Motorola R2550 Service Manual
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3-5.4 TRACKING GENERATOR Mode (Option) The TRACK GENERATOR mode (figure 3-7) sets up the units signal generator in a sweeping mode for use with the optional Tracking Genera- tor display. This provides a valuable capability for measuring and servicing a wide variety of RF filtering and combining networks. To operate the Tracking Generator, simply select TRACK GEN via softkey in the RF Control: field in the RF Control zone. Connect the GEN OUT port to the input of the network under test. tletsr:BF DISPLAF t{ode:$Tfi}lD*fiDConnect the output of the network under test to the ANT port. Be sure to activate the ANT port thru the Mon: field in the RF Control zone. If input attenuation is needed as part of the mea- surement procedure, 20 or 40 dB attenuation may similarly be selected thru the Mon: field in the RF Control zone. The Tracker display is selected thru softkeys at the Display: field of the DISP zone at the left center of the screen. The display is a 10 dB/div [f tontrol : rlillfliliFll] fing:!lT0 kHz [en Freqi225.T098 ttlz tbtput Lul:-$88.1 d$r f*n SF lhtt: trtl lftn: t dB f,l{t fiudio $ur: 0,880 U pk Fixed lkHzl 8.988 U $cnth: i.795 U x Fomat Sel i FL 131.8 Hz t,8gg U x tode : l23tl56?SgtltfiBtD External: 8.09[ U x lnput Lul:- 93.5 d8r [en Fceq: 225.t03t l$z Lul: 2I.36 uU Disphg: IBeff fff[ReTffi -/ts -60 Input Lu (dBr) -8t -lt0 Figure 3-7. Tracking Generator Mode 22

log scale. By adjusting the generator level and selecting 20 or 40 dB of input attenuation, the usable measurement range is approximately 100 dB at frequencies below 500 MHz and 80 dB above 500 MHz. All adjustinents of center frequency, frequency range and generator level are made thru the RF zone at the upper right of the screen. The TUMNG control is especially useful in tuning center frequency and generator level. These may all be adjusted as follows, thru softkeys or numeric entry, for the desired display, depending on the type of network being tested. Rng Selects the RF frequency range over which the generator will sweep. These are expressed in r full screen deflection ranges that are select- able via softkeys. The sweep rate of the tracking generator is fixed at approximately 50 ms/sweep. Cen Freq Selects the center frequency of the Tracking Generator display. See the GENERATE mode for more detail on frequency entry. Output Lvl Refer to GENERATE MOdE. Gen RF Out Refer to GENERATE mode. 23

3.6 AUDIO/MODULATION SYNTHESIZER The Audio zone located at the lower right of the $creen is used to control the multi-purpose audio synthesizer section of the unit. Signals gener- ated by the audio synthesizer are coupled in- ternally to the generator modulation input as well as to the MOD OUT front panel connector. In the GENERATE and DUPLEX modes,levels entered in the Audio zone are shown as modu- lation (either deviation or Vo ANI). The com- posite sum of modulation, only for those modulation sources enabled, is displayed at the top of the zone at the Mod Sum: location. In the MOMTOR mode, levels entered in the Audio zone are shown as peak voltage values. The composite sum of the voltage value (only for those modulation sources enabled) is dis- played at the top of the zone at the Audio Sum: location. Each of the following modulation signals has a cursor field for entering its desired level. Use the keypad or TUNING knob to enter the de- sired level. An additional cursor field, adjacent to each level entr], is used to enable or switch each selection on and off using softkeys. This field is located at the extreme right side of the zone. There are three possible conditions for this softkey selec- tion. 1. CONT activates continuous ON condition, or continuous cycling if a sequence has been selected. A - symbol is indicated at the extreme right, adjacent to the level to indicate continuous ON. 2. OFF switches off the modulation source. Off is indicated by an X at the extreme right, adjacent to the level. 3. BURST provides a single timed sequence of modulation only for DTMF, TONE A, TONE B, and GENERAL SEQUENCE. A single burst sequence is shown by the x symbol. For DPL, select the START DISC TN (*) softkey to produce a continuous disconnect tone. (Select CONT then * softkeys to simulate a complete DPL transmission with disconnect tone.) The composite sum at the top of the zone will not indicate the burst condition. To set the composite level to include bursts of signaling, temporarily select CONT for those modulation sources which will be burst enabled. 3-6.1 Fixed l kHz The Analyzer has a fixed 1 kHz modulation source, which can be selected independently from the other audio synthesizers. Level control and on-off selection is described above. 3-6.2 Synth Level control and on-off selection are selectable via softkey selection. The synthesizer function encodes a broad selection of signaling formats, which are softkey selected through the Format Sel: field adjacent to Syth: level field. Use 24

