Canon printer Color imageCLASS MF8380Cdw User Manual
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3-1 Ch\fpter 3 Copying This chapter descri\fes how to use the copy functions. B\fsic Copy Oper\ftions 3-2 Checking and Canceling Co\by Jobs 3-3 Canceling a co\by job using [] (Sto\b) 3-3 Checking and canceling a\I co\by job using [] (Status Monitor/Cancel) 3-3 Copy Settings 3-4 Combination of Co\by Settings 3-\f Selecting Co\by Pa\bers 3-\f Adjusting the Density 3-5 Selecting the Document Ty\be 3-6 2-Sided Co\bying (MF8380Cdw Only) 3-7 Enlarging/Reducing Co\bies 3-8 Co\bying Multi\ble Documents onto One Sheet (N on \I1) 3-8 Collating Co\bies 3-9 Erasing Dark Borders or Frame Lines (Frame Erase) 3-9 Em\bhasizing the Out\Iline of an Image (Shar\bness) 3-9 Copying \fn ID C\frd 3-10 Copying by S\fving P\fper 3-11 Registering \fnd Using Combin\ftion of Copy Settings (Mode Memory) 3-12 Registering Mode Memory 3-12 Deleting Mode Memory 3-12 Calling and Co\bying Mode Memory 3-13 Ch\fnging the Def\fult Settings 3-14 Viewing Copy Settings 3-14

3-2 Copying This section descri\fes the \fasic procedure for copying. 1 Pl\fce your document. “Placing Documents” (→P.2-\f) “Su\b\borted Document Ty\bes” (→P.2-2) * U\b to 50 documents can b\Ie loaded into the feeder. 2 Press []. 3 Specify the copy settings \fs neede\Fd. You can s\becify u\b to 9 items. (for details, see P.3-\f to P.3-9.) Pa\ber select Density Document Ty\be 2-Sided Enlarging/Reducing N on 1 Collating Frame erase Shar\bness NOTE Copy Settings • When you combine multi\ble s\Iettings for use, see “Combination of Co\by Settings” (→P.3-\f). • The settings s\becifi\Ied here are effective only for the current o\beration. To make the settings eff\Iective for all the co\by o\berations, see “Changing the Default Settings” (→P.3-1\f). • Register your frequently used settin\Igs into the Mode Memory. It is useful. See “Registering and Using Combination of Co\by Settings (Mode Memory)” (→P.3-12). 4 \bnter the copy qu\fntity (1 to 99) using numeric keys. * Press [] (Clear) to cancel the entered quantity. Basic Copy Operations 5 Press [] (Color) or [] (B & W). For color co\by, \bress [] (Color). For black and white co\by, \bress [ ] (B & W ).

3-3 Copying Checking and Canceling Copy Jobs Check the details of copy jo\fs. Cancel copy jo\fs that you decide not to perform while the jo\fs are processing. NOTE When the processing/Data indicator on the operation panel is: Turned on/\flinkingA jo\f is currently processing. Turned off No jo\fs are waiting in memory. Canceling a copy job using [] (Stop) 1 Press [] (Stop). * Press [] (Sto\b) twice to cancel the job wh\Ien the machine holds one job only. 2 Select the job th\ft you w\fnt to c\fncel when more th\fn one job is processing using [ ] or [] \fnd press [OK]. 3 Select using [] or [] when \fppe\frs \fnd press [OK]. Or, \bress [] (Sto\b) to cancel the job. The job is canceled. Cancel? Details * Select using [] or [] to check the details\I of the job that you want to cancel and \bress [OK]. Checking and canceling a copy job using [] (Status Monitor/Cancel) 1 Press [] (St\ftus Monitor/C\fncel). 2 Select using [] or [] \fnd press [OK]. Status Monitor/Cancel Device Status Copy/Print Job TX Job RX Job 3 Select using [] or [] \fnd press [OK]. Copy/Print Job Job Status Copy Job History Print Job History 4 Select \f job using [] or [] \fnd press [OK]. The details of the s\Ielected job are dis\blayed. Details Job Number: 0001 Status: Copying Time: 01/01 12:52AM To cancel the job (1) Select using [ ] or [] and \bress [OK]. Details Job Number: 0001 Status: Copying Time: 01/01 12:52AM (2) Select using [] and \bress [OK]. The job is canceled. Cancel? No Yes (3) Press [] (Status Monitor/Cancel) to close the screen. To only check the d\Retails of the sele\Rcted job Press [ ] (Status Monitor/Cancel) after you have checked the details of the sele\Icted job to close the screen.

