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Honda Bmw 5 Service Manual

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Page 421

Fuel Injection 
- Installation is reverse  of removal: 
Use  new copper sealing  washers when installing sensor. 
Replace  any lost coolant. 
Tightening  torque 
Temperature sensor  to cylinder  head 
13 Nm (10 ft-lb) 
Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor, 
testing  and replacing 
4 The intake  airtemperature  (IAT) sensor,  located at the top of 
I the intake manifold, adapts (fine tunes) the fuel  mixture and i 
T engine timing based on varying intake air temperatures. 
i If the intaite air temperature...

Page 422

Fuel Injection 
4 Remove electrical harness connector  (arrow) from IAT sen- 
Be  sure  the ignition  switch is in  the  off position  before repiac- 
ins the intake temperature  sensor. 
- Depress loclting clip on side of temperature  sensor and pull 
straight  out of intake  manifold. 
- Installation is  reverse of removal 
- Use a  new sealing O-ring  at base  of sensor  and lubricate with 
assembly  lubricant for 
ease of installation 
MS 42.0 throttle  valve assembly,  replacing 

Page 423

Fuel lniection I 
4 Remove  complete  air filter  housing: 
Disconnect electrical  harness connector  on mass air flow 
Disconnect vacuum  line at intake boot (B). 
Loosen Intake air duct clamp (C). 
Remove filter housing mounting screws 
Disconnect air  duct and 
lift complete  air filter  housing  and 
MAF sensor out of engine compartment,  pulling  it forward 
away  from throttle  housing. 
- Pull throttle  cable upwards  out of rubber retainer  and unhoolc 
ball  end  of cable from...

Page 424

/Fuel Injection 
4 Remove dipstick guide tube: 
Disconnect wiring  harness brackets  from tube (A). 
Unclip  fuel lines from dipstick  tube 
Remove lower guide tube  mounting  bolt (C). Pull out dip- 
stick  guide  tube. 
< If necessary, disconnect electrical  harness connector  at fuel 
tank venting  valve (A). Disconnect hose  at quick disconnect 
fitting  (arrow). 
Working  at throttle  housing, turn harness  plug counterclock- 
wise  and disconnect.  Remove  throttle assembly  mounting...

Page 425

Fuel Injection 
MS 43.0 throttle valve assembly,  replacing 
The electronic throttle valve assembly forthe MS43.0 system 
is referred to  as 
EDK (electronic throttle valve). There  is no 
mechanical (cable)  link between  the accelerator pedal and 
the throttle plate. 
< The accelerator pedal module (PWG) at  the pedal  assembly 
communicates  the pedal position directly to the  ECM. The 
module provides two  variable voltage signals (via  two Hail 
sensors)  to the  ECM for  pedal position  and rate...

Page 426

[~uel Injection 
4 Remove nuts and bolts (arrows) retaining wiring  harness to 
throttle  housing. 
- Working  at throttle  housing, turn  harness plug countercloclc 
wise  and remove. 
4 Working  at side of intake manifold, disconnect electrical bar- 
ness connectors: 
Idle control  valve (A) 
Intake manifold resonance  valve (B) 
- Disconnect electrical  harness connectors  at oil pressure 
sender  and oil temperature  sender  at base  of oil filter hous- 
4 Remove  dipstick  guide tube:...

Page 427

Fuel Injection 1 
4 If necessary, disconnect electrical harness connector  at fuel 
tank venting valve (A). Disconnect hose  at quick disconnect 
< Worlting  at throttle  housing, turn harness  plug counterclock- 
wise  and disconnect.  Remove throttle assembly mounting 
(arrows) and  pull assembly  off manifold. 
- Installation is reverse  of removal. 
0 Replace  sealing ring between throttle assembly and intake 
Reattach throttle  assembly harness connector...

Page 428

Fuel Injection 
Throttle cable, adjusting 
(MS 42.0) 
The throttle assembly  on MS 42.0 cars uses a throttle cable. 
The  cable  should be  adjusted any  time it is  disconnected or 
replaced.  This procedure  requires the factory  scan tool or an 
equivalent  to read  and adjust throttle angle.  It is  recommend- 
ed  the procedure  be done  by an  authorized 
BMW dealer ser- 
vice  department 
Basic  adjustment: 
Ensure that at  idle (accelerator  pedal in rest position) throt- 
tle  cable...

Page 429

. . 
Fuel Injection 
Check resistance  of valve  across  valve terminals 
Idle speed  control  valve coil resistance 
1 and 2 20 i2.0. 
Terminals 2 and 3 20 i2.0. 
Terminals 1 and 3 40  i4.0. 
Be  sure ignition  is OFFbefore disconnecting or  reconnecting 
DME system components. 
- To remove valve, remove cable bracket  mounting bolt and 
idle  speed control  valve mounting bracket bolts from front  of 
throttle  housing  and remove idle  speed control  valve with at- 

Page 430

Fuel Injection 
Engine control module (ECM), 
removing and installing 
The ECM  uses stored  functions and processing  programs to 
process  the input signals from the sensors.  These input sig- 
nals are  used to calculate the  control (output)  signals to the 
(e.g., ignition  coils, injectors). 
Consult  an authorized  BMW dealer before replacing  the 
- Disconnect negative (-) battery cable.  Wait approximately 
one minute. 
Prior to disconnecting  the...
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