Motorola R2550 Service Manual
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acquired, the Freq: field in the RF Control zone indicates metering and its counterpart in the meter zone displays the channel on which the canier was detected. Also displayed in the meter zone are the preset number of the channel, the received power level and the modulation level of the received signal. To activate the Preset Scan function, depress the Preset Scan softkey. This key not only begins the preset scanning but also seryes as a contin- ue key to temporarily skip past a channel with heavy radio traffic. When the analyzer is locked on a preset frequency and you wish to continue scanning, although the signal is still present, press the Preset Scan softkey again. This contin- ues the scanning with the next preset frequency in the memory table. Pressing the Preset Scan softkey only skips over a frequency once; if radio traffic is still present on that frequency the next time that it is scanned, the analyzer will stop and dwell once again. The number of preset frequencies to be scanned can be limited by using the Low Preset and High Preset fields in the meter zone. Entries in these fields will cause the analyzer to only scan from the low preset number to the high preset number. By carefully ananging the preset fre- quencies in the RF memory into related groups, you can make maximum use of the Low Preset and High Preset scan limiters. For example, a particularly busy preset frequency which is causing the analyzer to stop scanning and dwell for long periods of time can be removed from the scan list by moving it within the RF memory table to a location just above or below the preset numbers being scanned. It is recommended that frequencies in the RF memory table be grouped according to their modulation type and bandwidth because these parameters must be manually changed in the analyzers RF Control zone. If an AM frequency (e.g. aircraft band) is intermixed with FM fre- quencies (e.g. public service band) in the scan list and the analyzer is set to FM mode, radio traffic on the AM frequency will cause the scanner to lock, but the received audio will be unintelligible and the modulation measurement will be meaningless. Because breaking the receiver squelch causes the analyzer to stop scanning, it is important to properly adjust the squelch control. If the squelch is adjusted too loosely (counterclock- wise rotation of the squelch knob), undesired noise signals will break the receiver squelch and the scanning function will not operate properly. If the squelch is adjusted too tightly (clockwise rotation of the squelch control knob), it is possi- ble that desired signals will not be strong enough to break the squelch and the analyzer will not stop and dwell on the channel. To adjust the squelch control for proper scanning operation, turn the squelch control fully counter- clockwise and activate the Preset Scan mode. The analyzer will not scan bscause it will lock on the first frequency due to the squelch being open. Now slowly rotate the squelch control clockwise, just until the squelch light goes out, the noise in the speaker stops and the unit begins to scan. If an actual signal is received while the squelch is being adjusted, wait until it ends before resuming the adjustment. For maxi- mum sensitivity, the squelch level should be adjusted as loose as possible (cbunterclockwise) without being broken by receiver noise. To halt the scanning operation at any time, press the RF Display softkey. This stops the scanning and leaves the analyzer locked on the last scanned frequency prior to the key press. Note: When the unit is in the Preset Scan mode, the response time to key presses will be somewhat slower than normal. For best results, it is recommended that you do not leave Preset Scan active in the Display zone when it is not being used. 30

