Barco Projector Cineversum 80 Quickstart Manual
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17. Adjusting the Picture 17.10Phase adjustment for Computer signals About Phase adjustment When displaying computer patterns or graphics which are very detailed (tilting, vertical stripes, etc..) jitter in picture (missampling) may occur , causing horizontal stripes in portions of the screen.Should this occur, adjust ’Phase’ for optimum computer image. How to adjust the Phase 1. Check if the active source (File) is a RGB or YUV input signal. 2. Select the ADVANCED SETTINGS menu (menu 17-8). 3. Select item PHASE by rotating the jog dial on the Master or the up/down arrow keys on the Remote Control. (menu 17-23) 4. Press the jog dial on the Master or the keyENTERon the Remote Control to confirm. The corresponding bar scale appears on-screen and in the graphical display of the Master. (image 17-10) 5. Adjust the Phase: - With the Remote Control: press the←and→keytorefinethejitter. - With the jog dial on the Master: rotate the jog dial to the left or to the right to refine the jitter. Note:Don’t mix up with wrong number of total pixels. If the jitterdoesn’t disappear with the phase adjustment, check the total number of pixels. (Best image = pixel on pixel off pattern. For example: shut down screen of a PC) 6. PressEXITon the Remote Control or press the jog dial on the Master to return. Advanced Settings Aspect Ratio Position Pip Configuration Blanking Phase Input Balance Back Menu 17-23 Image 17-10 17.11Gamma Correction Gamma Correction Gamma is an image quality enhancement function that offers a richerimage by brightening the darker portions of the image without altering the brightness of the brighter portions. Gamma correction as well as Color Temperature set up are available ( = appears in the on-screen menu and graphical display) ONLY when the display is remotely addressed with its unique address (Local settings) or selected via the Display list. R5976468 CINE VERSUM SYSTEM 03112003117

17. Adjusting the Picture Only for the Cine VERSUM 80 HD2, three Gamma tables are added to the list, named Film, Graphics and Video. How to set up the Gamma value 1. Enter the MAIN menu and select the sub menu IMAGE SETTINGS, using the jog dial or the Remote Control. (image 17-11) Depending the addressed unit: - Master: The global Image settings menu isdisplayed, inclusive the menu itemDISPLAY. The latter has to be selected to enter the image settings menu for a specific display. - Display: The Image settings menu for that specific display appears, inclusive the itemGAMMA. 2. Select the menu itemGAMMAin the image settings menu for that specific display, by rotating the jog dial on the Master or the ↑and↓keys on the Remote Control. 3. Press the jog dial on the Master or the keyENTERon the Remote Control to confirm. A table with the available Gamma values appears on-screen and in the graphical display of the Master. The active Gamma correction is indicated with an asterisk in front of the item. 4. Select the desired Gamma value by rotating the jog dial on the Master or the↑and↓keys on the Remote Control. Changing the Gamma value has the following influence on the displayed image: Gamma ValueInfluence on the displayed image γ=2.2This is the standard value. With reference to the eye perception, the displayed image is the most natural image. (Best match between camera recording, projector display and human eye). 1.0 3.1A higher value occurs a fade away of the details in the dark image content, without changing the black level, resulting in a higher contrast perception. Film Graphics VideoGamma tables with lookup tables that can be loaded to enhance Film, Graphics or Video(NTSC, PAL, SECAM) display. 5. PressEXITon the Remote Control or press the jog dial on the Master to return. Gamma value is stored for that specific display unit. CineVERSUMImage settings Advanced Settings Installation Service 1 NO MODULE 2 NO MODULE 3 VIDEO [VIDEO] 4 NO MODULE 5 NO MODULE 6 NO MODULE 7 RGB-YUV [RGB] 8 NO MODULE Shut Down BackImage SettingsMaster Brightness Contrast Saturation Tint Display Back Display List1 CV50 On 2 CV80 On 3 CV120 On Back Cine VERSUM r01 If a CV50, CV80 or CV120 is the only display in the linkCV50 - CV80 - CV120 Main Menu/Image Settings/Display/CV80-CV50-CV120 /Gamma Gamma *1.0 1.3 1.6 1.9 2.2 2.5 2.8 3.1 Film* Graphics* Video* Back * for CV80 only* only CV120 ** only CV120-CV80 *** Only CV80 Image SettingsDisplay Brightness Contrast Gamma Color Temperature Primaries:[Projector]** W hite peak: [OFF]*** Lamp mode:[Single]* Lamp Power:[Normal]* Master Back Image 17-11 Menu Gamma 17.12Adjusting theColor Temperature Overview • Selecting the preset Color Temperature • Customizing the Color Temperature 118 R5976468 CINE VERSUM SYSTEM 03112003

