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Samsung Television SyncMaster 400PXn User Manual

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    Have a look at the manual Samsung Television SyncMaster 400PXn User Manual online for free. It’s possible to download the document as PDF or print. UserManuals.tech offer 1705 Samsung manuals and user’s guides for free. Share the user manual or guide on Facebook, Twitter or Google+.

    							your monitor OFF when it is not needed, or when leaving it unattended for long periods. The PowerSaver system 
    operates with a VESA DPM S compliant video card installed in your computer. Use the software utility installe d o n 
    your computer to set up this feature.
    State Norma l 
    Opera tion   Power savi ng 
    mode   Power off 
    EPA/ENERGY 2000   Power off 
    Power Indicator  Green  Green, Blinking  Amber  Black 
    Pow er  Co ns u mptio n   Less than   
    23 0 W   Less than 1 W 
    (Off-mode)  Less than 1 W 
    (Power button)   0 W  
    (Power Switch)  
      This monitor is EPA E NERGY ST AR 
    ® compliant  and ENERGY2000 
    compliant when used with a com puter equipped with VESA DPMS 
    fu nc tion ality .  
    As an E NERGY ST AR 
    ® Partner, SAMSUNG has  determined  that this 
    product m eets the E NERGY STAR ® gu ide line s for  en er gy  efficie nc y . 
    Preset Timing Modes
    Preset Timing Modes 
      If the signal transferred from the computer is the same as the following Preset Timing Modes, the screen will be 
    adjusted automatically. However, if the signal differs, the screen may go blank while the power LED is on. Refer 
    to  th e v ide o c ar d ma nu al a nd  Ad jus ts  th e s cr ee n a s follo w s. 
    Display Mode Horizonta l  
    Frequency   (k H z)   Vertical  
    Frequency  (H z)   Pixel Clock 
    (M H z)   Sync Polarity  
    (H / V )  
    IBM , 6 40  x  35 0   31 .4 69   70 .0 86   25 .1 75   +/ - 
    IBM , 6 40  x  48 0   31 .4 69   59 .9 40   25 .1 75   - /-  
    IBM , 7 20  x  40 0   31 .4 69   70 .0 87   28 .3 22   - /+ 
    MAC, 6 40  x  48 0   35 .0 00   66 .6 67   30 .2 40   - /-  
    MAC, 8 32  x  62 4   49 .7 26   74 .5 51   57 .2 84   - /-  
    VESA, 640 x 480  37.861  72.809  31.500  -/- 
    VESA, 640 x 480  37.500  75.000  31.500  -/- 
    VESA, 640 x 480  43.269  85.008  36.000  -/- 
    VESA, 800 x 600  35.156  56.250  36.000  +/+ 
    VESA, 800 x 600  37.879  60.317  40.000  +/+ 
    VESA, 800 x 600  48.077  72.188  50.000  +/+  VESA, 800 x600  46.875  75.000  49.500  +/+ 
    VESA, 800 x600  53.674  85.000  56.250  +/+ 
    VESA, 1024 x 768  48.363  60.004  65.000  -/- 
    VESA, 1024 x 768  56.476  70.069  75.000  -/- 
    VESA, 1024 x 768  60.023  75.029  78.750  +/+ 
    VESA, 1024 x 768  68.677  85.997  94.500  +/+ 
    VESA, 1360 x 768  47.712  60.000  85.500  +/+ 
    Horizonta l Frequency  
    The tim e to scan one line connecting the right edge to the left edge of the 
    sc re e n ho riz o ntally  is  c a lled  th e H or izo nta l C y c le an d the  inv er s e nu mb er  
    of the Horizontal Cycle is called the Horizontal Frequency. Unit: kHz  
    Vertical Frequenc y 
    Like a fluorescent lamp, the screen has to repeat the same image many 
    time s  pe r s ec on d to d isp lay  an  imag e to the  us er . T he  fr eq ue nc y  o f th is 
    repetition is called the Vertical Frequency or Refresh Rate. Unit: Hz  
    ©  19 95 ~2 00 7 SAMSU N G. ALL  Rig ht R es e rv ed   
    							Select Language Main  Page
    The  co lor  an d ap pe ar an c e of the  p ro du c t ma y  v a ry  de pe nd ing  o n  th e mo de l, a nd  th e pr od uc t sp ec ific ation s  a re  
    subject to change without prior notice for reasons of performance enhancement. 
