Motorola R2550 Service Manual
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6. 3. Turn on the receiver (unsquelched). In- crease the receiver volume control to feed audio noise to the R-2550 Analyzer (at least 1/4 the rated audio power). Record the noise reading in dBm. Within the RF Control zone, adjust the RF output level until the noise reading is less than 20 dB from the value recorded in step 3. Refer to your radios service manual to determine if any adjustments are required. NOTE: To convert the RF output level to uV or dBV, locate the cursor within the Display Control zone and press the BF DISPLAY softkey. Locate the cursor to units used for LvI: and select the required unit using the softkeys. With the cursor within the RF zone, press the GEN softkeY. Control zone, set the fi i r.l:irli:i: r.:ii:.ill:;i.lnTi:j i::ii?J.;i::i:. I:i;iri; i;f:l Fttiti: {j ii:.|;{ilii Lli.i.r Output Level: -115 dB lr.!:..ii iii: l:,; Fif 1.,1 j lriir:ir:iiiii:.1ri|Ii.(r. ijtr.iAdluslas Required 5. Gensrator Mode Soltkey Within the Audio Control modulation off. 4-2.6 Squelch Sensitivity Test 1. With the cursor located within the t{F Control zone, press the MON softkey. Monitor Mode Softkey i,Ji.rj:,..::: ,ti: Tr:l:- flrriil i:::ii Fixed lkHz: 7 kHz x {.1*jtti: 1 i.l :i.i:.r.]; iliiiii.iir ii{,: !i i:.ri+Fr;ti rj l:rii iii:l li 50

2. Disable the PL/DPL squelch if so equipped. Set the radios squelch control to the point where the receiver barely quiets. 3. With the cursor located within the RF Control zone, press the GEN softkey NOTE: To convert the RF output level to uV or dBV, locate the cursor within the Display Contol zone and press the BF DISPLAY softkeY. 6. Repeat step 5 with the radios squelch level set to maximum tightness to deter- mine the tight squelch sensitivity of the radio. 7. To check PL/DPL squelch sensitivity locate the cursor within the Audio Con- trol zone and enter the proper PL fre- quency or DPL code Per APPendix B;itttr: {|.(f.l i lk li

th the cursor located within the Audio ntrol zone, turn on the modulation and the R-2550 synthesizer to provide a ninal 750 Hz (500 - I kHz) deviation o the radios manufacturers specifica- ts. i.!3;..1iii;:.;;;;; {!.i!tttrii.i Fixed lkHz: 5 kHz _ Synth: O.75 kHz - !:i::t;ir,rl i-l.i: lili.. i::+i1+ {fil i.;ifi;-:t (i.:.Jii kn;:l li iliir:i$l .{{:;l:iii:.Vili}iirjri.j{j:i.i ble the radios PL/DPL squelch cir- Fully open the carrier squelch con- hin the RF Contol zone, increase the output level until the receiver just quelches. This is the coded squelch iitivity. li;: {.:{rtrlr:i!: riii:.I,il:iflrf ili frft?:till; $, l;}j Fffi{i: tjir:.ij{{:tiir,tiir Output Level: -l 12 dB rJr.ii iii: lr,: t1;: tii : $ili:tii*iisr1fyi..{r. ijiv:Adlusl as R€qulred 52

A AC AM ATTENAUTOBATTBNC BWC CAL CCIR C&E Ampere Alternating Current Amplitude Modulation Attenuation AutomaticBatteryCoaxial RF Connector Bandwidth CelsiusCalibrate International Radio Consultative Committee Communications and Electronics (Part of Motorola) CentimetersComplementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor Counter Cathode RaY Tube Continuous Wave Decibel Decibel (refened to carrier) Decibel (referred to 1 mW into 50 ohms) Direct Curent Demodulation DeviationDispersion Distortion ApPendix A LIST OF ABBREYIATIONS DivDPL DTMFDurDVMEEA Division Digital Private Line, a Motorola registered trademark Dual-tone multi-frequencY Duration Digital Voltmeter Electronic Engineering Association Electronics IndustrY Association External Frequency Modulation Frequency GenerateGigahertzHorizontal Hertz Integrated Circuit Instantaneous Deviation Control Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Interme diate FrequencY Input/Output KilohmKilohertzLight-Emitting Diode cm CMOS CntrCRT CW dBdBc dBmDCDemod DEVDisp DIST EIA Extl FMFREQ GENGHzHorizHzIC IDC IEEEIFVO Kohm kHz LED 53

