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Lucent Technologies Definity Release 8.2 Atm Installation Manual
Lucent Technologies Definity Release 8.2 Atm Installation Manual
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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration 555-233-124 Issue 1 April 2000 Installing a DEFINITY ECS ATM-PNC 3-25 Synchronization Installation and Testing 3 To c onfig ure the 316X CSU to send an AIS b lue alarm, use the p roc ed ures in Table 3-12 . NOTE: All four fac eplate status LEDs on the DS1 c irc uit p ac k are d ark (not lit) when using an external CSU or DSU/CSU. The STATUS LEDs on the DS1 c irc uit p ac k are only func tional with a 120A ICSU. Table 3-12....
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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration 555-233-124 Issue 1 April 2000 Installing a DEFINITY ECS ATM-PNC 3-26 Synchronization Installation and Testing 3 To install a 400A sync sp litter between a CSU or DSU/CSU and a DS1 c irc uit p ac k, follow the p roc ed ures listed in Table 3-13 . Table 3-13. Splitter installation to DS1 ÖStep Action Command Description 1. Disab le sync hronization switc hdisable sync hronization -switc hPrevent the system from switc hing...
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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration 555-233-124 Issue 1 April 2000 Installing a DEFINITY ECS ATM-PNC 3-27 Synchronization Installation and Testing 3 DTE loopback procedure. To start the Data Terminal Eq uip ment (DTE) loop b ac k at the 316X CSU or DSU/CSU, use the p roc ed ures in Table 3-14 . 11. Chec k for CSU alarmsVerify that no alarms are against the CSU (the OK, SIG, SIG LEDs are lit). 12. Test the circ uit packtest board UUCSSVerify that the DS1 c irc...
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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration 555-233-124 Issue 1 April 2000 Installing a DEFINITY ECS ATM-PNC 3-28 Synchronization Installation and Testing 3 RLB loopback procedure . To start the RLB loop b ac k testing at the 316X CSU or DSU/CSU, use the p roc ed ures in Table 3-15 . 4. ContinuePress the b utton und er “ DLB.” Test Started d isp lays. The 316X is now in DTE loopb ack. 5. Test the circuit packtest board UUCSSAt the DEFINITY management terminal. If...
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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration 555-233-124 Issue 1 April 2000 Installing a DEFINITY ECS ATM-PNC 3-29 Synchronization Installation and Testing 3 4. ContinuePress the b utton under “ RLB.” Test Started d isp lays. The 316X is now in RLB loop bac k. 5. Test the c irc uit packtest board UUCSSIf any one of Test 138 through 145 fails, follow the repair p roc ed ures listed in DEFINITY ECS Maintenanc e for R8r. 6. Run error rep ortlist measurements d s1...
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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration 555-233-124 Issue 1 April 2000 Installing a DEFINITY ECS ATM-PNC 3-30 Synchronization Installation and Testing 3 Installing 401A, 402A, or 403A splitters To install a 401A, 402A, or 403A sync sp litter b etween the network and a DS1 c irc uit p ac k, follow the p roc ed ures listed in Table 3-16 . Table 3-16. Splitter installation to DS1 (401A/402A/403A) ÖStep Action Command Description 1. Disab le sync hronization switc...
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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration 555-233-124 Issue 1 April 2000 Installing a DEFINITY ECS ATM-PNC 3-31 Synchronization Installation and Testing 3 11. Test the sp litter Use the p roc edure in ‘‘Splitter port tests (401A/401A only)’’ on page 3-19. nBefore testing the sp litter, insert a mod ular RJ45 plug into jac k J1 and jac k J2 (401A/402A only). NOTE: Do not connect p ort J1 to port J2. Leave the other end of b oth c ord s free, b ec ause the modular...
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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration 555-233-124 Issue 1 April 2000 Installing a DEFINITY ECS ATM-PNC 3-32 ATM Network Duplication 3 Screen 3-1.DS1 circuit pack—T1 Screen 3-2. DS1 circuit pack—E1 ATM Network Duplication ATM-PNC c onfig urations without d uplic ated SPEs c an b e sup p orted with d up lic ated EPN c onnec tivity to other p oints on an ATM network, or ATM network dup lic ation. These p oints c an b e on sep arate ATM switc hes, the same ATM...
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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration 555-233-124 Issue 1 April 2000 Installing a DEFINITY ECS ATM-PNC 3-33 ATM Network Duplication 3 With resp ec t to port network c onnec tivity, there is no d ifferenc e in p erformanc e b etween ATM network d up lic ation and c ritic al reliab ility. ATM network d up lic ation configurations require nA s i m p le x SPE c o m p l e x in t h e PPN nDup lic ate c onnec tivity over ATM to all PNs nDuplicate ATM interfaces in...
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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration 555-233-124 Issue 1 April 2000 Installing a DEFINITY ECS ATM-PNC 3-34 ATM Network Duplication 3 Figure 3-9. EPN configuration with ATM network duplicationFigure Notes 1 . D EFI N ITY EC S PPN 1 2. Fib er c onnec ting ATM-EI A to ATM switc h A 3. Fib er c onnec ting ATM-EI B to ATM switc h B 4. Luc ent ATM switc h A 5. Luc ent ATM switc h B6. Fib er c onnec ting ATM switc h A to EPNs 7. Fib er c onnec ting ATM switc h B to...