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NEC Neax2000 Ivs Callcenterworx System Manual

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    							NDA-24213 CHAPTER 6
        Page 77
    Issue 3.0
    Starting CallCenterWorX ACD
    4. Starting CallCenterWorX ACD
    STEP 1: Select Programs  NEC CallCenterWorX  ACD  ACD from the Start bar.
    Figure 6-29   Starting CallCenterWorX ACD 
    							CHAPTER 6 NDA-24213
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    Issue 3.0
    Starting CallCenterWorX ACD
    STEP 2: The CallCenterWorX ACD Console displays (Figure 6-30).
    The CallCenterWorX logo (the red CCWX Status symbol) will not be spinning, and the toolbar icons will 
    be dimmed out. The icons are enabled when connection is established to the ACD Server from the Client 
    MAT. The CCWX Status symbol starts spinning when the ACD Server establishes a connection and 
    successfully subscribes to the PBX. 
    Figure 6-30   CallCenterWorX ACD Console
    See Chapter 7, Heading 2, “Server Menu,” for further information on Server connectivity.
    See Chapter 9, “ACD Procedures” for the method of programming (Heading 1.), the recommended 
    programming order (Heading 2.), and instructions for each command (Heading 3. through Heading 17.). 
         Page 79
    Issue 3.0
    Menu Commands
    Chapter 7 ACD Menu Commands
    Describes all ACD menu commands and subcommands.
    Chapter 8 MIS Menu Commands
    Describes all MIS menu commands and subcommands. 
    Page 80     
    Issue 3.0
    This page is for your notes. 
    							NDA-24213 CHAPTER 7
         Page 81
    Issue 3.0
    ACD Menu Commands
    CHAPTER 7 ACD Menu Commands
    Figure 7-1   CallCenterWorX ACD Console Screen
    The main console screen for CallCenterWorX ACD displays the red “CCWX” Status symbol. The icons are 
    enabled when connection is established to the ACD Server from the Client MAT. The red CCWX Status symbol 
    starts spinning when the ACD Server establishes a connection and successfully subscribes to the PBX. 
    							CHAPTER 7 NDA-24213
    Page 82     
    Issue 3.0
    ACD Menu Commands
    File Menu
    1. File Menu
    The File menu contains the Exit command, which provides an orderly exit from the program. 
    2. Server Menu
    The Server Menu comprises: 
    a. The 
    ACD Server option with two choices: 
    Connect, to connect to the ACD Server. 
    To connect to the Server, you can select the 
    Server menu command, choose ACD Server, and choose 
    Connect (see Figure 7-2).
    Figure 7-2   ACD Server Connection
    The Server Name dialog box displays. If the correct name of the designated server displays, click 
    OK (see Figure 7-3). If the server name displayed is not correct, type in the correct server name or 
    server IP address and click 
    OK. When the CCWX symbol begins to spin, you have established 
    connectivity with the ACD Server.
    Figure 7-3   Server Name Dialog
    2.Disconnect, to disconnect from the ACD Server. This command is active only when the Server is 
    b. The 
    Trace Server option with two choices:
    Connect, to connect to the Server providing trace procedures. When connected to this Server, the 
    Output Window command option under the Window menu displays trace data to a blue screen area 
    which opens beneath the main console screen. This data is for the use of technicians in tracing and 
    diagnosing Server and Client behavior.
    Disconnect, to disconnect from the Server providing trace procedures. This command is active only 
    when the Trace Server is connected. 
    							NDA-24213 CHAPTER 7
         Page 83
    Issue 3.0
    ACD Menu Commands
    View Menu
    3. View Menu
    The View Menu controls the behavior of the Toolbars, the Workbook area, and the Status Bar on the console 
    Figure 7-4   Console Screen
    The Toolbar areas shown in Figure 7-4 are the MAT command toolbar, the Reports toolbar, the Utilities toolbar, 
    and the 
    Personal toolbar.
    MAT toolbar icons provide one of the three ways to access MAT commands.
    Reports can be generated by use of the 
    Report toolbar icons as well as from the Data Entry screen List 
    Utilities toolbar icons are for use by technical staff in maintaining the database and monitoring ACD 
    Personal toolbar can be named to suit your purpose and can include any icons you wish to use.
      toolbar MAT toolbar Reports toolbar
     Personal toolbar
      Workbook areaStatus bar
    AV I 
    							CHAPTER 7 NDA-24213
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    Issue 3.0
    ACD Menu Commands
    View Menu
    Selecting the Toolbars option under the View menu displays the check list of available toolbars (Figure 7-5).
    Figure 7-5   Toolbars Options
    Toolbars can be displayed (checked) or hidden (unchecked). 
    A toolbar can be relocated to any portion of the screen, including the Workbook area.
    Reset button will restore the default condition to the toolbars.
    Personal toolbars can be created for specific purposes or for convenience in frequent usage. Using the 
    New... button in the main Toolbars dialog box to display the New Toolbar window (see Figure 7-6), you 
    can type in a custom name for the new toolbar.
    Figure 7-6   New Toolbar Window
    You can drag individual icons to the new toolbar to construct a personalized selection in any order.
    Note:If you move an icon onto a personal toolbar which you later deactivate, and the icon is then missing from 
    its original (source) toolbar, re-selecting the original toolbar in the main 
    Toolbars dialog box (Figure 7-5) 
    and pressing the 
    Reset button will restore the icon. 
    							NDA-24213 CHAPTER 7
         Page 85
    Issue 3.0
    ACD Menu Commands
    View Menu
    The Workbook area of the console screen shows a tab for each screen as it is opened, allowing rapid selection 
    when multiple screens are displayed.
    The tab shows the icon of the command with the name of the command.
    The Workbook area can be removed to increase space on the main screen by clicking the checked option 
    under the 
    View menu. This toggles to an unchecked option which removes the Workbook until you check 
    it again.
    Status Bar on the console screen indicates the current condition of the system.
    The “Ready” on the left side indicates that the system is connected and ready for the input of commands or 
    “ACD Restarting” on the right side (see Figure 7-4) indicates that the ACD is restarting after stopping (see 
    other status statements listed below). An “Access Denied” message indicates that the Client does not have 
    Server launch permissions enabled. 
    Status Bar area can be removed by clicking the checked option under the View menu. This toggles to 
    an unchecked option and converts the Status Bar area to screen area. Clicking on the unchecked Status Bar 
    option restores the Status Bar to the screen.
    CCWX Symbol Not Spinning, Icons DisabledNot Connected to ACD 
    ACD Stopped
    ACD Shutting Down
    CCWX Symbol Not Spinning, Icons EnabledACD Paused
    ACD Initializing
    ACD Restarting
    ACD Restoring DB
    ACD Restoring PBX Connection
    ACD Unable to Establish PBX Connection
    ACD Subscribing to PBX Services
    CCWX Symbol Spinning, Icons Enabled ACD Running 
    							CHAPTER 7 NDA-24213
    Page 86     
    Issue 3.0
    ACD Menu Commands
    Options Menu
    4. Options Menu
    The Workbook / Toggle Icons option allows the choice of showing or not showing the command icon on 
    the Workbook tab at the bottom of the screen.
    Redraw choice provides the options of Normal or Optimized for refreshing the screen.
    Background offers a choice of colors and textures for the Data Entry screens. The next screen opened after 
    making a color selection will show that background color while the screen is open. 
    Figure 7-7   Data Entry Screen Background Colors 
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