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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Feature Descriptions Manual

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Page 61

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
May 1999
Automated Attendant 
41 Applications 
The nonresid ent sub sc rib er would  need  to p rovid e the c lient with only the 
telep hone numb er of the automated  attend ant and  the sub sc rib er’s voic e 
mailb ox numb er. The c lient c ould  then d ial the numb er for the automated 
attend ant, listen to the attend ant menu, enter the voic e mailb ox numb er and  hear 
the g reeting  for that sub sc rib er. Then the c...

Page 62

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
May 1999
Automated Attendant 
42 Applications 
Automated Attendants with the Multilingual 
Multiling ual automated  attendants c an b e set up  with two or more lang uag es. 
The first stag e of an automated  attend ant in a multiling ual environment mig ht ask 
the user to selec t a lang uag e, and  sub seq uent stag es c ould imp lement the 
Auto-Attend ant func tion in the lang uag e c hosen. 
If using  only two lang...

Page 63

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
May 1999
Automated Attendant 
43 Applications 
Holid ay sc hed ules, unlike b usiness sc hed ules, are ac tivated  automatic ally. 
These sc hedules, once administered, automatically override other automated 
attend ants on the d ay they are sc hed ules for.
TTY Automated Attendants
The Telec ommunic ations Devic e for the Deaf (TDD) announc ement set enab les 
the system ad ministrator to set up teletyp ewriter (TTY) automated...

Page 64

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
May 1999
Automated Attendant 
44 Using Rotary Phones with an Automated Attendant 
With the DEFINITY AUDIX system’s d ial ahead  c ap ability, the p assword  may b e 
entered  all at onc e (c allers d o not need  to p ause b etween d ig its). When the final 
d ig it is entered , the DEFINITY AUDIX system transfers the c all b ac k to the switc h 
and  the c aller is p lac ed  in the intend ed  b rid g e session. The system...

Page 65

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
May 1999
Automated Attendant 
45 Requirements 
Customers who have larg e numb ers of sub sc rib ers or c allers who use 
rotary-d ial telep hones may want to set the Between Dig its at 
Auto-Attend ant or Stand alone Menu field  to a hig her value to allow 
rotary-d ial users time to enter their selec tions.
If the c aller fails to enter any tones at an automated  attend ant menu, the 
DEFINITY AUDIX system uses the...

Page 66

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
May 1999
Automated Attendant 
46 Interactions with Other Features 
The ac tions eac h attend ant p erforms when sp ec ific  keys are p ressed  are 
sp ec ified  on the last p ag e of the Sub sc rib er sc reen. Extensions are assig ned  to 
keys (  throug h  ) and  a c all-treatment c od e is assigned  to d etermine if the 
DEFINITY AUDIX system should  transfer the c all throug h the switc h to an 
extension’s telep hone...

Page 67

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
May 1999
Automated Attendant 
47 Interactions with Other Features 
nPhantom Extensions:  For System 75 and  Generic  1 switc hes, it is 
nec essary to add  a p ort b oard  for eac h p hantom extension. This is 
nec essary for Generic  3 switc hes. 
Se e  Installation and  Switc h Ad ministration for DEFINITY AUDIX 
 585-300-122, for c omp lete step -b y-step  instruc tions for 
ad ministering  a DEFINITY AUDIX...

Page 68

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
May 1999
Automated Attendant 
48 Interactions with Other Features 
nClass of Servic e:  The COS  sc reen c an be used  b y the system 
ad ministrator to d efine an automated  attend ant (typ e auto-attendant
Answer p ermission). This  sc reen c an also b e used  to d efine an entire 
c lass of servic e for automated  attend ants. 
nDial-b y-Name:  If c all transfer (   ) is administered  for an automated  

Page 69

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
May 1999
Automated Attendant 
49 Interactions with Other Features 
Lang uag e Choic e set to y (yes), rather than rec ord ing  Multiple Personal 
Greeting s. The p rimary menu would  have to tell the c aller, in the alternate 
lang uag e, to press     to hear the menu in the alternate lang uag e. 
nMultiple Personal Greeting s:  The Multip le Personal Greeting s feature c an 
b e ac tivated  for automated  attend ants. All of...

Page 70

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
May 1999
Automated Attendant 
50 Interactions with Other Features  
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