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Canon printer Color imageCLASS MF8380Cdw User Manual

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    \bsing	the	Fax	Functions
    Cancel	sending	the	jo\f	currently	\feing	sent.
    Keys to be used for this operation
    How to cancel fax sending
    You can also cancel t\Ihe job with the following \brocedures.
    • Cancel the job in th\Ie Status Monitor/Cancel screen.
     “Checking and Canceling Fax Jobs” (→P.6-19)
    •  Press [
    ] (Sto\b) twice.
    1 When  is displ\fyed \ffter the f\fx 
    sending st\frts, select  using [
    ] or [] 
    \fnd press [OK].
     Destinations: 1
     No. of TX Pages: 1
    * You can also cancel t\Ihe job by \bressing [] (Sto\b).
    When a docu\fent is loaded on the\R platen glass
    When  is dis\blayed, follow the same ste\bs 
    as the above.
    Scan Next: Press Start
     Destinations: 1
     No. of TX Pages: 1
    2 Select  using [] or [] when  
    \fppe\frs on the screen \fnd press [OK].
    *  You can also cancel t\Ihe job by \bressing [] (Sto\b).
    The job is canceled.
    Canceling Fax Jobs    
    \bsing	the	Fax	Functions
    You	can	call	and	redial	up	to	three	fax	sending	history.
    Keys to be used for this operation
    1 Pl\fce your document.
     “Placing Documents” (→P.2-\f)
     “Su\b\borted Document Ty\bes” (→P.2-2)
    2 Press [].
    3 Press [] (Rec\fll).
    4 Select history for redi\fl using [] or [] \fnd 
    press [OK].
    In the history, reci\bient name and/o\Ir tele\bhone number are 
    dis\blayed. For sequential broadcast, only one c\Iontent is dis\blayed.
    5 Press [] (B & W).
    Contents saved in the fax send\Ring history
    The sequential broadcast destinatio\Ins are included. The following 
    reading settings ar\Ie saved as well. You can change them \Ifor 
    •  Resolution
    •  Density
    •  2-Sided Original (MF8380Cdw only)
    •  Shar\bness
    Redial restrictions
    • Manual fax sending i\Is not saved in the history and cannot be 
     “Notifying the Reci\bient of an Incoming Fax by Tele\bhone 
    (Manual Sending)” (→P.6-9)
    •  When fax sending f\Irom the history is restricted, redialing feature 
    is not available.
     “Restrict History TX” (→P.6-29)
    •  When  is set to , the saved fax 
    sending history u\b to then is deleted for \breventing those new 
    destinations in th\Ie history from being redialed.
     “Restrict New Destinations” (→P.6-29)
    When the \fachine is \Rturned OFF
    Recently dialed numbe\Irs are all cleared.
    To auto\fatically redial a nu\fber
     “Auto Redial” (→P.6-2\f)
    Redialing (Manual Redialing)    
    \bsing	the	Fax	Functions
    Notifying the Recipi\Rent of an Inco\fing 
    Fax by Telephone (Manual Sending)
    Send	a	fax	manually	when•	 you	want	to	notify	the	recipient	of	an	incoming	fax	\fy	
    •	 the	receiving	fax	machine	cannot	receive	faxes	automatically.
    FAX Numeric keys
    Keys to be used for this operation
    1 Connect \fn extern\fl telephone to the m\fchine.
    For more information, see the following.
     e-Manual → Setting U\b the Machine → S\becifying Initial 
    Settings for the Fax Functions and Connecting the Tele\bhone Cable 
    → Connecting the Tele\bhone Line
    2  Pl\fce f\fxes in the feeder.
     “Placing Documents” (→P.2-\f)
     “Su\b\borted Document Ty\bes” (→P.2-2)
    3 Press [].
    4 Specify the sc\fn set\Ftings.
    The  mode (MF8380C\Idw only) is not available.
     “Changing the Scan Settings (Fax)” (→P.6-3)
    5 Check for \f di\fl tone vi\f the h\fndset\F of the 
    extern\fl telephone.
    Check if you hear the dial tone.
    6 Di\fl the recipient’s number.
    7 T\flk to the recipient through the h\fndset.
    When you hear a beep
    Proceed to Ste\b 9.
    8 Ask the recipient to set his/her f\fx m\F\fchine to 
    receive your f\fx.
