Motorola I90c User Guide
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183 Other Important Information This section includes the following topics: Nextel Customer Care Relax! Nextel Customer Care is here to help. There are lots of features packed into your Nextel service... and into youri90cphone. But don’tworry.If,after reading this guide, you still have questions about coverage, billing, Nextel Direct Connect or any other service or feature, contact us. Domestic Customer Care Visitnextel.comforavarietyofCustomerCareservices: Browsefor information on phones, coverage, rates and other Nextel services. View and download users guides, try out our interactive virtual product and service demos, find answers to frequently asked questions, order accessories, locate service and repair centers, upgrade phone software, send a message and more. For self-service on your Nextel account, click onMy Accountto view your account, pay your bill, add phones to your account, reset your Voicemail password services and more. For online assistance, click onContact Usto send us an email request. Our representatives are committed to assisting you. Every effort will be made to address your questions or concerns within 24 hours. Contact us to add Nextel Online and other services, change rate plans, inquire on your bill and more. Or, call us at 1-800-639-6111 or dial 611 from your Nextel phone.Nextel Customer Care Page 183 Understanding Status MessagesPage 184 Nextel Terms and Conditions of Service Page 187 Safety and General InformationPage 194 Limited Warranty Information Page 210 Patent and Trademark InformationPage 218

184 90 International Roaming Customer Care Call us at +1(360) 662-5202 (toll free) from your Nextel phone. We’ll be happy to give you help, explanations and anything else you need to enjoy your Nextel service as soon as possible! Before you contact Nextel Customer Care for service or to resolve an issue, be sure to have your Nextel Personal Telephone Number, your model number (located on your phone underneath the battery), and the ID number printed on your SIM card. You’ll want to record these numbers and keep them handy so that you can replace the battery prior to contacting Customer Care. Understanding Status Messages You may receive status messages under certain conditions. Before contacting Nextel Customer Care, note the message, numeric code, and the conditions under which it appeared. The following table lists and describes the status messages. NOTE: When your phone cover is closed, the one-line display screen showsashortenedversionthestatusmessagesdisplayedin the full-size screen. To see complete status messages, open the phone cover. Sta tu s Messages (one-line display)St at u s Messages (full-screen display)Message Description Not in Srvc.Number Not in ServiceThe number that you entered is not valid. Not Avail. User Not AvailableThe phone that you called is either busy, out-of-coverage, or turned off. Please try again later. Not Avail.User Not AuthorizedThe person that you called has not purchased this service. Failed Please Try LaterThis service is temporarily not available. Please try again later. Busy in Prvt.User Busy in PrivateThe phone that you called is busy in a Private Call.

185 Understanding Status Messages Busy in Data User Busy in DataThe phone that you called is busy using Nextel Online services or Nextel Online Dial-Up Service. RestrictedService RestrictedThis service was restricted by Nextel, or this service was not purchased. Not Avail. Service Not AvailableThis feature is not available on the current network. System BusySystem BusyThe system is experiencing heavy traffic. Please try again later. Failed Service ConflictThis service cannot be enabled because an incompatible service has already been turned on. Tr y A g a i nPlease Try AgainAn error occurred. Please try again. Self Check Self Check ErrorA fault was detected with your phone. If this error recurs, note the error code and contact Customer Care. Self CheckSelf Check FailAn operational fault was detected with your phone. Note the numeric code, turn your phone off, and contact Customer Care. PIN Blocked PIN Blocked Call Your ProviderThe incorrect PIN was entered three consecutive times. You will be unable to place or receive calls on youri90cphone. Contact Nextel Customer Care to have them obtain the PIN Unblocking Key (PUK) code. Sta tu s Messages (one-line display)St at u s Messages (full-screen display)Message Description

186 90 Insert SIMInsert SIMYour SIM Card is not being detected. Please check to ensure that you have inserted the SIM Card. Check SIM Check SIM CardPlease check your SIM Card to make sure it has been inserted properly. No message.Wrong PINYou have entered an incorrect PIN number. No message.Wrong CodeYour phone will not accept a non- Nextel SIM card. Enter PINEnter PINPlease enter your 4- to 8-digit SIM PIN code. Unit Lock Enter Unlock CodeAuto Phone Lock is activated. Enter you unlock code. Low MemoryNew Browser Message Memory Full!Warns of low memory for Net Alerts. Sta tu s Messages (one-line display)St at u s Messages (full-screen display)Message Description

