Music Production System
Steinberg Cubase SX/SL 3 Score Layout And Printing Manual
Steinberg Cubase SX/SL 3 Score Layout And Printing Manual
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CUBASE SXTips and Tricks 18 – 311 Polyphonic voicing tip If you are working on a full score with more than one instrument in one staff (2 flutes,2 trumpets etc.), you should use polyphonic voices. And even if both instruments play the same notes, you should insert notes for both instruments (you can mute the notes of the second voice, if playback is an issue). If you do this, it will be much easier to extract single parts later (by using the “Extract Voices” command). Using the bar handles These are great for copying accents, but you can also use them for copying drum phrases, etc. •If you hold down [Shift] and double click on a bar handle, this and the next bar are selected. This is handy when copying phrases of two or more bars in one go. Copying a section with “invisibles” If you want to Copy and paste a section which contains hidden ele- ments, adjusted beams and stems etc., there are two ways to proceed: •Use the filter bar to make indicators appear in the score. Then select these indicators together with the notes before you copy. This ensures the notes are copied with their formatting etc. •Double click the bar handle of one of the bars, and make sure all rele- vant event types are checked in the dialog. Then select the bars you want to copy by clicking their bar handles, and copy them by [Alt]/ [Option]-dragging the bar handles. Using “Scores Notes To MIDI” This function converts the score data, as displayed, to MIDI data. You might run into a situation when your score is displayed to 99% of per- fection. That last 1% forces you to turn off functions in the Staff Set- tings dialog (like Clean Lengths, No Overlap and Auto Quantize) which makes the other parts of the score illegible. In this case, try “Scores Notes To MIDI”. But work on a copy of the track! For more info, see page 59.

CUBASE SX18 – 312 Tips and Tricks Optimizing rests If you have a number of consecutive empty bars you can replace them with one multiple rest. See page 253. Zero system lines Having no system lines at all might seem like a stupid idea to start with. But, this option allows you to create chord sheets really quickly. See the Make Chord Symbols feature described on page 212. A lead sheet created by specifying “0” system lines. Examples and scales If you are creating scale examples and similar, you can use the Real Book option and manually hide all symbols at the beginning of the first staff to make the score appear like separate unconnected “lines”. For scales, remember you can also hide the bar lines. An example scale without bar lines.

CUBASE SXTips and Tricks 18 – 313 Controlling the order and appearance of grace notes Normally, grace notes are beamed. Their order under the beam is con- trolled by their order in the track. It is enough to put a grace note one tick before the next grace note to make them appear in the desired or- der under the beam. Initially the grace notes are put in with a 32nd note beam. By double clicking the note and changing the “flag” type in the Set Note Info di- alog, you can change this. Complex grace notes. Speeding up inserting key changes If you have a grand staff with many instruments, inserting key changes one by one can take an awful lot of time. If you instead insert the new key on one staff and hold down [Alt]/[Op- tion] when clicking with the Pencil tool, this key change is inserted on all staves in the grand staff. Speeding up inserting staccato and accents Symbols linked to notes can also be put in for a number of notes at the same time, even on different staves. See page 171. Setting the distance between staves in a piano score Drag the first bass staff on the first page. This will copy the spacing to all staves. Please note that this can only be done in Page Mode.

CUBASE SX18 – 314 Tips and Tricks If you wish you had a faster computer Here are some tips for those who find some operations slower than they would like: • Work on a smaller section of the score at a time. Break the piece up into parts and work on those parts individually until the final layout stage. • Switch on multi rests as late as possible. • When working in Edit Mode, set Default Bars Across The Staff to a small value, for example 2. • In Edit Mode, resize the window so that only one grand staff at a time is visible. • Consider upgrading your computer hardware.