3-7.I.3 AC/DC VOLTMETER The Analyzer provides a general purpose AC/DC digital voltmeter (figure 3-12). The voltmeter input is the same front panel BNC port that also serves as the input for the SINAD/DIST meter, the VERT oscilloscope input, and the period COUNTER IN. Move the cursor to the Range: field. Select the voltage range (1V, 10V, or 100V DC) by pressing the applicable softkey. Maximum AC range is 70 VAC. If ttre optional battery pack is installed, an additional selection is available to read the battery voltage. CAUTION The mnximum analyzer input voltage is 100 volts peak. The data portion of this screen will show a hori- zontally oriented bar graph for an analog indica- tion along with a digital readout of the measured voltage (up to 4 digits resolution). In the AC mode, the measured input is also displayed in dBm, referenced to lmW into 600 ohms. 3-7.1.4 INT DIST/EXT DIST Meter The internal and external distortion meter are selectable via softkeys located within the rMe- ter: field in the Display zone. The display consists of a digital readout and bar graph. Distortion is used to measure the audio quality of the transmitter and receiver modulation. The distortion meter is selectable via softkey be- tween internal (coupled from the monitor de- modulated signal) and external (through the DIST input on the front panel). The distortion meter operates only at the fixed frequency of I KHz. 3-7.1.5 SINAD Meter The SINAD meter is selected within the Meter: field in the Display zone. Display con- sists of a digital readout and bar graph. SINAD is used in making receiver sensitivity measure- ments per EIA specifications using a fixed 1 kHz modulation frequency. Internal coupling for SINAD is not provided; input is always via the extemal BNC port on the front panel. 3-7.1.6 Counter and Decoding Functions The following are all accessed via softkey through the Meter: field within the Display zone. Their inputs are all normally internally coupled to the monitor demodulated signal for either direct or off-the-air testing. If use of these functions is needed for an externally applied signal, the Special Functions screen, under SYSTEM FUNCTIONS, provides ameans of switching the input of the Counter/decoder from Internal to External. These screens contain a Sensitivity: field where MIN or MAX may be selected via soft- key. This provides a means to desensitize the counter/decoder circuits, if needed to properly measure very high level signals. Under normal operation, this field should be set to MAX. The display exhibits a digital frequency and equivalent PL code if applicable. Refer to Appendix B for valid codes. 31

rkl Displagi EHTERHAL SC{FE fouplins: At Trigger: ftUT0 Trig Lul:5|*{rel lul} lloriz:28T us/dit, Position: {+} iler-titrli rg[ l{t/ diu fht*: EIEItr[ElElI ftange: I U llode: SIAIOf,BD 8.351 U$t ftF tontroli ll0HIT0ft Fresel: -- g4{: lfi Freql 86S. ?6?t Ftlz Atterruation: g dS lbn fiF In: fiilT lfodulat itn T Audio $ur! $.585 U pk Fixed lkHri 9.588 U $cnthl 8.5S9 U x Fomat $el ! T{SE FlfI DTiS: [. ffi0 u x fode: ------ External: 8.8S0 U x RF DISPTRY PFESET steil AT trtil-Ts tll U&IS IHT DIST THT DIST SI}SD fmle lleter:lEil[itrGfilffi! ffrngei I U fiF ttntroli lffIlIItH Prsset: -- B/tl: lS Freq i 868. ?62T ltlz Altenurtion: I dB lhn fiF In: lhdulation T Audio $ur! S.5Bl U pk Fixed lkllz: 8,5N0 U $cnth: 0.599 u x Fomat Sel: I$€ RlfT 0rlf: a,00tu x fode i ------ Extecnal: 0.08$ U x s.351 llfit gkl -6,SdSr Displau: EXTEnilfiL SttFE [oupling: *t Trisser: fiUT0 Trig Lul:5$8trel lttl) 290 us/diu Position: (+l Uertiral: rg8 dr/ dirt IF DT$PLRT PFESET stAll ffL uftrs D[ util-r3 IHI DIST EXT DISI SII#D mre Figure 3-12, Digital Voltmeter Screens 32

PLIPER Counter This softkey provides a convenient means of measuring the frequency of Motorola Private-Line (PL) or any other low frequency audio tones with 3 digit resolution. Period measurement makes it possible to measurs low frequencies down to high resolution without the need for the long gate times associated with frequency counting. CAUTION Do not input frequencies above 400 kHz to the period counter. Slow down of system operations will result. DPL DECODE This softkey provides decoding for valid Motorola Digital Private-Line (DPL) codes. Refer to Appendix B for applicable codes. Selection of high and low pass filters may be made from this screen as described above. DTMF DECODE This softkey provides a means of decoding DTMF (Dual Tone Multi Freq) signaling for testing telephone interfaced systems. A re- set softkey clears the display. 3-7.2 Display Any of the following graphic data displays can be selected for simultaneous display along with the previously discussed meter displays. Select using softkeys from the Display: field in the Display zone. 3-7.2.1 Spectrum Analyzer The Spectrum Analyzer (figure 3-13) is active in the MONITOR or DUPLEX modes. Move the cursor to the Display: field within the Display zone. Select SPECTRUM ANALYZER by pressing the softkey. The input frequency spectrum is displayed in a frequency-versus-amplitude Figure 3-13. Spectrum AnalYzer lleter;flF DI$FLA? thde:SIAtOfi[D llon Freq: ?[. EE08 lTfu Seu: l. SE klk Frsq Emi- Sl H: InPut Lul:- 6?.S d$r EF lcntrsl: lffiIIffi Presef : -- $/l,1: iE freq: 8?S.flSSO llk *tienuation: S dE Disptrg: ffiEsiEIHss Sensitivitg: lslt Disp*sian: 2E kllr/diu -50 -?s input LUI tdSr) -98 -110 lhn BF In: HoJulation I f,udio $ur: 8.98t |l Pk Fixed lkHzl T.r!8 l, x $unth: l. ASS t| x Fomef Sel I OPt fode: 423 DT!S: A. gBE U il tode:123456?S918*AB[S Exlernal: E. l9E U x 33

