Motorola R2550 Service Manual
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DISPLAY ZONE SOFTKEYS :ill$S[! iloJe:slfrl*DAnD req : ?8. STSS lslz Ih : 2 62 kllz ftF lontro!: Fresei: -- rtu lfr l{k 8dE AT{I 131.8 llz l.t$i U x *slABt0 g\c86 U x :- 35 Hz InPut Luli 91 uil Freqi fl?8.8tT0 Attenurl i on: ilsn SF Ini lhdulat isn T Audio Suri l.StS U Pk Fixrd Lkllz: t.8t8 U x Sqnthi 8.?95 U x Fomrl $el: Pt tnde: l?3456 txternal I Figure 3-1. Screen Zone Arrangement AUDIO CONTROL ZONE Displeg: f,TItlt st{pt Trigger: fiUTtl. Iris Lul:Stitrel lul) lloriz:500 us/diu Fosition: (+) Posi ti) t2
Control the cursor location and input informa- tion by: . Using the CURSOR ZONE keys to move the cursor among the three zones. . Using the CURSOR POSITION keys to move the cursor from field to field within a zone. . Once at the desired field, use either the TUNING knob or the numeric keys to enter numeric information. Use the softkeys for other menu selections. 3-2.1 Expanded Display Some functions have the ability to expand their contents and overwrite other display areas. These consist of the following: . Encode tables . Dedicated keys 3-2.1.1 Encode Tables Encode Tables are selected from the Audio Mod Sum:/lvlod Sum: field). Selection of the General Sequence or DTMF encode modes, and pressing the display table softkey, causes the system to overwrite the meter and display zones with the display tables. Use the return softkey to exit to previous screen. 3-2.1.2 Dedicated Keys Refer to the Other Functions portion of this manual (paragraph 3-8) for an explanation of expanded screens in the HELP, MEM, SPF, and CAL modes. 3.3 HELP The Analyzer provides on-screen operating instructions via the dedicated HELP key. Help screens are organized such that each display area has an associated help screen pertaining to that area of the screen. System help (figure 3-2) is available via a softkey within each help screen. Use the return softkey to return to the function in progress. 13
l.{heration of fhis unit is done primcilc thrsugh the use of sqftkegs located imdiatelg beltn the displeg srreen. Thess kegs along nith the tU[St]B PIISITIIHi kegs lncaled *u fhe risht of lhe screen prouide fsr ihe entrg of test requir*nenls rnd the selerfion of data to be displaced. 2. tach highl ighted cursor lsraf ion has its orn unique-mnu of selectisns displaged in boxes imediafelc rhoue th* softkegs. $il+lu push the keg beloH ihe bax to mke the seleclion. S.lhree ffiin Hindolg ot rursor zones ilre useJ for EF and fiudio rsntrol on lhp righl and data displag sn the left, The tlrB${H Z{S[ kegs provide fsr easg ilosemnl bet$een fhese zonee. ihee in fhs zone of interesi th* cursar cen he rsued Let*een the hiehlighied entrt localion Lg using the fiue tU[$0R P0$IIIttl keus, Prse I of 3 Figure 3-2. System Help L4
3-4 WARI\INGS The system provides warnings for the following operating conditions, which are considered detrimental to the proper functioning of the Analyzer: . RF Overload (Input level to monitor too great for ac- curate measurement) . Recalibrate (Indicates that the units internal tempera- ture has changed more than 10o C from where it was last self-calibrated. This may affect the accuracy of the generator output level, monitor input level below +20 dBm, and modulation level. Refer to paragraph 3-8.3 for further information) . RF Over Temperature (Excessive power to RF load) . Optional Battery Pack Voltage Low If any of these conditions exist: . A warning will be displayed on the warning line of the CRT for RF overload, recali- brate, and low battery voltage. . A continuous audible warning tone along with an overwrite of the screen with a warning message will be presented for RF Over Temperature (figure 3-3). This con- dition may occur when the intermittent power rating of the 125 watt internal load is exceeded. Both the display and the warn- ing tone remain on and all operator input is ignored until the condition is corrected. The Analyzer then resumes normal operat- ion. CAUTION Remove RF power immediately to correct the RF Over Temperature condition. Otherwise damage to the unit may occur. WARNING RF LOAD IS OVER TEMPEMTURE REMOVE RF INPUT POWER Figure 3-3. RF Over Temperature Warning Message 15