    Mod el N am e  Syn c Mas ter  40 0PX 
    LC D P a n e l  
    Size   40   D iag on al (1 01 .6 c m)  
    Dis p lay  ar ea   88 5.16 8 mm  ( H ) x  4 97 .66 4 mm ( V) 
    Pixe l Pitc h   0.64 8 mm  ( H ) x  0 .21 6 mm ( V) 
    Ho riz o ntal   30  ~ 81  kH z  
    Ver tic a l  56  ~ 75  Hz  
    Display Color 
    Dis p lay  Co lor   16 .7  M Co lor s   
    Op tim um r es olu tion    13 60  x  76 8 / 13 66  x  76 8 @  60  H z  de pe nd s o n gr ap hic s  ca rd  us ed  
    Max imu m re s olu tio n   13 60  x  76 8 @  60  H z   
    Input Signal, Terminated  
    RGB Analog, DVI(Digital Visual Interface) Compliant Digital RGB. 
    0.7 Vp -p Pos itiv e at 75  Ω  ± 10 % 
    Separate H/V sync, Composite sync, SOG, TTL level , positive or negative. 
    Maximum Pixe l Clock  
    10 0 MH z  
    Power Supply 
    AC 100 - 240 V~ (+/- 10 %), 50/60 Hz 
    Signal Cable 
    15 pin  to  1 5p in D - su b c ab le, D etac h ab le 
    DVI-D to DVI-D connector, Detachable (option)  
    Signal Connec tors  
    D-sub, BNC, DVI-D, YPbPr, S -VHS, VCR  
    Dimensions (WxDxH)/ Weight   
    971 x 118 x 582 mm / 38.2 x 4.6 x 22.9 inch (without Stand) 
    971 x 223 x 629.5 mm / 38.2 x 8.8 x 24.8 inch (with Stand) , 23 kg/50.7 lbs  
    VESA Mounting Interface  
    20 0 mm x  20 0 mm ( fo r u se  with  Sp ec ia lty ( Arm)  Mou ntin g ha rd w ar e.)  
    Environmental  cons ide rations 
    Op er ating   Temperature: 50 °F ~ 104 °F (10 °C ~ 40 °C)  
    Hu mid ity : 10  %  ~ 80  % , no n -co nd en s ing  
    Storage  Temperature: -4 °F ~ 113 °F (-20 °C ~ 45 °C)  
    Humidity: 5 % ~ 95 %, non-condensing 
    Audio Characteristics 
    Aud io Inp ut 1  RC A J ac k  R e d( R)  Wh ite( L) , 0 .5  Vrms  ( -9 dB)   
    Safety Instructions  
    Using the Software  
    Adjusting the M onitor  
    Ge nera l 
    PowerSav er 
    Prese t Ti min g M ode s 
    SyncMaster 400PX  
    							Aud io Inp ut 2  RC A J ac k  R e d( R)  Wh ite( L) , 0 .5  Vrms  ( -9 dB)  
    PC Au dio  In pu t  3.5 Ø  Ste re o J ac k , 0 .5 Vrm s ( -9 dB)  
    Frequency  RF: 80 Hz ~ 15 kHz (at -3 dB) 
    Response  A/V: 80 Hz ~ 20 kHz (at -3 dB)  
    Plug and Play Ca pability  
    This  mo nitor  ca n b e ins talle d o n an y  Plu g & Play  c omp atib le s ys tem . Th e in te ra c tio n o f th e mo nitor  an d the  
    computer systems will provide the best operating conditions and monitor settings. In most cases, the monitor 
    in stalla tio n will procee d a utom atically, u nle ss the  user wish es to  se lect alterna te setting s. 
    Dot Acce ptable  
    TFT LCD pa ne ls m an ufactured  by using  ad va nce d semico nd uctor te ch no log y with  p re cisio n o f 1 pp m (o ne  
    millionth) above are used for this product. But the pixels of RED, GREEN, BLUE and WHITE color appear to 
    be  b rig ht s ome times  or  so me  b lac k  pix els  ma y b e s ee n. This  is  n ot fro m ba d qu ality  an d y ou  ca n u se  it w itho ut 
    any problelms. 
