Lucent Technologies
Communications System
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Overview Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Overview Manual
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DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Overview 555-233-002 Issue 1 April 2000 Adjunct Systems 121 Voice Messaging and Response have access to sophisticated phone-based services. Advanced telephone features provide intelligent call-transfer capabilities and allow you to use the system in your existing telephone environment. INTUITY Call Accounting System If you are using any of the INTUITY voice messaging products, the INTUITY Call Accounting System is probably the best call-accounting solution for you. The system works exclusively with I NTUITY products, which reside on MAP/40 or MAP/100 computers. Offering many of same features as the Call Accounting System for Windows (described in the previous section), the system also serves to help integrate your I NTUITY applications. Centralized Voice Mail via Mode Code Integration The Centralized Voice Mail feature eliminates the need for a voice mail system at each of the sites in a network. It does so by allowing a DEFINITY ECS network to use a single DEFINITY AUDIX or I NTUITY AUDIX or Octel 100 Voice Messaging System as a centralized voice mail system that serves the whole network. The I NTUITY AUDIX or Octel 100 system can also serve as a centralized voice mail system within a hybrid network of DEFINITY and Merlin Legend/Magix switches. The DEFINITY and Merlin pass information to each other via mode codes. Other Supported Systems AUDIX Voice Power (AVP) The AUDIX Voice Power (AVP) System from Lucent Technologies is a cost-effective addition to your I NTUITY CONVERSANT® or CONVERSANT INTRO system, providing 24-hour-a-day voice messaging communications to individuals or departments. AUDIX Voice Power Lodging (AUDIX VPL) AUDIX Voice Power Lodging (AUDIX VPL) is a voice mail system designed especially for lodging establishments such as hotels. It supplies guests with electronic mailboxes that store voice messages. AUDIX VPL is like having private answering machines that take messages for guests when they are unavailable. 233002_1.book Page 121 Monday, February 21, 2000 8:28 AM
Adjunct Systems 122 Call Center (See Call Center Features) DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Overview 555-233-002 Issue 1 April 2000 Call Center (See Call Center Features) PassageWay Lucent Technologies PassageWay products bring the telephone and the personal computer together into an integrated voice and data workstation that can greatly enhance communications. PassageWay Direct Connection links your company’s desktop personal computers with an easy-to-use Microsoft Windows interface to give you greater business communications capabilities than either the telephone or the personal computer offer alone. PassageWay Direct Connection is well-suited for those users who are constantly conducting business using both a Windows-based personal computer and a Lucent Technologies telephone and want to boost their efficiency. 233002_1.book Page 122 Monday, February 21, 2000 8:28 AM
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Overview 555-233-002 Issue 1 April 2000 Adjunct Systems 123 Call Center (See Call Center Features) Figure 15. PassageWay Direct Connect Configurations 12- or 4-wire DCP Port5Personal Computer 2Auxiliary Power62-wire DCP Port 3DCP Telephone78411 DCP Telephone w/ PassageWay 4Passageway 233002_1.book Page 123 Monday, February 21, 2000 8:28 AM