3-5 PRIMARY OPERATING MODES Select the operating mode by placing the cursor in the RF Control: field in the RF zone. Use the desired softkey to make selection. Primary operating modes are: MOMTOR, GENERATE, and DUPLEX. 3-5.1 MONITOR Mode The Monitor mode (figure 3-4) provides the units test receiver function which is used in the testing of radio transmitters. It is capable of monitoring RF input through its antenna or a direct connection to the transmitter to accurately determine the frequency, power level, and modulation characteristics. It monitors signals from 400 kHz to 999.9999 MHz. Center fre- quency is set in 100 Hz increments. Specific controls which further configure the MONITOR lbter:BF DI$PLFY lhde;STfilflHfiD llon Freq: 78. 0ffSff ffik Dev: 2. 62 kllz Freq Erl+ ?0 llz Inpul Luli----,- d$e Displsg : IfiH,LRTIIF{ SI{FE Trisser: f,lrT0 Iris Lvl:560trel l$ll lloniz:5S8 usldiu Position: (tl} Uerl i cal ! I kHzr div FF Eonfrol: Iifllm Presel: -- Sfll: tfi freq: 9?t.t88t ilh Aiienualion: B dB llon Bf In: Al{T ltudulalion T luJio Suri fl.tES U pk F ixed lktlz: S. 808 U x Ssnth: 8. ?95 U tt Formt Sel I Pt FREQ: I3I.8 HZ DIil: [.8f8 U x Isde:123456?S9$*$ttD External: 0.89S U x ilH GE}IIXIPLTX IRATK fft{ Figure 3-4. Monitor Mode 16
mode are located within the RF zone when MONITOR is first selected. The specific entry fields are as follows. Preset This field allows one of the twenty possible preset monitor/generate frequency pairs to be selected. Frequency memory presets are programmed in the memory screen as dis- cussed in paragraph 3-8.5. When a preset number is entered in this field, the monitor and generate frequencies stored under that number are used by the analyzer for moni- tor and generate modes. B/W Selects either wide or narrow IF and audio bandwidths of the unit via softkey selection. Freq Enter the desired monitor frequency using keypad or tuning knob. Attenuation Select the amount of attenuation at the RF input to the monitor receiver using softkeys. Selectable input attenuation is useful in adjusting displays for a wide range of input levels, as well as for use in high RF field environments where intermodulation may cause desensitization of the receiver. Mon RF In Selects the RF input port via softkeys. CAUTION Do not apply inpttt power to the ANT input port. In the event RF power is inadvertently applied, the port is protected by an in-line RF fuse. This fuse m.ay be accessed by un- screwing the front of the BNC connector out of the front panel. Refer to Section 2-1, Description for additional detail. The RF UO port contains an RF load and should be used for direct connection to the radio under test. The ANT port accesses the units sensitive receiver and should be used with an antenna for off-the-air recep- tion. Selection of the ANT port is indicated by a red LED adjacent to the ANT connec- tor. Modulation Type Selects the type of modulation via softkeys. 17
3-5.2 GENERATE Mode The GENERATE mode (figure 3-5) configures the Analyzer to generate an RF signal at a controllableoutputr.rtoprovide.forawide range of receivsr *nt Muttiple internal and extemal mo dulation signals c an be simlrltaneous- ly impressed on the tuiitt frequencyto gensrate ffit** signul for servicing Signals from 400 kHz to qggqgig vltr rnray be generated L.*]*oency is set in 100 Hz increments Figure 3-5. Generate Mode tieter:BF DI$PLfiV tlsde: STfillOfiED Gen Freq: irt65EEB llllz Lul:?ST. l.t utl i]r contot : ffi{IliEt!5lt FresPt: -- s/tl: tF Freql 1455809 ffilz thrtput Lul:-t5E9 d[r Gen SF tlut: Sf I/0 ltrodulation lgPei Fll -r-- tt, tffiULRT lllil SCtrE Iriqgeri frUIfl Irig Lul:5[:it:i l:: noi-r:-seg q/J1u rr*itif: Lttl thd $un: 5 t8 kllz Fixed lkllz 52t kllz - $snthl -.-,. s0s k[t*L* ll:f* *t r31.s hz ?lSirrror*t11*ltio. Externall SS0 kHr x 18