187 Nextel Terms and Conditions of Service Nextel Terms and Conditions of Service TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE: This Agreement starts when you open the inside package of any phone or accessory equipment (“Equipment”), you (“Customer”) received with this Agreement, or when you call to activate Nextel wireless communications services (“Service”), or when you sign this Agreement, whichever applies. By using the Equipment, Customer applies and subscribes for Services provided by Nextel (the“Company”) and confirms that Customer has read, understands, agrees to and accepts the terms and conditions stated herein (the“Agreement”). Should there be any conflict between the terms and conditions below, and the terms and conditions of any current Service/Subscriber Agreement between Customer and Company covering the Equipment accompanying this User’s Guide, the terms and conditions of the current Service/Subscriber Agreement will control. 1. USE OF SERVICE–Customer acknowledges that it complies with all FCC rules and regulations. Customer will not use the Service for any unlawful purpose. Customer will not use the Service in aircraft or in motor vehicles in violation of law, regulation or ordinance. Customer acknowledges and agrees that all future purchases of Company Services and Equipment by customer shall be governed by the terms and conditions contained herein unless Customer and Company enter into a subsequent Service/ Subscriber Agreement. Company may change this Agreement at any time. Any changes are effective when Company provides Customer with written notice stating the effective date of the change(s). If Customer elects to use the Services or make any payment to Company on or after the effective date of the changes, Customer is deemed to have accepted the change(s). If Customer does not accept the changes, Customer may terminate Services as of the effective date at the address shown on Customer’s bill. If Services are terminated before the end of the current billing cycle, (i) no credit or refund will be provided for unused airtime; and (ii) any monthly recurring charge will not be prorated to thedateoftermination. 2. CREDIT APPLICATION–This Agreement shall be contingent upon Company’s approval of Customers credit application. Company may require Customer to update its credit application or information from time to time. Customer warrants and represents that all information furnished on the credit application is current, complete, accurate, and true. If Company subsequently determines that any statements made on the credit application are false, incomplete and inaccurate, Company may declare Customer to be in default under this Agreement and may exercise any remedies it has under this Agreement at law or in equity. Customer understands that Company will rely upon the credit information provided by Customer, including but not limited to Customer’s social security number or tax identification number, and other confidential and personal financial and credit information requested by Company and supplied by Customer, in making a decision to provide Services. Customer understands that Company may request and verify Customer’s bank references and perform a credit history check utilizing standard commercial credit reference services in connection with Company’sreviewofthe Customer’s credit worthiness. Customer acknowledges that Company may provide payment history and other billing/charge information to a credit reporting agency for inclusioninCustomer’s records maintained by such credit reporting agency. Customer understands that a security deposit or airtime usage limit may be required.