Adjunct Systems 124 Wireless DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Overview 555-233-002 Issue 1 April 2000 Wireless The DEFINITY Wireless Business System relies on the DEFINITY ECS system to manage mobility. It uses Personal Wireless Telecommunications technology, which is a leading protocol in the United States. This standard, which has the primary advantage of permitting up to 12 simultaneous conversations per base station, defines the radio interface between the portable telephones and the base stations in the system. The DEFINITY Wireless Business System is fully integrated with the DEFINITY ECS, and offers users full access to the DEFINITY ECS features. The system has the following maximum capacities: n260 wireless telephones n60 base stations n7,000 to 40,000 calls per busy hour (depending on DEFINITY ECS configuration) n4 million square foot (1.2 million square meter) coverage area Forum Personal Communications Manager Forum’s System Manager provides superior system administration capabilities. The Forum Personal Communications Manager can accommodate even the largest businesses. It has the following maximum capacities: n500 wireless telephones n126 base stations n6 PRI interfaces n1 Sun workstation n4 million square foot (1.2 million square meter) coverage area 233002_1.book Page 124 Monday, February 21, 2000 8:28 AM
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Overview 555-233-002 Issue 1 April 2000 Index 125 INIndex Numerics 6200-series analog telephones,16 6400 telep hones ,15 8400 telep hones ,15 8410B telep hones ,16 9400 telep hones ,15 9403 telep hones ,15 9410B telep hones ,15 9410D telep hones ,15 9434 telep hones ,15 A acc ess attend ant ,31 emerg enc y ,31 op erator ,45 p rivate network ,107 remote ,38 Ad junct Switc h Ap p lic ation Interfac e (ASAI) ,104 Ad ministration network ,69 administration ad ministered connections ,52 automatic routing ,85 call manag ement ,100 monitoring c alls ,45 p rop erty manag ement ,62 rep orts ,71 sec urity ,65 system manag ement ,65 trunk manag ement ,75 ad ministration, (c ontinued ) without hard ware ,75 Ad vic e of Charge ,103 Ag ents call hand ling ,95 ag ents Call Center ,95 skills ,99 alarms ,88 analog ,16 analog telephones 6200-series ,16 ap proximate c harg e for calls ,72 ATM ,106 ATM-CES ,108 ATM networks ,10 Attend ant features ,42 QSIG CAS ,114 with DCS ,45 attendant ,41 aud ioc onferenc ing systems ,17 AUDIX voic e power ,121 AUDIX mailb oxes ,117 DEFINITY ,117 INTUITY ,119 Automatic Alternate Routing (AAR) and Automatic Route Selec tion (ARS) ,85 Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) ,93 B Basic Call Manag ement System rep orts ,101 Basic Rate Interface (BRI) ,78 b asic software ,14 battery backup ,14 Bridged Call Appearance ,27 233002_1.book Page 125 Monday, February 21, 2000 8:28 AM
Index 126 DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Overview 555-233-002 Issue 1 April 2000 Bulletin Board,72, 117 C cabinets,3 Call Center ag ents ,95 routing ,91 Call Detail Record ing ,56 Call Manag ement BCMS ,100 CentreVu ,101 c aller ID ,33 Calls restric tion ,67 c alls accounting ,121 blocking ,68 charging for service ,72 coverage ,23 handling ,19 monitoring ,45 pickup ,28 placing ,44 red irec ting ,22 routing capabilities ,87 CallVisor ASAI ,59, 124 c arriers ,3 c enter stag e switc hes ,2 c entral p roc essing units ,2 CentreVu Ad voc ate ,102 CentreVu IP Ag ent ,58, 105 c hanging p rotoc ols ,49 c harg es for servic e ,72 Circuit Emulation Servic e ,11, 81 circuit packs ,3 C-LAN interface ,56 comments ,xxc ommon c ontrol switc hing arrangements (CCSA) ,77 Comp uter Telep hony Integ ration (CTI) ,105 c onferencing bridges ,17 group c ommunic ations ,33 multimed ia ,55 c onnec tions ,49 multimed ia ,55 c onsole ,41 c onventions used in this b ook ,xviii C ON VERSA N T voic e resp onse software ,91 c ritical c omp onents ,8 D data calls ,51 conferenc e ,52, 55 d ata modules typ es sup p orted ,49 DEFINITY ECS AUDIX capabilities ,117 Call Center ,91 Enterp rise Communic ations Se r v e r ,1 vec tors ,97 d estination voice end p oint ,53 diagnostics ,71 Digital Interfac es ,83 digital interfaces ,78, 83 Digital Multip lexed Interfac e ,83 d isab led system rec overy ,8 d isaster recovery ,8 Distrib uted Communic ations Sys te m ,108 DS1 ,84 233002_1.book Page 126 Monday, February 21, 2000 8:28 AM
