Music Production System
Steinberg Cubase SX/SL 3 Score Layout And Printing Manual
Steinberg Cubase SX/SL 3 Score Layout And Printing Manual
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CUBASE SXWorking with text 10 – 231 Text functions The Words palette If you have certain words that you use a lot, you can “store” these on the Words palette. This will save time, since you don’t have to type the same word several times. Storing a word 1.Open the Words symbol palette. 2.Double click on an “empty” symbol field in the palette. The Custom Text Editor dialog appears. 3.Type in the desired word(s) in the text field at the top of the dialog. 4.Specify the text type (regular text or lyrics) with the Type pop-up. 5.Make settings for font, size and style. You can also use a text attribute set if you like.

CUBASE SX10 – 232 Working with text 6.Click Exit to close the dialog. The word(s) you entered appear in the selected symbol field on the palette. 7.You can add more symbol fields to the palette by right-clicking (Win) or [Ctrl]-clicking (Mac) one of the fields and selecting Add Text from the pop-up menu. Inserting a word You insert words from the palette as you would insert any regular sym- bol, by selecting the appropriate word and clicking in the score. How- ever, you can edit the word after inserting it, just as with text inserted by typing.

CUBASE SXWorking with text 10 – 233 Find and replace This function allows you to replace all occurrences of a certain word or group of words, with another word or group of words. The replace- ment is done once and for all, for all text symbol types, regardless of font, size and style settings. Proceed as follows: 1.Pull down the Scores menu and select “Find and Replace” from the Text submenu. A dialog appears. 2.Enter the word(s) to replace in the Find value field. 3.If you want all instances of the word(s) to be replaced, regardless of upper/lower case, deactivate the “Case Sensitive” option. 4.If you don’t want to replace the word(s) if they are a part of another word, activate the “Entire Word” option. For example, if you want to replace the word “string” but not the word “stringendo”, you should activate “Entire Word”. 5.Enter the word(s) that should be used as replacement in the “Replace” field. 6.Click OK. Now all occurrences of the “Find” word(s) will be replaced with the “Replace” word(s).

CUBASE SX10 – 234 Working with text Staff names Settings for staff names are done in several places: •In the Layout Settings dialog, you specify whether the staff names should be shown at all, and whether to use the names of the actual edited tracks in the score. In a multi-track layout, you can choose which tracks should have staff names shown, by clicking in the “N” column for each track. •You specify a long and short staff name in the Staff Settings dialog. These will be used if you don’t use the “From Tracks” option in the Layout Settings di- alog. The long name will be displayed for the first system only, and the short name will be displayed for the following systems. If you want a name at the top of the page only, leave the “Short” name field empty. ❐If the option “Show Long Track Names on new Pages” is activated in the Notation Style dialog (Switches tab), the long name will be displayed for the first system on every page. •The Text Settings dialog on the Global Settings submenu allows you to select a font for the staff names: 1.Pull down the Scores menu and select Text from the Global Settings submenu. 2.Select the Global Text tab. 3.Use the “Font for” pop-up menu to select “Track Names”. 4.Select font, size and styles for the staff names (or use a text attribute set). 5.Click OK to close the dialog. You can also edit the text settings for staff names directly from the score, as described on page 237. Additional staff name settings • If you activate the option “Show Track Names to Left of staff” in the Notation Style–Switches dialog, the staff names will be shown to the left of the staves, instead of above them. • You can fine tune the vertical and horizontal position of staff names in the Spacing dialog on the Global Settings submenu.

CUBASE SXWorking with text 10 – 235 Bar numbers Bar number settings can be made in several places as well: General settings 1.Pull down the Scores menu and select Notation Style from the Global Settings submenu. 2.Select the “Beams and Bars” tab. 3.Use the “Show Bar Numbers every X bars” setting to specify “how often” bar numbers should be shown. The options are “First” (bar numbers shown for the first bar on each staff), “Off” (no bar numbers shown) and any number. 4.If you like, activate the “Show Bar Number Range with Multi-Rests” option. When this is activated, and you have a multi-rest, the bar number at the beginning of the multi-rest will show a range, indicating the length of the multi-rest. 5.If you want the bar numbers to be displayed below the bar lines, acti- vate the “Show Bar Numbers below Barlines” option. 6.Click OK to close the dialog. Text settings As with many of the other fixed text elements, you can select a font, size and style for the bar numbers in the Scores–Global Settings– Text Settings dialog (Global Text tab), or directly from the score, as described on page 237.

