Tascam Digital Multitrack Recorder DA-78HR Owners Manual
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7 - Advanced operations 41 T A SC AM D A- 78 HR T he displa y will show the l ev el a nd pan po si- tion of the channel. For example, L. 02. P -C- wo uld indicate a level of 10 2 and a center pan position. 3 Us e the s a nd t key s and/o r the kno b to change the level of the active channel. 4 To change the level of another chan nel, press that channel’s RE C FUNC TION key. The meters may be used to show the value of the chann el levels (the defau lt is fo r this func- tio n to b e o n, a...
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7 - Advanced operations TA SCA M DA -7 8 HR 42 2 Use the s a nd t keys to change the value (maximum +6.0%, minimum –6.0%, in 0.1% st ep s). Res et the value to 0.00% by pressin g and hold- ing either of the s or t keys , a nd press ing the ot he r. 3 Press the SHI F T key to turn off the setting mode. T he VARI SPEED ind icator will continue to be lit, showing that varispeed is curren tly en ab l e d . 4 Turn off varispeed (when the VARI SPEED indicator is lit) by pres sing the VARI...
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7 - Advanced operations 43 T A SC AM D A- 78 HR 2 Press the S UB M ENU key until the displa y shows RLs. (RLS—release) and then ch anges to the current val ue for th at s etting. 3 Us e the s a nd t keys to change the value b etween the FAST ( FA S T), SLOW (SL O W) a nd MED ( ME DIUM) settings. 7.9 Sine oscillator The DA-7 8HR in corpo rates a dig ital oscillato r for lin eup an d sig nal tracing p urpo ses. This o scillator is a sin e-wave oscillato r at either the stan dard tun ing...
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7 - Advanced operations TA SCA M DA -7 8 HR 44 (for instance 16, the DA-78HR’s non-HR tape word len gth ) to imp ro ve qu an tization . Paradoxically, this technique of adding noise removes q uanti zatio n n oise and dist ortion at low sig - n a l lev els a n d im pr ove s th e ove r a ll d isto rt ion f ig- ures. 1 Though quantization nois e is reduced, there is a loss o f a few dB in the sig nal-to-n oise rat io. For th is rea- s on, the DA-78HR does not implement dither as a s...
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7 - Advanced operations 45 T A SC AM D A- 78 HR Pr essin g th e s and t ke ys s imu lta - neously returns the output patchbay to the normal s tate. The meters dis play th e cu rren t a ssi gn me nts of tr a c ks to the ou tpu t channels. In this cas e, each meter sh ow s th e a ss ign me n t s ta tus o f th e c or r e spo nd ing ly- n um be r e d ou tpu t channel (no t tr a c k) , as s how n he r e. Pr ess SHIFT an d o ne of the RE C FUN CTION keys (as described in 4 .1.1,...
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7 - Advanced operations TA SCA M DA -7 8 HR 46 2 Press the SHI F T key so that the SHIFT in dicator is fla shing , a nd press th e MENU key u ntil the displa y sho ws system-- ( SYSTEM--). 3 Press the SUB MENU key until the displa y shows Load. OFF ( LOAD OFF). 4 Press the s key to make the DA-78HR ready for lo ading the setti ngs. The disp lay will sh ow READY ( RE ADY). 5 Press the s key again to actuall y start the restore operation. The DA-78 HR will auto matically search to the...
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TASCAM DA-78HR 47 8 - Synchronization with other DTRS units Th is section d escrib es the tech niq ues and metho ds to b e fo llowed when the DA-78 HR is link ed to o ther DTRS units (e.g. TASCAM DA-98, DA-38, DA-88 and of course other DA-78HR units). Up to 1 6 DTRS un its can b e lin ked , fo r a total of 1 28 d igi tal tracks . I f you a re c on ne c tin g D TR S un its of dif fe r e nt ty pe s to the DA-78HR, use the DA-78HR or a DA-98 as the master unit and the other...
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8 - Synchronization with other DTRS units 48 T A SC AM D A- 78 HR standard sequence, working from the head of the c h ai n t o t he en d. 8.2.2 Setting machine ID 1 Press the SHIFT key so that the SHIFT indicator is fla shing , a nd pres s the ME NU key, un til the counter sh ows SYSTEM -- ( SYSTEM--). 2 Press the S UB M ENU key until the displa y shows id. sel. ;; (ID SEL xx), where xx is the current machine ID setting. 3 Us e the s a nd t keys to change the value b et w e e n 1 and 1...
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8 - Synchronization with other DTRS units TA SCA M DA -7 8 HR 49 2 Press a nd hold do wn the s key a nd pres s th e t key to reset the value. Machi ne o ffset will n ow be ca ncelled a nd the OF F SE T indicato r will g o out. 8.3.3 Setting machine offset “on the fly” As well as en terin g an ab so lute nu mb er, it is also p os - s ible to enter a number “on t he fly” as the tapes are playing. 1 Loc a te t he t w o ta pe s (ma st e r a nd s l ave ) s o th at they have the...
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8 - Synchronization with other DTRS units 50 T A SC AM D A- 78 HR 8.4 Digital dubbing W hen y ou co py t ap es between DTRS un its in th e d igital d omain, there is n o lo ss of qu ality. A “wo rk- tap e” o r cop y is th erefore ind istin gu ishab le from t he o rig in al. Add itio nally, th e DA-7 8HR u ses low-cos t m e dia ( Hi 8 vid e o c a sse tte s) , wh ic h m a ke s it e as y to back up i mportant projects . NOTE W hen you copy tracks fr om DA-88 units, the word l e n gt h s ho ul...