Index 127 DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Overview 555-233-002 Issue 1 April 2000 d ual port multimedia station,55 E E1,83 emergency calls ,31, 45, 68 enhanc ed p rivate switc hed c ommunic a- t i on s s er v ic e ( EPSC S) ,77 Europ hones ,15 exp ansion p ort networks description ,2 Exp a ns io n Se r vi c es Mo d u l e ( ESM) ,52, 55 F fiber links,3 First In/First Out (FIFO) ,96 Frenc h lang uag e d isp lays ,47 G Generalized Conferenc e Call (GCC),55 Group Listen ,16 H Hard ware,2 Center Stage Switc h ,2 Exp an si o n Po r t N e t w or k ,2 exp ansion p ort network ,2 Proc essor Port Network ,2 p roc essor port network ,2hard ware center stage switc hes ,2 expansion p ort networks ,2 p roc essor p ort networks ,2 historical rep orts ,101 home offic e ,38 Hosp itality ,61 Hunt Group ,93 I ICLID,33 Integ rated Services Dig ital Network (ISDN) ,78 international cap ab ilities ,13 international d ig ital c onnectivity ,78 INTUITY ,120 Intuity AUDIX ,119 IP Solutions ,56 H.323 trunk ,57 IP trunk ,58 overview ,56 SoftPhones ,58 road-warrior app lic ation ,58 telec ommuter app lic ation ,58 softp hones CentreVu IP Agent ,58 ISDN ,11, 78, 100 BRI ,78 Facility and Non-Facility Associated Si g n a l i n g ,80 ISDN stand ard ,78 Italian language d isplays ,47 233002_1.book Page 127 Monday, February 21, 2000 8:28 AM
Index 128 DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Overview 555-233-002 Issue 1 April 2000 L LAN C-LAN ,56 connec tivity ,56 Gateway ,56 leaving messag es ,36 Long Hold Rec all ,19 M mailb oxes, AUDIX,117 making c alls ,44 manag ement calls ,100 p rop erty ,62 system ,65 messages ,36, 117 announcements ,74 p rerecord ed ,74 monitoring calls ,45 multimed ia ,8, 53 Multimed ia Ap p lic ations Server Interfac e (MASI) ,56 Multimed ia Call Hand ling (MMCH) ,53 Multimed ia Communic ations eXc hang e (MMCX) ,56 Multimed ia d ata c onferenc ing (T.120) via ESM ,55 multimed ia p rotoc ol ,52 multip le extensions ,63 N Network Connec tions,9 network servic es ,78 non-Eng lish lang uag e d isp lays ,47 O operator,41 access ,45 order other b ooks ,xix P paging,34 Passag eWay ,59 Periodic Pulse Metering ,104 placing calls ,44 power outag es ,8 req uirements ,14 p rerec ord ed messages ,74 Primary Rate Interface (PRI) ,78 p roc essor p ort networks description ,2 Q QSIG,80, 111 VA L U ,114 Quorum A-28 c onferenc e ,17 R real-time reports,101 receiving messag es ,36 redirection of c alls ,22 reliab ility ,8 remote access ,38 Re p o r t s traffic ,73 233002_1.book Page 128 Monday, February 21, 2000 8:28 AM
Index 129 DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Overview 555-233-002 Issue 1 April 2000 reports,71 historical ,101 manag ement ,101 real-time ,101 room numbers dialing plan ,63 routing Call Center c alls ,91 features ,85 S sec urity,65 self-administered telephones ,16 site ,69 SoftPhones road -warrior ap plication ,58 telec ommuter ap p lication ,58 softp hones ,58 CentreVu IP Ag ent ,58 software basic ,14 CONVERSANT voice resp onse ,91 sound effec ts ,35 Sound Station telep hones ,17 Sp anish lang uag e disp lays ,47 speech synthesis announcement ,61 speed d ialing ,29 status rep orts ,71 survivab le remote ,8 switc h p rocessing elements ,2 system directory ,33 rep orts ,71 T T. 12 0,55 T1 ,84tand em switch ,82 TCP/IP networks ,10 telecommunications ,38 telephones ,15 6400 ,15 8400 ,15 8410B ,16 9400 ,15 9403 ,15 9410B ,15 9410D ,15 9434 ,15 announc ements ,74 displays ,32 Europhones ,15 global marketp lac e ,15 self-ad ministration ,16, 30 Sound Station ,17 Terminal Translation Initialization ,75 TN78 7 ,55 touc h-tone d ialing ,15 trad emarks ,ii, xviii Tr an sf e r ,19 Troub leshooting ,69 trunk for IP Solutions H.323 ,57 IP ,58 V Vec t or i n g call ,95, 97 vec tors ,97 vid eo ,52 voic e mailb oxes ,120 QSIG voic e mail ,115 voic e messag es ,121 233002_1.book Page 129 Monday, February 21, 2000 8:28 AM
Index 130 DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Overview 555-233-002 Issue 1 April 2000 W WAN connectivity,11 Wind ows interface ,122 Wir e l es s ,124 working from home ,38 X X-Station Mobility,17 233002_1.book Page 130 Monday, February 21, 2000 8:28 AM