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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Feature Descriptions Manual

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Page 131

Digital Networking 
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
Feature Descriptions  585-300-206 Issue 5
May 1999
DescriptionPoints to Remember
Administration Screens
Dig ital Networking allows sub sc rib ers on loc al DEFINITY 
AUDIX systems to exc hang e voic e messages with sub sc rib -
ers on other DEFINITY AUDIX systems,  AUDIX R1 systems, 
NTUITY systems and  Interc hang e systems using  many of the 
same features on their loc al DEFINITY AUDIX systems. Dig i-
tally networked  AUDIX systems, or 

Page 132

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
May 1999
Digital Networking 
112 Applications 
If sub sc rib ers are g eograp hic ally distant, they c an still enjoy many of the 
DEFINITY AUDIX features they share with their other loc al DEFINITY AUDIX 
sub sc rib ers, suc h as ad d ress- or dial-b y-name, p rivate and  p riority messag ing , 
and  b road c ast messag ing , as if they were c oloc ated .
DEFINITY AUDIX Digital Networking  uses Luc ent Tec hnolog...

Page 133

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
May 1999
Digital Networking 
113 Requirements 
The DEFINTIY AUDIX system offers three typ es of Dig ital Networking  
c onfig urations—DCP Mod e 1, DCP Mod e 2, and  DCP Mod e 3.
nDCP Mod e 1 c onnec tions transmit d ata at 56 Kb ps. DCP Mod e 1 uses a 
DS1 fac ility on the switc h or a d ed ic ated  fac ility on a T1 c arrier.
nDCP Mod e 3 c onnec tions transmit d ata at 64 Kbp s. DCP Mod e 3 c an use 
a DS1 fac ility or an...

Page 134

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
May 1999
Digital Networking 
114 Feature Operation 
3. (To any remote AUDIX system) Estab lish the final c onnec tion to the remote 
Dig ital Networking  p ort. 
All systems that network at low sp eed  with a DEFINITY AUDIX system must have 
multistage dialing capability. The DEFINITY AUDIX system, I
system, and  AUDIX R1V5 and  later systems2 have multistage dialing.3 Se e  
DEFINITY AUDIX System — Dig ital...

Page 135

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
May 1999
Digital Networking 
115 Feature Administration 
Table 3. Maximum Number of Voice Ports with and without Digital 
Feature Administration
During  installation, a software assoc iate or software sp ec ialist will ad minister the 
d ata mod ule sc reen for a voic e p ort, whic h is the last p age of the Station sc reen 
on the switc h. To ad minister one Dig ital Networking  p ort, the software assoc iate 

Page 136

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
May 1999
Digital Networking 
116 Interactions with Other Features 
Interactions with Switch Features
Dig ital Networking  d oes not interac t d irec tly with features on the switc h.
Interactions with Other DEFINITY AUDIX 
Dig ital Networking  interac ts with the following DEFINITY AUDIX system features.
nVo i c e  M a i l:   Sub sc rib ers c an send  Voic e Mail messag es to sub sc rib ers on 
other voic e messag ing...

Page 137

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
May 1999
Digital Networking 
117 Interactions with Other Features 
transmitted  from a DEFINITY AUDIX system to an AUDIX R1 system will b e 
transc oded  (c onverted ) from CELP to sub -b and  format as the messag e is b eing  
sent to the remote system, so the voic e q uality of the messag e will be sub -b and  
q uality on the AUDIX R1 system. 
Inc oming  messag es from an AUDIX R1 system will b e stored  in the sub -b and...

Page 138

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
May 1999
Digital Networking 
118 Interactions with Other Features  

Page 139

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
Feature Descriptions  585-300-206 Issue 5
May 1999
DescriptionPoints to Remember
Administration Screens
The DEFINITY AUDIX system keep s a d irec tory of sub sc rib er 
names and  extension numb ers. Callers may use this feature 
at any time to find  out the name or extension number of a 
DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib er, or to verify whether the p erson 
they are trying  to reac h is a DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib er.
Wh o c o n t r o l s i t: The DEFINITY...

Page 140

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
May 1999
120 Applications 
The Direc tory feature is p rimarily used  to look up subsc rib ers’ names and 
extensions. It c an also b e used  to verify whether a p erson is a DEFINITY AUDIX 
sub sc rib er. 
The Direc tory feature has no requirements other than those of the DEFINITY 
AUDIX system itself. 
Feature Operation
The Direc tory feature is availab le at any time while ac c essing  the...
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