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Christie Projector Mirage WU-L User Manual

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Section 3: Operation
Mirage WU-L User Manual3-33020-100774-01 Rev. 2 (4-2012)
• Baud Rate
Determines the speed of communication to and from the projector on the RS-232 or RS-422 links. The 
maximum rate for the RS-232 is 115200; for RS-422 it is 19200. Set the baud rate to match that of your 
controlling device, such as your PC. See the documentation for the controlling device to determine the baud 
rate. In an existing network of projectors, if you discover that a projector has a different baud rate,...

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3-34Mirage WU-L User Manual020-100774-01 Rev. 2 (4-2012)
Section 3: Operation
Ethernet Settings
Access: Main Menu > Configuration > Communication > Ethernet Settings.
NOTE: Recommended for Network Administrators only.
• IP Address
Enter a valid and unique IP address for use on the 
network to which the projector is currently connected. 
This address will overwrite any previous IP address 
such as the projector factory-defined default. It takes 
approximately 10 seconds for the projector to respond 

Page 73

Section 3: Operation
Mirage WU-L User Manual3-35020-100774-01 Rev. 2 (4-2012)
Geometry & Color
From the Configuration menu, select the Geometry & Color 
submenu when you need to modify overall color performance 
and/or image geometry for all sources.
• Test Pattern 
Choose the desired internal test pattern, or select OFF to turn 
off a test pattern. Alternatively, use the 
TEST key for cycling 
through test patterns. 
• Geometry Correction
Keystoning is typically caused by tilting the projector in...

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3-36Mirage WU-L User Manual020-100774-01 Rev. 2 (4-2012)
Section 3: Operation
• 2D Keystone Cursor Offsets
Use these settings to move the cursor in from the corner 
point when a projector is overshooting and the cursors 
for adjustment are not visible. Move the cursors in from 
the corners and make the keystone adjustments in the 
normal way.
Adjusting an Image for Keystone Distortion
1. Enable keystone adjustments by selecting 
Keystone from the Geometry Correction drop-
down list.
NOTE: This will...

Page 75

Section 3: Operation
Mirage WU-L User Manual3-37020-100774-01 Rev. 2 (4-2012)
The Func+Help key combination will immediately disable the Keystone, Brightness Uniformity, Edge 
Blending and Black Level Blending features. This is helpful when, in some extreme keystone configurations, 
some image corruption may appear and/or the menus may not be readable. Although Func + Help
these features, it will not overwrite their settings. If keystone is simply enabled again, the same image 
corruption may...

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3-38Mirage WU-L User Manual020-100774-01 Rev. 2 (4-2012)
Section 3: Operation
IMPORTANT: Read through the entire procedure before attempting to adjust the brightness 
uniformity controls. 
Adjust Brightness Uniformity
1. Adjust the primary colors as described in Adjust Projected White and Primary Colors for the Array on 
page 3-56 procedure, before attempting to work with brightness uniformity. This ensures that primary 
colors, color temperature, and maximized light output are all well matched from one...

Page 77

Section 3: Operation
Mirage WU-L User Manual3-39020-100774-01 Rev. 2 (4-2012)
The Show Blending Overlap control enables or disables edge blending 
overlap. When enabled, this will make the size of the Edge Blending regions 
obvious. This control should only be used during setup.
For information about advanced blending of complex configurations, for 
example with spherical screens, see the TWIST User Manual (020-100143-xx).
In simple terms, a blend appears as a gradient strip along an edge of a projected...

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3-40Mirage WU-L User Manual020-100774-01 Rev. 2 (4-2012)
Section 3: Operation
Show Blending Overlap 
Turns your defined blend width area to solid gray so that, if needed, simply overlapping the gray bars can 
seamlessly align 2 adjacent images. Clear the Show Blending Overlap check box to reactivate the blend 
Other Functions
For convenience, the Edge Blending submenu also includes related options for enabling a test pattern. Such 
functions duplicate those provided elsewhere in the menu...

Page 79

Section 3: Operation
Mirage WU-L User Manual3-41020-100774-01 Rev. 2 (4-2012)
5. Re-adjust width (both projectors) until the overly bright band at the midpoint of the overlapping blends 
disappears or just changes to very light gray. For the shared edge, use the same Blend Width setting on 
each projector. 
NOTE: If the best blend appears to be between 2 settings, choose the wider setting for both projectors.
6. Check the blend and adjust as required: 
• To lighten the overall blend, increase the Blend...

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3-42Mirage WU-L User Manual020-100774-01 Rev. 2 (4-2012)
Section 3: Operation
1. Start with 2 projectors. Select the black test pattern for both projectors from the Geometry & Color 
2. In the Black Level Blending submenu, enable black blending.
3. Set the blend width.
4. Working with one projector at a time, use the center brightness slidebar to adjust the center brightnesss 
(brightness of the non-blended region) so that the center intensity matches that of the brightest blended 
region (the...
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