(dBm) graph. Either the ANT or RF VO port may be selected for input from the RF Con- trol: zone. The amount of input attenuation may also be selected within the zone to vary the sensitivity of the Spectrum Analyzer. NOTE If SPECTRIIM ANALYZER is selectedwhile the Preset Scan feature is active, the spec- trum analyzer wiII be temporarily disabled during scanning, but will become active again when the analyzer loclcs onto a signal. Sensitivity The SA Sensitivity: MIN/lrdAX field shifts the baseline reference of the display by 10 db. This is valid only for 0 dB input attenuation. Changing the input attenuation or changing from ANT to RF VO port in the RF Control zone will change the vertical scale of the Spectrum Analyzer display. Calibration is maintained between the display and the signal level present at the input port so there is no need to compensate for added attenuation. Dispersion (freq/div) Select the bandwidth (20 kHz, 50 kHz, 100 kHz, 200 kHz, 500 kHz, 1 MHz) bY first moving the cursor to the dispersion field, then pressing the desired softkey. Center frequency is entered from the RF Control zone and may be conveniently varied with the TUNING knob. 3-7.2.2 Modulation ScoPe The Modulation Scope (figure 3-14) displays the internal modulation waveforms. It automatically switches between generator or monitor modula- tion depending on which mode is selected. In DUPLEX mode, select either generate or monitor modulation displays by first moving the cursor to the Select: field within the Display area, then pressing the desired softkey. OISPLfiT GBn Freqi 225.88Tt ffilz Lul:?9?.1S u$ Si spl ag : Ififtflfinftfif,flifl Irigger: f,lll0 lris Lut:50$tcel lul) Honizl 29T usldiu Fosition: (+) Uertical ! 5 kHr/ div EF tontrol: GtIfiSATE Preseti -- Blll: t* Fneq: 225.09T8 ltlz tbtput Lvl : -l5l t dBr Gen fiF {ki: BF I/0 ttudulatisn I llod Sur! ?.01 kllz Fixpd lkllz! l.0l kllz - Scnth: 0.80 kHz x Fomat Sel: DPL tode: t23 DTlf : 0.ll kllz x t ode : I 23456?$9*lI0BtD External: 0.Et kllz x sPttTftlt IrftLvzR ltft SCME ENI sttFt sfiR trOPHS INATK CE}I Figure 3-14. Modulation ScoPe 34

