Motorola R2550 Service Manual
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e g.,&g.#.ff#ffi & ges, *rgunptlseen.3 Communicatlons System Analyzer OPERATORS MANUAL f ,iffi R-2550 u 68P80309854

IYlOTOROLA R-2550 Communications System Analyzer OPERATORS MANUAL Motorola Test Equipment Products 1313 E. Algonquin Rd. Schaumburg, lL 60196 @Motorola, lnc. 1993 All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 68P80309E54

Topic LIMITED WARRANTY COMPUTER SOFTWARE COPYRIGHTS SERVICE LOCATIONS . . TEST EQUIPMENT SERVICE REQUEST FORM Table of Contents Section I INTRODUCTION SCOPE OF MANUAL . . WARNINGS AND CAUTIONS SERVICE REPLACEMENT PARTS ORDERS INSTALLATION 1-5.1 Packing l-5.2 Initial Set-up 1-5.3 Battery Pack Operation l-5.4 Battery Pack Installation Section II DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION . . OPERATOR CONTROLS 2-2.1 Keys & Indicators 2-2.2 Knobs 2-2.3 CRT 2-2.4 Connectors... BOTTOMCONTROLS... Page ivv vi vii 1-1 l-2 1-3 r-4 t-5 1 1 1 1 1 11 ) 4 2-r 2-2 5 5 5 8 8 9 10 2-3

Tonic 3-13-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 Table of Contents (CONT) Page Section III OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS GENERAL 11 BASIC OPERATION. . 11 3-2.1 Expanded Display 13 HELP 13 WARMNGS . .. 15 PRIMARY OPERATING MODES 16 3-5.1 MONITOR Mode 16 3-5.2 GENERATE Mode 18 3-5.3 DUPLEX Mode 20 3-5.4 TRACKING GENERATOR Mode (Option) 22 AUDIO/IUODULATION SYNTHESZER 24 3-6.1 FixedlkHz ....! 24 3-6.2 Synth 24 3-6.3 DTMF 3-6.4 Extemal METER AND DISPLAY 3-7.I Meter 3-7.2 Display OTHER FUNCTIONS . . 3-8.1 Audio Monitor 3-8.2 Remote Operation 3-8.3 Calibration 3-8.4 Special Functions Menu 3-8.5 Memory Screens 3-6 3-73-8 26 26 28 28 3337 37 37 37 3l39 ii

Topic Table of Contents (CONT) Page Section IV APPLICATIONS BASIC FM TRANSMITTER TESTING 4T 4-lJ Basic FM Transmitter Testing Setup 42 4-r 4-2 4-2.5 Receiver Sensitivity Testing (20 dB Quieting) 4-2.6 Squelch Sensitivity Test . 50 APPENDIXES Appendix A LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS 53 Appendix B TONE AND CODE SPECIFICATIONS 55 Appendix C SAFE HANDLING OF CMOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT DEVICES Appendix D EXTERNAL PORT PIN ASSIGNMENTS 61 4-L.2 Transmit Power, Frequency, and Frequency Deviation Measurements 4-1,.3 Modulation Measurements 4-I.4 Off-The-Air Measurements . BASIC FM RECEIVER TESTING 4-2.1 Basic FM Receiver Testing Setup 4-2.2 Receiver Distortion Measurement 4-2.3 SINAD Measurement . . . 4-2.4 Modulation Acceptance Bandwidth 42 43 45 46 47 48 48 49 49 59 111

MOTOROLA TEST EQUIPMENT PRODUCTS LIMITED WARRANTY (EXCLUDES EXPORT SHIPMENTS) Motorola Test Equipment Products (herein the product) tlat are manufactured or distributed by Motorola Conrmunications Group Parts Depafiment are warranted by Motorola for a period of one (1) year ftom date of shipment against defects in material and workmanship This express waffanty is extended to the original purchaser only. In the event of a defect, malfunction, or failure during the period of warranty, Motorola, at its option, will either repair, or replace the product providing Motorola receives written notice specifying the nature of the defect during the period of warranty, and the defective product is returned to Motorola at 1313 East Algonquin Road, Schaumburg, IL 60196 transportation prepaid. Proof of purchase and evidence of date of shipment (packing list or invoice) must accompany the return of the defective product. Transportation charges for the retum of the product to Purchaser shall be prepaid by Motorola. This warranty is void, as determined in the reasonable judgement of Motorola if: (a) The product has not been operated in accordance with the procedures described in the operating instruction; The seals on non-user serviceable components or modules are broken; The product has been subject to misuse, abuse, damage, accident, negligence, repair or altera&on. (b) (c) In no event shall Motorola be liable for any special, incidental, or consequential damages. In the event Motorola elects to repair a defective product by replacing a module or subassembly Motorola, at its option, may replace such defective module or subassembly with a new or reconditioned replacement module or subassembly. Only the unexpired warranty of the warranty product will remain in force on the replacement module or subassembly. EXCEPT AS SPECIFICALLY SET FORTII IIEREIN, ALL WARRANTmS EXPRESS OR IMPLmD INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PT]RPOSE OR MERCTIANTABILITY, ARE EXCLUDED. 1V

