od d escribed immed i- ately above. The MMC commands used by the DA-78HR are l isted in th is sectio n (1 0.2 , “MMC Bit Map Array”). 10.1.2 MMC commands and the DA-78HR An example of a MIDI sequencer being used to con- t ro l a D A- 7 8H R ( us ing th e au to- p un ch of the s e qu en c e r to p un c h in a n d ou t on t he DA - 78 H R t racks ) is given below. Note that the sequencing soft- ware mus t be able to transmit MMC commands and als o to sy nc to MTC for this to b e effective: The sequencer is set up to trans mit MMC commands, an d is set so that it syn chron izes to SMPTE/MTC. When a “transport” command is given from the s equencer, the appropriate MMC command is trans- mitted to the DA-78 HR. When the DA-78 HR has l ocated and starts playback (or recording), the MTC i s tran smi tted back to the sequ encer, which lo cks in and starts at the correct point. In th is way, tho ug h th e DA-7 8HR is th e timecod e master, the sequencer is the transport master. Th e arran gement sh own h ere us es 2 inp uts to the s equencer. The same effect could be achieved with t he intellig ent us e o f filterin g mech anis ms. MI DI O UT (MTC) MIDI OUT keyb oa rd even t s)MID I OU T ( 1) ( MMC c omm and s)MI DI O UT ( 2) (musical data) MIDI IN ( 1) (MTC) MI DI I N MIDI IN (2) ( k eyb oard even t s)

10 - MIDI control 63 T A SC AM D A- 78 HR 10.2 MMC Bit Map Array Commands unavailable on the DA-78HR are struck through, as for example (RECORD PAUSE). Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 (40H) Bit 5 (20H) Bit 4 (10H) Bit 3 (08H) Bi t 2 (04H) Bi t 1 (02H) Bi t 0 (01H) c0- 0(0 6) RECO RD ST R OB E(0 5) REW IND(0 4) FAS T FORWARD(0 3) DEF ERRED PLAY(02) PLAY(01) ST OP(00) re se rve d c1- 0(0 D) MM C RE SE T(0 C) COMMA ND E RROR RE SE T(0B) CHAS E(0A) EJECT(09) PA U S E(08) RE CO RD PAU SE (07) RECORD EX IT c2- 0(1 4) (1 3) (1 2) (1 1) (1 0 ) (0 F) ( 0E ) c3- 0(1 B ) ( 1A ) (1 9) (1 8) (1 7 ) (1 6 ) (1 5 ) c4- 0- 0- 0- 0(1 F) ( 1E ) (1 D) (1 C) c5- 0(2 6) (2 5) (2 4) (2 3) (2 2 ) (2 1 ) (2 0 ) c6- 0(2D) (2C) ( 2B) ( 2A) (29) (28) (27) c7- 0(3 4) (3 3) (3 2) (3 1) (3 0 ) (2 F) ( 2E ) c8- 0(3 B ) ( 3A ) (3 9) (3 8) (3 7 ) (3 6 ) (3 5 ) c9- 0- 0- 0- 0(3 F) ( 3E ) (3 D) (3 C) c10- 0(4 6) SEARCH(4 5) VA R I AB LE PLAY(4 4) LO C AT E(4 3) UP D AT E(42) RE AD(41) M A SK ED WR I TE(40) WR I TE c11- 0(4 D) ADD(4 C) MOVE(4B) MTC COMMA ND(4A) GE NERATO R COMMA ND(49) ASSIGN SY S. M AS (48) ST EP(47) S HUTTL E c12- 0(5 4) DEF ERRED VAR I . PL AY(5 3) COMMA ND SE GM EN T(5 2) GROUP(5 1) EVENT(50) P RO CEDURE(4 F) DRO P FR. AD JU S T (4E) SUB TRACT c13- 0(5 B ) ( 5A ) (5 9) (5 8) (5 7 ) (5 6 ) (5 5 ) REC S TRO BE VA R I A B L E c14- 0- 0- 0- 0(5 F) ( 5E ) (5 D) (5 C) c15- 0(6 6) (6 5) (6 4) (6 3) (6 2 ) (6 1 ) (6 0 ) c16- 0(6D) (6C) ( 6B) ( 6A) (69) (68) (67) c17- 0(7 4) (7 3) (7 2) (7 1) (7 0 ) (6 F) ( 6E ) c18- 0(7 B ) ( 7A ) (7 9) (7 8) (7 7 ) (7 6 ) (7 5 ) c19- 0- 0- 0- 0(7 F) RE SUME( 7E ) (7 D) (7 C) WAI T