    9 When you he\fr \f beep, press [] (B & W), \fnd 
    h\fng up the h\fndset\F.
    When the scan is com\blete, the machine is ready to send your faxes.
    Restrictions when sending faxes \fanually•  When \blacing documen\Its on the \blaten glass, only one \bage 
    can be sent.
    •   The grou\b dialing function is not available.
    •  The  mode is not a\Ivailable when you \berform 
    manual sending.
    Check for a dial tone before entering the nu\fber.When the number is \Ientered before checking for a dial tone, 
    your call cannot come\I through or may be connected to a wrong 
    Push-button Telephone for Tone Dialing
    Some 	types 	of 	push-\futton 	telephones 	require 	a 	push-\futton	
    line 	(for 	example, 	\fanks, 	airlines, 	or 	hotel 	reservations). 	When	
    the 	machine 	is 	connected 	to 	a 	dial-up 	line, 	you 	can 	receive 	a 	fax	
    using 	tone 	dialing. 	Follow 	the 	steps 	in 	the 	procedure 	\felow.
    FAX Tone, Numeric keys
    Keys to be used for this operation
    1 Press [].
    2 Press [] (Hook) \fnd check f\For the di\fl tone.
    Check if you hear the dial tone.
    3 Di\fl the inform\ftion service from which you w\fnt 
    to receive f\fx(es) using the\F numeric keys.
    Specify destination.
      01/01/2011 12:52AM
     Start Receiving
     Resolution: 200 x 1
    4  Respond to the prerecorded mess\fges of the\F 
    inform\ftion service \fnd press [
    ] (Tone).
    You can switch to tone dialing.
    Specify destination.
      01/01/2011 12:52AM
     Start Receiving
     Resolution: 200 x 1
    Useful Features    
    \bsing	the	Fax	Functions
    5 \bnter the required numbers using the numeric keys.
    Specify destination.
     01/01/2011 12:52AM
     Start Receiving
     Resolution: 200 x 1
    6  Press [] (B & W) to receive f\fx(es).
    To \fake a telephone call
    An external tele\bhone must be con\Inected to the machine.
    Check for a dial tone before entering the nu\fber.
    When the number is \Ientered before checking for a dial tone, 
    your call cannot come\I through or may be connected to a wrong 
    Sending a Fax \bbroad (\bdding Pauses)
    When	making	an	overseas	call,	you	may	need	to	add	a	pause	
    to	the	fax	num\fer.
    Since	signals	are	transmitted	over	long	distances	across	a	
    complicated	channel,	your	call	may	not	\fe	connected	without	
    adding	a	pause	after	the	country	code	or	in	front	of	the	fax	
    num\fer.	By	adding	a	pause,	enough	time	elapses	\fefore	the	
    machine	starts	dialing	the	num\fer	again.
    FAX Tone, Numeric keys
    Keys to be used for this operation
    1 Pl\fce your document.
     “Placing Documents” (→P.2-\f)
     “Su\b\borted Document Ty\bes” (→P.2-2)
    2 Press [].
    3 Specify the sc\fnning\F settings \fs needed\F.
     “Changing the Scan Settings (Fax)” (→P.6-3)
    4 \bnter the intern\ftion\fl \fccess code using the 
    numeric keys.
    For more information on international access cod\Ies, contact your 
    tele\bhone com\bany.
    Fax Number
    5 Press [] (P\fuse) to enter \f p\fuse \fs needed\F.
    •  The letter  is dis\blayed to indicate that a \bause is a\Idded.
    •  The default \bause leng\Ith is two seconds*. To change it, see 
    “Pause Time” (→P.6-2\f).
    •  To add more \bauses into the dialing seque\Ince, \bress [
    (Pause) again.
    *  The default \bause leng\Ith varies de\bending on th\Ie country 
    where you are using the machine\I.
    Fax Number
    6 \bnter the country code, the \fre\f code, \fnd the 
    f\fx/telephone number us\Fing the numeric keys.
    Fax Number
    7 Press [] (P\fuse) to \fdd \f p\fuse to the end of 
    the f\fx/telephone number \fs \Fneeded.
    •  The letter  is dis\blayed at the end of t\Ihe fax number.
    •  A \bause added to the end of the n\Iumber is set to 10 seconds.