COMPUTER SOFTWARE COPYRIGHTS The Motorola products described in this instruction manual include copyrighted Motorola computer programs stored in semiconductor memories or other media. Laws in the United States and other countries preserve for Motorola certain exclusive rights for copyrighted computer programs, including the exclusive right to copy or reproduce in any form the copyrighted computer program. Accordingly, any copyrighted Motorola computer programs conlained in the Motorola products described in this instruction manual may not be copied or reproduced in any manner without the express written perrrission of Motorola. Furthennore, the purchase of Motorola products shall not be deemed to grant either direcfly or by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license under the copyrights, patents or patent applications of Motorola, except for the nornal non-exclusive, royalty free license to use that arises by operation of law in the sale of a product. This product contains silicon software designed by Ready Systems Corp. @1989 Ready Systems Corp. All rights reserved. Unpublished-rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. RESTzuCTED RIGHTS LEGEND Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(lXii) of the Rights in Technical Data & Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7413. READY SYSTEMS,4TO POTRERO AVENUE, SUNI{YVALE, CA 94086 Specifications subject to change without notice. Motorola, Private-Line, and Digital Private-Line are trademarks of Motorola Inc. Vertex, RSC, Ready Systems Corp. are trademarks of Ready Systems Corporation. Printed in U.S.A. @1990 Motorola Inc.

SERVICE LOCATIONS General Offices: FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY Motorola GmbH MOTOROLA Georg Ohm Sr. 2 Communications Div Parts Dept. D6208 Taunusstein 4 (Neuhof) 1313 E. Algoquin Rd. Phone: 49-6128-702178 Schaumburg, Illinois 60196 FAX: 6128-73538 Ordering: (800) 422-4210 ISRAEL Motorola Test Equipment Sewice Centers: 16, Kremenetski Str. Tel-Aviv 67 889 I_JNITED STATES Phone: 972-3-338 590 Motorola Inc., Test Equipment Service.Depol FAX:972-3-562 4925 1308 Plum Grove Road Schaumburg, lI- ffi173 Phone: (708) 576-7025 ITALY FAX: (708) 576-8813 Motorola SPA Via Galvani 1/2 AUSTRALIA 20090Trezzano Sul Naviglio (MI) Motorola Pyt, Ltd. Phone: 39-V2-48401458 666 Wellington Rd. Mulgrave, 3170 JAPAN Victoria Nippon Motorola Ltd. phone: 61.-Z-566-76t0 2-1-3 Arakawa-Ku FAX: 6t-3_561_3809 Tokyo 106 Phone: 81-3-802-9188 FAX: 81-3-802-9170 CANADA Cable: MOTOROLA Motorola Canada Ltd. Telex:78124?A897 System and Aftennarket Products 3tZ5E. Sreeles Ave. REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE North York, Ontario MZH2H6 Motorola Singapore Pte. Ltd. phone: 416499-tM1 Exr. 3051 Blk 1302, Lorong 1 Toa Payoh #01-03/04 Siong Hoe Indusrial Bldg. Singapore 1231 FRANCE Phone:3530311 Motorola Smrno FAX: 3539152 69 Rue Andre Karman 93300 Auberrvilliers Phone : 33-1-4843 92M UNITED KINGDOM Motorola Ltd. Viables krdustrial Extate Basingstoke, Hampshire RG224PD Phone: 0256-58211 v1


Section 1 INTRODUCTION 1-1 SCOPE OF MANUAL This manual contains information for using the R-2550 Communications System Analyzer. The Analyzer incorporates many devices and func- tions, permitting a technician to completely monitor and service radio communications equipment in the shop and in the field. 1.2 WARNINGS AND CAUTIONS You should observe several precautions when handling this equipment. WARNING This unit is designed to be oper- ated with a ground connection to the chassis via a three-wire power connection. If the unit is not prop- erly grounded while operating from an AC power source, the voltage potential between it and ground may cause an electrical shock. CAUTION This equipment contains parts that are subject to damnge by static electricity. While there is normally no needfor operator access to anY internal components, take proper precautions in handling should th,e need arise. See Appendix C for s afe handling pro c edure s. 1.3 SERVICE Motorola Test Equipment Service Centers ser- vice all test equipment supplied by the Motorola Communications Sector. The Center maintains a stock of original equipment replacements parts and a complete library of service information for all Motorola test equipment. A service request form along with a list of worldwide service locations is found at the front of the manual. I.4 REPLACEMENT PARTS ORDERS Send orders for replacement parts to the nearest Motorola Test Equipment Service Center. Be sure to include the complete identification number located on the equipment. Also direct inquiries to the Test Equipment Service Center, including requests for part number identification and test equipment calibration or repair. 1-5 INSTALLATION liul ;tffHl?r,ct the R-2550 Anatyzer,which is packed inside a carton. Save the packing container and materials for future use. 1-5.2 Initial Set-up 1. Place the Analyzer on a workbench in the shop or mobile repair unit. 2. Lower the bail underneath to raise the Analyzer for easier viewing. 3. Remove the front cover by pressing in the spring loaded mechanism