Candy Cos 125 D User Instructions
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VA RUGAM CITITI ACESTE OBSERVATII! Cand spalati rufe foarte murdare este recomandat sa reduceti incarcatura la maximum 3 kg. ** Program testat in concordanta cu CENELEC EN 60456 cu gradul maxim de murdarire selectat.Program recomandat pentru spalari la temperatura scazuta (mai mica decat maximulafisat). Numai cu butonul Prespalare selectat (Programe disponibile cu prespalare). 1) Pentru programele afisate, puteti ajusta durata si intensitatea spalarii cu ajutorul butonului pentru selectarea gradului...
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52 EN CHAPTER 8 SELECTION For the various types of fabrics and various degreesof dirt the washing machinehas 4 different programmebands according to: washcycle, temperature andlenght of cycle (see table ofwashing cycleprogrammes). 1 RESISTANTS FABRICS The programmes have beendesigned for a maximumwash and the rinses, withspin intervals, ensure perfectrinsing.The final spin gives moreefficient removal of water. 2 MIXED AND SYNTHETIC FABRICS The main wash and the rinsegives best results thanks tothe...
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53 RO CAPITOLUL8 SELECTIONAREA PROGRAMELOR Pentru tratarea diverselor tipuri de tesaturi si a diferitelorstadii de murdarire, masinade spalat are 4 grupuri deprograme care difera prin:spalare, temperatura sidurata (a se vedea tabelulcu programe de spalare). 1. TESATURI REZISTENTE Programele sunt concepute pentru a optimiza rezultatelespalarii.Clatirile, cu intervale decentrifugare, asigura o clatireperfecta.Centrifugarea finala inlaturaapa intr-un mod mai eficient. 2. TESATURI MIXTE SI SINTETICE...
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54 EN 4. SPECIALS SPECIAL “RINSE” PROGRAMMEThis programme carries outthree rinses with aintermediate spin (which canbe reduced or excluded byusing the correct button). Itcan be used for rinsing anytype of fabric, eg. use afterhand-washing. SPECIAL “FAST SPIN” PROGRAMMEProgramme “FAST SPIN”carries out a maximum spin(which can be reduced byusing the correct button). DRAIN ONLY This programme drains outthe water. 32 MINUTE RAPID PROGRAMME The 32 minute rapidprogramme allows acomplete washing cycle...
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55 RO 4. Special CLATIRE Acest program asigura unprogram complet de spalarepentru obiecte ce auspecificat pe eticheta sa fiespalate cu mana.Include 3 clatiri si ostoarcere foarte usoara.(Care poate fi redusa dacae actionat butonulcorespunzator). STOARCERE RAPIDA Acest program asigura ocentrifugare la vitezamaxima (carepoate fi redusa daca eactionat butonulcorespunzator. DOAR EVACUAREA APEI Acest program evacueazaapa din masina. PROGRAM RAPID 32 MINUTE Asigura un program completde spalare in aprox....
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56 EN WOOLMARK PROGRAMME The special cycle, certified by WOOLMARK, enables tothoroughly wash garmentswithout damaging them.The cycle comprises ofalternate periods of activityand pauses with a maximumtemperature of 40°C andconcludes with 3 rinses anda short spin. “MIX & WASH SYSTEM” PROGRAMME This is an exclusive Candy system and involves 2 greatadvantages for theconsumer: ● to be able to wash together different type offabrics (e.g. cotton +synthetic etc…) NON-FAST COLOUREDS ; ● to wash with a...
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57 RO PROGRAMUL WOOLMARK Acest program special, certificat de WOOLMARK ,permite spalarea tesaturilordin lâna, fara deteriorareaacestora.Programul cuprinde etapealternative de activitate sipauza, la o temperaturamaxima de 40˚C si seîncheie cu 3 clatiri si ocentrifugare scurta. PROGRAM MIX&WASH Acest program este un sistem unic dezvoltat deCANDY, care are 2 avantajepentru consumator: ● poti spala tesaturi diferite (de ex. bumbac sisintetice etc.) ● se economiseste o energie considerabila....
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58 EN CHAPTER 9 DETERGENT DRAWER The detergent draw is split into 3 compartments: - the compartment labelled 1 is for prewash detergent; - the compartment labelled “✿ ✿” is for special additives, fabric softeners,fragrances, starch,brighteners etc; - the compartment labelled 2 is for main wash detergent. NOTE: SOME DETERGENTS AREDIFFICULT TO REMOVE.FOR THESE, WERECOMMEND YOU USETHE SPECIAL DISPENSERWHICH IS PLACED INTHE DRUM. NOTE: ONLY PUT LIQUID PRODUCTS INTHE COMPARTMENT LABELLED “✿ ✿”. THE...
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59 HU 9. FEJEZET MOSÓSZERTÁROLÓ FIÓK A mosószertároló fiók 3 rekeszre oszlik: – az elsŒ „1”jelı fiók az elŒmosás közbenhasználható; – a második „✿✿“ jelı fiók speciális adalékokat,lágyítószereket, parfümöket,keményítŒt, élénkítŒ szereketstb. tartalmaz. – a harmadik„2”jelı fiók a fŒmosáshoz használható. MEGJEGYZÉS: BIZONYOSMOSÓSZEREKETNEHÉZ ELTÁVOLÍTANI.EZEK ESETÉBEN ADOBBANELHELYEZENDÃSPECIÁLIS ADAGOLÓHASZNÁLATÁTJAVASOLJUK. MEGJEGYZÉS: A MÁSODIK REKESZBECSAK FOLYÉKONYSZEREKET SZABADTÖLTENI. A GÉP ÚGY...
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60 EN CHAPTER 10 THE PRODUCT IMPORTANT: When washing heavy rugs,bed spreads and otherheavy articles, it is advisablenot to spin. To be machine-washed, woollen garments and otherarticles in wool must bearthe “Machine WashableLabel”. IMPORTANT: When sorting articlesensure that:- there are no metal objects in the washing(e.g. brooches, safetypins, pins, coins etc.).- cushion covers arebuttoned, zips andhooks are closed, loosebelts and long tapes ondressing gowns areknotted.- runners from curtains...