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Honda Bmw 5 Service Manual

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Page 371

Battery, Starter, ~iternatorl 
The battery  is mounted in  the right side of the  luggage  com- 
partment,  concealed behind  a trim panel.  Battery capacity is 
determined  by the  amount  of current  needed  to start the vehi- 
cle  and  by the amount of  current consumed by the electrical 
system.  This will vary  from model to model. 
BMW  batteries are rated  by 
amperelhours (Ah) and cold 
cranking amps (CCA) rating, which  are listed on the battery. 
The  Ah rating is  determined  by the  average...

Page 372

Battery, Starter, Alternator 
Table b. Specific gravity  of battery electrolyte  at 27°C (80°F) 
Specific gravity  State of charge 
1.265  Fully charged 
1.225  75% charged 
1.190  50% charged 
1.155  25% charged 
1.120 Fully discharged 
if  the  specific gravity is  at 
orabove 1.225, butthe battery lacks 
Dower  for 
startinq, determine  the battews service condition 
with a load volta& test. if the  average specific gravity  of the 
six  cells  is below  1.225,  remove  the battery  from the...

Page 373

Battery, Starter, ~lternatorl 
Always wear protective goggles  and clothing  when perform- 
ing  a load  test. 
d. Battery load test - minimum  voltage 
Ambient  temperature  Voltage* 
 C (80  F)  9.6 V 
-I 8 C (0 
F)  8.5 V 
* Measure 
after applying  a 200  amp  load for 15 seconds. 
Closed-circuit current measurement 
If the  vehicle battery  is discharged for  an unknown reason, 
perform a closed-circuit current measurement as the first test. 
For  diagnostic purposes,  it is...

Page 374

/Battery, Starter, Alternator 
Automatic transmission cars: ambershifier LED willgo out at 
consumer  cut-off. 
4 Attach closed-circuit current  measurement adaptor 
(BMW  special  tool 
61 2 300): 
Connect  red clamp  (marked A -BATT (+)) to positive  bat- 
tery  terminal. 
black clamp (marked B -CHASSIS)  to chassis 
ground point. 
Green LED will light  up to indicate correct installation  of 
closed-circuit current measurement 
< Connect blaclc clamp (marked B...

Page 375

Battery, Starter, ~lternatorl 
Battery charging 
Discharged batteries  can be recharged using a batterycharg- 
er.  Remove  the battery from  the trunk during charging. 
Prolonged charging  causes  electrolyte evaporation  to a level 
that  can damage  the battery.  It is  best  to use a low-current 
(6 amperes  or less)  to prevent battery damage 
caused  by overheating. 
Hydrogen  gas given  off by the battery during charging  is ex- 
plosive.  Do not smoke. 
Keep open...

Page 376

I Battery, Starter, Alternator 
- Strip approximately 15 rnm (0.6 in) of insulation  from cable 
terminal harness 
Shrink insulation 
Terminal  connector 
4 Push terminal connector  of new  cable  over stripped end  of 
old  cable.  Tighten  clamp. 
- Slip shrink-fit insulation  over positive cable. Attach  new safe- 
ty  harness  to end  of positive  cable. Shrink insulation with  hot 
air  blower. 
- Reinstall cable  in cable  bracket  and attach  to battery. 
- Reattach  negative...

Page 377

Battery, Starter, ~lternatorl 
Alternator 1997 - 98 5281 1997 540i 
/-- -----, 
F15 / 7.5A/ : 
&.. .... , 30 1 Xi0015 
Hol in run 61 E (D+) Alternator 
and stsrt 
1 .--------,charge , . I , indicator I xGoli i 

Page 378

Battery, Starter, Alternator 
Water-cooled alternator 
The water-cooled alternator, used on 1999 and later M62 TU 
engines,  is a sealed  unit housed inside the  engine block wa- 
ter  jacket.  It  is cooled via the engine cooling  system. It is a 
brushless sealed  unit that cannot  be serviced.  Maintaining 
consistent alternator temperatures increases the life  span of 
the  alternator,  and elimination  of the  alternator  cooling fan re- 
duces alternator noise 
The M62 TU...

Page 379

Battery, Starter, ~lternatorl 
Charging system quick-check 
Use a digital multimeter to measure voltage across  the bat- 
tery terminals with key  off and  then again with engine running. 
Battery voltage  should be about 12.6 volts with key  off and be- 
tween  13.5 and 14.5 volts with engine running. 
The regulated  voltage (engine running) should be between 
13.2 and 14.5, depending on  temperature andoperating  con- 
If the  voltage  is higher  than 14.8, the voltage regula- 

Page 380

- - 
/Battery, Starter,  Alternator -- - -. - --I 
< Check for battery  voltage  at alternator  terminal 30 (B+) (ar- 
Pull back rubber insulating cover  at terminal 30 at rear of 
Connect  voltmeter  between  terminal 30 and ground  and 
check  for battery voltage. 
If voltage  is not present, check 
wiring  for faults. 
On V-8 engines,  access to the  rear  of the alternator  is limited. 
Check for  battery voltage  between  the jump start  post on the 
left cylinder  head...
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