OF ABBREVIATIONS-CONTINUED rble rdwidth ) memory )rd gistered us lency Square recification SEQ SINAD SPF STD SWSWP Synth TN Trig TX UHFV VAC VDC Vert VRMS w WBXCVR XX Sequence Ratio of (Signal + Noise + Distortion)/(Noise + Distortion): Special Function Standard Switch Sweep Synthesizer Tone Trigger Transmitter Ultra High Frequency Volts Volts Alternating Cunent Volts Direct Current Vertical Volts (root-mean-square) Watts Wide Bandwidth Transceiver (Select Any Valid Number) 54

APPendix B TONE AND CODE SPECIFICATIONS Table B-1. Standard DTMF Tones ;ffiisionsforencoding.anddecoding16differentkevs.Eachkeyis assisnedtworrequen:i:;.::^rj:r*::xtfiilrlnili.i;Jf;[ft lgiliffi SlTo asslgneo lw(J tlvgueil: -- with 16 ditterent coml rirll pft *:1qr:a[g:f,3fii,Yi,ih:;ili s i oi eac tr kev STANDARD DTMF (Hz) 697 770 852941 1209 1336 14771633 LOW Low LOW LOW HIGHHIGH HIGHHIGH Table B-2. DTMF FrequencY Coding* HIGH GROUP TONE LOW GROUP TONE 1 2 3 A 456 B 7I 9 c o # D 55

Table B-3. Privare-Line (pL) Codes FREAUENCY (Hz) xz wz XA WA XB WB YZ YA YB zz ZA ZB 1Z 1A 1B 22 2A 28 32 3A 3B 42 4A 48 52 5A 5B 62 64 6B 7Z 7A M1 82 M2 M3 M4 92 M5 M6 M7 67.0 69.3 71.9 74.4 77.0 79.7 82.5 85.4 88.5 91.5 94.8 97.0 100.0 103.5 107.2 1 10.9 114.8 118.8 123.0 127.3 131.8 136.5 141.3 146.2 151.4 156.7 162.2 167.9 173.8 179.9 186.2 192.8 203.5 206.5 210.7 218.1 225.7 229.1 233.6 241.8 250.3 56

Table B-4. DPL Standard Codes 023 o25 026031032043 o47 051054 065 071072073114 115116 125131 132134 143 152155 156 162165 172 174 205 223226 243 244245251 261263 265271 306 311315331 343351 364 365 371 411 412 413 423 431 432 445 464 465 466503 506 516 532546 565606 612624 627 631 632654 662 664 703712723 731 732734743 5,7

Fc sF I-3uF p K- APPendix C OF CMOS NTEGRATBD CIRCUIT DEVICES rit devices used rnt afe of the lltlJ,ilJ * MOS lCs are r static charges rdling, shiPPrng re assernblies rn levices are Pro.v-ld- 3:iffi:i1: such as are en- ns system ,iffi;HJft ,Oota* even in a sYD- i:,iill;,lff li,ill while servicing a cir- : l.,^lrtttv after rnov- ;;litGt uu *o*tn- li*n-ttonos to a bare l:::i;ilsurrace rhis ll;g*t*t* NOTE Y#,##ffi#fr WARI{IFIG when y**1fffi!ri,, Y::;:{:f ^i,;,;.i^;.r;:;;,T;, good growno !rrri increase wist straV wtiiiffi shock the danger ol iZi- ; t* ent aItY tou ching ttiriuouo7e sources z gfrJ*1i$i;#tli.-* e NorrnallY, circuit *:qt:-iffJt 5 l-iu1 .ff,:ilIili,..r. * ,lllllJllffiJslY#,Tl;- Ts:ff i$yl*;:tfi#ili1ii* to insure th{ this Practice 4 Hi1:H$33tr#:nrffi*(silk n]lc ute to static builduP 59

5. jlt lte.ctrically powered test equip_ ment should be &ffiffi:,l:,1Tri:rti,i.i connecdng rhe le:t prru.. lirii.rrr, disconnect the test probe prior to removing the ground lead. If a circuit module is removed from rhe sysrem, ir is desirable ;or;;;;,,, or a conductive surfa., ir;;;;; sheer of aluminum foifl ,f,ii l, . ::l*:rrd to ground ,r,roeijdOr or resistance- WARNING :! the aluminum foil is con_ :::,:o directty to sround, be caufious of possible electri-_ 1yl tho_ck from contauing the foit at the same time as other electrical circuits. 7 rIlTlilff#? be sure the sordering 8. Prior to connecting jumpers, replacing 1i_r1uit componenr., rr rru;;,. ;T?,.r,::Jll jl;F;;;;T:..,,*, ::T,i, J,J, ,T:_:1fli::flX:* any sraric buildup u, or*..iul;; procedure l. Sin can exist across ce voltage differences I.,o.TT.n.,; ; jil,],iT, i* ;:- used if it is neces ,rhe cMddffi: ffi ,lJ::,..l#ns on board wiring. 6. 60