17. Adjusting the Picture About Color Temperature setting This function can be used to adjust the color temperature to suit the type of image input to the display unit (DVD, Video, Computer image, TV broadcast etc..) The Color Temperature menu will include 5 fixed values. To allow the customer to adjust the Color Tempera- ture to his own taste, item Customer Balance has been added to the menu. Customer Balance adjustment happens differently for Cine VERSUM 50 and the projector displays, Cine VER- SUM 80 and Cine VERSUM 120. 17.12.1 Selecting the preset Color Temperature How to select the right Color Temperature 1. Enter the MAIN menu and select the sub menu IMAGE SETTINGS, using the jog dial or the Remote Control. (image 17-12) Depending the addressed unit: - Master: The global Image settings menu isdisplayed, inclusive the menu itemDISPLAY. The latter has to be selected to enter the image settings menu for a specific display. - Display: The Image settings menu for that specific display appears, inclusive the itemCOLOR TEMPERATURE. 2. Select the menu itemCOLOR TEMPERATUREin the image settings menu for that specific display, by rotating the jog dial on the Master or the↑and↓keys on the Remote Control. 3. Press the jog dial on the Master or the keyENTERon the Remote Control to confirm. A table with the preset Color temperature values appears on-screen and in the graphical display of the Master. The active Color temperature is indicated with an asterisk in front of the item. (menu 17-24) 4. Select the Color Temperature item, which suit the type of the input signal, by rotating the jog dial on the Master or the↑and↓ keys on the Remote Control. 5. Press the jog dial on the Master or the keyENTERon the Remote Control to confirm. New Color Temperature value is stored and the image changeover to the new Color Temperature. 6. PressEXITon the Remote Control or press the jog dial on the Master to return. Color Temperature value is stored for that specific display unit. Color Temperature *Display White Computer__9300K Video_____6500K Film______5400K Broadcast_3200K Custom Balance Back Menu 17-24 R5976468 CINE VERSUM SYSTEM 03112003119

17. Adjusting the Picture CineVERSUMImage settings Advanced Settings Installation Service 1 NO MODULE 2 NO MODULE 3 VIDEO [VIDEO] 4 NO MODULE 5 NO MODULE 6 NO MODULE 7 RGB-YUV [RGB] 8 NO MODULE Shut Down BackImage SettingsMaster Brightness Contrast Saturation Tint Display Back Display List1 CV50 On 2 CV80 On 3 CV120 On Back Cine VERSUM r01 If a CV50, CV80 or CV120 is the only display in the link or remote addressedCV50 - CV80 - CV120 Main Menu/Image Settings/Display/CV80-CV50-CV120 /Color Temperature * only CV120 ** only CV120-CV80 *** Only CV80 Image SettingsDisplay Brightness Contrast Gamma Color Temperature Primaries:[Projector]** W hite peak: [OFF]*** Lamp mode:[Single]* Lamp Power:[Normal]* Master Back Custom Balance Gain Red Gain Green Gain Blue Back0255 Gain Red 1000255 Gain Green 100 0255 Gain Blue 100 Set Color coordinates for white to adjust Color Temperature W hite (X): 0.313 W hite (Y): 0.329 BackFront control adjust X Push to accept Arrow Left/Right adjust X Arrow Up/Down adjust Y to accept W hite (X): 0.313 W hite (Y): 0.329 Color Temperature*Display W hite Computer 9300K Video 6500K Film 5400K Broadcast 3200K Custom Balance Back CV50 CV80 - CV120 Image 17-12 Menu Color Temperature Image 17-13 17.12.2 Customizing the Color Temperature How to adjust the Color Temperature for Cine VERSUM 50 1. Select the Color Temperature item, which match the best the input signal, by rotating the jog dial on the Master or the↑and↓ keys on the Remote Control (Selecting the preset Color Temperature, page 119). 2. Press the jog dial on the Master or the keyENTERon the Remote Control to confirm. 3. Select item CUSTOM BALANCE by rotating the jog dial on the Master or the↑and↓keys on the Remote Control. (menu 17-25) Note:Item ’Display White: an image with maximum white will be displayed. 4. Press the jog dial on the Master or the keyENTERon the Remote Control to confirm. A sub menu Custom Balance opens, including the Gain adjustments for Red, Green and Blue. The start level of the Gain for the three colors corresponds with these of the selected predefined Color Temperature in step 1. (menu 17-26) 5. Select successively one or more Gain items, depending the ColorTemperature you aim at, by rotating the jog dial on the Master or the↑and↓keys on the Remote Control. 6. Press the jog dial on the Master or the keyENTERon the Remote Control to confirm. The corresponding bar scale appears on-screen and in the graphical display on the Master. (image 17-14) 120 R5976468 CINE VERSUM SYSTEM 03112003