    Fax Number
    8 Press [] (B & W).   
    \bsing	the	Fax	Functions
    Sending to Multiple Destina\Rtions at a 
    Ti\fe (Sequential Broadcast)
    You	can	send	the	same	fax	to	multiple	destinations	
    Numeric keys
    Keys to be used for this operation
    1 Pl\fce your document.
     “Placing Documents” (→P.2-\f)
     “Su\b\borted Document Ty\bes” (→P.2-2)
    2 Specify the destin\ftion.
     “S\becifying Destinations” (→P.6-6)
    S\becify destination\Is in the following ways.
    •  by entering the fax number
    •  by selecting a coded dial c\Iode
    •  by selecting a grou\b address
    •  from the address book
    3 Select how to specify destin\ftions th\ft you w\fnt 
    to \fdd using [
    ] or [] \fnd press [OK].
    •  Address Book
    •  Coded Dial
    •  S\becify Next Destination (New)
     “S\becifying Destinations” (→P.6-6)	 		
    4 Repe\ft Step 2 \fnd 3 to enter \fll the destin\ftions.
    5 Press [] (B & W).
    The nu\fber of destinations that you can specify for a 
    sequential broadcast
    •  Using the numeric keys: U\b to 10 destinations
    •  Favorites: U\b to 19 destinations
    •  Coded dial codes: U\b\I to 181 destinations\I
    To specify destinations using the nu\R\feric keys
    Enter the numbers and \I\bress [OK].
    For confir\fing/deleting/\Rediting the specified 
    (1)  Select  usin\Ig [] or [] and 
    \bress [OK].
    Send: Press Start
           Destinations: 3
     Specify Next Destin
     Confirm/Edit Destina
    (2) Select the destination \Iusing [] or [] and \bress [OK].
      Details of the desti\Ination are dis\blayed.
    Confirm/Edit Dest.
        Canon 0987654321
        User01 9876543210
    (3)   In order to delete the destination,\I select  
    using [
    ] or [] and \bress [OK].
    For editing destina\Rtions being entered using nu\feric 
        Edit the destinatio\Ins using numeric keys and select  
    using [
    ] or [] and \bress [OK].   
    \bsing	the	Fax	Functions
    This	section	descri\fes	how	to	receive	faxes.
    RX Mode
    The	machine	allows	you	to	receive	faxes	automatically	or	manually	in	several	different	ways.
    See	the	following	flowcharts	to	select	the	receive	mode	that	you	want	to	use.
    The	default	setting	is	.
    \buto \fode
    You	can	receive	faxes	automatically.
    The	receive	mode	varies	depending	on	whether	an	external	telephone	is	connected	to	the	machine	or	not.
    Operation for when an incoming call is received
    Without an external telephone connected
    When the call is a fax
    When the call is a fax When the call is a fax
    When the call is a 
    voice call When the call is a 
    voice call
    When you pick up the handset while the 
    incoming call rings
    When you do not pick up the handset while 
    the incoming call rings
    When the call is a voice call
    An incoming call rings for the specified number of times. 
    The machine receives 
    the fax automatically. The machine does not respond.
    You can start talking 
    as is. The machine receives the 
    fax automatically.
    You cannot start talking.
    With an external telephone connected
    You can hear a 
    beep.Following the 
    procedure below, receive the 
    (1) Press [Fax].
    (2) Press [   ] or [   ] to select 
    , and 
    then press [OK].
    (3) Hang up the handset.
    *	 You	can	specify	the	incoming	call	ring	times	using	 “Incoming	Ring”	(→P.6-26).
    RX Mode   
    \bsing	the	Fax	Functions
    Fax/Tel \fode
    You	can	receive	faxes	automatically	(The	telephone	rings	on	an	incoming	call).	To	disa\fle	audi\fle	incoming	rings,	see	“Incoming	
    Ring” 	(→P.6-26).
    You	can	answer	incoming	calls	\fy	picking	up	the	handset.
    Operation for when an incoming call is received
    An incoming call rings for the specified number of times.*1
    When you do not pick up the handset 
    within the specified number of times When you pick up the handset within 
    the specified number of times
    When the call is a fax When the call 
    is a voice call
    You can hear a 
    beep.Following the 
    procedure below, receive the 
    (1) Press [Fax].
    (2) Press [   ] or [   ] to select 
    , and 
    then press [OK].
    (3) Hang up the handset. You can start 
    talking as is.
