Communications System
Siemens Saturn Iie Epabx Installation Test Procedures Manual
Siemens Saturn Iie Epabx Installation Test Procedures Manual
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A30808-X5130-B120-l-8920Issue 1, May 1986 EXPANSION CABINET REF. L--M--e--\---- -,-,------ ----- BASIC‘CABINET REF. A5U38-1-4:3:86Figure 2.03Power/Ground Distribution for the SATURN IIE System (Expansion Cabinet) 2-7 (2-8 blank)
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SATURN IIE EPABXA30808-X5130-B120-l-8928Installation Test Procedures issue 1. May 1986 3.01General. The SATURN HE System must be connectedto an earth ground (i.e., metallic cold water pipe or master groundbusbar) in addition to the safety ground in the ac power cord. A G-gauge (twisted copper wire) conductor should be connect-ed between the grounding lug E5 located on the bottom of thecabinet frame and the snlccted earth ground (refer to Section 3.00 in the SATURN HE EPABX Installation Procedures prac-...
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SATURN IIE EPABXA30808-X5130-B120-l-8928Installation Test ProceduresIssue 1, May 1986 BASIC Cabinet GND LUGFuse Box Facility (ES) , 5, B DPower co PSUfllOVAC~$GOi-fZElElNeulral Ground hlatn Cabmel (Rear View) Recommended: B-gauge (iwtsted Copper Wire) conductor not exceedmgi26 feet m length. I(Ootlonall I.1 fMaster Ground Busbar Earth GroundNote: Single Point Ground (SPG) configuration IS shownFigure 3.00 System Ground Test Connections 3-2
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SATURN IIE EPABX Installation Test ProceduresA30808-X5130-8120-1-8928Issue 1, May 1986 Busbar/ Backplane-Attaching Screws GND LugNo. E5 ’ 7- Recommended: 6 Guage (twisted copper wire) conductor not exceeding 126 feet in length.I(Rear View) Busbar Grounded at Fuse Box Facility\ IL---_-IPower Cord Plug 7Master Ground Busbar Earth Ground Note: Single Point Ground (SPG) configuration is shownFigure 3.01 Shelf Ground Continuity Test Connections 3-3 (3-4 blank)
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I-_SATURN IIE EPABX installation Test ProceduresA30808-X5130-BlZO-l-8928Issue 1, May 1986 SECTION 4.00 POWER-UP TESTS 4.01General. The SATURN IIE System makes use of dis- tributed power in the equipment cabinet. Several power sup- plies are used in the system. These power supplies provide +5Vdc, -SVdc, +12Vdc, -12Vdc, -48Vdc, 90Vac-20Hz ringing voltage and message waiting voltage, from a 11OVac 60Hzinput power source. After satisfactorily performing the ground tests indicaied in Section 3.00, the...
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SATURN IlE EPABX Installation Test ProceduresA30808-X5130-8120-1-8928issue 1, May 1986 Table 4.00 Power-Up/Output Voltage Test (Continued) SE?PROCEDUREVEfiIFICATIONIF VERIFICATION IS NOT OBTAINED c) On the PSU, place the circuitThe red LED designated BATTERYIf the red LED remains extinguished, breaker designated BASIC PS TEST.should be steadily lit.replace the MSM. in the off (down) position. The red BATTERY TEST LED should1d) On the PSU, place the circuitIf the red LED remains steadily lit, breaker...
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I-SATURN IIE EPABX Installation Test ProceduresA3G808-X5130-B120-1-B928Issue 1, May 1986 lbb!c 4.00 Power-Up/Output Voltage Test (Continued) STEPFROCEDUEEVERIFICATIONIF VERIFICATION IS NOT OBTAINED.f) Connect positive lead of digitalVoltage measured should read +If reading is not 0.05 Vdc, adjust +5Vmultimeter to pin 5 of connec- 0.05Vdc.ADJUST potentiometer on PSU. If tor J48 and negative lead toadjustment is not effective, replace terminal El on basic back-PSU.plane. (Refer to Figure 4.00.) 813After...
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SATURN IIE EPABX Installation Test ProceduresA30808-X5130-B120-l-6928Issue 1, May 1986 Table 4.00 Power-Up/Output Voliagc? Test (Continued) STEPPROCEDUREVEFllFlCATlONIF VERIFICATION IS NOT OBTAINED 1) Pins 1 and 3.Voltage measured should read be-If reading is not within tolerance, ad-tween +4.5 and +5.5Vdc.just +5V ADJUST potentiometer onLTUPSO. If adjustment does not bringthe voltage into tolerance, replace LTUPSO.2) Pins 1 and 2.Voltage measured should read be-If reading is not within tolerance,...
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I SATURN IIE EPABXlnstallatlon Test ProccdurcsA30808-X5130-8120-1-8928Issue I, May 1986 J46/P46 J47/P47 Figure 4.00Location of Input Voltage Connectors 011 Basic Bockplnnc
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SATURN IIE EPABXA30808-X5130-8120-1-8928nstallation Test Procedures Issue 1, May 1986i ---I I :42/?42 J43/P43 J44lP44 Figure 4.0.1Location cf Input Voltage Connectors on LTU Dackp!ane