CUBASE SX10 – 236 Working with text Spacing In the Scores–Global Settings–Spacing dialog you will find four set- tings that relate to bar numbers: Offsetting bar numbers If you double click on a bar number, a dialog appears, allowing you to skip a number of bars in the otherwise continuous bar numbering. This is used for example when a section repeats. Say, you have a re- peat of bar 7 and 8, the first bar after the repeat should have the num- ber 11, not 9. To achieve this you double click on the “9” and insert an offset of “2”. It is also useful if the score starts with an upbeat, and you want the first “real” bar to be numbered 1. In that case you would specify an off- set of “-1” for the second bar, and make sure the bar number for the upbeat bar is hidden. •Bar number offsets belong to the global layer and are shown for all tracks and layouts. Option Description First Barnumber – Horizontal OffsetSets the horizontal distance between the bar number and the bar line for the first bar on each staff. First Barnumber – Vertical OffsetSets the vertical distance between the bar number and the bar line for the first bar on each staff. Other Barnumbers – Horizontal OffsetSets the horizontal distance between the bar number and the bar line for all other bars. Other Barnumbers – Vertical OffsetSets the vertical distance between the bar number and the bar line for all other bars.

CUBASE SXWorking with text 10 – 237 Settings for other fixed text elements You can make text settings for virtually all text and numbers that ap- pear in the score. There are two ways to do this: Making text settings in the Text Settings dialog 1.Select Text from the Scores–Global Settings submenu. 2.Select the Global Text tab. 3.Use the “Font For” pop-up menu to select a text type to make settings for. 4.Use the options in the dialog to change the settings. 5.Click OK to close the dialog and apply the settings to all elements of the selected type. You can also click the Apply button, to apply the settings without closing the dialog. Making text settings in the score Most of the settings in the Text Settings dialog can be edited directly in the Scores window, without having to open the dialog: 1.Select an object for which there is a Font For category. These include bar numbers, track names, time signatures, marker parts, tuplets, re- hearsals, tablatures and multi rests. 2.Open the Font Settings dialog (on the Scores–Text submenu), adjust the settings and click Apply. Or, you can right-click (Win) or [Ctrl]-click (Mac) directly on the text element and select a text attribute set from the pop-up menu that appears. Either way, the settings for the Font For category are changed, and the changes are applied immediately to all objects of the category.

CUBASE SX11 – 240 Working with layouts In this chapter you will learn: • What layouts are and what they contain. • How to create layouts. • How to use layouts for opening combinations of tracks. • How to apply, load, save and delete layouts. • An example of how layouts can be used. Background: Layouts Layouts can be viewed as “presets” containing settings for the layout layer: staff spacing, bar lines, layout symbols etc. When to use layouts • You will need to format the score differently when you print the entire score and when you extract parts for single instruments (or groups of instruments). Layouts allow you to keep different sets of “looks” for the same track or set of tracks. You might for example have one layout for each single instrument and one for the entire score. • By using the Show function in the Layout List window, you can switch to an- other combination of tracks without having to leave the Score Editor. What is in a layout? A layout contains the following items and properties: • Symbols inserted from the Layout palette. • All settings in the Layout Settings dialog. • The vertical spacing of the staves. • Bar line spacing. • Broken bar lines. Note that symbols of the Global Symbols palette, bar line types and bar number offsets are part of the global layer, and will appear in all layouts. How layouts are stored Layouts are created automatically when you edit a single track or a combination of tracks. They are an integral part of the specific track combination, which means you do not have to store them separately.