of the more sof-tkey accesses three different menu levels for the following signaling for- mats. PL (figure 3-8) This softkey selects Motorola Private-Line tone coded squelch signaling. This selection produces two additional fields on the line below the Format Sel: field. The first allows for softkey selection of either frequency or code entry. The second is the value corresponding to the frequency or code. Valid PL codes are found in Appendix B. All frequency entries are accepted, but only valid codes can be entered. I!I$PLAY llodr:STAI{thffD Een Freq: l25.EEBS l$lz Lrl:?g?.IE uU Displagl lltffi,LfiTI$l S[0PE Trigger; filll{l Trig Lul:5[l{rel lul} Horizi tB8 us/div Positioni {*} {|ert i cal i 1 kHzr dis f,F f ontrol: GEffiEATE Presef : -- B/tl: tS Freq : 225. 8f,98 l$lz tbtput Lvl: -858. t dEr 6en fiF 0ut! RF I/0 llndulst ion Tupe I Fll l{od $ur: 2, i0 kHz Fixed lkHzi l.0t kllz - Scnthl 0.8E kHz x Fsrmt Sel: ff! FSEQ: 131. S llz 0Tlf : 1.89 kHz x tode : 123456?S9*8*AEtD Externa!: 8,89 kllz x PL I}PL npt IISJERT T0tf fiTISG B mnf Figure 3-8. PL Format Selection 25

DPL/DPL INVERT 3.6.3 DTMF This softkey selects standard or inverted Provides a means for encoding DTMF Motorola Digital Private-Line coded squelch. (Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency) signaling for A single cursor field is located below the testing telephone interface systems. Enter level Format Sel: field for entry of code. Only as described above and enter Cods: in the field valid DPL codes should be entered per Appen- immediately below the DTMF: field. dix B. 3-6.4 Bxternal TONE A/TONE B Used to set the level and enable externally This softkey selects either of two continuous applied signals from both the MIC and the EXT audio tones. Tone frequencies may be entered MOD IN front panel connectors. from the Freq: field. NOTE GENERAL SEQ (ngure 3-9) In the case of external signals applied This softkey selects a free-form l0-tone se- to the EXT MOD connector, the ac- quence encoding which has full flexibility to curacy of this level displayed is depen- enter unique frequency and time duradon for dent on applying a fixed signal level of each of the l0 tone slots. The single field I Voo Q Vpkil to the EXT MOD IN below the Format Sel: field is used to enter connector. the frequency code sequence. An expandable display table is selectable by softkey to allow entry of frequency and time duration datr. Frequencies and durations are tabulated corre- sponding to a given code number (i.e. If,2), 31, etc.). The frequency code sequence can be entered in the expanded display table as well as in the Audio Control zone. The clear lo end softkey allows all code numbers entered in the Code .sequence: field to the right of the cunent cursor position to be cleared. 26

DISPLAY itode: ST0IIDABD [*n Freq: 2t5.899S Hlz Lul:?$?.18 uU Displag: lffIH,LRTItt{ StgPE Trigger: f,[T0 Iris Lul:5S8trel lul] llnrirl 2ET us/diu Positidni {t* ilertirrl: t kllz/ div ffF fonlrol: fflfRAIE Presel I -- gfll: tS Freq: 125.S[8t illz ttutrut Lul r -858. I d8n Gerl fiF tl$tl SF I/0 lhdulat ion I llod Sur! 2.lS kllz f ixed lkHzl E.l0 kilz - $unth: 98.8 kllz x Fomai Sel: $UNg fode: 01e3456?89 DIIS: 0,tB klh x tsde : 12345S?S9*S*AB[S fxternal: 9.08 kllz x iLfIHRL fFtr displar falle ilofg $gnthesizen Encode Fornat S*l tltl SE0 lode $equencei ltl3456?89 (Sare code es in Audio fontrol] Freq hlr t llr ) lser ) 0I t9g8s. s l.900 It 18080.8 0.90e t] t?s89.0 9. sgl 3r r6tBg.0 8. ?g[ 4t 15mN,0 1.6t9 51 14508.6 l.sg8 6t r3s08.0 t. {$l 7l 12t08.8 t.300 8I 11098.0 g.2Nl 9I l$t0f.o E. tgt cler to end reiurn Figure 3-9. General Sequence Mode Select 27

