Motorola R2550 Service Manual
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(00 - 19) and the monitor and generate frequen- cies associated with each. To change the preset memory frequencies, perform the following steps: a. Preds the MEM key to access the special Memory scrsen. b. Move the cursor to the appropriate digit of the monitor or generate frequency value displayed, and enter the desired frequency information. c. Press the return key to return to the previ- ous screen. 40
Section 4 APPLICATIONS 4-I BASIC FM TRANSMITTER TESTING This section of the manual contains information on typical tsst setups to perform some of the more common radio tests using the R-2550. Motorola takes no responsibility for application accuracy, applicability, or safety. Always refer to your own transceivers service manual for recommended test methods and specifications. Mtc AUDIO IN TRANSMITTER UNDEB TEST Figure 4-1. Basic FM Transmitter Testing Setup 4l
4-l.l Basic FM Transmitter Testing Setup Refer to Figure 4-1. Connect the R-2550 Ana- lyzer RF VO port to the RF output of the trans- mitter under test. Connect the R-2550 Analyzer MOD OUT jack to the mic audio input of the transmitter under test. CAUTION For transtnit power output mea- surements, connect the transmit- ter under test only to the R-2550 Analyzer RF I/O port. Do not connect it to the R-2550 Analyzer ANT port. The ANT port is used with an antenna for off-air reception. The built-in RF load dissipates up to 50 W for three minutes and up to 125 W for one minute. If a high-power transmitter is keyed into the R-2550 Analyzer for a rtme long enough to threaten overheating the power measuring circuitry, the systems audible alarm sounds and the display changes to the RF LOAD OVER TEMPERATURE w arning, si gnal- ing the operator to unkey (refer to paragraph 3-4). 4-1.2 Transmit Power, Frequency, and Frequency Deviation Measurements 1. With the cursor located within the RF Control zone (refer to paragruph 3-2), press ttre MON softkey to Place the R-2550 Analyzer into its Monitor mode of operation. Monitor Mode Sofikey Within the RF Control zone, set as fol- lows: 2. RF Conlrol: MONITOR Iii!:*r::i: i:i;ili: l,ll:j Freq: 816.5000 MHz Altenuatlon: -20 dB Mon RF ln: RF l/O Modulatlon Type: FM Transmitter ( Frequensy J. Set the SQUELCH control to threshold. For low-power transmitters, it may be necessary to use a lower attenuation value in order to unsquelch the monitor (refer to paragraph 3-5.1). Too high of an atten- uation setting or too tight a squelch set- ting inhibits the frequency error reading (refer to paragraph 3-7.1.1). Accurate measurements require sufficient signal level from the radio to fully quiet the R- 2550 Analyzers receiver. Use good qual- ity cable of minimum length to prevent cableloss which can be a significant 42
4. factor in RF power measurements espe- cially at UHF and above With the cursor located within the RF Control zone, press the RF DISPLAY soft- key: Key the transmitter and read the power (Input Level) and frequency error (Freq Err). Refer to your radios service manual to determine if power and frequency are within specified limits and determine if any adjustments are required 4-t.3 Modulation Measurements 1. Key up the transmitter with appropriate PL (or DPL) enabled NOTE: Microphone pickup of background audio noise in the testing area mtry result in deviation tneasurernent er rors. Consult your transceiver mnnual for the proper procedure to disable the microPhone audio When monitoring the PL (or DPL) devia- tion as follows, refer to your radios service manual to determine if any adjust- ments are required. Introduce a ! kHz audio modulating signal from the MOD OUT connector toiateO on the front panel of the R-2550 Analyzer to your radio Check your ra- dios service manual to determine the minimum audio signal level required for proper MIC sensitivity as well as the maximum level required to ensure proper IDC (Instantaneous Deviation Control) function. 