Blackberry Porsche Design P 9983 Smartphone 10 3 2 User Guide
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2.Tap > Accounts > > SubscribedCalendar. 3.In the CalendarName field, enter a name for the calendar. 4.In the ServerAddress field, enter the address for the public calendar in ICS format. 5.Tap Done. Tip:If you tap a link to a public calendar you donht subscribe to in the BlackBerry Browser, you are automatically directed to the SubscribedCalendar screen, and information about the public calendar is automatically populated. Viewyourevents You can view your calendar events for a day, week, or month. You can also go to a particular date in any calendar view by tapping . 1.In the Calendar app, tap . 2.Do one of the following: tTo view events for a single day, tap . tTo view events for a week, tap . Try using the pinch gesture to zoom in and see a more detailed view. tTo view events for a month, tap . Numbers on the calendar are sized depending on the number of events booked for the work day: the bigger the number, the more you have planned for the day. Tap on a work day to see your agenda in a list at the bottom of the screen. tTo view a year, in month view, swipe left. tTo see an agenda view, tap . Tip:To scroll through multiple months in your calendar, in the month view, swipe up or down on the screen. Findemailandfilesassociatedwithanevent Your BlackBerry device searches your data to find email and files that might be relevant to your event. For example, if youhre meeting with people to review a document, your device might show that document. 1.In the Calendar app, tap an event. 2.Tap Emails. CreateaneventintheCalendarapp 1.In the Calendar app, tap . 2.Enter the information for the event. 3.Tap Save. Applications and featuresUser Guide221

Tip:In any schedule view (for example, in the day schedule view or in the week schedule view), you can create an event by just tapping a spot on the schedule. Tap the new event block that appears, to change the event. Invitepeopletoanevent If your account supports adding participants to events, then you can add participants either when you create the event, or after. If you added a Microsoft Exchange work account, you can connect to the remote server to add people who arenht in your contact list. When you create or change an event, tap the Participants field. tIf the person that you want to add is in your contact list, start typing a name. Tap the name in the list. tIf the person that you want to add is in your organization, and you added your work account to your device, type the name. Tap Lookup. Tip:Some accounts might let you view the participantsh availability. After you add the participants to the event, tap the event time. If participants have a schedule conflict, their names appear in red next to the time slider at the top of the screen. To find a time that works for everyone, tap and move the slider until the participantsh names turn green. Addalocationtoanevent When you create or change an event, do one of the following: tTo type a location manually, in the Location field, type a location. tTo open the Maps app and choose a location, in the Location field, tap . Choose a location. Previewtimezonesinanevent If you are meeting with people in another time zone, when you create or change an event, you can preview what time your event takes place in the other time zone. 1.When you create or change an event, tap the time for the event. 2.Tap . 3.Tap the time zones that are applicable to your event. 4.Tap Done. The times for your event in the impacted time zones appear above your event start time. Schedulearecurringevent 1.When you create or change an event, tap the time for the event. 2.In the Repeats drop-down list, tap an option. 3.When youhre finished, tap . Applications and featuresUser Guide222

Changetheavailabilitystatusorremindertimeforanevent When you create an event, to save you time, the BlackBerry Calendar app uses your default settings for the evenths availability status and the reminder time. You can change these settings. 1.When you create or change an event, tap the Calendar drop-down list. tTo change the availability status, in the Status drop-down list, tap Busy, OutofOffice, Free, or Tentative. tTo change the reminder time, in the Reminder drop-down list, tap an option. 2.Tap Save. Addconferencecalldetailstoanevent When you add conference call details to a meeting or event, participants with BlackBerry devices can use the Join Now feature to join the conference call without dialing the various numbers and conference call bridges. Tip:You can save your conference call details in the BlackBerry Calendar app settings so that you donht have to manually add the details to each conference call meeting. 1.When you create or change an event, tap the Calendar drop-down list. 2.In the Conference drop-down list, do one of the following: tTo add new conference call details to your event, tap AddBridge. Enter a name, the phone numbers, and the access codes. Tap Save. tIf you have conference call details saved in your Calendar app settings, tap a conference call bridge. AddatasktotheCalendarapp When you add a task to the Calendar app, your task is added to both the Calendar app and the Remember app. 1.In the Calendar app, tap > . 2.Enter your task details. 3.Tap Save. Tip:To see your task in the Remember app, on the home screen, open the app. Hideacalendar You can temporarily hide calendars from the main view in your Calendar app. 1.In the Calendar app, swipe down from the top of the screen. 2.Tap . 3.Clear the check box beside the calendar that you want to hide. Applications and featuresUser Guide223

