HP DeskJet F2280 User Manual
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Chapter 14 218 Technical information Technical information

Index Symbols/Numerics 10 x 15 cm photo paper load 26 2 pages on 1, print 45 4 pages on 1, print 45 4 x 6 inch (10 x 15 cm) borderless photos print 38 4 x 6 inch photo paper, load 26 A A4 paper, load 24 addresses, print 48 after the support period 207 align print cartridges 73 alignment failed 189 print cartridges 189 B blank copy 127 scan 131 booklet printing 42 border 127 borderless copies 56 borderless photos copy has borders 128 print 38 buttons, control panel 10 C cancel copy 57 print job 50 scan 62 cancel button 11 cartridges. See print cartridges choose paper 21 clean exterior 63 glass 63 lid backing 64 print cartridge contacts 75 print cartridge ink nozzle area 77 print cartridges 74 color dull 106 communication problems test failed 180 two-way communication lost 181 connection problems device not found 180 HP All-in-One will not turn on 84 connection types supported printer sharing 19 control panel buttons 10, copy black-and-white documents 56 blank 127 borderless has borders 128 borderless photo 56 cancel 57 make a copy 53 missing information 126 number of copies 55 paper types, recommended 53 specifications 211 speed 54 troubleshooting 124 crop fails 173 customer support contact 206 warranty 205, 207 D default printer, set as 32 device no response 113 not found 180 disconnected error 173 documents edit scanned 61 scan 59 double-sided prints 41, 42 E edit scan preview 61 edit scanned images 61 enlargement 127 envelopes load 28 environment Environmental product stewardship program 212 error messages out of paper 175 reading or writing file 172 F fax paper width incorrect 179 poor quality printouts 102 fax problems poor print quality 102 file invalid name 172 supported formats 173 unsupported formats 172 firmware revision mismatch 136 G glass clean 63 greeting cards, load 29 H HP JetDirect 19 HP Solution Center, missing icons 89 I images edit scanned 61 scan 59 219 Index

improper shutdown 181 ink drying time 174 low 122, 184 sprays inside HP All-in- One 124 streaks on the back of paper 110 ink cartridges HP ink depleted 183 ink levels, check 67 ink supplies purchase 81 ink, removing ink from skin and clothing 80 ink-backup mode 71 install software, troubleshoot 83 invalid file name 172 iron-on transfers 47 L labels load 29 landscape orientation 34 legal paper load 24 letter paper load 24 lid backing, clean 64 load 10 x 15 cm photo paper 26 4 x 6 inch photo paper 26 A4 paper 24 envelopes 28 full-size paper 24 greeting cards 29 index cards 27 iron-on transfers 29 labels 29 legal paper 24 letter paper 24 original 21 transparencies 29 M maintenance align print cartridges 73 check ink levels 67 clean exterior 63 clean glass 63 clean lid backing 64 clean print cartridges 74 print cartridges 65 replace print cartridges 67 self-test report 65 make a copy 53 margins incorrect 119, 127 text or graphic cut off 121 media. See paper missing information from copy 126 text from scan 132 N no scan options error 174 number of copies copy 55 O on button 10 order ink supplies 81 print cartridges 81 out of paper 175 overheads, print 47 P page order 46 paper choose 21 feed fails 111 incompatible types 23 jam 136, 179 jams 92 load 24 misfeed 179 out of 175 recommended copy types 53 recommended sizes for printing 32 recommended types 22, 23 size incorrect 179 tips 93 type incorrect 179 width incorrect 179 paper tray capacities 211 paper type 33 phone numbers, customer support 206 phone support 206 phone support period period for support 206 photo paper load 26 photos edit scanned 61 ink sprays 124 photo print cartridge 71 print borderless 38 print on photo paper 39 poor fax printout quality 102 poor printout quality 99 portrait orientation 34 posters 49 preview image, edit 61 preview print job 35 print 2 or 4 pages on 1 45 addresses 48 blank printout 122 booklet 42 borderless fails 113 borderless photos 38 both sides of page 41 cancel job 50 correct order 46 distorted printout 103 envelopes 48 envelopes print incorrectly 112 faded 106 from computer 31 from software application 31 iron-on transfers 47 labels 48 margins incorrect 119, 121 meaningless characters 116 multiple pages on one sheet 45 nothing happens 117 on photo paper 39 posters 49 preview 35 print options 32, 36 quality, troubleshoot 99, 102, 105, 108 resume job 51 reverse images 47 reversed page order 119 self-test report 65 special print jobs 37 transparencies 47 troubleshooting 112 vertical streaks 109 Web pages 49 220 Index

print carriage stalled 185 print cartridge protector 72 print cartridges align 73, 189 check ink levels 67 clean 74 clean contacts 75 clean ink nozzle area 77 damaged 191 error message 190, 191 handle 66 incorrect 190 low ink 122 low on ink 184 missing 191 non-HP ink 183 order 81 part names 66 photo print cartridge 71 previously used 183 replace 67 store 72 tips 94 print quality smeared ink 99 print settings layout 34 orientation 34 paper size 32 paper type 33 print quality 98 quality 34 reduce/enlarge 35 resizing options 35 resolution 34 speed 34 printer sharing Mac 19 Windows 19 printing with one print cartridge 71 Printing Shortcuts tab 36 problems copy 124 error messages 133 print 112 scan 129 Q quality print 34 R Readme file 83 recycle ink cartridges 213 regulatory notices 215 reinstall software 90 removing ink from skin and clothing 80 replace print cartridges 67 reports self-test 65 resolution print 34 resume print job 51 S scan blank 131 cancel 62 crop incorrect 131 documents 59 edit image 61 fails 129 features 59 halts 129 no scan options error 174 page layout incorrect 131 photos 59 preview image, edit 61 scan specifications 212 stop 62 text appears as dotted lines 132 text format incorrect 131 text incorrect 132 troubleshooting 129 scan button 11 scan glass clean 63 self-test report 65 set print options 32, 36 ship your product 209 smeared ink 99 software application, print from 31 software installation reinstall 90 troubleshoot 87 uninstall 90 speed copy 54 print 34 start copy black 11 color 11 status lights overview 12 stop copy 57 print job 50 scan 62 support process 205 system requirements 211 T T-shirt transfers. See iron-on transfers technical information copy specifications 211 paper tray capacities 211 scan specifications 212 system requirements 211 telephone numbers, customer support 206 text cut off 121 dotted lines on scan 132 incorrect format on scan 131 incorrect or missing on scan 132 jagged 111 meaningless characters 116 not filled in 102 smooth fonts 111 transparencies load 29 troubleshoot fax problems 102 hardware installation 83 print quality 99 Readme file 83 software installation 87 USB cable 85 troubleshooting copy 124 error messages 133 print 112 scan 129 two-sided prints 41, 42 Index 221 Index

U uninstall software 90 USB cable communication lost 181 USB cable installation 85 W warranty 205, 207 Web pages, print 49 222 Index