CUBASE SX316 Index A Accents above Staves 170 Accents above Stems 170 Accidentals About 127 Distance From Note 131 Active Staff 25 Add Space 99 Adding Notes 68 Align Dynamics 199 Symbols 196 Text 221 Apply closes Property Windows 31 Auditioning 76 Auto Clef 36 Auto Group Notes 138 Auto Layout About 267 Bars and Staves 270 Hide Empty Staves 269 Icon 269, 270 Move All Bars 269 Move Bars 269 Move Staves 269 Optimize All 270 Spread All Pages 270 Spread Page 270 Auto Quantize 47 Autoscroll 23 B Bar Handles 189, 311 Bar Lines Breaking 272 Hidden 256 Indent 261 Moving 261 Selecting Type 255Bar Numbers Offsetting 236 Settings 235 Spacing 236 Bars Moving to Next/Prev. Staff 260 Number Across Page 259 Resetting Spacing 262 Bars and Staves 270 Bass To Lowest Voice Explode Function 58, 112 Beam Subgroups 51 Beams Appearance 141 Group Settings 140 Grouping 134 Manual Adjustment 142 On/Off 134 Slant 141 Stem Direction 123 Bezier Slurs 175 Block Text 228 Bow Up/Down 131 Box symbol 201 Braces 266 Bracket Head 131 Brackets 266 Build N-Tuplet 153, 154 Build Trill 176 C Chord Symbols Global Settings 214 Inserting Automatically 212 Inserting Manually 210 Clean Lengths 47 Clean Up Layout 271 Clefs Editing 89 Inserting 88

CUBASE SXIndex 317 Moving 90 Setting Initial 34 Color pop-up menu 252 Common Time 32 Consolidate Rests 51 Copy 79, 195 Crescendo Affecting MIDI playback 296 Drawing 198 Flipping 199 Keeping Horizontal 199 Cross Staff Beaming 139 Crossed Voicings 117 Cue Notes 148 Custom Palette 167 Cut 79 Cut Notes Tool 145 Cut Time 32 Cutflag Events 145 D D.C. 202 D.S. 202 Da Capo 202 Dal Segno 202 Damper Pedal Symbols 201 Default Bars Across The Page 259 Delete Notes 74 Symbols 195 Dialogs 31 Diminuendo Affecting MIDI playback 296 Drawing 198 Keeping Horizontal 199 Display Arrow after Inserting Symbol 169 Display filter bar 27, 30 Display Length 84, 131Display Quantize About 13 Auto 47 In Polyphonic Voices 115 Inserting changes 55 Rest 16 Setting 46 Tool 17, 55 Display Quantize Value 66 Display Transpose 38, 50 Don’t Center Hyphens 225 Don’t Sync Lyrics 225 Double Click Symbol to get Pencil Tool 169 Drum Notes About 276 Adding and Editing 283 Head Pairs 280 Setting Up The Staff 282 Single Line 283 Duplicate Notes 78 Symbols 186 Using Bar Handles 189 Dynamics symbols Adding 198 Affecting MIDI playback 295 E Edit Drum Map in Scores 281 Edit Mode 22 Ending Symbols 203 Enharmonic Shift Manual 128 Erase Tool 74, 272 Event Lock Layers 184 Explode 57, 112 Exporting as Image Files 300 Extract Voices 120