17. Adjusting the Picture 7. Adjust the respective Gain levels, by rotating the jog dial on the Master or the←and→keys on the Remote Control, until the desired Color Temperature has been reached. 8. PressEXITon the Remote Control or select itemBACKin the menus to return. Color Temperature *Display White Computer__9300K Video_____6500K Film______5400K Broadcast_3200K Custom Balance Back Menu 17-25 Custom Balance Gain Red Gain Green Gain Blue Back Menu 17-26 Image 17-14 How to adjust the Color Temperature for Cine VERSUM 80 and Cine VERSUM 120 1. Select the Color Temperature item, which match the best the input signal, by rotating the jog dial on the Master or the↑and↓ keys on the Remote Control (Selecting the preset Color Temperature, page 119). 2. Press the jog dial on the Master or the keyENTERon the Remote Control to confirm. 3. Select item CUSTOM BALANCE by rotating the jog dial on the Master or the↑and↓keys on the Remote Control. (menu 17-27) Note:Item ’Display White: an image with maximum white will be displayed. 4. Press the jog dial on the Master or the keyENTERon the Remote Control to confirm. Note:The measured color coordinates and luminance of R, G, B and W are written into the projector. These were be find by measuring with a colorimeter. Adjusting the white coordinatewill not affect the full-on color intensity of a pixel that is R, G or B. Via the Custom balance, the preset value of a color temperature can be modified. A sub menu opens, requesting to set up the X-Y coordinates for white, inclusive display of the already stored values (image 17-12). Overview of the white X-Y coordinates with respectto the preset color temperatures. (image 17-15) 5. Proceed to the X-Y adjustment, using the jog dial on the master: - Select the coordinate to be modified by rotating the jog dial and press to confirm. - A new sub menu opens allowing to adjust, by rotating the jog dial, the value of the selected coordinate. - Press the jog dial to confirm resulting in return to the coordinated selection menu. - Repeat the procedure from the beginning for the other coordinate. - Leaving the system, via itemBACK. R5976468 CINE VERSUM SYSTEM 03112003 121

17. Adjusting the Picture 6. Proceed to the X-Y adjustment, using the Remote Control: - Select a coordinate to be modified by pressing the↑or↓key on the Remote Control and pressENTERto confirm. - A new sub menu opens allowing to adjust, by pressing the↑or↓keys the Y-value and by pressing←or→keys the X-value. -PressEXITto return. 7. PressEXITon the Remote Control or select itemBACKin the menus to return. Color Temperature *Display White Computer__9300K Video_____6500K Film______5400K Broadcast_3200K Custom Balance Back Menu 17-27 Display WhiteComputer 9300KVideo 6500K Film 5400K 255 Broadcast 3200K White X: 0.316 White Y: 0.332White X: 0.283 White Y: 0.297White X: 0.313 White Y: 0.329White X: 0.335 White Y: 0.349White X: 0.423 White Y: 0.399 Image 17-15 17.13Adjusting the Picture Controls About picture controls Picture controls as, Brightness, Contrast, Saturation and Tintcan be remotely controlled using the Remote control (refer to the Owner’s manual). The same functions are also available in the GUI, displayed on-screen and in the graphical display on the Master. The three analog controls can be adjusted for all the linked displays at the same time (=Master), on the other hand, corrections can be applied for each display separately (=Display), depending the environment conditions. Menu overview picture controls CineVERSUMImage settings Advanced Settings Installation Service 1 NO MODULE 2 NO MODULE 3 VIDEO [VIDEO] 4 NO MODULE 5 NO MODULE 6 NO MODULE 7 RGB-YUV [RGB] 8 NO MODULE Shut Down Back Main Menu Image Settings Address Display Address Master Display List1 Plasma On 2 CV80 On 3 CV120 On BackImage SettingsMaster Brightness Contrast Saturation Display Back Image SettingsDisplay Brightness Contrast Gamma Color Temperature MasterBack Image SettingsDisplay Brightness Contrast Gamma Color Temperature Primaries:[Projector] W hite peak: [OFF] MasterBack Image SettingsDisplay Brightness Contrast Gamma Color Temperature Primaries:[Projector] Lamp mode:[Single] Lamp Power:[Normal] MasterBack PlasmaCV80 CV120 If one Display only Cine VERSUM r01Example of a display list Image 17-16 122R5976468 CINE VERSUM SYSTEM 03112003