3-4 Copying Copy Settings Combin\ftion of Copy Settings You can com\fine and use various copy settings. This applies to Mode Memory registration and default value settings (→P. 3-14) as well. However, the following limitation is found in the setting com\fination. - - - (MF8380Cdw Only) • Depending on its paper size or paper type in the selected paper source, 2-sided copy is not availa\fle. “Supported Paper Types” (→P.2-6) • This feature cannot \fe com\fined with . • When you want to copy documents in a reduction ratio different from its default value for /, specify the later. • is fixed at 100 % for . • The frame width specified at increases/decreases according to the setting. Depending on its document size (selected paper source), 2-sided copy is not availa\fle. / • If you want to copy a document in a copy ratio different from its default reduction ratio, specify the later. • This feature cannot \fe com\fined with . • is fixed at 100%. • This feature cannot \fe com\fined with either 2-Sided Copy or . - • This feature cannot \fe com\fined with N on 1 (/, ). • The specified erase frame width increases/decreases according to the setting. - Selecting Copy P\fpers Copy mode screen Setting screen* Copy: Press Start 100% LTR Density: 0 Original Type: Text ... 2-Sided: Off 1 + - 1 Select Paper LTR:Plain LTR:Plain Paper Settings 1 Select the p\fper source using [] or [] → [OK] * You can dis\blay the setting screen also by selecting in the co\by mode screen.Select Paper/ Settings

3-5 Copying Copy Settings To next page Adjusting the Density Copy mode screen 11 + - Copy: Press Start 100% LTR Density: 0 Original Type: Text ... 2-Sided: Off ● \bdjusting the color Setting screen* Density - + Background: Default Color Balance: Defaul Select with [] or [ ] Select \f color for which you w\fnt to \fdjust the color b\fl\fnce with [ ] or [] Color Balance Yellow: 0 Magenta: 0 Cyan: 0 + - + - + - Adjust the color b\fl\fnce with [ ] or [] - + Yellow [] Makes the color lighter. []Makes the color darker. Select [Apply] with [] or [] → [OK] ● Background \bdjust\fent Setting screen Density - + Background: Default Color Balance: Defa u... Select with [ ] or [] Select with [ ] or [] Background Off Adjustment Does not adjust the \fackground density. Adjusts the \fackground density. The next step Adjust the density with [ ] or [] → [OK] Adjustment - + Adjust by Color [] Makes the \fackground density lighter. [] Makes the \fackground density darker. If \fdjusting the den\Fsity for e\fch color (1) Select [Adjust by Color] with [ ] or [ ] → [OK] Adjustment - + Adjust by Color (2) Select a color for which you want to adjust the density with [ ] or [] → [OK] (3) Adjust the density with [ ] or [ ] → [OK] • [] Makes the background color density lighter. • [ ] Makes the background color density darker. (4) Select [Apply] with [] or [] → [OK] ● Density adjust\fent Setting screen* Density - + Background: Default Color Balance: Defa u... Adjust the density with [] or [] → [OK] []Decrease the density. []Increase the density.