NOTE Because the R-2550 Analyzer has a fiilly digital oscilloscope (storage scope), -it inher- titty lrot some characteristics which are dffirent from the real-time analog scopes \i*ttto, to most users. For best overall -results, it is recommended that the trigger Ievel be set to 500 and the triggering be set to AUTO. The Display area of the screen will indicate rr,roouiniroN scoPE with the input signal displayed in a time-versus-frequency graph To change triggering, horizontal position horiz- ontal range, vertical position, or vertical range use the cursor control keys to highlight the appropriate cursor fields as follows: Trigger Press the AUTO, NORMAL, or SINGLE SWEEP softkey to select the type of triggering desired. The trigger level synchronizes the horizontal time base to the vertical input signal. In AUTO mode, the scope will trigger contin- uously. In this mode, the analyzer will always re-sweep the display even if there is no signal present. The rate will be about 1 per second with no signal present and about 10 per sec- ond with signal Present. In NORMAL mode, the scope will trigger when the vertical signal exceeds the trigger leve1set. In NORMAL mode the analyzer will re-sweep at a rate of 10 per second, with the last screen display remaining after removal of the signal. In SINGLE SWEEP mode, the scoPe will trigger one time for each softkey press subject to the trigger level setting (triggering always occurs on the rising portion of the applied waveform). Messages on the line just above the softkeys indicate the status of the single sweep. The single sweep is useful in measur- ing one-time events, such as a tone burst at the beginning of a transmission Such bursts may be followed by other modulation which would over-write the screen if measured in the NORMAL trigger mode. Level Adjust the TUNING knob to select the desired trigger level. The trigger level is a relative level setting between the values of 0 and 999 (full scale) where 0 is the most negative and 999 is the most Positive voltage NOTE To achieve the fastest update rate of the display a trigger level setting of 500 is recommended for most applica tions. Horiz Press the desired softkey to select the Horizon- tal Sweep rate (20 us to 1 segond/div) Since all ranges cannot be shown on one screen press the more softkey for additional select- ions. NOTE If horizontal sweep rates of Sreater than l0 msec/div are selected the update rate will slow down A good overall setting for most applications is 200 usec Per division 35

Horizontal Position Adjust the horizontal position through the (< >) cursor field either by using the desired softkey (MovE LEFT, MOVE RIGHT) or by using the rotary TUNING knob. Vertical Sensitivity Press ttre desired softkey to select the Vertical Sensitivity (AM: |Vo, lo 50Vo p$ division, FM: 100 Hzto 50 kHz per division, dependent on bandwidth selected). When all ranges cannot be shown on one screen, press the more softkey for additional selections. NOTE The vertical scales and softkeys for FM deviation will change autom.atically between wideband and narrowband. Vertical Position Adjust the vertical position through the ( 0 ) cursor field either by using the desired softkey (MOVE UP, MOVE DOWN) or by using the rotary TUNING knob. NOTE Scale and positioning adjustments are not possible for stored waveforms that are displayed through the use of single sweep or triggering on single non-periodic signals. 3-7.2.3 EXT,L SCOPE The Analyzer provides a general purpose oscillo- scope with calibrated vertical input sensitivities and automatic or triggered horizontal sweep rates. Use the scope to analyze waveforms, detect asymmetric modulation or audio distor- tion, trace signals, and troubleshoot. The vertical (VERT) input is the same BNC port that also serves as the input for DVM, SINAD/DIST meter, and COUNTER IN. The EXTL SCOPE mode has an additional cursor field to select Coupling: AC or DC via softkey selection. Operation of triggering, ranges, trace positioning and optional markers are the same as described in MODULATION SCOPE above. Vertical ranges will always display in voltage per division in the EXTL SCOPE mode. 3-7.2.4 Tracking Generator (Option) This display must work in conjunction with the TRACK GENERATE mode which is selected thru the RF Control: field of the RF zone. Refer to paragraph3-5.4 for a full description of Tracking Generator operation. 3-7.2.5 Bar Graphs The bar graphs provide a graphical display of the RF Display data from the Meter area of the screen. NOTE The Freq. Error bar graph is not available if PRESET SCAN, PWER COUNTER, or DPL DECODE are selected in the Meter: field area. 36