    • For example, the number of TFT LCD sub pixels contained in this product are 3,133,440. 
    No t e
    • Design and specifications are subject to change without prior notice.
    Cla ss  B Equipme nt (Info rmation Communic atio n equ ip ment for  r es id ential use )
    • This product complies with the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directives for residential use and can be  us ed  in all a re as  inc lud ing  co mmo n r es ide ntia l a re as . (C las s  B e qu ipm en t e mits le ss  ele c tro mag ne tic 
    wa v es  th an  Cla s s A eq uip me nt.)
      This monitor has a built-in power management system called PowerSaver. This system saves energy by 
    sw itch in g y ou r mo nitor  to  low - po we r mo de  wh en  it h as  no t b ee n us e d for  a  ce rta in am ou nt of tim e. The  mo nitor  
    au to ma tic a lly r etur ns  to no rm al op er atio n w he n y ou  p re s s a  k e y o n the  k e yb o ar d. For  en er gy  co ns e rv atio n, tu rn  
    your monitor OFF when it is not needed, or when leaving it unattended for long periods. The PowerSaver system 
    operates with a VESA DPM S compliant video card installed in your computer. Use the software ut ility installe d o n 
    your computer to set up this feature.
    State Norma l 
    Opera tion   Power savi ng 
    mode   Power off 
    EPA/ENERGY 2000   Power off 
    Power Indicator  Green  Green, Blinking  Amber  Black 
    Pow er  Co ns u mptio n   Less than   
    21 0 W   Less than 1 W 
    (Off-mode)  Less than 1 W 
    (Power button)   0 W  
    (Power Switch)  
      This monitor is EPA E NERGY ST AR 
    ® compliant  and ENERGY2000 
    compliant when used with a com puter equipped with VESA DPMS 
    fu nc tion ality .  
    As an E NERGY ST AR 
    ® Partner, SAMSUNG has  determined  that this 
    product m eets the E NERGY STAR ® gu ide line s for  en er gy  efficie nc y . 
    Preset Timing Modes
    Preset Timing Modes 
      If the signal transferred from the computer is the same as the following Preset Timing Modes, the screen will be 
    adjusted automatically. However, if the signal differs, the screen may go blank while the power LED is on. Refer 
    to  th e v ide o c ar d ma nu al a nd  Ad jus ts  th e s cr ee n a s follo w s. 
    Display Mode Horizonta l  
    Frequency   (k H z)   Vertical  
    Frequency  (H z)   Pixel Clock 
    (M H z)   Sync Polarity  
    (H / V )  
    IBM , 6 40  x  35 0   31 .4 69   70 .0 86   25 .1 75   +/ - 
    IBM , 6 40  x  48 0   31 .4 69   59 .9 40   25 .1 75   - /-  
    IBM , 7 20  x  40 0   31 .4 69   70 .0 87   28 .3 22   - /+ 
    MAC, 6 40  x  48 0   35 .0 00   66 .6 67   30 .2 40   - /-   
    							MAC, 8 32  x  62 4   49 .7 26   74 .5 51   57 .2 84   - /-  
    VESA, 640 x 480  37.861  72.809  31.500  -/- 
    VESA, 640 x 480  37.500  75.000  31.500  -/- 
    VESA, 640 x 480  43.269  85.008  36.000  -/- 
    VESA, 800 x 600  35.156  56.250  36.000  +/+ 
    VESA, 800 x 600  37.879  60.317  40.000  +/+ 
    VESA, 800 x 600  48.077  72.188  50.000  +/+ 
    VESA, 800 x600  46.875  75.000  49.500  +/+ 
    VESA, 800 x600  53.674  85.000  56.250  +/+ 
    VESA, 1024 x 768  48.363  60.004  65.000  -/- 
    VESA, 1024 x 768  56.476  70.069  75.000  -/- 
    VESA, 1024 x 768  60.023  75.029  78.750  +/+ 
    VESA, 1024 x 768  68.677  85.997  94.500  +/+ 
    VESA, 1360 x 768  47.712  60.000  85.500  +/+ 
    Horizonta l Frequency  
    The tim e to scan one line connecting the right edge to the left edge of the 
    sc re e n ho riz o ntally  is  c a lled  th e H or izo nta l C y c le an d the  inv er s e nu mb er  
    of the Horizontal Cycle is called the Horizontal Frequency. Unit: kHz  
    Vertical Frequenc y 
    Like a fluorescent lamp, the screen has to repeat the same image many 
    time s  pe r s ec on d to d isp lay  an  imag e to the  us er . T he  fr eq ue nc y  o f th is 
    repetition is called the Vertical Frequency or Refresh Rate. Unit: Hz  
    ©  19 95 ~2 00 7 SAMSU N G. ALL  Rig ht R es e rv ed   
    							Select Language Main  Page
    The  co lor  an d ap pe ar an c e of the  p ro du c t ma y  v a ry  de pe nd ing  o n  th e mo de l, a nd  th e pr od uc t sp ec ific ation s  a re  
    subject to change without prior notice for reasons of performance enhancement. 