188 90 3. CUSTOMER RADIO EQUIPMENT–Company is not responsible for the installation, operation, quality of transmission, or maintenance of the Equipment. Any change in Service or Equipment may require additional programming or Equipment or changes to assigned codes or numbers which may require programming fees. Company reserves the right to change or remove assigned codes and/or numbers when such change is reasonably necessary in the conduct of its business. Customer does not have any proprietary interest in such codes or numbers. Although Federal and state laws may make it illegal for third parties to listen in on service, complete privacy cannot be guaranteed. Company shall not be liable to Customer or to any third party for any eavesdropping on or interception of communications from Company’sSystem. 4. DEPOSITS–Company has the right, exercisable in its sole discretion at any time or from time to time, to require Customer to make a deposit to guarantee payment of sums due hereunder, including Service charges. Customer hereby grants Company, as applicable, a security interest in such deposits, to secure the payment of all sums due hereunder as well as the performance of all other payment obligations Customer may have to the Company whether now existing or hereafter rising. Upon termination of Service, Company may apply the deposit against any outstanding Service charges of Customer or any other amount owed to Company. Company reserves the right to interrupt Services if Service appears to have excessive charges, payments are delinquent, or any unusual calling patterns are observed on Customer’s account. Such interruption may be done to protect Customer or Company as the Company determines in its sole discretion, but in no event shall the Company be liable to the Customer or to any third party by reason of interrupting or failing to cause an interruption of Service. 5. RATES, CHARGES, AND PAYMENT–Company shall issue invoices for Service. Monthly Access charges shall be invoiced in advance. Airtime and long distance charges shall be invoiced in arrears. Customer agrees to pay Company, on a timely basis, for charges by Company for Service. Customer acknowledges that chargeable time for telephone calls and Nextel Direct Connect call transmissions originated by a unit begin when a connection is established with Company facilities. A new Nextel Direct Connect call is initiated by a call participant if that participant responds more than six (6) seconds after the other party finishes its Nextel Direct Connect transmission. Customer accepts responsibility for Airtime charges from incoming telephone calls to its mobile unit from the time that Customer responds to the call. If Customer disputes any Service charges, Customer must pay the entire amount set forth in the invoice by the due date and submit a written explanation within forty five (45) days from the date Company charges Customer for the disputed Service. If Company determines that an error was made with respect to any disputed Service charges, Company shall credit Customer’s account in the amount of the error. If Customer does not pay the amount in dispute owed to Company, Company may exercise any remedies it may have under this Agreement for non-payment of Service charges. Company reserves the right to modify any and all elements of the Service charges at any time and each such modification shall be effective immediately upon the Company’s communication thereof to Customer, unless the Company’s communication indicates a later effective date with respect to such modification. Payments which are not received within thirty (30) days from the date of Company’s communication thereof to Customer, Customer shall be subject to late payment charges of 1.5% of the disputed Service charges (or the maximum interest rate permitted by law). The late payment

189 Nextel Terms and Conditions of Service charge is for costs related to the non-timely payment and shall not be deemed an interest payment. If the parties have agreed that payments are to be made in installments, or on credit, Customer shall be responsible for paying amounts due as agreed. If Customer does not make all payments when they are due, such failure shall be a default under this Agreement and Company shall be entitled to exercise any remedies it may have under this Agreement or at law or in equity. If the sale of the Equipment is on a credit or installment basis and the Customer accepts delivery of the Equipment, the Customer may not return the Equipment or receive a refund or any amounts paid and agrees to continue making payments as required under this Agreement until the Equipment sale price is paid in full. 6. NONPAYMENT/BREACH–A charge of $25.00 will be made by Company for any check or negotiable instrument tendered by Customer and returned unpaid by a financial institution for any reason. Company may demand payment by money order, cashier’s check, or similarly secure form of payment, at Company’s discretion at any time or from time to time. If Company obtains the services of a collection or repossession agency or an attorney to assist Company in remedying Customer’s breach of this Agreement, including but not limited to the nonpayment for charges hereunder, Customer shall be liable for this expense. Customer understands that in the event of nonpayment of charges or any other breach of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, in addition to any other remedies Company may have, Company may temporarily or permanently terminate Service to Customer. If Service is terminated and not reconnected within 30 days, all outstanding payments to be made in installments are accelerated and immediately due in full. If Company disconnects the Service, Customer shall be liable to satisfy and discharge all outstanding amounts due and may, at Company’s sole discretion, be required to pay a reconnect charge of $25.00 per unit, in addition to any advance payment of Service charges that may be requested by the Company at its discretion, before the Company will reactivate Service. Company reserves the right to modify the terms of Service as a precondition to reactivating Service. If the Equipment is purchased on an installment basis, or credit, the Company may take possession of the Equipment, at any time wherever the same may be without legal process and without being responsible for loss and damage. 7. NEXTEL ONLINE SERVICES–Nextel Online Services, consisting of certain applications such as email, data, information and other wireless internet services (the “Applications”) are part of the Services that can be obtained through Company. Certain Applications offered by Company or authorized third parties may be compatible with the Equipment and/or the Service offered by Company. Customer acknowledges and agrees that there is no guarantee or assurance that the Applications are compatible, or will continue to be compatible, with Company’s System or any of its Equipment or Service offerings. Such compatibility or approval from Company of compatibility shall not be construed as an endorsement of a particular Application or a commitment on the part of Company that Application(s) will continue to be compatible with the System, Equipment or Service for any period of time. Company reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disable or discontinue any Application for any reason. Use of Nextel Online Services requires a wireless internet compatible phone, and is subject to any storage, memory or other Equipment limitation. Only certain internet sites may be accessed, and certain Nextel Online Services may not be available in all Company Service areas.

