Communications System
Mitel Sx 200 Digital Pabx, Light Pabx Telemarketer Application Package Instructions Manual
Mitel Sx 200 Digital Pabx, Light Pabx Telemarketer Application Package Instructions Manual
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Page 91
I m ACD Monitors Table 8-14 Terms Used In Group Programmed Data Display Term Super Name Super ID Sen’r Name Sen’r ID Prog Agts Threshld 1 Threshld 2 O/F Timer After Work Meaning The name of the group’s supervisor, as programmed in CDE. The ID number of the group’s supervisor, as programmed in CDE. The name of the group’s senior supervisor, as programmed in CDE. The ID number of the group’s senior supervisor, as programmed in CDE. The number of agents programmed as members of this...
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ACD 7ELEMRKETER Application Package Table 6-15 describes the softkeys presented with the Group Statistics display. Table 6-16 describes the fields in the display. Table 6-15 Group Statistics Display Softkey Labels Softkey Label CANCEL PRINT PREVIOUS NEXT RETURN Function Returns the user to the System level. Details of the System level are in paragraph 8.3. Starts a dump of this form to the printer used for the ACD Monitor Print. This softkey is present if groups exist that have lower access...
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m . I ACD Monitors Group Activity Display Pressing the ACTIVITY softkey in the Agent Group Monitor window displays the Group Activity form (Figure 8-10). This form provides a continuously updated display of the activity of callers and agents within the group. 1426 23-APR-89 GROUPACTIVlTY h4ITELACDm CALLERACTNITY AGENTACTNITY CALLS WTG : 12 LOGGEDON : 10 LONGST WTG : 01:38 READY - uNDm1sT : 7 AFTER WORK; 1 BETWEEN : 3 ON ACD : 7 AlTER2ND : 2 MAKE BUSY : 1 OVER- : 6 DND : -...
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ACD TELEMARKETER Application Package Table S-1 8 Terms Used In Group Activlty Display Term Calls wtg Longst Wtg Under 1 st Between After 2nd Overflowed Held Calls Logged On Ready After Work On ACD Make Busy DND On Non ACD Meaning Caller Actlvlty The number of callers queued for this group from all paths. The waiting time of the longest waiting caller queued for this group. The number of callers queued for this group who have been waiting for less than the first threshold timer. The...
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Ba ACD Monitors Monitoring Agents Overview 8.6 The following forms provide information about the agents programmed in the ACD system who are currently logged in. The primary form within the agent sub-level is the Agent Summary. This form provides an overview of current activity as well as a synopsis of statistical data collected over the past hour. A set of softkeys in this form provides access to additional forms which supply detailed information about the agent and the agents performance....
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ACD TELEMARKETER Application Package 1523 23-APR-89 AGENT SUMMARY MITELACD TELBMARKETER SUMMARY - LAST HOUR GRP AGENT AGENT ACD WM NAME ID SXXIE ANSWERED CMP to GRF’ AV NONACD MAKE BUSY 2 JACOBSON K 2390 ready 27 0228 97 961 - : 3 0128 2 OLIVETIIS 2750 acd 23 03:Ol 86 05 10 1 02~27 - 2 ANDERS BOB 3215 nonacd 13 03:45 102 3 - : 5 OliU z KING BRUCE SUSAN AlAN 3310 1540 makeb acd 12 4 01:58 02~35 80 10 93 98 - 2 00:47 : - 4 00;29 . 33 LIKOUDIS J 3250 ad 13 cc21 loo loo 0 : 2 cK-k47 42...
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m ACD Monitors Table G20 Terms Used In Agent Summary Display Term Meaning Agent Name And Current State Grp Num Agent Name Agent ID ACD State The agent group’s number. The agent’s name as programmed in CDE. The agenfs ID or access code. The current state of the agent as one of the following: acd on an ACD call dnd the agent’s set has Do Not Disturb active hold agent has an ACD caller on hold makeb agent has entered the make busy state nonacd agent is on a non+CD or outgoing call ready...
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ADD TELEMARKETER Application Package 15:53 23-APR-89 AGENT PROGRAMMED DATA MITEL ACD TELEMARKETER GROUP NAME NEWSROOM SUPER NAME : SOBRAN JOE AGENT COS : 12 GROUP NUM : 33 SUPERID : 3soo SEN’R NAME : MORRISS F SEN’R ID : 3900 l- 6 2- 7- AGENT 3250 LDK0uDI.S J % 4- 5-CANCEL 8- PREVIOUS 9-NEXT cbmm Figure 8-12 Agent Programmed Data Display Table 8-21 Agent Programmed Data Softkey Labels PREVIOUS Displays the previous agent, sorted by group number and agent ID. The softkey only appears when...
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ml ACD Monitors Table 8-22 Terms Used In Agent Programmed Data Display Term Meaning Group Name Group Num Super Name Super ID Sen’r Name Sen’r ID Agent COS The group’s name as programmed in CDE. The group’s number as programmed in CDE. The name of the agent’s supervisor. The ID of the agent’s supervisor. The name of the agent’s senior supervisor. The ID of the agent’s senior supervisor. The Class of Service assigned to the agent. When this agent logs in, this COS is transferred to the...
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ACD TELEhhXRKETER Application Package Table 8-23 Agent Statistics Form Softkey Labels Softkey Label CANCEL PRINT PREVIOUS NEXT RETURN Function Returns the user to the system level. Refer to paragraph 8.3 for details. Prints this form to the printer used for the ACD Monitor print. Displays the statistics for the previous agent, sorted by group number and agent ID. The softkey only appears when there is a preceding agent. Displays the statistics for the next agent, sorted by group number and...