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Hitachi Sj7002 Owners Manual

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Page 91

“D” Group: Monitoring Functions
Configuring Drive Parameters
Trip Event and 
Error MonitoringThe trip event and history monito ring feature lets you cycle through related information using 
the keypad. See  “
Monitoring Trip Events, History, & Conditions” on page 6–5 for more details.
Programming errors generate an error code that  begins with the special   character. See 
Programming Error Codes” on page 3–75 for more information.
Func. CodeNameDescriptionUnits
D080Trip Counter Number...

Page 92

SJ7002 Inverter
Configuring Drive Parameters
“F” Group: Main Profile Parameters
The basic frequency (speed) profile is 
defined by parameters  contained in the 
“F” Group as shown to the right. The 
output frequency is se t in Hz, but accel-
eration and deceleration are specified 
seconds (the time to ramp from zero to 
maximum frequency, or from maximum 
frequency to zero). The motor direction 
parameter determines whether the 
keypad Run key produces a FW or RV 
command. This parameter does not...

Page 93

“A” Group: Standard Functions
Configuring Drive Parameters
“A” Group: Standard Functions
Basic Parameter 
SettingsThese settings affect the most fundamental behavi or of the inverter—the outputs to the motor. 
The frequency of the inverter’s AC output determines the motor speed. You may select from 
three different sources for the reference speed.  During application development you may prefer 
using the potentiometer, but you may switch to an  external source (control terminal setting) in 

Page 94

SJ7002 Inverter
Configuring Drive Parameters
NOTE: Intelligent terminals [OPE] (option code 31)  or [F-TM] (option code 51) can override 
settings A001 and A002 when ei ther terminal is ON and the operation commands for that 
terminal is enabled.
NOTE: When using a remote operator (SRW) to ope rate the inverter, the REMT (remote) key 
allows you to enter the frequency setting and operation commands remotely.
NOTE: When the DeviceNet option board (SJ-DN) is installed, you may keep the A002 

Page 95

“A” Group: Standard Functions
Configuring Drive Parameters
Adjusting [OI–L] characteristics  – In 
the graph to the right, A103 and A104 
select the active portion of the input 
current range. Parameters A101 and A102 
select the start and end frequency of the 
converted output frequency range, respec-
tively. Together, these four parameters 
define the major line segment as shown. 
When the line does not begin at the origin 
(A101 and A103 > 0), then A105 defines 
whether the inverter outputs 0Hz...

Page 96

SJ7002 Inverter
Configuring Drive Parameters
Multi-speed and 
Jog Frequency 
SettingsThe SJ7002 inverter has the capability to store and  output up to 16 preset frequencies to the 
motor (A020 to A035). As in traditional motion terminology, we call this  multi-speed profile 
capability. These preset frequencies are selected by means of digital inputs to the inverter. The 
inverter applies the current ac celeration or deceleration settin g to change from the current 
output frequency to the new one....

Page 97

“A” Group: Standard Functions
Configuring Drive Parameters
Torque Control 
AlgorithmsThe inverter generates the motor output 
according to the V/f algorithm or the 
sensorless vector control algorithm. Param-
eter A044 selects the inverter torque control 
algorithm for generating the frequency 
output, as shown in the diagram to the right 
(A244 and A344 for 2nd and 3rd motors, 
respectively). The factory default is 00 
(constant torque V/f control).
Review the following descriptions to help 

Page 98

SJ7002 Inverter
Configuring Drive Parameters
Constant and Variable Torque –  The graph below (left) shows the constant torque character-
istic from 0Hz to the base frequency A003. The vo ltage remains constant for output frequencies 
higher than the base frequency.
The graph above (right) shows the general characte ristic for variable torque. The curve may be 
best described in thre e sections, as follows:
a. The range from 0Hz to 10% of the base freque ncy is the constant torque characteristic....

Page 99

“A” Group: Standard Functions
Configuring Drive Parameters
V/f Free-setting –  The free-setting V/f inverter mode of  operation uses voltage and frequency 
parameter pairs to define seven points on a V/ f graph. This provides a way to define a multi-
segment V/f curve that be st suits your application.
The frequency settings do require that 
F1  ≤ F2  ≤ F3  ≤ F4  ≤ F5  ≤ F6  ≤ F7; their 
values must have this ascending order 
relationship. However, the voltages V1 
to V7 may either increase or...

Page 100

SJ7002 Inverter
Configuring Drive Parameters
Vector Control with Encoder Feedback –  This method of torque control uses an encoder as a 
motor shaft position sensor. Accurate position feed back allows the inverter to close the velocity 
loop and provide very accurate speed control, even with variations in motor loads. To use 
encoder feedback you will need to add an SJ –FB Encoder Feedback Card in the inverter’s 
expansion bay. Please refer to “
Expansion Cards” on page 5–5 in this manual or the...
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