10 - MIDI cont rol TA SCA M DA -7 8 HR 64 r0- 0(06) GE NERATO R TIME CODE(05) LO C K DEV IAT IO N(04) AC T U AL O FFS ET(03) REQUE ST ED O FFS ET(02) SELECTED MA ST ER CODE(01) SELECTED TIME CODE(00) re se rv ed r1- 0(0 D) GP 5(0 C) GP 4(0B) GP 3(0A) GP 2(09) GP 1(08) GP 0 / LO C ATE POI N T(07) MT C INPUT r2- 0(14) (13) (12) (11) (10) (0F) GP 7(0 E) GP 6 r3- 0( 1B) ( 1A) (19) (18) (17) (16) (15) r4- 0- 0- 0- 0(1 F) (1 E) ( 1D) ( 1C) r5- 0(26) Short GE NERATO R TIME CODE(25) Short LO C K DEV IAT IO N(24) Short AC T U AL O FFS ET(23) Short REQ UIRE D OFFS ET(22) Short SELECTED MA ST ER CODE(21) Short SELECTED TIME CODE(20) re se rv ed r6- 0(2 D) Short G P5(2 C) Short G P4(2B) Shor t G P3(2A) Shor t G P2(29) Shor t G P1(28) Shor t G P0 LOCAT E POI N T(27) Short MT CINPUT r7- 0(34) (33) (32) (31) (30) (2F) Shor t G P7(2 E) Short GP6 r8- 0( 3B) ( 3A) (39) (38) (37) (36) (35) r9- 0- 0- 0- 0(3 F) (3 E) ( 3D) ( 3C) r1 0- 0(46) SE L EC T E D TIME CODES OURCE (45) TIME STANDARD(44) COMMA ND ERROR LEVEL(43) COMMA ND ERROR(42) RES P ONSE ERROR(41) UPDAT E RATE(40) SI GN AT U R E r1 1- 0(4 D) RE CO RD STATUS(4 C) RE CO RD MO DE(4B) FA S T MO D E (4A) ST OP MO D E (49) VELOCITY TA L L Y(48) MO T I O N CO NTRO L TA L L Y(49) SELECTED TIME CODE USE R BITS r1 2- 0(54) ST EP LENG TH (53) T R A C K I N PU T MONITOR(52) T R AC K SY N C MONITOR (51) RE CORD MONITOR(50) GLOBAL MONITOR(4 F) TRACK RE CORD REA DY(4 E) TRACK RE CORD STAT U S r1 3- 0(5B) GE NERATO R COMMA ND TAL LY(5A) CHAS E MO DE(59) RESOLVED PL AY MO D E(58) C O NT RO L DISABLE (57) L IFTE R D EF EAT (56) FIX ED SPEED (55) PL AY SPEED REF ERE NCE r1 4- 0- 0- 0- 0(5 F) MT C SE T U P(5 E) MT C COMMAND TA L L Y(5D) GE NERATOR USE R BITS (5C) GE NERATOR SE T U P r1 5- 0(66) (65) FA I L UR E(64) RES PO NSE SEGMENT(63) VITC INSERT EN AB L E (62) TRACK MUTE (61) EV EN T R E SP ON SE(60) P ROCEDURE R E SP ON SE r1 6- 0(6D) (6C) ( 6B) ( 6A) (69) (68) (67) r1 7- 0(74) (73) (72) (71) (70) (6F) (6E) r1 8- 0( 7B) ( 7A) (79) (78) (77) (76) (75) r1 9- 0- 0- 0- 0(7 F) RE SUME(7E) (7D) (7C) WAI T Byte Bit 7 Bi t 6 (40H) Bi t 5 (20H) Bi t 4 (10H) Bi t 3 (08H) Bi t 2 (04H) Bi t 1 (02H) Bi t 0 (01H)

10 - MIDI control 65 T A SC AM D A- 78 HR 10.3 MIDI Control Change It is also p os sible to s en d u se MIDI C on tro l Chan ge messag es to con tro l the su b-mix er parameters, as d e sc ri be d h er e : MIDI channels 1 through 8 control channels 1 through 8 on the master DA-78HR in a DTRS chain. MIDI channels 9 through 16 can be used to control ch ann els 1 th ro ug h 8 on th e firs t s lav e DA-78 HR in a chain. 