5. J.l1:1 1;1. iii: i::iiliri..\1 l*,.rir i:jl.:{:: fi itt :.iiir,; ii:i:{ DeV: 75O Hz ir:i?{: i:t:. .: ..ll ii::i ir:i.lili 1...i :ii.i; f211 :ril ili: i:rii;i]i.ri. ii,,ti! !:t:x:i fi ii.i :,:Jii.; ].:ii-l; !-!*r: iji:ii!::: F1pqEn: + 47Hz lnputlvl:705 dBm 43
The voltage levels displayed in the iud.u Cintrol zone are Peak oPen, *ii, ,oltog Source imPedance of ie MOD OUT Port is 100 ohms lum the lkHz signal on and set for il** level as detennined in step 3 Verify proper MIC sensitivity by reading ;;;i;,i.n. Refer to Your radios ser- irc, **our to determine maximum rated ;ffi deviation to dercrmine if anY odio**tno are required 7. To measuro the percen*gt:1 distortion locate the cursor within the Display Con- t ol ,onr, at the fiieter: field Press the lr.rr orsr softkey to measure pefcentage of distordon Refer to the displayed digital-readoot-1nd lt-gtuptt. Refer to your radios :ervlce Litirt determine if any adjustments are required. 8. Set ttre l kHz audio modulating signal for maximum level as dercrmined in step 3 Repeat stePs 4 and 5 .(tt.!iii.- lilill: (i(d! t. k FixedlkHz: 040 V - i:i,friii,l i.,:i: i:r i:i:ii:.}. i3i ri fii: !.)i!!t?: /v{(! V I r;od{tl I il.!iiviiiiId{;iAlil:li ;rt,::rnai: {iin V ri f.Jd.:!l$r l::ii i)iiiiri.rJi lfuii i:nr,:: ili{i..i:l:f :$ilil D€v:.35 kHz ;r;1r1. iir... 4) ii; i::i:ir: l li :(ii; iii:tl:! 44
4-1.4 Off-TheAir Measurements 1. Connect the TEKA-24A Pick-Up Antenna to the R-2550 ANT Port OPerate the transmitter under test either into its own anrcnna or into a dummY RF load 2. With ths cursor located wittrin the FtF Control zone, press the MON softkey to place the R-2550 Analyzer into its Moni- tor mode of oPeration 4. Check transmitter frequency and modula- tion as detailed in paragraphs 4-12 and 4-r.3. NOTE: This method may be used to verify ftequencY and modulation of a re- motely located tansnxitter by reducing the attenuation setting to fully realize the sensitivity of the R-2550 Analyzer Off-The-Air monitor function 3. Monitor Mode FFcontrol: lMolttlronl Preset-- B/W: NB FIeq: 816.500OMH2 Anenualion: -20 dB lvlon RF ln: ANT Modulatlon TYPe: FM Set the SQUELCH control to threshold Within the RF Control zone, set as fol- lows: Transmitter Carliel FrcquencY -20 dB Antenna Poil FM Modulalion 45
IVER TESTING ual connins information ,i p.rrot* some of the rts using the R-2550 The R-2550 Analyzer DVM input is unbalanced Gfi;;;;TY:l;ffi fi?i::3ff :::#; to measure balanc receiver audio outputs or telephone lines Figure 4-2 Basic FM Receiver Testing Setup 46 p.^gffio-t RECEIVEB UNDER TEST
-^-2.1 Basic FM Receiver Testing Setup ^tefer to Figure 4-2 Connect the R-2550 Ana- lyzer RF VO port to the radio antenna connector Connect the radio audio output to VERT/SINAD port of the R-2550 AnalYzer CAUTION With some radios, grounding the speaker leads wiII damnge the audio circuitry lJse isolation techniques on these radios Within the Audio Control zone set as follows: Setto6oP/o ol System Deviallon 3. l. With the cursor located within the RF Control zone (refer to paragraph 3-2) press the GEN softkeY to Place the if-ZSSO Analyzer into its Generator mode With *re cursor located