Changeordeleteanevent If youhre the organizer of an event, you can change or delete it. In the Calendar app, touch and hold an event. tTo change an event, tap . Make your changes. Tap Save. tTo delete an event, tap . Changethesnoozetimeforacalendarreminder You can customize a snooze time for a calendar reminder. For example, if you receive a reminder 15 minutes before a meeting, and you want to receive another reminder 1 minute before the meeting, you can customize the snooze time to your needs. In a Calendar reminder, do one of the following: tTo snooze a reminder for the default time set by the meeting organizer, tap Snooze. tTo set a custom snooze time, tap Custom. Select a snooze time. Createafollow-upmeeting When you create a follow-up meeting, the meeting details such as the participants, subject, and notes from the original event are added to the follow-up meeting. Follow-up meetings can be created from past and future calendar events. 1.Open a calendar event. 2.Tap > . 3.Enter the information for the follow-up meeting. 4.Tap Save. Joinaconferencecallfromameetingreminder If a meeting in your calendar includes conference call info, you might be able to join the call with one tap instead of dialing the conference call numbers manually. In the meeting reminder, tap JoinNow. SaveconferencecalldetailsintheCalendarapp You can save the conference call bridge info in your BlackBerry Calendar app so that you can quickly add that info to your meeting invitations. 1.In the Calendar app, swipe down from the top of the screen. 2.Tap > MobileConferencing > . 3.Enter the conference call bridge information, such as phone numbers and access codes. 4.Tap Save. Applications and featuresUser Guide224

AddWebExdetailstoanevent If you download the Cisco WebEx Meetings app, and have a valid account that allows the scheduling of WebEx meetings, you can add WebEx details to the calendar events that you organize that have at least one participant. Note:If your calendar event is associated with a work email account, the Cisco WebEx Meetings app must be installed in the work space on your BlackBerry device. If your calendar event is associated with a personal email account, the Cisco WebEx Meetings app must be installed in the personal space on your device. 1.When you create a calendar event, tap the Calendar drop-down list. 2.Turn on the AddWebEx switch. 3.Tap Save. 4.On the WebExMeeting screen, enter your WebEx password. 5.Tap Schedule. WebEx details are sent to the event organizer and participants in an email. AddWebExdetailstoanexistingevent If youhre the organizer of a scheduled calendar event, and you are logged in to the Cisco WebEx Meetings app on your BlackBerry device, you can add WebEx details to the existing event. Note:If your calendar event is associated with a work email account, the Cisco WebEx Meetings app must be installed in the work space on your device. If your calendar event is associated with a personal email account, the Cisco WebEx Meetings app must be installed in the personal space on your device. 1.When you change an event, tap the Calendar drop-down list. 2.Turn on the AddWebEx switch. 3.Tap Save. 4.On the WebExMeeting screen, enter your WebEx password. 5.Tap Schedule. WebEx details are sent to the event participants in an email. EditWebExdetailsforanexistingevent If youhre the organizer of a scheduled calendar event, and you are logged in to the Cisco WebEx Meetings app on your BlackBerry device, you can edit the WebEx details for the existing event. Note:If your calendar event is associated with a work email account, the Cisco WebEx Meetings app must be installed in the work space on your device. If your calendar event is associated with a personal email account, the Cisco WebEx Meetings app must be installed in the personal space on your device. 1.When you change your event, enter the updated information such as the event time or participants, and tap Save. Applications and featuresUser Guide225

