Honda C70 Manual
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/T HONDA @ Qi) cm _ MEMU .-"_'\-. ‘r"""--» .|-'—-. I .|-I- ljlqm nf lame: May, 1980 35 EIHDNDA MDTCIH £26., LTD_
FUEL 5"|"STEM Hanna. Q; -3,-I .,.- cm K » -\ *1, 0 @_;7j/I) \§=5@~j O @ I _ *-._ ==:... "--T:--. -. " -__.| . 1 -" *~_=~_";- 3|. -5-. I 'I' |-‘I I! .___? _"\-\_ )- If I /W, ; » % %%'\ \_& 4_0 no Dnlq: -:1! lmm: M;|'y'_ 1BBl,'_; ETHCINEIA MOTDFE C'O., LTD. E 0'“ % -a a
,I""‘*. Tm‘ F“-. (‘TN r"“' .1-"'\ F“ (1 /"“ F“ 4. FUEL SYSTEM SERVICE INFORMATION THDUBLESHCIUTING FLOAT END JETS FLOAT LEVEL tmneuneton nemowu THFIDTTLE vnwe DISASSEMBLY BAH B UR ETCIH ASSEMBLY 4-1 4-1 -1-2 4-2 4-3 I-4 I-5 THROTTLE VALVE ASSEMBLY UAFIBUHETDH INSTALLATION FUEL STFIAINEFI PILOT SCFIEW HIGH ALTITUDE ADJUSTMENT FUEL TENN -1-5 4-6 III--E» 4»-T 4-8 4-El SEIWIEE IIIFIIIIIIIITIIIII GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS I Use caution when working with gasoline. Always work In I will-vlmllntfld mun nrtl um? Ifl-In‘-I tpflrili DI‘ Opflrl f|il'I‘HI!- I- '|".I'h-on dlnsmmhling Iunl Ilfsllrlfl nl;||'l:_ n-mu lho loonllunu of me D-rlnqa. Fieoluoa them with new onui on rnaisefnbly. I The float howl has a drain ol-u|] that I:-an be lo-oennod to clrlirl rcslcbunl qnmlirln. TDD L Common Float ga-up $.l§§LEI§+‘l\T|D"5 - UT-I-I11-IHIIEIIEHII ‘.F§."1 __ 1§§1._- Venmrl die. 14 mm IEIL55 inl ‘hi _"=.‘fF'.'!‘lI.'F?3'il“_‘!"' N P'B-‘E211 PEIIIEC 9:- Float level 1Iil.T mm {EH2 inl ‘ii Maln iet 5-low put _ ___ IE‘ *3“ #35 -i- _ Throttle valve _ -___ _ #15 . -.|It needle Thmttla -gripfrom plw Plim mrew |n|1|.l;|l' u|:eni|1g TEA 1'26 1"—Bn1rnI‘l.l'El—‘Il'-IIIHI ‘T Seepuge-L II -I-i— TRIIIIBLESIIIIIITIIIII En-pin: uranlu but won't run 1. No fuel In tank 2. No fuel to carburetor 3. Ertgifll IICIDGHBI 'I\I'i'II"l Full] 4. No spark at olug Ilgnition m-alfunotlonl E. Air oleaner clogged B. Intake al-r hank 7'. I-m12Il'fl|Jfll‘ dtoltn opnratlon B. lrnrlropur throttle on-erntlon Hard Illrtlng II llailinq liter nuflrq 1. Improper chain operation 2. lgnilion maliunotion 3. C-arbu-retor rnalfumtlun 4. Fuel oontmuirumd 5. I|1I.BIt1& alr leak Fl. It-He speed incorrect Ftnunh HI: 1. Ignifiorn mlllunotlun 2. Idle speed innorr-not 3. Carlzurfltur rnalfunctloo 4. Funlconlirnlmrted l|'i|firin| dturlng mobliurnicn I. lqnltlnn malluncrlon Bldtllring I. lgoltlnn madfunotlon 2. Carhurntor nt-ulfuottiorl , 1. Clrnggtd alrleti "'5' |!"'“l"'""'3'I* I'H""*u“"I'I 1 Faulty float veliue I'll P""l"I|1l| l°""|"5""\" 3. Flr;-.111 value tun lugh 1- Fuel witel" M9986 4. chum mm: closed 2- |El"i|5|1" ""|"""|'=""'" 5-. Dirty air odeaner Llln milturl I. Clogged fuel iuti 2. Faulty flout value 3, Float level low -I. Fuel up vent |.1lm-.Iu:=! Er. Fuel etrainer screw.-n clogged B. Flestrlotocl fuel line 7. Intake olr leak B. Air 1-unttuhn nlomnd Rich rnhttllrl Date of Issue: May, 195] I3!-I€.lP-IIII-'5. MDTDFI GU . LTD 41 4- 11