10.4 MIDI System Exclusive The following are the System Exclus ive formats used by the DA-78HR: 10.4.1 Identity Reply R ep ly to an Id entity Requ est: 10.4.2 TASCAM Exclusive messages These TASCAM Exclus ive messages are developed fo r con trollin g DTRS reco rd ers co nn ected to each other via the SYNC IN connections. Th e messag es fo llow the followin g format: 10.4.3 Track delay Track delay can be set from –200 through +7200 = 04 is 5 bytes: < db >< dd > = 0s000ttt where s= s ign bit (1 if n eg ative) and ttt is t he track number. , , an d rep resen t th e u nits, ten s, h un dr e ds a n d th ou sa nd s dig its r e spe c tive ly o f th e d e la y va lu e . 10.4.4 Crossfade C an be set fro m 0 to 90 ms in th is way = 05 1 data byte, taking a value from 0 through 9 (0 through 90 ms) 10.4.5 Machine offset Us ed to set the machine offset of a slave machine chasing to a master via a SY NC IN connection (the master’s chase cannot be set, of course). Th e limits o f th is parameter are ± 02 :00 :00 .0 0. If a v alue o ver o r below thes e limits are en tered , th e limit v alue will be set. = 06 is four bytes: < hh > = 0s ssu uu u , where s ss=000 means a plus value, and ss s =01 is a minus value. uuuu is the h ou rs s etting . Parameter MIDI Control Hex value C h an nel fa de r Vol u me ( 7) 0x 0 7 C h an nel pan Pa n ( 10 ) 0x 0 a M as t er f a de r C on t r ol ( 9 ) 0x 0 9 C h an nel mu t e a a . Va lue s of 0 through 63 tur n mute on, values of 64 through 128 turn it on. Control (11) 0x0b F 0 Sy s E x he ad er 7 E U ni v er s al S y s Ex non - re al t i m e hea de r < channel> Ob t ai n ed by s u bt ra c t i ng 1 f r om t h e M a c hi ne I D sub-ID #1 — general information sub - ID #2 — d evi ce id en ti ty r e pl y 4 E T EAC I D 01 Category = recorder 0 4 typ e = d i gi ta l casse tte 0 4 i nt e r f ac e = di r ec t 0C machine = DA-78HR < VH > So f t w ar e v er s i on of un it . N um b er s a bov e de c i - mal point , expressed in binary < VL > So f t w ar e v e rs i o n of u ni t . N u mb er s be l ow de c im a l po i nt ex pr es s ed in b in ar y 0 0 C ur r ent l y un as s i g ne d 0 0 C ur r ent l y un as s i g ne d F7 En d o f S ysEx F0 Sys Ex header 4 E T EAC I D < c h an ne l> Obtained by subtracting 1 from the Machine I D 1 1 Op er at io n c od e ( D T R S S YN C I N ) < an> Mach i ne ID se t o n e ach DTRS r eco rd er < cc> C om m an d c ode < data> D at a — f or m at va r i es a c c or di n g t o c o m ma nd < cs> ch ecksum — lo wer 7 bi ts o f t he sum o f a l l num- b er s f r om ( a nd in c l ud i ng) < c c > u p t o < c s > F 7 En d of Sy s Ex

10 - MIDI cont rol TA SCA M DA -7 8 HR 66 10.4.6 Track Copy Setup = 09 There are two dat a bytes: and . is t he tape track number – 1 (00 through 07) is either th e in pu t ch ann el n umb er – 1 (00 through 07) or t he ta pe tra c k n um be r – 1 + 8 ( 0 8 through 0F). 10.4.7 Track Copy Enable =0a 1 by te o f d ata to en able o r dis able the fun ct ion . 0 = dis able, 1 = enable.