2.On the WebExMeeting screen, change the details to match the updated information in the event. Enter your WebEx password. 3.Tap Schedule. WebEx details are sent to the event participants in an email. JoinaWebExevent To join an event, you must have the Cisco WebEx Meetings app installed on your BlackBerry device. Note:If your calendar event is associated with a work email account, the Cisco WebEx Meetings app must be installed in the work space on your device. If your calendar event is associated with a personal email account, the Cisco WebEx Meetings app must be installed in the personal space on your device. To join a calendar event that includes WebEx details, do one of the following: tIn a calendar reminder, tap StartWebEx. tIn a calendar event, on the event screen, tap StartWebEx, or tap > . SendanIwillbelatemessage If you will be late for a meeting or event, you can quickly send a message to let other participants know. 1.Open the event. 2.Tap > IWillBeLate. 3.In the dialog box, move the slider to indicate how late you will be. 4.Tap EmailAllParticipants or EmailOrganizer. Tip:You can also tap IWillBeLate in the meeting reminder. Shareafilewithmeetingparticipants You can use email to share the files on your BlackBerry device with other meeting participants. 1.Touch and hold a file. 2.Tap > MeetingParticipants. 3.Tap a meeting. 4.On the Compose screen, type a message. 5.Tap Send. CustomizingCalendarappsettings You can customize your calendar settings to help you manage your schedule as productively as possible. Applications and featuresUser Guide226

Changeyourdefaultcalendar When you add an event to your calendar or send a meeting invitation, your device adds the event to your default calendar. 1.On the home screen, swipe down from the top of the screen. 2.Tap Settings > Accounts. 3.Tap . 4.To change the default calendar that you add events to and send meeting invitations from, in the Calendar drop-down list, tap a calendar. EnableMeetingMode When you turn on Meeting Mode, your notifications are automatically silenced during the times marked as busy in the Calendar app, for example, during meetings. When busy times end, your notifications automatically return to your normal settings. Note:Meeting Mode is not enabled for hidden calendars. 1.In the Calendar app, swipe down from the top of the screen. 2.Tap > MeetingMode. 3.Turn on the MeetingMode switch. ConfigureMeetingMode Once you turn on Meeting Mode, you can select which notifications, event types, and calendars that Meeting Mode applies to. You can also set the maximum length of time that the setting applies to, for example, meetings that are 2 hours or less. 1.In the Calendar app, swipe down from the top of the screen. 2.Tap > MeetingMode. 3.Do any of the following: tTo configure your Meeting Mode profile by giving it a name, or editing your notification settings, tap ConfigureMeetingModeProfile. tTo choose the calendar event status that Meeting Mode applies to, in the Status drop-down list, tap Busy, TentativeandBusy, or BusywithParticipants. tTo select the maximum length of time that Meeting Mode applies to, in the MaximumDuration drop-down list, tap an option. Meeting Mode is not enabled for calendar events that are longer than your selection. tTo turn off Meeting Mode for a specific calendar, tap OmitCalendars. Tap a calendar. Applications and featuresUser Guide227