3-7 METER AND DISPLAY In the MONITOR Mode, the following data is The display of metered data is presented both displayed in the RF Display area. numerically and graphically within the Display zone in the left portion of the screen (figure Mon Freq 3-10). This zone is divided into two separate Center frequency of the radio under test as display areas: Meter area and Display area. entered in the RF Control zone. 3-7.1 Meter Freq Err Select a measurement display from the follow- This area displays the plus or minus frequency ing, using softkeys from the Meter: cursor offset (error) of the received carrier relative to field. the center frequency entered above. 3-7.1.1 RF Display DevlToAM This area displays the RF test data for the radio Indicates the modulation level of the received under test, subject to the mode selected carrisr, dependent upon the modulation type (MONITOR, GENERATE, DUPLEX, or option- selected in the RF Control zone. al TRACK GENERATE). NoI€: THE R.2550 ONLY OPEBATES IN THE STANDABD MODE ffi smroon/ f,en Freq: lt5.SS88 lf,h Lul:7t?.lt uU Di splag : }frilllrtf,Tl{H SttPE Trisser: fiUI0 Irig Lul:16*trel lull lloriz! 290 us/diu Fosition: (ti) Uertiral! I kHz/ diu fiF fontrol: rclfl@ Pnesel: -- Bru: m freqi 8?t.t[00 lllz Attenuationi lhn BF In: ltudulalion TtdB AI{T :FH llod $ur: l.S[ kHz Fixed lkHz: 2.8t kHz - $cnih: t.Sl kHz x Fomal Sel: 0PL [ode: 0e3 DTltr: LS$ kllz x tode:113456?9gtts*AS[D External: 0,8l kllz x ill }ISPLfiY PSE$ET stfttl AT u{il-I$ DT u{LTS IHT DIST EIT DISI sIltftD tol.e Figure 3-10. RF Display Zone 28

Input Lvl Displays the signal level received at the select- ed front panel connector. This area displays transmitter powsr for high levels of input as well as lower levels of field strength. Data is displayed only for on channel carrier fre- quencies. A single cursor field at this location allows selection by softkey of either micro- volts/watts or dBm units of display. When the GENERATE mode is selected, the RF Display area shows generator center frequency as well as generate level per the RF Control zone entry. A single cursor field at this location allows selection by softkey of either millivolts/ microvolts (mViuV), dBu, or dBm units of display. When DUPLEX mode is selected, the RF Dis- play area reflects a combination of the monitor and generator data, as described above. 3-7.1.2 Preset Scan The R-2550 analyzer provides a preset scan function in which the preset monitor frequencies stored in the RF memory are continually scanned (figure 3-11). The analyzer scans through the preset frequencies, stopping and dwelling on a channel whenever the receiver squelch is broken. When the receiver becomes squelched again, scanning resumes. All20 preset monitor frequencies, or a subset consisting of a continuous block offrequencies, can be scanned. When no signals are detected, the analyzer scans through all 20 preset frequencies in less than ll2 second. If the number of preset frequencies to be scanned is reduced, the scanning process is even faster. RF signals to be scanned can be input from either the ANT or RF UO ports. While the analyzer is scanning, the Freq: fields within the meter zone and RF Control zone indicate scanning. When a carrier is tloton:SE5[trIlE[I thde:$TeffififiD Freqi -scanninl- l*h Dev: ----- kHz Preset lfu: InPut Lul:----.- d8r Lo Presetl f,S Hi Presei: tB 0isplag: t{SULfiTt{Fl St0Pt Trisger: SllT{} Iris Lvl:5t[{rel 1u1} Hurizi 59 us/diu Position: (tt) Uert i ral : 1 kHz/ diu BF Eonlrol: lfiSllTOR Preset: -- B/tl: lS Freq: sranning ffiz f,ftenualion: fi dS lhn RF In: Rf I/t} lhdulatisn Tupei Fll fiudio Surl 0.8$ff U Pk Fixed lkHzi S.988 U r $cnth: 8.094 il x Fomat Sel: tlPL tode: i23 Dilf,: E.[0[ u x tsde : 12345f ?99*S*f,8t0 Externrl: 8.006 { x ftF DISPT*V lllst I stfilt AT utttTs If, u{r-Ts IHT DISI t1{I DIST $ltsD tofS Figure 3-11. Preset Scan Mode 29