    Mod el N am e  Syn c Mas ter  46 0PXn  
    LC D P a n e l  
    Size   46   D iag on al (1 25 .1 c m)  
    Dis p lay  ar ea   10 18 .3 53  mm (H )  x  57 2.5 44  m m (V)  
    Pixe l Pitc h   0.74 55  mm (H )  x  0.2 48 5 mm ( W)  
    Ho riz o ntal   30  ~ 81  kH z  
    Ver tic a l  56  ~ 75  Hz  
    Display Color 
    Dis p lay  Co lor   16 .7  M Co lor s   
    Op tim um r es olu tion    13 60  x  76 8 / 13 66  x  76 8 @  60  H z  de pe nd s o n gr ap hic s  ca rd  us ed  
    Max imu m re s olu tio n   13 60  x  76 8 @  60  H z   
    Input Signal, Terminated  
    RGB Analog, DVI(Digital Visual Interface) Compliant Digital RGB. 
    0.7 Vp -p Pos itiv e at 75  Ω  ± 10 % 
    Separate H/V sync, Composite sync, SOG, TTL level , positive or negative. 
    Maximum Pixe l Clock  
    10 0 MH z  
    Power Supply 
    AC 100 - 240 V~ (+/- 10 %), 50/60 Hz  
    Signal Cable 
    15 pin  to  1 5p in D - su b c ab le, D etac h ab le 
    DVI-D to DVI-D connector, Detachable (option)  
    Signal Connec tors  
    D-sub, BNC, DVI-D, YPbPr, S -VHS, VCR  
    Dimensions (WxDxH)/ Weight   
    1.10 2 x  65 8 x  1 26 .5mm  / 43 .4 x  2 5.9  x  5.0  in c h / 2 8 Kg  / 61 .6 lbs  (w itho u t Stan d)  
    1.10 2 x  71 5 x  2 93  mm / 4 3.4  x  28 .1 x  1 1.5  in c h / 3 0 Kg  / 66  lbs  (w ith Stan d)   
    VESA Mounting Interface  
    20 0 mm x  20 0 mm ( fo r u se  with  Sp ec ia lty ( Arm)  Mou ntin g ha rd w ar e.)  
    Environmental  cons ide rations 
    Op er ating   Temperature: 50 °F ~ 104 °F (10 °C ~ 40 °C)  
    Hu mid ity : 10  %  ~ 80  % , no n -co nd en s ing  
    Storage  Temperature: -4 °F ~ 113 °F (-20 °C ~ 45 °C)  
    Humidity: 5 % ~ 95 %, non-condensing 
    Audio Characteristics 
    Aud io Inp ut 1  RC A J ac k  R e d( R)  Wh ite( L) , 0 .5  Vrms  ( -9 dB)   
    Safety Instructions  
    Using the Software  
    Adjusting the M onitor  
    Ge nera l 
    PowerSav er 
    Prese t Ti min g M ode s 
    SyncMaster 460PXn  
    							Aud io Inp ut 2  RC A J ac k  R e d( R)  Wh ite( L) , 0 .5  Vrms  ( -9 dB)  
    PC Au dio  In pu t  3.5 Ø  Ste re o J ac k , 0 .5 Vrm s ( -9 dB)  
    Frequency  RF: 80 Hz ~ 15 kHz (at -3 dB) 
    Response  A/V: 80 Hz ~ 20 kHz (at -3 dB)  
    Plug and Play Ca pability  
    This  mo nitor  ca n b e ins talle d o n an y  Plu g & Play  c omp atib le s ys tem . Th e  in ter ac tion  of th e mo nito r an d the  
    computer systems will provide the best operating conditions and monitor settings. In most cases, the monitor 
    in stalla tio n will procee d a utom atically, u nle ss the  user wish es to  se lect alterna te setting s. 