    The machine judges whether the 
    incoming call is a fax or voice call.*2
    When the call is 
    a fax
    When the call is 
    a voice call
    The machine receives 
    the fax automatically. The telephone rings.*3
    When you pick up the 
    handset during ringing
    When you do not pick up 
    the handset during ringing
    You can start talking as is.
    The machine hangs up the 
    telephone or switches to the fax 
    receive mode.
    You	can	specify	the	incoming	call	ring	times	using	 “Incoming	Ring”	(→P.6-26).
    *2	 To	set	a	ring	delay	\fefore	the	telephone	starts	ringing	on	an	incoming	call,	go	to	the		option.
    *3	 To	adjust	the	incoming	call	ring	time,	go	to	the		option.
    *4	 To	specify	how	the	machine	\fehaves	when	you	do	not	answer	an	incoming	call,	go	to	the		option.
    For	more	information	on	these	options,	see	 “Advanced	Settings	for	the	Fax/Tel	Auto	Switch	Mode” 	(→P.6-15).  
    \bsing	the	Fax	Functions	
    \bnswer \fode
    You	can	receive	faxes	automatically.
    The	telephone’s	\fuilt-in	answer	function	records	messages	of	unanswered	calls.
    The telephone rings the number of times specified for the built-in 
    answering machine.
    When you pick up the handset during 
    When the built-in answering machine 
    starts up
    When the call is a fax
    When the call is a 
    voice call
    The built-in answering 
    machine records the 
    You can start talking as 
    When the call is a 
    voice callWhen the call is a fax
    The machine receives the 
    fax automatically.
    Operation for when an incoming call is received
    You can hear a 
    beep.Following the 
    procedure below, receive the 
    (1) Press [Fax].
    (2) Press [   ] or [   ] to select 
    , and 
    then press [OK].
    (3) Hang up the handset.
    *1	Set	the	answer	function	to	answer	after	a	few	rings.
    *2		 The	message	is	recorded	on	the	answer	function	(You	are	advised	to	add	approximately	4	seconds	of	silence	at	the	\feginning	
    of	the	message	or	set	the	maximum	recording	time	to	20	seconds).
    Manual \fode
    Pick	up	the	handset	to	answer	calls	or	receive	faxes	when	the	machine	is	set	to	manual	mode.
    Set	this	mode	when	you	expect	to	receive	more	incoming	telephone	calls	than	faxes	or	when	you	receive	few	faxes.
    Operation for when an incoming call is received
    The external phone rings.
    When you pick up the handset while the 
    telephone rings
    When the call is a fax When the call is a voice callWhen you do not pick up the handset while 
    the telephone rings
    The machine cannot receive a call or fax.*1
    You can start talking as is.
    You can hear a 
    beep.Following the 
    procedure below, receive the 
    (1) Press [Fax].
    (2) Press [   ] or [   ] to select 
    , and 
    then press [OK].
    (3) Hang up the handset.
    *1	 When	 “Auto	RX	Switch” 	(→P.6-26)	is	set	to		,	the	machine	automatically	starts	receiving	a	fax	after	several	rings.
    *2	 When	 “Remote	RX” 	(→P.6-26)	is	set,	you	can	dial	the	telephone	to	receive	faxes	remotely.
    DRPD (Distinctive Ring Pattern Detection) \fode
    This	mode	assigns	distinctive	ring	patterns	to	up	to	two	phone	num\fers	per	telephone	line.	 The	machine	automatically	
    identifies	incoming	calls	\fased	on	the	ring	pattern	and	sorts	out	whether	an	incoming	call	is	a	fax	or	voice	call.	Set	the	fax	ring	
    pattern	that	matches	the	ring	pattern	of	your	telephone	company.	Contact	your	telephone	company	for	more	information.  
    \bsing	the	Fax	Functions
    Changing the Receive Mode
    Select	the	receive	mode	that	you	want	to	use.
    Keys to be used for this operation
    1 Press [].
    2 Select  using [] or [] \fnd press 
    Specify destination.
    01/01/2011 12:52AM
     RX Mode: Auto
     Resolution: 200 x 1
    3 Select the receive mode using [] or [] \fnd 
    press [OK].
    RX Mode
     Fax/Tel Auto Switch
     Answering Machine
    When  is selected
    Proceed to s\becify the advan\Iced settings. See “Advanced Settings 
    for the Fax/Tel Auto Switch Mode” (→P.6-15).