10 - MIDI control 67 T A SC AM D A- 78 HR 10.5 MIDI Implementation Chart TASCAM Multitrack Digital Recorder date:1999.09.20 Model DA-78HR MIDI Implementation Chart Version : 1.00 +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ : : Transmitted : Recognized : Remarks : : Function : : : : :-------------------+----------------+----------------+----------------: :Basic Default : x : x : : :Channel Changed : 1-16 : 1-16 : : :-------------------+----------------+----------------+----------------: : Default : x : x : : :Mode Messages : x : x : : : Altered : ************** : : : :-------------------+----------------+----------------+----------------: :Note : x : x : : :Number : True voice: ************** : : : :-------------------+----------------+----------------+----------------: :Velocity Note ON : x : x : : : Note OFF : x : x : : :-------------------+----------------+----------------+----------------: :After Key’s : x : x : : :Touch Ch’s : x : x : : :-------------------+----------------+----------------+----------------: :Pitch Bender : x : x : : :-------------------+----------------+----------------+----------------: : 7, 9, 10, 11 : x : o : : : Other : x : x : : : : : : : : Control : : : : : : : : : : Change : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : True # : 0/127 : : : :-------------------+----------------+----------------+----------------: :Prog : x : x : : :Change : True # : 1-128 : : : :-------------------+----------------+----------------+----------------: :System Exclusive : o : o :*1 : : : : : : :-------------------+----------------+----------------+----------------: :System : Song Pos : x : x : : : : Song Sel : x : x : : :Common : Tune : x : x : : :-------------------+----------------+----------------+----------------: :System :Clock : x : x : : :Real Time :Commands: x : x : : :-------------------+----------------+----------------+----------------: :Aux :Local ON/OFF : x : x : : : :All Notes OFF: x : x : : :Mes- :Active Sense : x : x : : :sages:Reset : x : o : : :-------------------+----------------+----------------+----------------: :Notes: :*1 MMC RP Ver 1.00 (T, R) : : (T) : Transmitted : Identity Request (R), Identity Reply (T) : : (R) : Recognized : TASCAM System Exclusive (R) : : : MTC Quarter Frame Message (T) : +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ Mode 1 : OMNI ON, POLY Mode 2 : OMNI ON, MONO o : Yes Mode 3 : OMNI OFF, POLY Mode 4 : OMNI OFF, MONO x : No

68 TASCAM DA-78HR 11 - Maintenance, etc. 11.1 Head and transport cleaning The DA-78HR incorporates an internal cl eaning mechanis m that not only cleans the rotary head, but also the tape as it enters the tape path . Th e p ro visio n o f th is clean in g mech an ism sign ifican tly redu ces th e need for manual cleaning. If, des pite the internal cleani ng mechanis m, the P B CONDITION in di cato r 6 lights, the heads are dirty and manual cleaning procedures should be followed. NOTES—IMPO RTA NT U se a T EAC H C-8 cleaning tape (recom mended) or a dry c leaning t ape s pecially des igned for Hi8 8mm v ideo equipm ent. N EVER use a w et-t ype cleaning tape, as this w ill res ult in w inding problems . Th e u s e o f t h e dr y t ap e wi ll re