    Dot Acce ptable  
    TFT LCD pa ne ls m an ufactured  by using  ad va nce d semico nd uctor te ch no log y with  p re cisio n o f 1 pp m (o ne  
    millionth) above are used for this product. But the pixels of RED, GREEN, BLUE and WHITE color appear to 
    be  b rig ht s ome times  or  so me  b lac k  pix els  ma y b e s ee n. This  is  n ot fro m ba d qu ality  an d y ou  ca n u se  it w itho ut 
    any problelms. 
    • For example, the number of TFT LCD sub pixels contained in this product are 3,133,440. 
    No t e
    • Design and specifications are subject to change without prior notice.
    Cla ss  B Equipme nt (Info rmation Communic atio n equ ip ment for  r es id ential use )
    • This product complies with the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directives for residential use and can be  us ed  in all a re as  inc lud ing  co mmo n r es ide ntia l a re as . (C las s  B e qu ipm en t e mits le ss  ele c tro mag ne tic 
    wa v es  th an  Cla s s A eq uip me nt.)
    MagicNet - Client
    Item  Specification   Remarks  
    LAN  1 Gb ps   
    US B   Keyboard/Mouse, Mass Storage Device 
    Compatible   USB removable storage can be 
    su pp or ted .  
    Co nt e nt s   Photo  Supported File Form at : BMP/JPEG 
    22 74 x1 70 4 o r les s   
    Music Supported File Format : MP3   Sound bandwidth : 50 Hz to 15 kHz  
    zMPEG1, WMV   zMax 1280 x 720 30 fps     
    File MS Office(Word, Excel, Power Point), 
    HTM L,  P D F 
    zSome files may not be supported 
    de pe nd ing  o n the  fo rm at or  th e 
    ve rs io n.   
    zInstall the proper viewing 
    (fre ew a re ) pr og ra m to s ee  M S 
    Office (Word, Excel, Power Point) 
    or PDF  documents. 
    Internet Browser  MS Internet Explorer  No t Su pp or t F las h, J av a Ap ple t, Sec u rity  
    La ng ua ge  Eng lish  
    OS  Windows XP Embedded   
    MagicNet  - Server Requirement
     CPU  RA M Ethernet OS Application  
    Minimu m   P1.8 G hz   25 6 M  10 0 M / 1  G   Win do w s XP   WMP 9  or  la ter  
    Re c omm en de d   P3.0 G hz   51 2 M  10 0 M / 1  G    Win do w s XP   WMP 9  or  la ter  
    This monitor has a built-in power management system called PowerSaver. This system saves energy by 
    sw itch in g y ou r mo nitor  to  low - po we r mo de  wh en  it h as  no t b ee n us e d for  a  ce rta in am ou nt of tim e. The  mo nitor  
    au to ma tic a lly r etur ns  to no rm al op er atio n w he n y ou  p re s s a  k e y o n the  k e yb o ar d. For  en er gy  co ns e rv atio n, tu rn   
    							your monitor OFF when it is not needed, or when leaving it unattended for long periods. The PowerSaver system 
    operates with a VESA DPM S compliant video card installed in your computer. Use the software utility installe d o n 
    your computer to set up this feature.
    State Norma l 
    Opera tion   Power savi ng 
    mode   Power off 
    EPA/ENERGY 2000   Power off 
    Power Indicator  Green  Green, Blinking  Amber  Black 
    Pow er  Co ns u mptio n   Less than   
    31 0 W   Less than 1 W 
    (Off-mode)  Less than 1 W 
    (Power button)   0 W  
    (Power Switch)  
      This monitor is EPA E NERGY ST AR 
    ® compliant  and ENERGY2000 
    compliant when used with a com puter equipped with VESA DPMS 
    fu nc tion ality .  