3-6 Copying Copy Settings Selecting the Document Type Original Type Text Text/Photo Text/Photo (Quality) Photo Copy mode screenSetting screen When selec ting 11 Copy: Press Start 100% LTR Density: 0 Original Type: Text/ 2-Sided: Off + - Select using \b] or \b] \bOK] Select the \fppropri\O\fte document type using \bÛ] or \bÝ]à\bOK] Adjust priority us\ ing [ ] or [ \ ][OK] Adjust Level Text Priority Photo PriorityThis option is suita\fle for documents that contain text and photos or fine diagrams and text such as maps. This option scans the document at a low resolution for color copy. This option is suita\fle for documents that contain text and photos or fine diagrams and text such as maps. This option is suita\fle for documents that contain text and photos or fine diagrams and text such as maps. This option scans the document at a high resolution. You can set the image quality priority to text or photos. This option is suita\fle for documents that contain photos printed in a magazine. This option is suita\fle for documents that contain text without photos or illustrations. [ ] Prioritize text reada\fility. [ ] Prioritize illustration reada\fility such as photos.

3-7 Copying Copy Settings 2-Sided Copying (MF8380Cdw Only) Copy mode screen Setting screen 11Copy: Press Start 100% LTR Density: 0 Original Type: Text/ 2-Sided: Off + - 2-Sided Off 1 2-Sided 2 2-Sided 2 1-Sided Press [] or [] to select the 2-Sided copy form\ft → [OK] If you want to specify how to open original or copy (1) Select with [ ] or [] and press [OK]. 2-Sided 1 2-Sided 2 2-Sided 2 1-Sided Format Settings (2) Select 2-Sided> with [] or [] and press [OK]. Format Settings 1 2-Sided 2 2-Sided 2 1-Sided (3) Select the orientation of the original document with [ ] or [] and press [OK]. Original Orientation Portrait Landscape (4) Select how to open the original document with [ ] or [] and press [OK]. Original Format Book Type Calendar Type (5) Select how to open the output with [] or [ ] and press [OK]. Finishing Format Book Type Calendar Type To copy a docu\fent by placing on the p\Rlaten glass (1) Place the next page and press [ ] (Color) or [ ] (B & W ). * Repeat this step until all pages are scanned. (2) Select using [] or [] and press [OK]. Scan Next: Press Start SheetxCopy:1x1 Density: 0 + - Copy a 1-sided document onto \foth sides of the output. You can make 2-sided copies from 2-sided documents. You can make 1-sided copies from 2-sided documents. To next page

3-8 Copying Copy Settings \bnl\frging/Reducing Copies Copy mode screen Setting screen 11Copy: Press Start 100% LTR Original Type: Text ... 2-Sided: Off Copy Ratio: 100% Dir Copy Ratio Custom Ratio 100% Direct 400% Max 200% Select the copy r\ftio using [] or [] → [OK] Lo\fd p\fper of the ou\Ftput size (→P. 2-9) Register the output p\fper\F size (→P. 2-18) Enlarge or reduce co\bies using \breset co\by ratios or custom co\by ratios. For exam\ble, you can co\by a Statement size document on Letter size \ba\ber using a \breset ratio, or set any co\by ratio from 25% to \f00% in 1% increments. To set a copy ratio in 1% incre\fents (1) Select using [ ] or [] → [OK] Copy Ratio Custom Ratio 100% Direct 400% Max 200% (2) Specify the ratio using [] or [] → [OK] You can also enter the copy ratio using the numeric keys. Custom Ratio 100 % (25-400) Select using [] or [] → [OK] O ut pu t Siz e L TR: Pl ai n L TR: Pl ai n 1 Sel ec t Lay ou t 2 o n 1 ( 1) 2 o n 1 ( 2) 4 o n 1 ( 1) 4 o n 1 ( 2) N o n 1 Of f 2 on 1 4 on 1 ID C ar d C op y Setting screen n e e r c s e d o m y p o C Select or < 4 on \f> usin g \b Û ] or \bÝ] à\bOK ] Select the size of the d ocumen t us ing \bÛ ] or \bÝ] à\bO K] Select an o u tput s ize using \bÛ ] or \bÝ] à\bOK ] To specify the lay\dout(1) Select usin\f [Û] or [Ý] à [\bK] (2) Select the layout \nusin\f [ Û] or [Ý]à [\bK] When your docu\fent \dis placed on the platen glass (1) Set the next docume\nnt and press [ ] (Color) or [ \n ] (B & W). (2) Select usin\f [Û] or [Ý] and press [\bK]. About \fargins on th e doc u\fe nt To co py in th e N on 1 mode , ma r\f ins are cr eated on th e o utput . Select usin\2g \bÛ] or \bÝ]à\bOK] Cop y: P res s St ar t 10 0% LT R Co py R ati o: 1 00% D i .. . Pa pe r: LT R:P la in N on 1 : O ff 11 1 Sca n Si ze LT R LG L ST MT * Repeat this step u\nntil all pa\fes are s\ncanned. Scan Next: Press Start SheetxCopy:1x1 Density: 0 + - Copying Multiple Docum\Fents onto One Sheet (N on 1) Copy two pages onto one sheet. Copy four pages onto one sheet.

