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Communications System
Lucent Technologies Definity Release 8.2 Atm Installation Manual
Lucent Technologies Definity Release 8.2 Atm Installation Manual
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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration 555-233-124 Issue 1 April 2000 Troubleshooting 6-17 Troubleshooting ATM-PNC 6 nTroubleshooting interoperability—Provides guid elines for troub leshooting nPhysical connections nAdministration nTN2305/TN2306 circuit pack nATM signaling architecture nUnusual ATM trouble conditions—Desc rib es d iffic ult-to-d iag nose failure mod es in the DEFINITY ECS and ATM switc h c omb inations. nDEFINITY ECS ATM-PNC troubleshooting...
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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration 555-233-124 Issue 1 April 2000 Troubleshooting 6-18 Troubleshooting ATM-PNC 6 3. Reseat c ircuit p ack Reseat the DS1 c ircuit p ack. 4. Retest the circuit packRep eat the test (test board UUCSS). If Tests 138 throug h 145 p ass, g o to step 14 (release). If any test fails, go to step 5. 5. Busyout the DS1 circuit packTo supp ress alarms on the DS1 circ uit p ac k, type busyout board UUCSS and press En te r. 6. Remove...
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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration 555-233-124 Issue 1 April 2000 Troubleshooting 6-19 Troubleshooting ATM-PNC 6 Connected through a DSU/CSU To troub leshoot sync hronization p rob lems in systems where the sync hronization sig nal c onnec ts throug h a Data Servic e Unit (DSU) or Channel Servic e Unit (CSU), follow the p roc ed ures in Table 6-8 . Use this tab le if the nDTE or RLB loop b ac k tests fail nCSU or DSU/CSU d oes not return to normal servic e Table...
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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration 555-233-124 Issue 1 April 2000 Troubleshooting 6-20 Troubleshooting ATM-PNC 6 15. If the 316X CSU or DSU/CSU fails the DTE or RLB loop bac k testsRemove the H600-307 DS1 cab le from the sp litter and the splitter from the DS1 c irc uit pac k 16. Remove sp litter Remove the sp litter from the DS1 circuit p ac k 17. Rec onnec t the c ab le Reconnec t the H600-307 c ab le d irectly to the DS1 circ uit pack After ab out 30 s,...
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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration 555-233-124 Issue 1 April 2000 Troubleshooting 6-21 Troubleshooting ATM-PNC 6 Troubleshooting synchronization (401A/402A/403A) To troub leshoot 401A/402A/403A sync hronization p rob lems, follow the p roc ed ures in Table 6-9 . Table 6-9. Troubleshooting 401A/402A/403A synchronization ÖStep Action Description 1. Check all c onnections If the LEDs on the DS1 circ uit p ac k indic ate an error c ond ition, or any of the tests...
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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration 555-233-124 Issue 1 April 2000 Troubleshooting 6-22 Troubleshooting ATM-PNC 6 Troubleshooting interoperability This sec tion c overs the following ATM interop erab ility top ic s: nPhysical connections—Chec ks for c orrec t ATM installation and configuration nAdministration—Chec ks for c orrec t DEFINITY ECS and ATM switc h ad ministration nTN2305/TN2306 circuit pack—Chec ks LED status, c irc uit p ac k insertion, and d...
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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration 555-233-124 Issue 1 April 2000 Troubleshooting 6-23 Troubleshooting ATM-PNC 6 nHas the ATM switc h b een b ooted using either a reset b utton or b y turning the p ower off then on ag ain? nDid the ATM switc h g o throug h a normal p ower up seq uenc e, inc luding testing all of the LEDs? nAre any ATM switc h FAULT LEDs lit? nAre the remaining ATM switc h LEDs in a normal state? nCan you log into the ATM switc h c...
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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration 555-233-124 Issue 1 April 2000 Troubleshooting 6-24 Troubleshooting ATM-PNC 6 Screen 6-3. Screen output for list atm pnc command Alternatively, typ e list configuration UUC and press En t e r (noncontrol c ab inets) to c onfirm the PPN and EPN c irc uit p ac k loc ations and c orrec t insertion. 2. Type status pnc and p ress En t e r. This d isp lay tells you whic h TN2305/TN2306 c irc uit p ac k is ac tive in a d uplic...
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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration 555-233-124 Issue 1 April 2000 Troubleshooting 6-25 Troubleshooting ATM-PNC 6 Screen 6-5. Screen output for display circuit-packs 1 Screen 6-6. Screen output for circuit-packs 2 4. Type display atm pnc connection and press En t e r. display circuit-packs 1 CIRCUIT PACKS Cabinet: 1 Carrier: A Cabinet Layout: five-carrier...
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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration 555-233-124 Issue 1 April 2000 Troubleshooting 6-26 Troubleshooting ATM-PNC 6 This d isp lay tells you the ATM ad d resses that have b een ad ministered for eac h TN2305/TN2306. Verify that eac h ATM ad d ress (the c onc atenation of the 5 d isp layed hexad ec imal field s) is c orrec t and matc h those in the ATM switc h. Screen 6-7 shows the output for the display atm pnc 1 command; Screen 6-8 shows the outp ut for...