    As an E NERGY ST AR 
    ® Partner, SAMSUNG has  determined  that this 
    product m eets the E NERGY STAR ® gu ide line s for  en er gy  efficie nc y . 
    Preset Timing Modes
    Preset Timing Modes 
      If the signal transferred from the computer is the same as the following Preset Timing Modes, the screen will be 
    adjusted automatically. However, if the signal differs, the screen may go blank while the power LED is on. Refer 
    to  th e v ide o c ar d ma nu al a nd  Ad jus ts  th e s cr ee n a s follo w s. 
    Display Mode Horizonta l  
    Frequency   (k H z)   Vertical  
    Frequency  (H z)   Pixel Clock 
    (M H z)   Sync Polarity  
    (H / V )  
    IBM , 6 40  x  35 0   31 .4 69   70 .0 86   25 .1 75   +/ - 
    IBM , 6 40  x  48 0   31 .4 69   59 .9 40   25 .1 75   - /-  
    IBM , 7 20  x  40 0   31 .4 69   70 .0 87   28 .3 22   - /+ 
    MAC, 6 40  x  48 0   35 .0 00   66 .6 67   30 .2 40   - /-  
    MAC, 8 32  x  62 4   49 .7 26   74 .5 51   57 .2 84   - /-  
    VESA, 640 x 480  37.861  72.809  31.500  -/- 
    VESA, 640 x 480  37.500  75.000  31.500  -/- 
    VESA, 640 x 480  43.269  85.008  36.000  -/- 
    VESA, 800 x 600  35.156  56.250  36.000  +/+ 
    VESA, 800 x 600  37.879  60.317  40.000  +/+ 
    VESA, 800 x 600  48.077  72.188  50.000  +/+  VESA, 800 x600  46.875  75.000  49.500  +/+ 
    VESA, 800 x600  53.674  85.000  56.250  +/+ 
    VESA, 1024 x 768  48.363  60.004  65.000  -/- 
    VESA, 1024 x 768  56.476  70.069  75.000  -/- 
    VESA, 1024 x 768  60.023  75.029  78.750  +/+ 
    VESA, 1024 x 768  68.677  85.997  94.500  +/+ 
    VESA, 1360 x 768  47.712  60.000  85.500  +/+ 
    Horizonta l Frequency  
    The tim e to scan one line connecting the right edge to the left edge of the 
    sc re e n ho riz o ntally  is  c a lled  th e H or izo nta l C y c le an d the  inv er s e nu mb er  
    of the Horizontal Cycle is called the Horizontal Frequency. Unit: kHz  
    Vertical Frequenc y 
    Like a fluorescent lamp, the screen has to repeat the same image many 
    time s  pe r s ec on d to d isp lay  an  imag e to the  us er . T he  fr eq ue nc y  o f th is 
    repetition is called the Vertical Frequency or Refresh Rate. Unit: Hz  
    ©  19 95 ~2 00 7 SAMSU N G. ALL  Rig ht R es e rv ed   
    							Select Language Main  Page
    The  co lor  an d ap pe ar an c e of the  p ro du c t ma y  v a ry  de pe nd ing  o n  th e mo de l, a nd  th e pr od uc t sp ec ific ation s  a re  
    subject to change without prior notice for reasons of performance enhancement. 
    Mod el N am e  Syn c Mas ter  46 0PX 
    LC D P a n e l  
    Size   46   D iag on al (1 25 .1 c m)  
    Dis p lay  ar ea   10 18 .3 53  mm (H )  x  57 2.5 44  m m (V)  
    Pixe l Pitc h   0.74 55  mm (H )  x  0.2 48 5 mm ( W)  
    Ho riz o ntal   30  ~ 81  kH z  
    Ver tic a l  56  ~ 75  Hz  
    Display Color 
    Dis p lay  Co lor   16 .7  M Co lor s   
    Op tim um r es olu tion    13 60  x  76 8 / 13 66  x  76 8 @  60  H z  de pe nd s o n gr ap hic s  ca rd  us ed  
    Max imu m re s olu tio n   13 60  x  76 8 @  60  H z   
    Input Signal, Terminated  
    RGB Analog, DVI(Digital Visual Interface) Compliant Digital RGB. 
