Tascam Digital Multitrack Recorder DA-78HR Owners Manual
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5 - Basic operations TA SCA M DA -7 8 HR 31 2 Enter shift mode, and enter the sub-mixer mode. 3 Make the l ev el a nd pan settings for th e tracks which a re to be combi ned, a s described in 7 .4, “Sub-mix er”. See this section fo r full details o f how to ope r a te th e su b-mi xe r. 4 Yo u can use the DA-78 HR’s SPDIF ( COAXIAL), TDIF-1 a nd an alo g out put s t o mon ito r t r ac ks 7 and 8 . Only tracks 7 a nd 8 will be output from the TDIF- 1 and analog outputs, and the...
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5 - Basic operations 32 T A SC AM D A- 78 HR If you are unsure about the difference between moni- to ri ng mod es as impl emented o n th e DA-7 8HR, no w is a good time to read 6, “Monitoring”. Ob vio usly y ou will wan t to reco rd wh ile y ou listen to the off-tape signals from previous ly-recorded tracks and the input source on tracks where recording is tak- ing place. 5.6 Punch-in and punch-out There are a number of ways in which the DA-78HR can be used to perform reliable...
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5 - Basic operations TA SCA M DA -7 8 HR 33 NOTE If you do not w ant to change to source monitoring on the punch track(s) between the punch points when setting the points, do not set the RE C FUNCTION on for these tracks. A t an y ti me w he n t he RHSL in dicator is lit o r fla shing , this mea ns that recordin g will not actually be carri ed out, even if the RE CORD key and/o r the RE C FUNC TION ind icators are lit. 7 At the po int wh ere you wa nt to punch o ut, pres s PL AY. The...
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5 - Basic operations 34 T A SC AM D A- 78 HR 5 Press the CLEAR (PRE ROLL) ke y on ce mo re s o th at t he d ispla y show s PO 0003 (PO 0003), i.e. the po st-roll time. Sin ce th ere is little p oin t in settin g pre- an d po st-ro ll times to frame accuracy, you can only set t hese val- ues to second accuracy. The minimum values you can s et are 5 seconds (pre- roll ) and 3 secon ds (po st-roll) an d th e maximum va lu e is 59 m inu te s 59 se c on ds f or bo th. An y p un ch op...
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5 - Basic operations TA SCA M DA -7 8 HR 35 3 If yo u wa nt to reco rd the punch-in ag ain, pres s the AUTO IN/OUT key so that the indicator flashes, and repeat the process d es crib ed abo ve . 4 If yo u are satisfied with the pu nch-in, fo llow the steps below, otherwise, pres s LOC 1 to return to the punch-in point, press the AU TO IN /O U T key s o that the indica to r fla shes, and repeat the take. 5. 6. 9 Ex iti ng pun ch -in mo de 1 Disarm any armed tracks (press the...
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36 TASCAM DA-78HR 6 - Monitoring NOTE We strongly advise you to read this section – the effective use of multitrack monitoring is one of the keys to an effici ent r ecording sessi on. Like all mu ltitrack reco rd ers , th e DA-7 8HR h as a n um be r o f dif fe r e nt mo nito rin g mo de s , de pe n din g on the current monitor status, trans port status and whether the track is armed or not. When a DA-78HR track is in pl ayback mode, the mon itorin g is off-tap e. The controls which affect...
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6 - Monitoring 37 T A SC AM D A- 78 HR 6.5 Sum mar y o f mo nit or mod es The follo wi ng tab le s hows wh at will b e mon itored from a track. This depends on the AL L INP UT, AUTO MON an d t h e R EC FU NCTION setting s, and o n th e t ransport mode current ly engaged. REC FU NC TI ONPL AYRECORDSTOP, REW, FFWDSHUT TL E (shuttl e moni tor) ALL I NPUT ONON INPUTOFF ALL INPUT OFFAU TO MON OF FON OFF TAPEAU TO MON ONON INP UT OFFTA P E ONINPUT OFFMUTE OFFTA P E ONMU T E
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38 TASCAM DA-78HR 7 - Advanced operations 7.1 Autolocation The DA-78HR contains t wo location memories, accessible through the LOC 1 and LOC 2 ke ys. Th e se a l s o a l l ow a “A «B rep eat ” facil ity, which allo ws you to rehearse part of a mixdown, for instance. Thes e two location memory points are referred to as “MEMO 1” and “MEMO 2”. As with the pu nch recordin g p oin ts (5 .6, “P un ch -in an d pu nch -o ut ”), i t is p os sibl e to s et an d edit th ese p oin ts in a...
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7 - Advanced operations 39 T A SC AM D A- 78 HR If you press PLAY twice wh ile the tape is lo catin g, th e PLAY key will ligh t steadily, th e tape will stop an d play back will start immediately. If you are using the DA-78HR with a remote control unit, and you have have pressed the AUTO P LAY ke y o n th e remo te co ntro l u nit, rep lay will start au to mati- cally when the locati on point is reached. 7.2 Repeat function You can repeat playback continuously between the two lo cation...
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7 - Advanced operations TA SCA M DA -7 8 HR 40 7 Press a nd hold the SHI F T key for more than three seconds to exit the d elay setting mode. The meters can also be used to give a v isu a l in dic a tio n o f the track d elay. Press SHI F T and one of the REC F UNCTION ke ys ( a s de sc r ibe d in 4. 1. 1 , “ Pe a k meters”) to to gg le this meter mo de of f a nd on . T he de f a ult at po wer-on is fo r th is mod e to be on . The track del ay, expressed i n s eco nd s,...