acquired, the Freq: field in the RF Control zone indicates metering and its counterpart in the meter zone displays the channel on which the carrier was detected. Also displayed in the meter zofle ars the preset number of the channel, the received power level and the modulation level of the received signal. To activate the Preset Scan function, depress the Preset Scan softkey. This key not only begins the preset scanning but also serves as a contin- ue key to temporarily skip past a channel with heavy radio traffic. When the analyzer is locked on a preset frequency and you wish to continue scanning, although the signal is still present, press the Preset Scan softkey again. This contin- ues the scanning with the next preset frequency in the memory table. Pressing the Preset Scan softkey only skips over a frequency once; if radio traffic is still present on that frequency the next time that it is scanned, the analyzer will stop and dwell once again. The number of preset frequencies to be scanned can be limited by using the Low Preset and High Preset fields in the meter zone. Entries in these fields will cause the analyzer to only scan from the low preset number to the high preset number. By carefully ananging the preset fre- quencies in the RF memory into related groups, you can make maximum use of the Low Preset and High Preset scan limiters. For example, a particularly busy preset frequency which is catrsing the analyzer to stop scanning and dwell for long periods of time can be removed from the scan list by moving it within the RF memory table to a location just above or below the preset numbers being scanned. It is recommended that frequencies in the RF memory table be grouped according to their modulation type and bandwidth because these parameters must be manually changed in the analyzers RF Control zone. If an AM frequency (e.g. aircraft band) is intermixed with FM fre- quencies (e.9. public service band) in the scan list and the analyzer is set to FM mode, radio ^- traffic on the AM frequency will cause the scanner to lock, but the received audio will be unintelligible and the modulation measurement will be meaningless. Because breaking the receiver squelch causes the analyzer to stop scanning, it is important to properly adjust the squelch control. If the squelch is adjusted too loosely (counterclock- wise rotation of the squelch knob), undesired noise signals will break the receiver squelch and the scanning function will not operate properly. If the squelch is adjusted too tightly (clockwise rotation of the squelch control knob), it is possi- ble that desired signals will not be strong enough to break the squelch and the analyzer will not stop and dwell on the channel. To adjust the squelch control for proper scanning operation, turn the squelch control fully counter- clockwise and activate the Preset Scan mode. The analyzer will not scan because it will lock on the first frequency due to the squelch being open. Now slowly rotate the squelch control t clockwise, just until the squelch light goes out, the noise in the speaker stops and the unit begins to scan. If an actual signal is received while the squelch is being adjusted, wait until it ends before resuming the adjustment. For maxi- mum sensitivity, the squelch level should be adjusted as loose as possible (cbunterclockwise) without being broken by receiver noise. To halt the scanning operation at any time, press the RF Display softkey. This stops the scanning and leaves the analyzer locked on the last scanned frequency prior to the key press. Note: When the unit is in the Preset Scan mode, the response time to key presses will be somewhat slower than normal. For best results, it is recommended that you do not leave Preset Scan active in the Display zone when it is not being used. 30

Input Lvl Displays the signal level received at the select- ed front panel connector. This area displays transmitter power for high levels of input as well as lower levels of field strength. Data is displayed only for on channel carrier fre- quencies. A single cursor field at this location allows selection by softkey of either micro- volts/watts or dBm units of display. When the GENERATE mode is selected, the RF Display area shows generator center frequency as well as generate level per the RF Control zone entry. A single cursor field at this location allows selection by softkey of either millivolts/ microvolts (mViuV), dBu, or dBm units of display. When DUPLEX mode is selected, the RF Dis- play area reflects a combination of the monitor and generator data, as described above. 3-7.1.2 Preset Scan The R-2550 analyzer provides a preset scan function in which the preset monitor frequencies stored in the RF memory are continually scanned (figure 3-11). The analyzer scans through the preset frequencies, stopping and dwelling on a channel whenever the receiver squelch is broken. When the receiver becomes squelched again, scanning resumes. All20 preset monitor frequencies, or a subset consisting of a continuous block offrequencies, can be scanned. When no signals are detected, the analyzer scans through all20 preset frequencies in less than ll2 second. If the number of preset frequencies to be scanned is reduced, the scanning process is even faster. RF signals to be scanned can be input from either the ANT or RF VO ports. While the analyzer is scanning, the Freq: fields within the meter zone and RF Control zone indicate scanning. When a carrier is iletrn : ?iliGl!5I[[FI ]hde : SIfitO08D Freq: -stanning- JSlz llev: ----- kHr Presel ttui InPut Lul:----. - dBr Lo Fresel: S0 Hi P0eset: 19 Di splac: HnULfiTI{Ht S[{PE Irigger: f,UT0 Irig Lul;5t8{rel lul} llsrizl 50 us/diu Posiiion: (tt) Uert i ral i 1 kHz/ div BF Eon*rol: ifiIlITlS Preset: -- B/ll: tS Fr*ql scanning ffilz fittenuation: S dS lkn HF In: Rf I/0 lhdulat isn I fiudio Sur: 8.99S lI Pk Fixed lkHzi S.gtg U x Scnfh: $.8t4 U x Fofla* sel l IlPt [ode: 923 DIIF: [801 u x tode : 12345 f ?S gtt8*RICI] Ext*rnrl: 0.00S U x RF DISPtS| ltLlil I stAil fit u0LTs If, u{r-Ts IHT DISI t1{T DIST SIHAO tofe Figure 3-11. Preset Scan Mode 29