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Mitel Sx 200 Digital Pabx, Light Pabx Telemarketer Application Package Instructions Manual

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Page 161

ACD TELEMARKETER Application Package 
3-6 Issue 1 Revision 1 /April 1996 9109-097-620-NA 
l If multiple agents are available, the call rings the longest idle agent; if not, caller 
waits for first recorded announcement. 
Note: Once the agent set begins ringing, the call must be answered. If the called agent fails to answer 
within the period programmedforthe Forward Timer in the agent’s COS, the system forces the 
agent’s set into Make Busy and routes the call to another agent in the group. This...

Page 162

Time B 
Ringback Queue on 
Delay Primary Agent 
Grouo J 
Queue on 
First Overflow 
Agent Group 
Queue on 
Second Overflow 
Agent Group 
Queue on 
Third Overflow 
Agent Group 
To Interflow 
Figure 3-2 Overflow/lnterflow 
Issue 1 Revision 1 /April 1996 3-7  

Page 163

ACD TELEMARKETER Application Package 
ACD Sets 
3.4 The SUPERSET 4, SUPERSET 4 10 and SUPERSET 420 telephones (Figure 3-3 to 
Figure 3-5) used by ACD positions provide call status and progress information about 
agent groups and individual agents. A supervisor’s set (SUPERSET 4 or 
SUPERSET 420) provides agent reports and queue status reports for the 
supervisor’s agent groups. An agent’s set (SUPERSET 4, SUPERSET 410 or 
SUPERSET 420) provides queue information for the agent’s group. 

Page 164

Line status Indicators 
Figure 3-3 SUPERSET 4 Telephone 
Line Status 
/ Keys 
I nd icat0 IS 
Figure 3-4 SUPE/?SET41Q Telephone 
Issue 1 Revision 1 /April 1996 3-9  

Page 165

ACD TELEMARKETER Application Package 
Figure 3-5 SUERSET 420 Telephone 
ACD Positions 
The ACD TELEMARKETER feature package supports three types of positions: senior 
supervisors, supervisors, and agents. Figure 3-6 shows an example of the ACD 
ACD calls entering the system normally terminate on agent positions (SUPERSET4, 
SUPERSET 470 or SUPERSET 420 telephones). Agents handling similar types of 
calls are arranged in agent groups. Supervisors and senior supervisors 

Page 166

Senior Supervisor 
Name: Reynolds G 
ID: 4400 
Name: Godin 
L. Name: Wallace J. 
ID: 2200 
ID: 3300 
Agent Group 
Name: AN Sale 
Name: Nantel S. 
ID: 2210 Agent Group 
Name: Ret-class 
Name: Peters J. 
ID: 2215 Agent Group 
Name: Tickets 
Name: Gilmour J. 
ID: 3310 Agent Group 
Name: Inquiry 
Name: Gilmour J. 
ID: 4410 
Name: M iddleton Agent 
Name: McKay A. 
ID: 2216 Agent 
Name: Proctor L. Agent 
Name: Hendron T....

Page 167

ACD TELEMARKETER Application Package 
Each agent group has timers that govern events such as: 
l the time granted to an agent for completing paperwork after an ACD call, 
l the length of time a call will remain unanswered in the group before overflowing, 
l turning on and off visual indicators that show calls have been unanswered for a 
time exceeding a programmed threshold level. 
Refer to the programming section of this practice for details about creating agent groups 
and the fields on the agent...

Page 168

calls. The SUPERSET 4 or SUPERSET telephone used by the senior supervisor 
is equipped with special feature keys, similar to the supervisor set, with emphasis on 
queue activity. 
ACD TELEMARKETER Reporting System 
3.6 The ACD TELEMARKETER Reporting System runs on an IBM@ PC AT or compatible 
connected to the SX-200 DIGITAL PABX or SX-200 LIGHT PABX through an 
RS-232C interface. The system is easy to learn, using menu driven displays with 
full-color graphics. On-line help is...

Page 169

ACD TELEMARKETER Application Package 
Recording Groups 
The recorded announcement feature is implemented using one or more RADs pro- 
grammed into a specialized hunt group called a recording group. Each RAD in the 
group contains the same announcement. 
Recording groups are formed using hunt groups of regular ONS ports and are defined 
during CDE in Form 17, Hunt Groups. Referto the programming section of this Practice 
for details. 
Recording Group Operation 
When a call rings a recording group,...

Page 170

Card Failure: If the system detects a card failure, such as the card being unplugged 
or the bay going down, the RAD is placed into a busy-out state. Any callers listening 
to the RAD are handled as though the RAD had gone on hook. The RAD is not placed 
in DND unless it was ringing at the time (which is treated as a ring-no-answer). When 
returned to service, the RAD is in idle state. 
Removing DND from RAD 
The system places a RAD into DND whenever the RAD fails to answer or...
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