3-9 Copying \bmph\fsizing the Outline of \fn Im\fge (Sh\frpness) Copy mode screen Setting screen Copy: Press Start 100% LTR Collate: On Erase Frame: Off Sharpness: 011 + - Sharpness - + [ ] To clearly capture halftone photos, adjust this setting to the appropriate level on the scale. This can counteract the effect of moiré patterns (uneven gradation and striped patterns). [ ] To clearly capture text or lines, adjust this setting to the appropriate level on the scale. It is \fest suited for copying \flueprints and very weak pencil manuscripts.Select using [] or [ ] → [OK] Adjust the sh\frpness\F using [] or [ ] → [OK] Copy Settings Coll\fting Copies Copy mode screen Setting screen Copy: Press Start 100% LTR Paper: LTR:Plain N on 1: Off Collate: Off11 1 Collate Off On Printouts of a complete jo\f are grouped. For example, if you are copying three copies of a three-page document, printouts of a complete jo\f are grouped and arranged in this page order: “1, 1, 1”, “2, 2, 2”, “3, 3, 3.” Printouts of a complete jo\f are collated. For example, if you are copying three copies of a three-page document, printouts of a complete jo\f are grouped and arranged in this page order: “1, 2, 3”, “1, 2, 3”, “1, 2, 3.” Select using [] or [] → [OK]Select using [] or [] → [OK] \br\fsing D\frk Borders or Fr\fme Lines (Fr\fme \br\fse) Copy mode screen Setting screen Copy: Press Start 100% LTR N on 1: Off Collate: On Erase Frame: Off11 Erase Frame Off On Specify Frame Width (1/16-1_15/16)0 _1/8 " Scan Size LTR LGL STMT Select using [] or [] → [OK] Select the size of the origin\fl document using [ ] or [] → [OK] Select using [] or [] → [OK] Select the fr\fme width to be er\fsed using [ ] or [] → [OK] You c\fn \flso enter the fr\fme width to be er\fsed using the nume\Fric keys.

3-10 Copying Copy a 2-sided card onto one side of paper. OKStart COPY Keys to be used for this operation 1 Pl\fce \f c\frd on the pl\ften gl\fss \fnd close t\Fhe feeder or the pl\ften gl\fss cover. Place the card with s\bacing of 1\I/\f” (5 mm) from the left edge of the \blaten glass. Align the center of the card with the arrow mark, as shown below. To pl\fce the c\frd horizont\flly To pl\fce the c\frd vertic\flly 2 Press []. 3 Select using [\F] or [] \fnd press [OK]. Copy: Press Start 100% LTR Copy Ratio: 100% Di ... Paper: LTR:Plain N on 1: Off 11 1 4 Select using [] or [] \fnd press [OK]. N on 1 Off 2 on 1 4 on 1 ID Card Copy 5 Press [] (Color) or [] (B & W). Proceed to the next ste\b when the scan is\I com\blete. 6 Turn sides. Place the card with s\bacing of 1\I/\f” (5 mm) from the left edge of the \blaten glass. Align the center of the card with the arrow mark, as shown below. To pl\fce the c\frd horizont\flly To pl\fce the c\frd vertic\flly 7 Press [] (Color) or [] (B & W). NOTE To place your docu\fent (card) on the platen glass Place the card on the left half of the \blaten glass. Copy ratio The co\by ratio is automatically set to . Supported paper sizes Sizes larger than A\f/Letter Copying an ID Card