Tascam Digital Multitrack Recorder DA-78HR Owners Manual
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1 - Introduction to the DA-78HR TA SCA M DA -7 8 HR 11 1.5.2 Available recording and playback ti me Depending on whether the tape has been purchased for us e with an NTS C (P6/E6) or a PAL/SECAM (P5/E5) television system, the same length of tape (as far as v ideo len gth is co ncerned ) will prov ide d iffer- ent times for audio work, as shown below, due to di f- f er ent fr am e r ates between televisio n sy stem s. T h e ind icat ion P6 /E6 or P5 /E5 will b e p rinted o n the tape...
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2 - Front and rear panel features 13 T A SC AM D A- 78 HR 2.1 General controls and indicators 1Power switch Turns the power to t he DA-78HR on and off. When th e DA-7 8HR i s turned o ff, s etting s will be retain ed in memory. 2Ta pe lo ad ing s lot an d EJ EC T k e y Only use Hi8 ME or MP tapes as specified in 1.5, “Reco mmend ed tapes”. Th e DA-78 HR will au tomat- ically eject all oth er tapes . NOTE—I MPORTANT Do not use a tape which has been used for recording video. Always use...
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2 - Front and rear panel features TA SCA M DA -7 8 HR 14 transport momentarily goes into stop mode before the tape starts fast-wi nding. BSTOP key Cancels any current tape trans port mode, and stops the tape. If pressed in chase mode, cancels the mode and stops the tape. CPLAY key S tarts p layin g the tap e. If th is key pressed while r e c or d ing is in pr og re s s, th e DA - 78 HR dr op s ou t of record mode. DR E CO RD k e y If the PL AY ke y C is pressed while the RE CORD k...
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2 - Front and rear panel features 15 T A SC AM D A- 78 HR MREPEAT (MENU) key and in dicator This key is used to provide a repeat function between th e two location po ints (see 7.2, “Rep eat fun ction ”). W hen the DA-78 HR is sh ift mo de, i t allows selection o f th e to p- le ve l me n us ( se e 4. 3, “ Me n us a n d su b- menus”). NCHASE (SUB MENU) key and in dic a tor Thi s key is used t o set the DA-78HR to a s lave chas e mod e, eith er to an oth er DTRS un it, o r to...
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2 - Front and rear panel features TA SCA M DA -7 8 HR 16 XREMOTE PUNCH IN/OUT Use thi s t o connec t an opt ional RC-30P foot - switc h to cont rol punch ope rati ons. YTD IF -1 (DI GITA L I/O ) This connector carries the digital s ignals to and from the DA-78HR in TEAC Digital Interface Format (TDIF-1). ZTIME CODE (IN, OUT) These RCA connectors are used to carry SMPTE/ EBU timeco de to and from the DA-78 HR. For d etails o f u sin g the DA-7 8HR with timecod e s yn chron iza- ti on , see...
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TASCAM DA-78HR 17 3 - Connections This section explains how to connect other equip- ment to t he DA-78 HR. It is no t inten ded as a com- plete reference to the use of the DA-78HR. See t he appropriate sections for full details of how t hese con- nectors are used. NOTES—IMPO RTA NT W hen m aking connec tions bet ween the DA-78HR and ot her equipm ent, w hether audio or cont rol, both the DA- 78H R and t he ot her equipm ent mus t be t urned off, other- w ise damage may be caus ed t o t he...
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3 - Connections 18 T A SC AM D A- 78 HR 3.1.4 SPDIF connectors The coaxial RCA digital audio connectors on the rear panel allow connection of an SP DIF-equipped device (e.g. a DAT recorder). Thi s dig ital u nit sh ou ld b e u sed as a clock s ou rce if d ata is to be read from it When s ynchronizi ng to the signal received at the COAX IA L D IGITAL IN, set the CLOCK ke y s o tha t th e D IGITAL IN ind icator ligh ts. 3.2 Synchronization connections The DA-7 8HR h as facilities...
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3 - Connections TA SCA M DA -7 8 HR 19 ap art fro m th e au dio co nn ection s (eith er d igital o r analog). If mo re than o ne DTRS un it is to b e u sed, the fi rst u nit in th e chain mus t h av e its Mach in e ID set to “1”, (“0” in the case of DA-88s) and subsequent units mus t have their IDs set in o rder with no g aps in th e numbering sequence. Note that the diagram below d oe s n ot sh ow a ny a u dio c o nn e cti on s. S ee 8 .2 , “Machin e ID and master/slave setting...
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20 TASCAM DA-78HR 4 - Menu interface, etc. R ead this sectio n to u nd ers tand th e basic prin cip les of the menu operations. These menus are used for makin g settin gs wh ich cann ot be mad e directly fro m d e dic a te d f ro nt p a ne l ke ys . In ad ditio n, this s ectio n g iv es a b rief descript ion o f th e to p-level men u gro up s as well as th e su b-menu items and th e parameters. Th is is no t a d etailed d e sc ri ptio n of the se m en us a n d p ar a m ete r s, bu t...