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Tascam Digital Multitrack Recorder DA-78HR Owners Manual

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Page 41

7 - Advanced operations
41 T A SC AM  D A- 78 HR
T he displa y will show the l ev el  a nd pan po si-
tion of the channel. For example, 
L. 02. P -C- 
wo uld indicate a level of 10 2 and  a  center pan 
Us e the s a nd t key s and/o r the kno b to  
change the level of the active channel. 
To change the level of another chan nel, press 
that channel’s 
The meters may be used to show the value of 
the chann el levels  (the defau lt is fo r this  func-
tio n to  b e o n, a...

Page 42

7  - Advanced operations
 TA SCA M DA -7 8 HR 42
Use the s a nd t keys to change the value 
(maximum +6.0%, minimum –6.0%, in 0.1% 
st ep s).
Res et the value to 0.00% by pressin g and  hold-
ing either of the s or  t keys , a nd press ing the 
ot he r.
Press the 
SHI F T key to turn off the setting 
mode. T he 
VARI SPEED ind icator will  continue 
to be lit, showing that varispeed is curren tly 
en ab l e d .
Turn off varispeed (when the 
indicator is lit) by  pres sing  the 

Page 43

7 - Advanced operations
43 T A SC AM  D A- 78 HR
Press the S UB M ENU key  until the displa y 
RLs.  (RLS—release) and then ch anges 
to the  current  val ue for  th at s etting.
Us e the s a nd t keys to change the value 
b etween the FAST
 (SL O W) 
a nd MED
ME DIUM) settings.
7.9 Sine oscillator
The DA-7 8HR in corpo rates a dig ital oscillato r for 
lin eup  an d sig nal tracing  p urpo ses. This o scillator is 
a sin e-wave oscillato r at either the stan dard tun ing...

Page 44

7  - Advanced operations
 TA SCA M DA -7 8 HR 44
(for instance 16, the DA-78HR’s non-HR tape word 
len gth ) to  imp ro ve qu an tization . 
Paradoxically, this technique of adding noise 
removes q uanti zatio n n oise and  dist ortion  at low sig -
n a l  lev els  a n d  im pr ove s  th e   ove r a ll d isto rt ion  f ig-
Though quantization nois e is  reduced,  there is  a  loss 
o f a few dB  in  the sig nal-to-n oise rat io. For th is rea-
s on, the DA-78HR does  not implement dither as a 

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7 - Advanced operations
45 T A SC AM  D A- 78 HR
Pr essin g th e s and t ke ys  s imu lta -
neously returns the output patchbay 
to the  normal s tate.
The meters dis play  th e cu rren t 
a ssi gn me nts  of  tr a c ks  to  the  ou tpu t 
channels. In this  cas e, each meter 
sh ow s th e a ss ign me n t s ta tus o f th e 
c or r e spo nd ing ly- n um be r e d ou tpu t 
channel (no t tr a c k) ,   as  s how n   he r e.
Pr ess 
SHIFT an d o ne  of  the  RE C 
 keys (as described in 
4 .1.1,...

Page 46

7  - Advanced operations
 TA SCA M DA -7 8 HR 46
Press the SHI F T  key so that the SHIFT in dicator 
is fla shing , a nd press th e 
MENU key  u ntil  the 
displa y sho ws system-- (
Press the 
SUB MENU key  until the displa y 
shows  Load. OFF (
Press the s key to make the DA-78HR ready 
for lo ading  the setti ngs. The disp lay  will sh ow 
Press the s key again to actuall y start the 
restore operation.
The DA-78 HR will auto matically  search to  the...

Page 47

8 - Synchronization with other  DTRS  units
Th is  section  d escrib es  the  tech niq ues  and  metho ds  to  
b e fo llowed when  the DA-78 HR is link ed to  o ther 
DTRS units (e.g. TASCAM DA-98, DA-38, DA-88 
and of course other DA-78HR units).
Up  to  1 6  DTRS  un its can  b e lin ked ,  fo r a  total  of 1 28  
d igi tal  tracks .
I f  you  a re  c on ne c tin g D TR S un its of  dif fe r e nt ty pe s 
to the DA-78HR, use the DA-78HR or a DA-98 as 
the master unit and the other...

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8 - Synchronization with other DTRS units
48 T A SC AM  D A- 78 HR
standard sequence, working from the head of the 
c h ai n t o t he  en d.
8.2.2 Setting machine ID
Press the SHIFT key so that the SHIFT indicator 
is  fla shing , a nd pres s the 
ME NU key, un til the 
counter sh ows 
Press the 
S UB M ENU key  until the displa y 
id. sel. ;; (ID SEL xx), where  xx is the 
current machine ID setting.
Us e the s a nd t keys to change the value 
b et w e e n 1 and  1...

Page 49

8 - Synchronization with other  DTRS  units
 TA SCA M DA -7 8 HR 49
Press a nd hold do wn the s key  a nd  pres s  th e 
 key to  reset the  value.
Machi ne o ffset  will n ow  be ca ncelled a nd  the 
OF F SE T indicato r will g o out.
8.3.3 Setting machine offset “on the fly”
As  well  as  en terin g  an  ab so lute  nu mb er,  it is  also  p os -
s ible to enter a number “on t he fly” as  the tapes are 
Loc a te  t he  t w o ta pe s (ma st e r  a nd s l ave )  s o th at  
they have the...

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8 - Synchronization with other DTRS units
50 T A SC AM  D A- 78 HR
8.4 Digital dubbing
W hen  y ou  co py  t ap es between DTRS un its in  th e 
d igital d omain, there is  n o lo ss of qu ality. A “wo rk-
tap e” o r cop y is th erefore ind istin gu ishab le from t he 
o rig in al. Add itio nally, th e DA-7 8HR  u ses low-cos t 
m e dia  ( Hi 8 vid e o c a sse tte s) ,  wh ic h m a ke s it e as y to 
back up i mportant projects .
W hen you copy tracks fr om DA-88 units, the word 
l e n gt h s ho ul...
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