Specific controls which further configure the GENERATE mode are located within the RF Control zone when GENERATE is first selected. The specific entry fields are as follows: Preset The preset function is the same as in the MOMTOR mode. B/W Selects either wide or naffow bandwidth of the unit via softkey selection. Freq Enter the desired generate RF frequency using keypad or tuning knob. Output Lvl Selects generator output level in 0.1 dBm steps over the range of -130 dBm to 0 dBm. An altemate display of generate level in microvolts is available in the Meter: area of the display zone. Output level is available in two ranges depending upon which output port is selected: . The range of -80 dBm to 0 dBm is available when the high level GEN output port is selected. . The range of -130 dBm to -50 dBm is available when the RF VO output port is selected. NOTE If AM modulation is selected, the maxi- mum output at the GEN port is re- duced to -6 dBm; the mnximum ouput at the RF I/O port is reduced to -56 dBm. Gen RF Out Selects the RF output port via softkeys. The RF UO port is recommended for most applica- tions where GEN and MON ports are com- bined for a single connection to the radio under test. The GEN port is recommended where higher levels are needed. Selection of the GEN port is indicated by a red LED adjacent to the GEN OUT connector. CAUTION Do not apply input power to the GEN output port. In the event RF power is inadvertently applied, the port is pro- tected by an in-line RF fuse. This fuse may be accessed by unscrewing the front of the BNC connector out of the front panel. Refe, to Section 2-1, Description for additional inform.ation. Modulation Type Selects the type of modulation via softkeys. 19
3-5.3 DUPLEX Mode The DUPLEX Mode (figure 3-6) provides a simultaneous RF generator output that is offset in frequency from the monitor center frequency and fully adjustable in output level. This capa- bility provides for servicing full duplex radio equipment as well as repeaters and radios opera- ting with offset transmit and receive frequencies. {ater:ftF 0ISPIA? liode:$TAlSfiB$ llun Fre{: 161.558F l#lz Daui 9,8? kHz Freq tmi- l..88kllz Input Lul:- ?4.3 dBr Een fr*qi 207.5508 l*lz Lul:?0?.18 uU Ilisplrgi l{SULfiTI{il{ SttFt $elecil GEI{ TriggBr: fiU10 Trig Lul:S$ltrsl lul) Horizi 180 us/diu Position: {tDHf tonlrol: rosE Preseti -- Bni: lfr llcn f req i 162. 5508 l$lz 0ffset: +45.888 fflz fkn: I dB illfl Gen: -CI50,SdBn fiF I/0 lhd Sur: l. i9 kHz Fixed lkHrl 2.80 kHz - $cnth: S.S$ kHz x Fornal $el: Pt FR[A: 131.0 Hr Dilf : 6,t8 kll: x tsde : l2$456?89rS*flBtD fxternel: 9.00 kHz x Figure 3-6. Duplex Mode 20
Specific controls which further configure the DUPLEX mode are located within the RF Control zone when DUPLEX is first selected. The specific entry fields aro as follows: Preset The preset function is the same as in the monitor mode. However, when the Duplex mode is activated and a preset number is entered into this field, the duplex offset fre- quency will be automatically calculated to be the difference between the stored monitor and generate frequencies. If the difference between the stored monitor and generate frequencies is greater than or equal to 55 MHz, the duplex frequency offset will be set to its maximum value of 55 MHz. B/W Selects either wide or narrow bandwidth of the unit via softkey selection. Mon trreq Entet the desired monitor frequency using keypad or tuning knob. Offset Enter the generator frequency offset relative to the monitor frequency entered. Offset fre- quencies of + 0 to 55 MHz are allowed. The offset frequency is set in 5 kHz steps. Mon This field actually contains two separate fields, one for monitor input attenuation and one for monitor port selection. Refer to the MOMTOR description for further details. Gen This field actually contains two separate fields, one for generate output level and one for generate output port selection. Refer to the GENERATE description for further details. NOTE OnIy FM modulation is provided for the duplex generator. Either FM or AM demodulation may be selected. Selection must be done in MONITOR Mode within the RF control zone. The RF I/O port combines monitor and generate signals for the d.uplex func- tion. However, either the ANT or GEN ports m.ay be independently selected. 2t