Comdial Digital Telephone System Programming Manual
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System RecordsIMI66-0947.3 System Proqamming- Feature Idubiting: Do Not Disturb Inhibit-System Wide Default = Inhibit Enable EnableDisable -48-

IMZ66-094System Programming 7.4Specialized Route Access (SRA) Records ‘Area Code Table Codee Gxwp 1234 Default = Line group I assigned to all codes

SystemProgmmmingIiUZ66094 Specialized Route Access (SRA) Records-continued .Special Area Code Table 2 Area Code Office CodSLine Group1 I21314 Default = Line group 1 assigned to all codes -SO-

IMZ66-094System Programming Specialized Route Access (SRA) Record--continued Line Group Insert Digits1 I21314 1516. Default = None2 sec. I3 Sec. I 4 Sec. Default = 4 seconds -51-

Line Records Model Line PortBlock Programming Start Lie PortEnd Line PortI -52-

IMI66-094Station Records 7.6 Station Configuration (Use this sheet as an individual station record or as a record for a block of like-progmedstations. You can make copies of this blank sheet as needed to meet the system capacity)

A”: -A3 -- 2: -- E- - ;; -A3 -A4 -- 2: -A7 - Station Button Mapping Record(Complete one record sheet for each station. Copy this blank record sheet as required for additional stations.) A0 A9 A10 &-l-I,,u-l-OOFAll Al2 Al3 Al4 85 86 ii; Bl 82 03 04 El 82 83 B4 q LCD Speakerphone PORT NUMBER INTERCOM NUMBER STATION NAME STATION LOCATION TELEPHONETYPE MODEL BUTTONDESCRIPTIONBLK . . . . Blank Inn . . . . Lines 1 - 24 Snn . . . .Stations 10 . 57DND . . . .Do Not DisturbPRI . . . . PrivacyIC2 . . . .Second IntercomACC . . . .Account CodeSAV . . . . Save ZPn . . . . Zone Page 1 - 3 AC . . . .All-Call PageACB . . . .Automatic Call BackCF a...Call ForwardCPn . . . .Call Park Orbli 1 - 9TGn . . . .Llne Group 1 - 4VAB . . . . Voice Announce Block( TGQ . .. . Line Group Queue 0 Speakerphone 0 Monitor .Telephone BUTTON ASSIGNMENT CHART cAJSO20B9 BlO DEFAULTSETrINGS:81-810=Line1-he IO, and Al= =23, A2 21, A3=19,A4 17, A6= =15, A6=13,A7 = 11,A6 =24,A9 = 22, A10 =20, All = 16, Al2=16,Al3 = 14, Al4= 12

Station Button r,.-.&ping Record(Complete one record sheet for each station. Copy this blank record sheet as required for additional stations.) PORT NUMBER INTERCOM NUMBER 2 A10All Al2 Al3 Al4 BUllON TQQ . . . .Ltne Group Queue DESCRIPTIONBLK . . . . Blank Lrln . . . .Lines 1 - 24Snn . . . .StatIons 10 - 57 DND . . . .Dd Not DisturbPRI . .. . PrhracyIC2 * . . .Second IntercomACC . . . .Account codeSAV . . . . SaveZPrl . . . . Zone Page 1 - 3 AC ..,aAll-Call PageACB . . . .Aubmatk Call BackCF . . . .Call Forwardml *.*.Call Park OfbIt I - 9TQn . . . .Line Group 1 - 4VAB . . . .volfx Announce Blodl :: 93 JIIA4 1 A5 1 A6 I-. A9All I B A10w8q LCD SpeakerphoneAl2 1 I? z A8 l-l-t=JE t: iiiAll i:Al2 Al3 Al4 A7 82 93B7 I cAJsl21Bs 1 IIDEFAULTSmINQS:M-B6 =Line1 -Lhw 6, and Al= 21, A2=19,A3 = 17, A4 =15, A5 = 13,A6=A7 = 9,A3 =22,A9 = 20, A10= 19, Ali11,=16,Al2 = 14, Al3= 12, Al4 =10 9 0 Speakerphone0 Monitor Telephone

Stution RecordsIMI66-094 Station Configuration Records- continued - ................................g:...................I........_ -Xi-

Station Button IL _ ,.hg Record (Complete one record sheet for each station. Copy this blank record sheet as required for additional stations.) I LO1 LO5L16 L17 LO6L18 LO7Ll9LO8L20 LO9 L21 LlO L22Lll L23 L12 L24 PORT NUMBER8 INTERCOM NUMBER STATION NAME STATION LOCATION TELEPHONETYPE MODEL BUTTONDESCRIPTIONBLK . . . . Blank tJln . ..*Lines 1 - 24Srm . . . .Statlons 10 - 57 DND . . . .Do Not DlslutiPRI . . . . PtiacyIG? . . . .Second IntercomACC . . . .Accourlt code SAV . . . . Save ZPn . . . . zone Page 1 - 3 AC a...A&Call PageACB . . . .Automatic Call BackCF . . . .Call ForwardCPn . . . .Call Park OrbR 1 - 9TGn . . . .Line Group 1 - 4VAB . . . . voke Annolmoe BlockTW . .. . Line Group Queue CAJ6016 BUTTON ASSIGNMENT CHART DSUIMPACTPROGRAMMED EQUIV. BU-ITON’ASSIGNMENT Al LO1 A2LO2 A3LO3 A4LO4 q 24-Line LCD Speakerphone LO4 LO5 LO6 LO7 LO8 LO9 LlO LllL12 L18 L19 L20 L21 L22 L23 I 34 q 24-Line SpeakerphoneA10 1 LlOAil 1 LllAl2 1 iii I -y-g--j BlOL16 BlL17 82 1 L16I 87 I23 86 I24I I I ‘DEFAULTLl-L24 = LINE 1 - LINE 24 I