Motorola R2550 Service Manual
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which snaps into the right front han- dle of the unit. 4. Take the power cord that is stored in the cover. Attach the cords female connector to the appropriate connec- tor on the Analyzers rear panel. Connect the other end of the cord to the power source. For AC, use a grounded 3-wire 100-130 VAC or 200-260 VAC power source. 5. Set the two-position LINE switch (bottom of unit) to either the 110 or 220 position, as applicable. The fac- tory initially sets the LINE switch for 110 VAC. A 3A fuse for 110 VAC operation and a 10A fuse for DC operation are installed at the factory. Change as indicated for 220 VAC operation. OPERATION FUSE PART NUMBER 110 VAC 3A 65-20404 12 VDC 10A 65-10266 220 VAC 1.5A 65-890033 6. Remove accessories from the cover as needed. 7. Insert the whip antenna into the ANT port, located to the right of the tuning knob on the front panel. 8. Press the power switch ON. The Ana- lyzer is now ready for use. Before operating the Analyzer, review the operating procedures described in this manual. CAUTION When installing the Analyzer in a vehicle, fuse the DC supply line close to the vehicles battery. The DC-L}A fitse (located on the Anal- yzers rear panel) protects the Analyzer against overload but does not protect the vehicle 1-5.3 Battery Pack Operation The optional battery pack (RPN-4000A) is designed to conveniently mount to the back of the R-2550. Containing an internal battery charger, the battery pack is automatically recharged whenever connected direct to an AC receptacle. Battery charging is independent of the main R-2550 equipment. NOTE The battery pack has an internal switch allowing the user to switch operation of the battery pack to II5 VAC or 220 VAC. Before attempting to plug the battery pack into the ac line for charging, ensure this switch is set to the correct position for your line voltage. This switch is accessable by removing six stcrews attaching the cover to battery pack chassis as shown infigure 1-1. 2

1-5.4 Battery Pack fnstallation l. Se[ the R-2550 in an inverted vertical position on a table with the back of the unit facing upward. Lay battery pack on the back surface of the R-2550 such that the cut out in the battery, will match the locations of the power plug on the R-2550. Do not engage the attachment screw yet. Plug four-pin connector from battery pack to four-pin connector on back of R-2550 labeled DC POWER. 4. Plug AC cord from batrery pack tc AC power plug on back of R-2550 unit. Dress cabling into retaining area and slide battery into position to align with mounting screws Align and tighten the four slotted mounting screws. 5. 2. 6. 3. Figure 1-2. Battery Pack Installation 4

Section 2 DESCRIPTION 2-I DESCRIPTION The R-2550 Communication System Analyzer is a portable test instrument designed to monitor and service radio communications equipment over the frequency range of 400 Hz to 9999999 MHz. Figures 2-l and 2-2 show the Analyzers controls, indicators, and connectors, and lists their functions. The Analyzer generates signals measures modulation and frequency, and per- forms a variety of tests normally associated with the following devices: RF Signal Generator .Sensitive Measurement Receiver spectrum AnalYzer Duplex Offset Generator .Oscilloscope .Period Counter .AC/DC Voltmeter .RF Wattrneter signaling EncoderlDecoder signal Strength Meter .SINAD Meter .Distortion Analyzer 2.2 OPERATOR CONTROLS 2-2.1 Keys & Indicators Power Switch Press ON to energize all circuitry The unit automatically selects AC power if line power is available. Otherwise, the unit looks for a DC source. Switching is automatic upon cycling of the POWER switch. ON LED Illuminates when power switch is pressed oN. DC LED Illuminates when equipment uses DC power. Cursor Zone KeYs (RF, AUD, & DISP) Determines the zone (third of CRT screen) that the cursor will be active in When changing zones, the cursor mQves to the same cursor location occupied the previous time it was in that zone Cursor Position Keys (Up, Down, Left, Right, TAB) The five cursor movement keys are used to move the cursor to the left, right, up down, or tab. HELP KeY Displays help instructions for the present screen. MEM Key Accesses the Memory screen for non- volatile memory Presets. 5

noT0noLA CfCfC]-C]C]O f-;-@) I U I t_____91 CURSOR POSI]ION a-@-l l---l L=-J r@ r@ ,our.a, voLUME ac IUNING A MAXINPUT /:A. OdBM ( ) @ \--l ; E@@ @ @@@ @ ri.) ca @ (al @@@ GD oJf BRIGHT POWER o olffil r ffi-*@ 3 *@ lffi ffil:@#@ *@ ft@E Figure 2-1. Front Panel Controls, Indicators, and Connectors


Numeric Keys (0-9) For entering numeric information into the Analyzer. When a key is pressed, the existing CRT numeral (where the cursor is sitting) is replaced with the numeral represented by the keypress. The Analy- zer then reacts to the new information just entered. When an invalid numeric entry is attempted, the Analyzer ignores the keypress and the numeral on the screen remains unchanged. +/- Key Toggles the displayed sign from its pre- sent value to the negative of its present value. ALT Key Enables the alternate functions on the keypad. Upon pressing the ALT key, the message ALT appears on the message line. Pressing any other key following the ALT key will cause the ALT message to disap- pear. SPF Key Displays the special functions menu of the display. F2 Key (optional function) Permits access to additional functions. Currently, this key provide no functional- ity. CAL Key Instructs the processor to perform a self calibration on the system. Fl Key (Optional Function) Permits access to additional functions. Currently used to return to local mode from remote mode. Softkeys Located below the display, the softkeys provide a menu function to indicate all possible values or entries for the current cursor position. If the cursor moves, the softkey functions change. 2-2.2 Knobs SQUELCH Squelch control. Clockwise rotation increases the receiver threshold signal level above which the squelch opens. VOLUME Controls volume of the speaker audio. BRIGHT Intensity adjustment of the CRT. Clock- wise rotation results in higher intensity. TUMNG Incrementally changes the digit over which the cursor is currently sitting. Clockwise rotation of the tuning knob increases the number; counter-clockwise rotation decreases the number. This provides the equivalent of an analog control for numeric cursor entry locations. 2-2.3 CRT 9 cm x 11 cm birmapped CRT. Provides data, operating controls, and instructional information. Displays in digital, analog, and bar graph forms.