.- —._‘_ HONDA I.--" FUE L SYSTEM BTU ~.?;E,x,.- I_ BIIIBIIHIETIIII III-II|Il]\'lll Toe ao|_Ts |.:rr' |l1e iuel ~.'al'.'e DFF. T Dr; in rg5i|;I||.:I Iunl Into a oont.a5rIer bv l
/' I-Ionrna. ~;§.:.j,»l cm If-\_ .-Ft--I I'Iarr'oI.'r~ the ncaoln alio Petr-I"-er. Fl FUEL SYSTEM TI-FFI-OTTL VAL emoue the iet needle anrl ciip. lr‘.5CE|3t the Ihnzrllle value al1r;l jel "‘IEElIIH' l1:|r rI|rl_ H"-r-ntchn-r.~ or weer. IF E II I I II ‘II-—’—_ .-.;-gt’ P- ,r"'f ll I M"-" / ' JET NEEDLE | NEEDLE our FI.IIl\'I' MID JETS FLICIAT F LCt:\T P"|I~l Remove the float |:I|ernt:ar am-I null |;;-ut the flgat pi;-|_ Fh'Imrwa the float and -‘Ioa: valve. .r"~ "JP-L lot:-aot the float vulva and 'iE‘=El1 For r|roo~aa. nicks or elepuaita. Ins-pact the float t'al'.'e ooeration. 1'-‘\ ,,_ J I. I 1+] -"I1-I ir.-" 1' ft‘-fi.I ._'1'J." . I 1' erg?" ~f- ‘ti " I '. I I‘! FI.DP1.T ‘I.-‘P-.l.".1'E Date of lsaua; Ma-v I93 . FLUPIT I D I13 _ '-EHDNDA MDTCIH L'l'U.. LTD. ‘q"E NEEDLE CIJF -__...r." £- RETAINER 4-3
FUEL evetem CTU I-Ionana. F--"=-.“~ |.L'|-'- -\-PI‘ I_ _ Remove the main jet. needle jet holder and needle jet. The stow air get eannot. be remoued- It is a ores: fit. Blow nil Iete end buoy omflflgflfi with camera-wed alr- BARBURETIIII IISSEIIIBLY Install the |'||:l:|:lI: |et_ needle jet holder and fl'lBil'I FET- Ineiitll the float and line: I-naive ta-getl'|er- NOTE r it Tel-te care not to damage the ieti when inetalling. NEEDLE JE T H-OLDEFI FLOAT 1. MAIN JET Sl.C|'\II' JET I / I NEED L E JET MAIN JET PIN 4-4 N Date of Issue" Mev, IBBCI IEHDNDA MOTOR CCL. LTD. ___ .—. .---, 1""-I '\.
I-:t:::%n.a. FU E L SYSTEM FLINT LEVEL Flemcrve the floltt tilfllniilfl Measure the float level 'n'itI'l the flan! Illa II-Lit :|;||'|tI|;.'H|1g the Iluat ualve_ FLOAT LEVEL: 10.1‘ rnrn Ilhti lnl flgplglx the fleet, if lhe Iloat Laval Ia not wifltirl lpEGII‘Il'.'.B1II0l'I. TIIRIITTLE HUIE ISSEIIBLY Install the olilp on the jet neelrie. lnmlll the lot nlmlla lnm the throttle valve and demo It vvlth the rl-eedl-a clip FI'lIiIi"lIl’. NOTE i the throttle valve bottom. FLOAT LEVEL III '?n'll'l‘l I042 Inl Cl?-ll-CI1 DUIMIIIIIII Install 1-he huadl: ellp retalnul to lt mt: an I I E‘:ol-npresi the 1:I'lrot:tIa vellra-toting and lnltall the l:lll'.|Ie lnta the valve. NEEDLE CLIP Date of lame: May, IEIBIJ _ _ !E'HONOA MOTOFI C11. LTD.