    0.7 Vp -p Pos itiv e at 75  Ω  ± 10 % 
    Separate H/V sync, Composite sync, SOG, TTL level , positive or negative. 
    Maximum Pixe l Clock  
    10 0 MH z  
    Power Supply 
    AC 100 - 240 V~ (+/- 10 %), 50/60 Hz 
    Signal Cable 
    15 pin  to  1 5p in D - su b c ab le, D etac h ab le 
    DVI-D to DVI-D connector, Detachable (option)  
    Signal Connec tors  
    D-sub, BNC, DVI-D, YPbPr, S -VHS, VCR  
    Dimensions (WxDxH)/ Weight   
    1.10 2 x  65 8 x  1 26 .5mm  / 43 .4 x  2 5.9  x  5.0  in c h / 2 8 Kg  / 61 .6 lbs  (w itho u t Stan d)  
    1.10 2 x  71 5 x  2 93  mm / 4 3.4  x  28 .1 x  1 1.5  in c h / 3 0 Kg  / 66  lbs  (w ith Stan d)   
    VESA Mounting Interface  
    20 0 mm x  20 0 mm ( fo r u se  with  Sp ec ia lty ( Arm)  Mou ntin g ha rd w ar e.)  
    Environmental  cons ide rations 
    Op er ating   Temperature: 50 °F ~ 104 °F (10 °C ~ 40 °C)  
    Hu mid ity : 10  %  ~ 80  % , no n -co nd en s ing  
    Storage  Temperature: -4 °F ~ 113 °F (-20 °C ~ 45 °C)  
    Humidity: 5 % ~ 95 %, non-condensing 
    Audio Characteristics 
    Aud io Inp ut 1  RC A J ac k  R e d( R)  Wh ite( L) , 0 .5  Vrms  ( -9 dB)   
    Safety Instructions  
    Using the Software  
    Adjusting the M onitor  
    Ge nera l 
    PowerSav er 
    Prese t Ti min g M ode s 
    SyncMaster 460PX  
    							Aud io Inp ut 2  RC A J ac k  R e d( R)  Wh ite( L) , 0 .5  Vrms  ( -9 dB)  
    PC Au dio  In pu t  3.5 Ø  Ste re o J ac k , 0 .5 Vrm s ( -9 dB)  
    Frequency  RF: 80 Hz ~ 15 kHz (at -3 dB) 
    Response  A/V: 80 Hz ~ 20 kHz (at -3 dB)  
    Plug and Play Ca pability  
    This  mo nitor  ca n b e ins talle d o n an y  Plu g & Play  c omp atib le s ys tem . Th e in te ra c tio n o f th e mo nitor  an d the  
    computer systems will provide the best operating conditions and monitor settings. In most cases, the m onitor 
    in stalla tio n will procee d a utom atically, u nle ss the  user wish es to  se lect alterna te setting s. 
    Dot Acce ptable  
    TFT LCD pa ne ls m an ufactured  by using  ad va nce d semico nd uctor te ch no log y with  p re cisio n o f 1 pp m (o ne  
    millionth) above are used for this product. But the pixels of RED, GREEN, BLUE and WHITE color appear to 
    be  b rig ht s ome times  or  so me  b lac k  pix els  ma y b e s ee n. This  is  n ot fro m ba d qu ality  an d y ou  ca n u se  it w itho ut 
    any problelms. 
    • For example, the number of TFT LCD sub pixels contained in this product are 3,133,440. 
    No t e
    • Design and specifications are subject to change without prior notice.
    Cla ss  B Equipme nt (Info rmation Communic atio n equ ip ment for  r es id ential use )
    • This product complies with the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directives for residential use and can be  us ed  in all a re as  inc lud ing  co mmo n r es ide ntia l a re as . (C las s  B e qu ipm en t e mits le ss  ele c tro mag ne tic 
    wa v es  th an  Cla s s A eq uip me nt.)