3.8 OTHER FUNCTIONS 3-8.1 Audio Monitor The Analyzer has a speaker for the purpose of audibly monitoring the recovered baseband signal in the MONITOR and DUPLEX modes and the modulating signal in the GENERATE mode. Switching between the two is automatic. Using the VOLUME control, the input signal to the speaker is adjustable to a maximum level of 0.5 watts rms. The speaker is also used for audible warnings, such as RF overtemperature. 3-8.2 Remote OPeration To use the remote function, refer to The Pro- grammer Reference Manual, 68-80309855 3-8.3 Calibration Calibration of the Analyzer is performed by the following steps. a. Press the CAL key to instruct the processor to perform a self calibration on the system The CAL function provides a self calibra- tion of the units RF generator output level, the monitor input level and the modulation level. All other parameters are not subject to this self-calibration. This assures the units specification ac- curacy under conditions of ambient temper- ature extremes and aging. Re-calibration is recommended at weekly intervals or when the re-calibrate warning appears on the screen. Calibration is only recommended after the unit has fully warmed up to oper- ating tgmperature unless critical measure- ments are needed immediately upon turn- on. CAUTION Before starting self calibration be sure that the 50 ohm load, attached bY chain to the front panel, is connected to the GEN OUT Port. This Provides the termination which is essential to proper calibration. AIso ensure all connections to the RF I/O and ANT conne ctors are removed. Press the START softkey to begin the cali- bration. While the calibration is active, the message calibrating appears. When the calibration has been performed, the message complete appears- Press the return softkey or a cursor control key to return to the previous screen. 3-8.4 Special Functions Menu The Special Function mode (figure 3-15) ac- cessed by pressing the SPF key, provides control over various system conditions as follows: VERSION Accesses a display table which provides the internal software version and checksum for the system and any options Present. RS-232 SETUP Accesses a display table which allows configu- ration of the RS-232. SPF RESET This softkey appears throughout the Special Function screen as a convenience in resetting b. c. 37

SPET!f,1 TIIHTTIfiil.S !Et$ iffim REI{IIT STTUP SYSTEH FUiltTIot{S EmBLt Generale lfude Sperker Elff8LE euto Snitch to lf;ltl if )ff.It| IilItHf{fiL Ilflll tlecoding reset SPFs il i splag table relurn Figure 3-15. Special Functions Menu of all special functions to the factory standard .I{VM Clear state. This will switch all decoding to internal. This softkey erases the entire RF Preset - memory area and front panel CAL memory. SYSTEM FUNCTIONS The Analyzer must be recalibrated after this Accesses softkeys to select the following: key has been pressed. NOTE When any of the following special functions are selected, the normal operating screens wiII flash a warning SPF Enabled at the lower right of the special functions inadvertently lefr enabled can adversely ffict operation of the unit. screen. This serves as a reminder since .Save State .NVM Reset This softkey provides a less extensive system reset than NVM Clear. CAL and preset memory are not erased. Sets the current condition and settings of the unit as the power up state. ENABLE/DISABLE Generate Mode Speaker Provides the means to disable the internal speaker during generate mode. 38

ENABLE/DISABLE Auto Switch to MON if 0.1 W Allows the unit to automatically switch to the MOMTOR mode when Power levels greater than 0.1 watt are applied to the RF IN/OUT front Panel connector INTERNAL/EXTERNAL INPUT Decoding Switches the decoder function between the internal monitor demodulated signal and the signal at the VERT/SINAD front panel con- nector. 3-8.4.1 Special Function Selection To select a special function follow the following procedure. 1. Press the SPF key to display the special functions menu on the disPlaY 2. Move the cursor to highlight the field of the function desired. Applicable softkeys will be presented. 3. Use the softkeys to make selections Levels may be set using the TUNING knob or key- pad. 4. Press the return key to return to the previ- ous screen. 3-8.5 MemorY The Memory screen provides for viewing and entry of preset frequencies into non-volatile memory. The actual selection of a preset num- ber for operation of the system can only be done from the RF Control zone. Pressing the MEM key accesses the memory display (figure 3-16) which shows the20 presets Figure 3-16. MemorY Screen iEl{lf,f lbn Freq (lllz) ft81 ri8. sE88 sll 225.5108 821 125.S088 t3I 44$,5BlB 841 999.9999 05i 999.9999 s6r 999.9999 B7I 999.9999 8S1 999.9999 flgi 999.9999 lurrenl Freset l0] 6en Freq (llHz) lbn freq tl$lz) 10r 999,99C9 1lI 999.9919 121 999.9999 131 991,9999 141 999, t999 tst 999.9999 161 999.9999 1?1 999.9999 tsl 999.9999 191 999.9999 Gen Freq {Flz} 115,8[8S t25.5886 4e5.9908 424.5103999.9999999.9999 999. 9999 999,9999 999.9999 999.9999 999.9999 999.9999 999,9999 999,9999T99.9999999.9999 999.9999999,9999 999,9999 999.9999 llse numric kegs in eddition to soflkegs 39