within ttre Dis- play Control zone, press the AC VOLTS softkey to display the ac voltmeter: Adjust the radio for rated power output by computing voltage needed for rated pt*.t with load resistor/speaker in use anO setting the radio volume to produce required voltage- 4. of operation. Generalor Mode Soltkey a! 2. Witttin lows: NOTE: the RF Control zons, set as fol- 5. Radlo Under Te6t FrequencY For setuP and distortion mea- surements, set outqut level to at least i0 dB above sensitivitY threshold. ( -80 dBm re commende d) {.1:::rl*l 1,;:;.1:iiiir illjriii.tii:.ii.::i; RF Conlrol: GENERATE 6,ii?*i.r:. Lrlid: itlli Freq: 816.500o MHz Output Level: -1 12 dB Mon HF ln: RF l/O Modulation TYPe: FM 14ri:+rr ;:.{}.:Tii..-ift:{if :jii f:r.r.1.i Jt: i! i n
6. With the cursor located within the Dis- play Control zone (at Display:), press the EXT SCOPE softkey. Set scope vertical and horizontal detlec- tion to observe sine wave from receiver audio. Dlsplay: EXTERML SCOPE]:ii.. i:i.ii:t ii$:.dii. ll{r$i.ri..jf} i.:i.i l{rt: i.ltf:i: i:1., 4-2.2 Receiver Distortion Measurement 1. With the cursor located within the Dis- play Control zone, press the EXT DlsT softkey to measure percentage of distor- tion. enemat Dlgorfon Refer to the displayed digital readout and bar graph. Refer to your radios service manual to determine if any adjustments are required. 4-2.3 SINAD Measurement 1. With the cursor located within the Dis- play Control zone, press ttre SINAD soft- Refer to the displayed digital readout and bar graph. Within the RF Control zone, adjust the selected RF level until the SINAD read- ing on the SINAD meter averages 12 dB (instantaneous reading will vary several dB). fit:f(it:lr|i: riiiiiii:.:ltll;il:j Fii?$xli: iil,lfri: lill fr*!:ii {jili.l.;{:iiii lrlil,r Output Level: -1 15 dB ilir..ii iii: lr,: fi:: iii:: l.,j:-.iiri;*ii+rittj.i{.. i;f.i 7. ii{.iiit::;:rl:.,{i.; 2. 3. 2. key. Irt {.:r rr i:ri :i i.-;.}:.; r.ri : .} f . i..i f j $::l 48
4. Note RF output level required for SINAD reading of 12 dB (-115 dBm tYPical dependent on manufacturers specifica- tions). NOTE: RF output level can be referenced to mV, uV, dBu, or dBm. Selection of units is available within the Display Control zone (OutPut Level:). 4-2.4 Modulation Acceptance Bandwidth 1. Set the volume control of the radio to lTTo of its rated audio output level. 2. Set the RF output level 6 dB (doubles the voltage, i.e. 0.35 uV increased 6dB = 0.7 uV) above the RF output level required in paragraph 4-],) to achieve the SINAD reading of 12 dB. Read the deviation level required in step 3. A typical modulation acceptance band- width of a 5 kHz receiver is 7 to 8 kHz. Refer to your radios service manual to determine if any adjustments are required. 4-2.5 Receiver Sensitivity Testing (20 dB Quieting) 1. With the cursor located within the RF Control zone, press the MON softkey to remove input signal from the radio. 4. Increass the deviation level until the SINAD meter display returns to 12 dB. lncrease as required Monilor Mode Soltkey With the cursor located within the Dis- play Control zone, press the AG VOLTS softkey to display the ac voltmeter: Fi::ilr:t:h t i!: iii!ll,:ifilf i i:r l:ii:rgir1: !:it#:i,i[:l fr4r:i: li!{j.:i(ii!{iiiiiii: Output Level: -109 dB Iir,ii iii: 1.: liir ln : lrlt:rilr i liiiir:rl : l ii {:. ii l: lncrease 6 dB 3. 2.i1,l{ialj:r.i!ii: i).i:1::1:{ri.;. Fixed lkHz: 7 kHz x ilitJi: ii.aiii ii.i:i: ) i.:i{triil::::.1:i.iiii;:li,r.itAij[:i.! EkHz- i: .:]::r rl. :/. 1. i-]tiftfri:;:.11lj4$Liit;.f..4i.ri:ii $ r:iili/|iil i:: l: i:r. ri i...;.1:.; ;)!: 49