190 90 8. APPLICATION CUSTOMER CARE AND SUPPORT–Customer acknowledges and agrees that in most cases, the developer of an Application is responsible for providing customer care and Application support to all Customers using the Application. In the event Customer contacts Company customer care with a problem concerning the use of an Application, Customer may be referred to the Application developer’s customer care, and Company shall have no obligation to support such Application. 9. CONTENT; INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS–Company is not a publisher of third party content that Customer may from time to time access through Nextel Online Services; therefore Company is not responsible for the content provided by such third parties, including but not limited to statements, opinions, graphics, photos, music, services and other information (“Content”),andaccessedbyCustomerthroughNextelOnline Services. Company gives no guarantee or assurance as to the currency, accuracy, completeness or utility of Content obtained through Nextel Online Services. Company, Content providers and others have proprietary interests in certain Content. Customer shall not, nor permit others, to reproduce, broadcast, distribute, sell, publish, commercially exploit or otherwise disseminate such Content in any manner without the prior written consent of Company, Content providers, or others with proprietary interests in such Content, as applicable. 10. RISK OF LOSS: INSURANCE–Upon Customer’s acceptance of delivery of the Equipment, all risk of loss, damage, theft, or destruction to the Equipment shall be borne by the Customer. No such loss, damage, theft, or destruction of the Equipment, in whole or part, shall impair the obligations of Customer hereunder, including, without limitation, responsibility for the payment of Service Charges due hereunder. If the Equipment is purchased on an installment basis, or on credit, Customer agrees to maintain, for the term of this Agreement, at its own expense, comprehensive public liability and property damage insurance with respect to its use of the Equipment in an amount not less than the replacement value of the Equipment, naming Company as co-insured, with all losses payable to Company. Certificates, evidencing proof of such policy and payment of premiums, shall be delivered to Company prior to delivery or installment of the Equipment. Customer shall prepay such premiums as required and shall furnish Company with proof of such payment at the beginning of the Payment Term and upon the expiration of any Certificate. Any and all amounts received by the Company under any such policy shall be applied by Company against the amount of the Equipment Sales Price and any related charges or fees secured hereby. Failure to provide or maintain the insurance required above is a breach of the Agreement for which the Company shall be entitled to exercise any remedies it may have under this Agreement. 11. PROPERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE–If Customer selects Direct Protect insurance protection, Company will remit the monthly charge for the insurance which appears on Customer’s bill to The Signal Telecommunications Insurance Services (“Signal”)on Customer’s behalf. Customer acknowledges that insurance protection is offered by the Signal, not Company, and that any requests for information or claims regarding the insurance shall be directed to Signal. Customer acknowledges having received a summary of coverage, including deductible information, which is also available by calling Signal at 1-888-352-9182.