Changetheemailaddresstousewitheachcalendar If you have multiple calendars on your BlackBerry device, you can set a different email address for each calendar. When you create an event in a specific calendar, invitations are sent using the email address that you assigned to that calendar. The email address that you use must already be added to your device. Some accounts donht allow you to change the email address (for example, your work account). 1.In the Calendar app, swipe down from the top of the screen. 2.Tap > MeetingInvitationSettings. 3.Beneath a calendar, in the drop-down list, tap an email address. Changedefaultsettingsforevents You can change the default length, reminder times, and snooze intervals for your events or meetings. 1.In the Calendar app, swipe down from the top of the screen. 2.Tap Settings > General. tTo change how long your meetings are scheduled for, in the MeetingDuration drop-down list, tap a new duration. tTo change the default reminder time for events, in the MeetingReminder or All-DayMeeting Reminder drop-down list, tap a new time. tTo change the snooze intervals, in the SnoozeInterval drop-down list, tap a new snooze time. Changehowyourcalendarisdisplayed 1.In the Calendar app, swipe down from the top of the screen. 2.Tap Settings > General. tTo change the day that the week starts on, in the FirstDayoftheWeek drop-down list, tap a day. tTo change the week to a 5-day work week, or a 7-day full week, in the WeekView drop-down list, tap an option. tTo view week numbers, turn on the DisplayWeekNumbers switch. tTo use growing numbers to indicate the busyness of a work day, turn on the DisplayGrowing Numbers switch. tTo change the date that the year starts on, in the FirstWeekoftheYear drop-down lists, tap a date. tTo change your daily working hours, in the WorkingHours section, in the Start and End drop- down lists, tap a time. Applications and featuresUser Guide228

Troubleshooting:Calendarapp Icanhtsyncmycalendar Try the following: tIf your calendar is associated with one of your accounts (for example, your Gmail calendar), check that synchronization for the calendar is turned on. On the home screen, swipe down from the top of the screen. Tap > Accounts. Tap an account. Check that the SyncCalendar switch is turned on. tIf the calendar is saved on your computer in Microsoft Outlook or Apple iCal, try using BlackBerry Link to sync the calendar info on your computer with your BlackBerry device. For more information, see the BlackBerry Link help. tIf your calendar still isnht in sync, try removing and re-adding the account that the calendar is associated with. Icanhtreplytoorsendmeetinginvitations Check that you added an email account that has an integrated calendar. Some accounts might not include a calendar feature. Neworupdatedeventsarenhtappearinginmycalendar You might need to refresh your calendars. In the Calendar app, tap > . Ihaveduplicatecalendarentries If you imported calendar entries using BlackBerry Link, you might see duplicate entries on your device after syncing your device and computer. You can remove duplicates by deleting duplicates in your address book, or by clearing your local data on your device. To remove duplicate calendar entries by deleting your local device data, do the following: 1.On the home screen, swipe down from the top of the screen. 2.Tap Settings > Accounts. 3.Tap . 4.Tap ClearLocalCalendar. CAUTION:Clearing your local data will permanently delete any calendar entries that you saved just locally to your device. Contacts AbouttheContactsapp Applications and featuresUser Guide229

If you added an email account or social networking account to your device, contacts from those accounts can appear in your contact list. Iths simple to find the people that you want to connect with because your device automatically merges contacts who share first and last names, email addresses, or mobile phone numbers. Keyboardshortcuts:Contacts ActionShortcutGo to the top of a contacths detailsIn a contacths details, press T.Edit a contactIn the contact list, tap a contact. Press E.Go to the bottom of a contacths detailsIn a contacths details, press B. AddacontacttotheContactsapp 1.In the Contacts app, tap . 2.Enter the information for the contact. For additional fields, tap . 3.Tap Save. Tip:To choose the account or storage location for a contact, tap the Saveto button at the top of the screen. Select the checkbox beside an account or storage location. CopycontactstoandfromyourSIMcard Your SIM card can store contact names and phone numbers. Copying contacts to and from your SIM card allows you to easily transfer contacts from one device to another. When you insert a SIM card into your BlackBerry device, you can view contacts that are stored on the SIM card in your contact list. You can copy the SIM card contacts to your device memory so that the contacts are available to you even if the SIM card is removed. You can also use BlackBerry Link to back up your contacts on a computer. Note:If you added a work account to your device and your administrator turned on BlackBerry Balance, you canht copy work contacts to your SIM card. 1.In the Contacts app, swipe down from the top of the screen. 2.Tap . tTo copy all the contacts from your SIM card to your device memory, tap ImportContactsfrom SIMCard . tTo copy all the contacts from your device memory to your SIM card, tap CopyContactsfrom DevicetoSIMCard . Applications and featuresUser Guide230