NOTE The CRT has a screen saver fea- ture that reduces intensitY after approximately 30 minutes of inac- ilviry. Press any key to restore the display. 2-2.4 Connectors 2-2.4.1 trront Panel Connectors RF IN/OUT Provides RF input signal to the Analy- zers internal monitor or output signal from the Analyzers internal generator. Also provides combined input/output in DUPLEX mode. Contains the RF watt- meter load. This is the only front panel connector to which RF power may be applied. GEN OUT Provides a high level generator RF out- put port isolated from the Monitor input. DO NOT APPLY RF POWER. ANT Input port for sensitive monitor receiver. Useful for off-the-air measurements. DO NOT APPLY RF POWER. NOTE The GEN OUT and ANT con- nectors are protectedfrom over- load by a 1/16 amp RF fuse in- stalled in the front panel con- nector. This fuse may be acces- sed by unscrewing the front portion of the BNC connector from the panel using a 7/16 inch deep socket wrench. Replnce- ment fuse part number is GG- 6530277C002. CAUTION The RF fitse leads must be trimmed to a length of .48 +.02 inches and the tips cttt to a point to facilitate installation. VERT/SINAD DIST/DVM COUNTER IN Combined input port for oscillosci ?e vertical, SINAD meter, Distortion fiIetr:i, DVM, and period counter inputs. DEMOD OUT Recovered (demodulated) audio output (MONITOR or DUPLEX mode). MOD OUT Composite output of internally generated modulation signals. EXT MOD IN External modulation input connector. Requires a fixed input level of l\u for accurate level displays. MIC Connector for external accessory micro- phone. 2-2.4.2 Side Panel Connector RS-232 PORT (25 pin) Provides input/output for printer or con- trol interface. 9

2-2.4.3 Back Panel Connectors 2-3 BOTTOM CONTROLS 10 MHZ STD InternaUExternal Oscillator Micro-Switch BNC connector provides input/output for Used to switch between input and output 10 MHz reference frequency. Input configurations for ttre rear panel 10 MHz impedance is 50 ohms. Input level re- reference oscillator BNC connector. quirement is 70 mV to 1 Vrms. OutPut level is approximately 250 uVrms. CAUTION The R-2550 will not function prop- AC POWER Connector erly if this switch is set to external Primary AC power input port. without a I0 MHz reference signal applied to the rear I0 MHz refer- DC POWER Connector ence BNC connector. Primary DC power input Port. FUSE Internal Reference Oscillator Adjustment Access Line fuseholders for AC and DC line Provides convenient external access to fuses: recatbrate reference oscillator frequency setting. OPERATION FUSE PART NTJMBER CAUTION 110 VAC 3A 55-20404 (Jse a reliable and accurate fre- 220 VAC 1.5A 65-890033 quency snndard when making this 12 VDC 10A 65-10266 adjustment. II0l220 VAC Selector Switch Used to switch the units internal power supply for either I 10V or 220V operation. Check the fuse for proper Size When switching to a different line voltage. 10

Section 3 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 3.1 GENERAL The Analyzer is designed specifically for the service and monitoring of radio communications equipment. This product represents a break- through in simplicity of operation. In place of numerous meters, keys and controls, the R-2550 employs a large CRT display which simulta- neously presents control and data displays. A simplified front panel, utilizing soft keys, cursor movement keys, a numeric key pad, an analog tuning control and other dedicated function keys all combine to make the unit extremely easy to leam and very efficient to use. Primary operating modes of the unit are MONITOR, GENERATE, and DUPLEX. They are accessed through the RF Control display area at the upper right of the screen. Within these modes of operation, various measurement func- tions may be selected in order to measure and diagnose many types of radio equipment under test. RF data display, voltmeters, distortion meter, SINAD meter, frequency counter and modula- tion decoder functions are available through the Meter display ,uea at the upper left of the screen. Spectrum analyzer, oscilloscope and bar graph displays are available through the Display area at the lower left of the screen. Control of the internal modulation synthesizcr and level selection for externally applied modu- lation are provided through the Audio area at the lower right of the screen. Further explanation of the function of each of these screen areas can be accessed through use of the HELP key to the lower right of the scrgen. 3-2 BASIC OPERATION Control of the unit and selection of data to be displayed are done through the use of three main windows which simultaneously appear on this screen (figure 3-1). These three main windows, or cursor zongs, are accessed simply through a cluster of three CURSOR ZONE keys at the top center of the unit. The location where the cursor rests wittrin each zone is known as a cursor field. To con- trol the unit and enter data, all operator inputs are made at highlighted cursor field locations (brighter-face type). For further simplicity, softkeys, with customized on-screen labels interact with the screen to provide a unique menu of entry options for each cursor field. This greatly reduces the number of keys and having to search through unrelated controls to find the one thats needed. 11