du c e t he he a d lif e o f t h e DA- 78 HR by a bo ut f iv e h ou rs . U s e of ma nu al cleaning is therefore discouraged. We recommend the following schedule (based on our experi ence with the DTRS sys tem) for cleaning and maintenance schedules. See 11.1.3, “Checking drum time” below for details of how to check head usage time. The above cleaning cycle ti mings are based on the ass umptio n th at th e DA-7 8HR i s being op erated in a clean environment. A dus ty or smoky atmosphere will sh orten th e time between cleanin g op eratio ns NOTE Most name brand tapes are of very high quality. How- ever, it is som etim es possible to r eceive “bad” stock which exhi bits excessive shedding char acter istics. If you recei ve such tape stock, stop using it immedi - ately, and follow the cleaning procedure as described below. 11.1.1 To clean the heads and transport 1 Press the SHIFT key so that the SHIFT indicator is fla shing , a nd pres s the ME NU key un til the displa y sho ws MAINTN-- (MA IN TN--— maintena nce). 2 Press the SUB MENU key until the displa y briefly shows CLE N. ;;;; (CLE N xx xx), fol- lowed by Clen . OFF (CLEN OFF). Here, the xxxx represents the number of ti mes cleaning h as been perform ed . 3 Use the s ke y to c hang e OFF to ON (ON). If a ta pe h as a lrea dy been loa ded, it will auto- matically be ejected. Pressin g t a t this po int will sho w the prev ious displa y. 4 Insert the cleaning tape. 5 The cleaning tape will “play” for about 5 s ec- onds (the d ispla y will show Clean ing ( C LEA NING)) and then be ejected au tomati- cally. The cleaning cou nter (number of times the heads have been cleaned) will be incre- mented by one. • Do n ot attemp t to rewin d or fast forward the clean- in g tape, eit her in the DA-78 HR or in a vid eo un it. Simply in sert it in to the DA-78 HR when y ou u se it th e n ex t time. • Excessive cleaning can cause excess ive wear on the heads. Do not clean the heads too frequently, and never perform the head cleaning procedure more th an 5 times ru nn ing . • In add ition to cleanin g the h ead s, we recommen d that you have t he DA-78HR checked by an autho- rized TASCAM service technician every 500 hours or so of use. 11.1.2 Checking error rates I f yo u he a r n ois e a n d di stor tio n on pla yb a c k, ev en after cleaning the heads , or if you are presented with a ta p e o f du bi ou s qu alit y, yo u ma y wa n t to c he c k th e block error rate of the tape. 1 Press the SHI F T ke y s o t hat t he SHIFT in dicator is fla shing , a nd press the MENU key u ntil the displa y sho ws MAINTN-- (MA IN TN--— maintena nce). 2 Press the SUB MENU key until the displa y shows B. E . R. OFF(BE R OFF). 3 Use the s a nd t keys to change OFF to ON. The PB CONDITION indi ca tor will sta rt to fl a sh. E ver y 35 0 t o 40 0 hoursPer f or m m a nua l c l ea ni ng o f h ea ds a nd gu i de s as de s c r ib ed be l ow. C he ck t he ta pe pa th a li g nmen t a fte r cl ea ni n g. Th i s requires proper test and measurement eq ui p me nt , a nd s ho ul d be pe r fo r m ed only by qualified service personnel. E very 10 00 hours ( eve r y th i r d cl ean i n g )A complete alignment check should be pe r f or m ed .