CUBASE SX318 Index F Filter bar 27, 30 Find and Replace 233 Fit Page/Width 24 Fixed Stem Length 100 Flat Beams 51 Flat Ties 146 Flip Crescendo 199 Slurs and Ties 194 Stems 123 Fonts 220, 237 For Grouping Only 33, 135 Force Update 40 G Get Form 242 Global Layer 158 Global Layer Symbols 160 Global Staff Spacing 310 Global Text 229 Glue Tube Tool 83, 260 Grace Notes Converting to Normal 152 Creating Manually 150 Order of 313 Settings 151 Graphic Move tool 90, 147, 173 Graphic Note Type 132 Graphics (Symbols) 200 Group Icon 135 Grouping Automatic 138 Manual 135 Removing 137 Guitar Chord Symbols 178 Guitar Library 180 H Help Lines 131 Hide Empty Staves 269 Hide Pedal Markers 201 Hiding Objects 250 I Indent 261 Info Line 27, 83 Insert buttons 110 Insert Slur 174 Interpretation Flags 47, 96 K Keep Crescendi Horizontal 199 Keep Moved Notes within Key 69, 76 Key Editing 89 Inserting Changes 88 Setting Initial 36 Keyboard Symbol 177 L L Button 77 Layout Layer 158 Layout Layer Symbols 159 Layout Settings dialog 246 Layouts About 240 Creating 241 Opening Tracks In 242 Length of Notes 82 Lines To Tracks Explode Function 58, 112 Lock button 77 Lock Layers 184

CUBASE SXIndex 319 Lyrics About 224 In Voices 226 Inserting Manually 224 Verse 226 Lyrics from Clipboard 227 M Make Chord Symbols 212 Marker Track to Form 244 Melisma Lines 219 Merge All Staves 119 MIDI Input Button 81 MIDI Meaning 295 Modern Time Signature 248 Mouse Position Box 67 Move All Bars 269 Move Bars 269 Move Staves 269 Move to Next/Prev. Page 23, 265 Moving Between Voices 111 Notes 75 Objects graphically using the computer keyboard 147 Staves 263 Symbols 186 Using Bar Handles 189 Using key commands 77 Multi Insert 171 Multi Rests Creating 253 Settings 254 Splitting 253 N No Beams 51 No Overlap 48 No Stems 131 Non-modal dialogs 31Note Dependant Symbols 158 Note Layer 158 Symbols 158 Note Layer Symbols About 158 Adding 170 Note Symbols Adding 170 Affecting MIDI playback 295 Note Values 65 Notes Adding 68 Deleting 74 Display Length 84 Duplicating 78 Editing Via MIDI 81 Graphic 132 Graphic Move 147 Grouping 135 Head Shape 129 Help Lines 131 Info Dialog 125 Length 82 Moving 75 Note Values 65 Selecting 72 Splitting 84 Nudge key commands 189 Nudging notes 77 Number Of Bars Dialog 259 O Octave Symbols 200 Offset Bar Numbers 236 Optimize All 270 Optimize Two/Four Voices 108

CUBASE SX320 Index P Page mode 22 Page number indicator 23 Page Numbers 229 Page Setup 26 Page Text 229 Page, selecting 23 Paste 79, 195 Paste Note Attributes 133 Pedal Symbols 201 Pencil tool 169 Piano Staff Fixed Split Point 85 Variable Split Point 108 Pickup Bar 257 Play Order 294 Polyphonic Presets 108 Polyphonic Voicing 101 About 102 Automatic 119 Checking Notes 111 Display Quantize 115 Entering Notes 110 Moving Notes To Voices 111 Presets 108 Rest Handling 114 Setting Up 105 Stem Direction 123 Position cursor 21 Position Info Window 187 Printing From the Score Editor 300 Making Settings 26 Project cursor 21 Q Q tool 55 Quantize Tool 17 R Real Book 247 Rehearsal Marks 202 Repeats Symbols 201 Rests Creating Multi Rests 253 In Polyphonic Voices 106, 114 Ruler 27, 187 S Scissors Tool 84 Score Drum Map About 276 Display Pitch 277 Initializing 280 Setting Up 279 Score Title 229 Score Toolbar Showing and Hiding 27 Scores Notes To MIDI 59 Scrolling 22 Selecting Layouts 242 Notes 72 Symbols 183 Set Note Info dialog 129, 130 Show Braces in Edit mode 266 Show command 251 Show Filter View 27 Show Long Track Names on new Pages 95, 234 Show Marker Track 244 Show Note Info by the Mouse 68, 76 Shuffle 49 Single Line Drum Staff 283 Size (System) 99