191 Nextel Terms and Conditions of Service 12. TAXES, FEES, SURCHARGES & ASSESSMENTS–Customer is responsible for all federal, state, and local taxes, fees, surcharges, and other assessments (collectively, Charges) that are imposed on telecommunications services, other services, and equipment or that are measured by gross receipts from the sale of telecommunication services and/or equipment. Such Charges shall include, but are not limited to: excise taxes; sales and transaction taxes; utility taxes; regulatory fees and assessments; universal service assessments, telephone relay service (TRS) assessments; recoveries or similar charges. Customer shall be responsible for such Charges regardless of whether the Charge is imposed upon the sale of equipment or services, upon Customer, or upon Company. If any such Charge is determined to be applicable and has not been paid by Customer before Customer accepts delivery of equipment, Customer shall pay Company the full amount of any such Charge no later than ten (10) days after receipt of the invoice therefor. 13. COVERAGE AREA–Local Dispatch (Direct Connect), cellular calling, Nextel Online Services, and respective coverage areas for these Services are subject to change at any time at the sole discretion of Company. 14. LIMITATION AND CONDITION OF LIABILITY; INDEMNITY - Company does not assume and shall have no liability under the Agreement for (i) failure to deliver the Equipment within a specified time period; (ii) availability and delays in delivery of the Equipment; (iii) damage caused to the Equipment due directly or indirectly to causes beyond the control of Company, including, but not limited to acts of God, acts of the public enemy, acts of the government, acts or failure to act of the Customer, its agents, employees or subcontractors, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, corrosive substances in the air or other hazardous environmental conditions, strikes, freight embargoes, inability to obtain materials or services, commotion, war, unusually severe weather conditions or default of Company’s subcontractors w hether or not due to any such causes; or (iv) the use of Nextel Online Services, including but not limited to the accuracy or utility of any information acquired from the Internet through Nextel Online Services; or Internet Services, Content or Applications whether or not supported by Company. Without limiting the foregoing, the Company’s sole liability for Service disruption, whether caused by the negligence of the Company or otherwise, is limited to a credit allowance not exceeding an amount equal to the proportionate charge to the Customer for the period of Service disruption. EXCEPT AS O THERWISE SET FORTH IN THE PRECEDING SENTENCE, IN NO EVENT IS THE COMPANY LIABLE FOR ACTUAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR OTHER INDIRECT DAMAGES CAUSED BY ITS NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE, NOR FOR ECONOMIC LOSS, PERSONAL INJURIES OR PROPERTY DAMAGES SUSTAINED BY THE CUSTOMER OR ANY THIRD PARTIES. Customer agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold Company harmless from any Customer violations of FCC rules and regulations or Customer violation of any statutes, ordinances or laws of any local, state, or federal public authority. 15. COMPLETE AGREEMENT/SEVERABILITY/WAIVER–This Agreement sets forth all of the agreements between the parties concerning the Service and purchase of the Equipment, and there are no oral or written agreements between them other than as set

192 90 forth in this Agreement. No amendment or addition to this Agreement shall be binding upon this Company unless it is in writing and signed by both parties (and, in the case of the Company, by an officer of the Company). Company shall not be bound by the terms andconditionsinCustomer’s purchase order or elsewhere, unless expressly agreed to in writing by an officer of the Company. This Agreement becomes effective when accepted by the Company. Should any provision of this Agreement be illegal or in contravention of the law, such provision shall be considered null and void but the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby. The failure of Company, at any time to require the performance by Customer of the provisions of this Agreement shall not affect in any way the right to require such performances at any later time nor shall the waiver by Company of a breach of any provision hereof be taken or held to be a waiver of compliance with or breach of any other provision or a continuing waiver of such provision. 16. ASSIGNMENT/RESALE/GOVERNING LAW–This Agreement may be freely assigned by Company to any successor of it or any other firm or entity capable of performing its obligations hereunder, and upon any such assignment, Company shall be released from all obligations to Customer. Customer may not assign this Agreement, or resell the services which are subject to this Agreement without prior written consent of Company. Subject to the restrictions contained herein, this Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the successors and permitted assigns of the parties hereto. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. 17. NOTICE REGARDING USE OF SERVICE FOR 911 OR OTHER EMERGENCY CALLS–The Service provided hereunder does not interact with 911 and other emergency services in the same manner as landline telephone service. Depending on the circumstances of a particular call, the Service provided hereunder may not be able to identify your location to emergency services and you may not always be connected to the appropriate emergency services provider. Additionally, the provision of 911 or other emergency services may be conditioned on payment of amounts to the governmental authorities who implement or coordinate access to such services, and Customer agrees that Company may apportion and pass through such amounts to Customer, which shall be paid by Customer when due, in connection with Customer’saccesstosuch911orother emergency services, where available. CUSTOMER AGREES TO HOLD COMPANY HARMLESS AGAINST ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS, ACTIONS, OR CAUSES OF ACTION (INCLUDING ALL ACTIONS BY THIRD PARTIES) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR ATTEMPTED USE OF THE COMPANY’S SERVICE TO ACCESS 911 OR OTHER EMERGENCY SERVICES. 18. NO WARRANTY (SERVICE)–COMPANY MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE TO CUSTOMER IN CONNECTION WITH ITS USE OF THE SERVICE. IN NO EVENT SHALL COMPANY BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR OTHER INDIRECT DAMAGES TO THE FULL EXTENT THE SAME MAY BE DISCLAIMED BY LAW. CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS WILL OCCUR FROM TIME TO TIME, AND AGREES TO HOLD COMPANY HARMLESS FOR ALL SUCH INTERRUPTIONS.