1-Iotstna. FUEL evetem BTU 1, - '-_ _- Illllfili lI'|u 1|1rr!l|[I|: valve with 1Ifll! lttr-::|t||ef: ‘rnlvtt oroove all-;|ne-cl wittl the tllrottle stop so-revv. IIIIIPIBIIIIETIIII IIISTIILUITIIIII The lrateiletion sequence ls essantlallv the reverse of rel-noual. I‘-IOTE lo __ "\'ii’*Bfl -Itfitnli-rlg the throttle l|'IIve_ QIFHT-l the li'lr'nItl: valve l}I'|I|O't'E' with the throttle $!||:|p- I|CI'LI'|I‘| . - Cramp the 1-.l-I-ollre oe-ble and on the ca ble clamp, Perform the lullmvlrlg Ihepnfllldfls and arlgualrneltu. - Throttle operation ll:-age 3-3| ' E&rI':|.lre'lr:lr |:hltI-te 3--‘III CHOKE CABLE I ' Carburetor Idle soeed -loaqll I3 IIJI FIIEI. STRMIIEII Turn the Iuel valve OFF. Dlalrl the l;iIl‘L'l.IfI-“IIDT hv lrloetrnlng the rirelrl sl:re\v- Hemove the fuel value, O-ring erltl seralnar. Clean the strainer Install Ihr: olmlrver, If]-rirllg Illl Iu|:I valve. THFIOTTLE 'u'.\!IlI.‘u'E T OI-IO-O'v'E THFIOTTL E STOP SC HEW Cl-H I‘-IE FUEL STFIAINEFI 4_6 as Date of Issuer Mav. IHEIU l'l5.l PIUNDA IJIOTOI-ICO., LTD. o-., .-"I-. _,.|-|_
|I"lI-t r-L Ir I’-‘~. F“ F“ F‘ r-. f"‘~. F‘ |,.v""_ . 1"“- I-IcE%na. F Ll E L SYSTEM Fll.ll'l' SCREW HEMUVALi'lN5TALLATlDN NOTE The |J=i|DT ecnuw ls lento": on W1 ="r-F fl1fl'Hlfl not lg rqrnmlud unrest the oathurttflf ll UNIT- _ hau lod- _ L Remove the carburetor. Remove the flout chamber- Torn the pilot screw in ind lawfully mount the numkpr -;tl turn! hniluré it wea'r_s1ight1~,~. Hal-to i nut: nf this l|.'| ul-E -11- 1 relererioe when installing the pilot 5|:-raw. CAUTION: Darnoge to the pillor screw and roorwlllooetor I if the pillar :‘:'NW ts rlglarmed mrbut the marl. Hemflvfl i|‘|E lilil-U1 screw \n'lt|'| the lin1:t1|r mp it- inched- C.»\'\UTlU'N: I Any fomgole ortnmtlr Jo remote the p1'l=r.|I | """"" “""""" "P “ii i”T“"i‘Fi‘.@‘i*.3“""“"" Inspect thl pilot Ioruw for -I-lint and rnplflne ll neoessarv. In-rtall tho pilot sum Ind return it to It-1 origlnn-I potltlon u noted nlutlng re-rn-oval. Purfonn pilots-or-aw edluttrnlntif anuw pilot |I:rl=‘w limstallecl. HDTE DD HUI il'|!-‘till El iimitpr i;p|;| un | |1q-w pllut Htruw until aftlr idiustmont ha: been mid: lie-a helowl. ADJUSTMENT NQKTE . 'i=l'|o nilot new it hiztorv pro-sol and no 5d|u5‘|;|'r||nl is nEtEl5Bl"|' unlos the pilot scruw I: replaced, Tum the pilot suew olooltwise until it teat; llghtlv and hick it uul to the specification given. Thin I: in Initial setting prior to Th: llnai pilot screw ndiuw mont- l|\IlTl.