11 - Maintenance, etc. 69 T A SC AM D A- 78 HR 4 Play the s uspect tap e. The track meters are u sed to s how the error rate at di fferent loca- tio n, a s listed below: Th e n umber of s eg men ts lit in di- cates the blocks containing e rr or s (p e r gr ou p of 12 8 blo c ks) , as shown here. It is in ev itable th at th ere will be a few erro rs, b ut if th e meter segments are co nsis tently lit while the tape is p layin g, some- thin g is wron g (an d y ou will almost certainly be able to hear it!). Use this d isplay to sh ow wh ere the tape is i n error, and which head is causing errors . I n th is w ay, yo u c a n pin po int a ny tro ub le . I f p la yin g a no the r ta pe se e ms to re m ove th e e r ro r s, th e p ro blem is with th e tap e, oth erwise yo u may wan t to clean t he heads (11.1, “Head and trans port clean- ing”). Remember not to clean the heads more than 5 times in a ro w. NOTE I f, af t e r t r y in g di ff er en t t ap e s a nd c l ea ni ng t h e he ad s , yo u still se e ma ny e rro rs, yo u sh ou ld co n ta ct a TASC AM ser vice technician to check your DA-78H R. 5 Us e the s a nd t keys to turn off the error dis - p lay and use th e meters for their n ormal function s. 1 1 .1 .3 C he ck ing dr um ti me Thi s fu nctio n allows y ou to ch eck the n umber o f h ou rs th a t the dr um ha s b e en use d ove r a ll, a s w e ll a s in fast forward or rewind (search) mode. 1 Press the SHIFT key so that the SHIFT indicator is fla shing , a nd pres s the ME NU key un til the displa y sho ws MAINTN-- (MA IN TN--— maintena nce). 2 Press the SUB MENU key until the displa y briefly shows DRU M. TIM (D RUM TIM—drum tim e) . The di splay then changes. 3 Use the s a nd t keys to choose between d. ;;;; (D xx xx—to tal drum time) a nd d. s. ;;;; (D.S.xxxx—drum search time). xx xx represents the tim e in ho urs shown beside the appropriate parameter. 11.2Backup memory initialization Th e DA-7 8HR in clud es no n-vo latile memo ry (NVRAM) wh ich p reserves almost all us er settin gs after the power is t urned off. To reset th es e settin gs to their default values (d efau lts are listed in 4, “Menu interface, etc.”): 1 Press the SHI F T ke y s o t hat t he SHIFT in dicator is fla shing , a nd press the MENU key u ntil the displa y sho ws MAINTN-- (MA IN TN--— maintena nce). 2 Press the SUB MENU key until the displa y shows IN IT. (INIT) . 3 Press either s or t to change the display to show READ Y (RE ADY). 4 Press either s or t once ag ain to initiali ze a ll the stored parameters to the factory settin gs. The unit will sh ow done (DONE) and will re- start (as if power had just been turned on). 11.3Checking version numbers In case of problems, you may need to quote the ver- s ion nu mb er of the DA - 78 H R’s in te rn a l sof tw a re components to a TASCAM representative. There are three major components of the DA-78HR’s i nternal software: system, front panel and servo. Each of these can be checked independently. 1 Press the SHI F T ke y s o t hat t he SHIFT in dicator is fla shing , a nd press the MENU key u ntil the displa y sho ws maintn-- (MA IN TN-- — maintena nce). 2 Press the SUB MENU key until the displa y briefly shows VER sion (VERSION) and then changes to either SYS ;. ;; (SY S x. yy—the sys tem so f twa re) , Fr nt ;. ;; (FRNT x.yy— Tape edge (hea d A ) Ta pe edg e (head B)Tape center (hea d B) Tape center (hea d A ) 96-128 88 -9 5 80 -8 7 72 -7 9 64 -7 1 56 -6 3 48 -5 5 40 -4 7 32 -3 9 24 -3 1 16 -2 3 6- 15 0- 7 (none lit)

11 - Maintenance, etc. TA SCA M DA -7 8 HR 70 the front panel software) or SVO . ;. ;; (SVO x. y y —the s ervo software). The x. y y here repres en ts the software revis ion number (e.g. 1. 0 0). 3 Use the s a nd t key s to displa y the required software component version number. 11.3.1 Software upgrades TA SC A M p ur sue s a po lic y of c on tinu ou s imp r ove - me n t to pr od uc ts, a nd the r e m a y be f utu re e nh a nc e - ments to the DA-78HR software. Your TASCAM dealer will b e ab le to ad vis e y ou of d evelop men ts in this area.