      This monitor has a built-in power management system called PowerSaver. This system saves energy by 
    sw itch in g y ou r mo nitor  to  low - po we r mo de  wh en  it h as  no t b ee n us e d for  a  ce rta in am ou nt of tim e. The  mo nitor  
    au to ma tic a lly r etur ns  to no rm al op er atio n w he n y ou  p re s s a  k e y o n the  k e yb o ar d. For  en er gy  co ns e rv atio n, tu rn  
    your monitor OFF when it is not needed, or when leaving it unattended for long periods. The PowerSaver system 
    operates with a VESA DPM S compliant video card installed in your computer. Use the software ut ility installe d o n 
    your computer to set up this feature.
    State Norma l 
    Opera tion   Power savi ng 
    mode   Power off 
    EPA/ENERGY 2000   Power off 
    Power Indicator  Green  Green, Blinking  Amber  Black 
    Pow er  Co ns u mptio n   Less than   
    29 0 W   Less than 1 W 
    (Off-mode)  Less than 1 W 
    (Power button)   0 W  
    (Power Switch)  
      This monitor is EPA E NERGY ST AR 
    ® compliant  and ENERGY2000 
    compliant when used with a com puter equipped with VESA DPMS 
    fu nc tion ality .  
    As an E NERGY ST AR 
    ® Partner, SAMSUNG has  determined  that this 
    product m eets the E NERGY STAR ® gu ide line s for  en er gy  efficie nc y . 
    Preset Timing Modes
    Preset Timing Modes 
      If the signal transferred from the computer is the same as the following Preset Timing Modes, the screen will be 
    adjusted automatically. However, if the signal differs, the screen may go blank while the power LED is on. Refer 
    to  th e v ide o c ar d ma nu al a nd  Ad jus ts  th e s cr ee n a s follo w s. 
    Display Mode Horizonta l  
    Frequency   (k H z)   Vertical  
    Frequency  (H z)   Pixel Clock 
    (M H z)   Sync Polarity  
    (H / V )  
    IBM , 6 40  x  35 0   31 .4 69   70 .0 86   25 .1 75   +/ - 
    IBM , 6 40  x  48 0   31 .4 69   59 .9 40   25 .1 75   - /-  
    IBM , 7 20  x  40 0   31 .4 69   70 .0 87   28 .3 22   - /+ 
    MAC, 6 40  x  48 0   35 .0 00   66 .6 67   30 .2 40   - /-   
    							MAC, 8 32  x  62 4   49 .7 26   74 .5 51   57 .2 84   - /-  
    VESA, 640 x 480  37.861  72.809  31.500  -/- 
    VESA, 640 x 480  37.500  75.000  31.500  -/- 
    VESA, 640 x 480  43.269  85.008  36.000  -/- 
    VESA, 800 x 600  35.156  56.250  36.000  +/+ 
    VESA, 800 x 600  37.879  60.317  40.000  +/+ 
    VESA, 800 x 600  48.077  72.188  50.000  +/+ 
    VESA, 800 x600  46.875  75.000  49.500  +/+ 
    VESA, 800 x600  53.674  85.000  56.250  +/+ 
    VESA, 1024 x 768  48.363  60.004  65.000  -/- 
    VESA, 1024 x 768  56.476  70.069  75.000  -/- 
    VESA, 1024 x 768  60.023  75.029  78.750  +/+ 
    VESA, 1024 x 768  68.677  85.997  94.500  +/+ 
    VESA, 1360 x 768  47.712  60.000  85.500  +/+ 
    Horizonta l Frequency  
    The tim e to scan one line connecting the right edge to the left edge of the 
    sc re e n ho riz o ntally  is  c a lled  th e H or izo nta l C y c le an d the  inv er s e nu mb er  
    of the Horizontal Cycle is called the Horizontal Frequency. Unit: kHz  
    Vertical Frequenc y 
    Like a fluorescent lamp, the screen has to repeat the same image many 
    time s  pe r s ec on d to d isp lay  an  imag e to the  us er . T he  fr eq ue nc y  o f th is 
    repetition is called the Vertical Frequency or Refresh Rate. Unit: Hz  
    ©  19 95 ~2 00 7 SAMSU N G. ALL  Rig ht R es e rv ed   
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