|l|.L DFENING: ‘IBGD — I turns out ‘EH31 — 2 ‘H2 turn! out if the pilot screw is riekrencki opmlnir N41‘ mt. C|fl|.'i:lTiONI _ __ __ |%['!flr;q;;|§\; ml H31," p|'I|'_rt .\1",|'£l|\* flifl MEI ‘l-\-‘I11. O\£'£1l!‘—‘ Warm the |:ng.|.l‘1E up to operafino lnmperflmtil. Stop and go riding for IEI minute: ii s1|llicHirl-T- Connect u to|:-'l1I:|n'|I=tI=r- .I'4.|:Iiult 1he IIIHE speed with the lhlottle flop www- IULE SPEED: 1,5!!!‘ iflflrpm Tom the pilot arxew |n or out to obtain the hiuhflll nnglne =pn-url Ha-adjust the '~|;ll|::pBEI1 to 1,511! i HID r|.-rm, uemg the tltrottle stop -so-rew. PILDT SCFIEW WITH LIMITEH CAP FLOAT Cl-{AME E H Doteof issue: Mn, THBD IEHOI“-IDA MDTUR El.'l.. LTD-
HONDA [/ FUEL svstem fl]l[| /»' -~. LiMiTEH CAP l|"~iSTfl\Li_o'J\TiUN if the |J-iiflt sore-at ii&5 beeit li:|'_|lei:ir:d_ 3 new limiter -BB1‘-‘I rI1~=ll |-1|r installed utter pliot screw soiluetment it completed- After atliustmerit, tzment lhrr limiter eeo over the Diiu-I !n’:tr:w. using LDGTITE FEI #501 or equiunlent. The limiter |:=ep shouitl Lt: pinned isgeirm 51;; 5t|;|p, ore».-enring further udiuetment that would e-nrioi-i mi: fuel mi rtture ilimiter mp position pqri-him |;I|J{;ii;wi55 rt-I1-Btl~::n mti prevents counterclockwise rotetionl. MUTE ' A pilol strew iimiier cep Inuit be installed. It J i prevents misseilustment that eoulti |:lLl5e pour , peiforrmnci: Bod |rlttrt:t|H: emissions. HIGH .\i.'i'iTl.|l]E IiI1iliSTllEliT For suetsined high altitude operation [above 2,000 I‘I'|."E.5lIi i'I|' lmtn-ll s I535 main let an-r.i reridiuttlsiie speed. RHH-flu‘! the fllrifiiunetiir irtaln the Iinqme sntl rrrni-eve the flout I;i1smi:|er- Fliepisce the standard tnsin int with the high B11i’rlJEiB #35 rnsin ist. Assemble tH‘|lLi imtsii the oar iJLlr!trJt. -'\I:i,|l-1:! Idle spurt 1|! 1.500 1 IUD rpm, Lrtinp the throttle itoo screw CAi..i_TiC_il'Nr ' Stilt-rn'irrcti' anterior: or eir1!r.w.fe.i' in-war rim: T-55!?‘ HI |'-i.Ut?i'-' fh v-iltil riir Irtgii erl't‘|'i‘rm‘e mil-bi In .I'rt.'i'i‘.-r-li5rtri' me'_v reuse elrgirie ¢.|ver.||.rer- rieg om! oiermrge, For .-ru-rr.e.|'r1eo‘ r:-_|-,\er¢m'|;i-,1-,1 below I .56'i.1 m |'.?.rh'J-‘.1 _i"r_.l_ roiettofl rim !'I.e'.re:l'- ertl win fr: strrd nsro',|iu'ir mu»: speed. i smneaie High i=|mue= t'|'DtI . 3 MO rn 1.500 rn (5,000 tri~ i i6.5Elfl ftil max. min. Main iet man. .u-en #35 ' 1981- was ilctl:-toned 1.5001 l0ETr1=rn -e he ..=...;;.' ' - iupening Faittuqg pt:-not oi -_ _- i 4-B Lli'|iITEFl: CAP J Date of imm: H-iv. ‘I990 fiH[IlT\ilIiA MDTDH G-‘DH LTD. -|—._ ET ..-_