    When  is selected
    [] or [] to select the ring \battern and then \bress [OK].
    \bbout the external telephone
    The machine may not be able to send or receive faxes \bro\berly, 
    de\bending on the ty\be of tele\bhone connected to it.
    \bdvanced Settings for the Fax/Tel \buto 
    Switch Mode
    Set	the	advanced	settings	for	the	Fax/Tel	Auto	Switch	mode.
    Keys to be used for this operation
    1 Press [].
    2 Select  using [] or [] \fnd press 
    Specify destination.
    01/01/2011 12:52AM
     RX Mode: Auto
     Resolution: 200 x 1
    3 Select  using [] or [] 
    \fnd press [OK].
    RX Mode
     Fax/Tel Auto Switch
     Answering Machine
    4 Select the option using\F [] or [] \fnd press [OK].
    Fax/Tel Auto Switch
     Ring Start Time:  6
     Incoming Ring Time: 
     After Ring: RX
     Set	the	duration	during	which	the	
    machine	tries	to	detect	fax	tones	\fefore	
    the	telephone	starts	ringing.
    Set	the	duration	somewhere	\fetween	5	to	
    30	seconds	and	press	[OK].
    Set	the	duration	during	which	the	
    telephone	keeps	ringing	when	an	
    incoming	call	comes.
    Set	the	duration	somewhere	\fetween	15	
    to	300	seconds	and	press	[OK].
     Specify	how	the	machine	\fehaves	when	
    an	incoming	call	is	not	answered.
    Select		or		and	press	[OK].
    - :	Disconnect	the	call.
    - :	Receive	an	incoming	fax.
    5  Select  using [] or [] \fnd press [OK].
    The changes are saved.
    Fax/Tel Auto Switch
     Ring Start Time:  6
     Incoming Ring Time: 
     After Ring: RX   
    \bsing	the	Fax	Functions
    Received	fax	documents	are	transferred	to	a	fax,	E-mail	or	a	file	
    Destinations that can be specified
    You can s\becify the \Ifollowings as destinati\Ions.
    • Fax
    •  E-mail (MF8380Cdw only)
    •  File server (MF8380Cdw only)
    •  Grou\b destination 
    For forwarding to E-\fail or a file \Rserver (MF8380Cdw 
    When a fax document\I is transferred to an E-mail or a fi\Ile server, the 
    document is converted to a PDF file.
    When the destination is deleted fro\f an address book
    When you delete the destination \Ifrom the address book between 
    the time the fax f\Iorward is configured and the time th\Ie fax is 
    received, a destination unk\Inown forwarding error occurs.
    To learn how to handle transfer errors
    See the following sections.
     “Configurating O\berat\Iions for Transfer Errors” (→P.6-17)
       “Re-forwarding/Printing/Deleting Documents in Which Transfer 
    Is Failed” (→P.6-18)
    Setting Docu\fent Transfer (\buto\fatic 
    Specify	whether	a	document	is	automatically	transferred	
    during	receiving	and	where	to	\fe	transferred.
    Keys to be used for this operation
    1  Press [] (Menu).
    2 Select  using [] or [] \fnd 
    press [OK].
     USB Direct Print Se
     Printer Settings
     System Settings
    3 Select  using [] or [] 
    \fnd press [OK].
    System Settings
     Security Settings
     Communication Manag
     Select Country/Regi...
     Forwarding Settings
    4 Select  or  using [] or [] \fnd press 
    Forwarding Settings
    Starts	to	transfer	received	documents.	Next,	you	need	to	
    configure	transfer	destinations.
     Transfer	is	not	performed.
    When  is selected
    You can s\becify wher\Ie to forward. You can s\becify only \Iby the 
    following a\b\broaches:
     “S\becifying destina\Itions using coded d\Iial codes” (→P.6-5)
     “S\becifying destina\Itions using the add\Iress book” (→P.6-5)
    	 		All A-Z
        CANON01 01234567
         CANON02 9876543
        CANON03 0011223...
    5 Press [] (Menu) to close the menu sc\Freen.
    Forwarding Received Faxes Stored in Me\fory 
    to Other Destinations (Manual Forwarding)
    When	a	fax	is	stored	in	memory,	you	can	manually	forward	it	to	
    a	specified	destination.
    Status Monitor/Cancel
    Keys to be used for this operation
    Forwarding Fax Docu\fents    
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