17. Adjusting the Picture 17.13.1 Master Adjustment of the Analog Controls How to adjust the analog controls 1. From the main menu, select itemIMAGE SETTINGS. Note:When using the Remote Control, make sure that the address of the RC is the common or the Master address! The Image Settings menu appears on-screen and in the graphical display on the Master, showing the two main items ’Master’ and ’Display’. (menu 17-28) 2. Select the item you want to adjust, using the←or→key on the Remote Control or by rotating the jog dial on the Master. 3. Press the jog dial on the Master or the keyENTERon the Remote Control to confirm. The bar scale, adjustable between 0 and 255, according to the selected analog control appears on-screen and in the graphical display. (image 17-17) 4. Adjust the level of the analog control by rotating the jog dial on the Master or pressing the←or→key on the Remote Control. Selected ItemPressing Key←orJogdialtotheleftPressing Key→orJogdialtotheright BrightnessFor less brightnessFor more brightness ContrastFor less contrastFor more contrast SaturationFor less color intensityFor more color intensity Tint (NTSC signals only)Skin tones become purplishSkin tones becomes greenish 5. If you want to proceed to adjustment of the analog controls per display, select itemDISPLAY.Thisitemisexplainedinchapter below ’Analog Controls adjustment per Display’. 6. PressEXITon the Remote Control or press the jog dial on the Master to return. New Value of the adjusted analog control is stored in the Cine VERSUM Master and will be applied to all linked displays. Image Settings Master Brightness Contrast Saturation Tint Display Back Menu 17-28 Image 17-17 Analog controls 17.13.2 Analog Controls adjustment per Display The items in the display settings per display are, Brightness, Contrast, Gamma and Color Temperature. The 2 last mentioned items are already explained, see Gamma Correction, page 117, and see Adjusting the Color Temperature, page 118. R5976468 CINE VERSUM SYSTEM 03112003123

17. Adjusting the Picture Cine VERSUM Master Chapter below is a continuation of procedure, see Master Adjustment of the Analog Controls, page 123. About Image Settings menu When adjusting the analog controls separately on the linked display, then the items in the Image Settings menu depends on the addressed display. Below the Image Settings menu for respectively the Cine VERSUM 50, the Cine VERSUM 80 and the Cine VERSUM 120. Image Settings Display Brightness Contrast Gamma Color Temperature Master Back Menu 17-29 Image Settings Display Brightness Contrast Gamma Color Temperature Primary [Projector] White peak [OFF] Master Back Menu 17-30 Image Settings Display Brightness Contrast Gamma Color Temperature Primary [Projector] Lamp mode [Single] Lamp power [Normal] Master Back Menu 17-31 How to adjust the analog controls per display 1. From the master IMAGE SETTINGS menu, select itemDISPLAY. (menu 17-32) The display list appears on-screen and in the graphical display, showing all the detected displays in the link. (menu 17-33) 2. Select the Display you want to adjust the analog controls, using the←or→key on the Remote Control or by rotating the jog dial on the Master. 3. Press the jog dial on the Master or the keyENTERon the Remote Control to confirm. The Image Settings menu for that specific display (menu 17-29,menu 17-30, menu 17-31) appears on-screen and in the graphical display on the Master, including the two main items ’Display’ and ’Master’. These latter two items allow to switch between master and display analog control adjustment 4. Select the item you want to adjust, using the←or→key on the Remote Control or by rotating the jog dial on the Master. 5. Press the jog dial on the Master or the keyENTERon the Remote Control to confirm. The bar scale, adjustable between -127 and 127, according to the selected analog control appears on-screen and in the graphical display. (image 17-18) 124 R5976468 CINE VERSUM SYSTEM 03112003

17. Adjusting the Picture 6. Adjust the level of the analog control, with default value the Master setting, by rotating the jog dial on the Master or pressing the ←or→key on the Remote Control. Selected ItemPressing Key←or jog dial to the leftPressing Key→or jog dial to the right BrightnessFor less brightnessFor more brightness ContrastFor less contrastFor more contrast 7. If you want to proceed to re-adjustment of one of the analog controls for all displays, select itemMasterin the respective Image Settings menu (menu 17-29, menu 17-30, menu 17-31). The GUI menu returns to the Image settings menu of the Master, and the procedure can be repeated (see Master Adjustment of the Analog Controls, page 123) 8. PressEXITon the Remote Control or press the jog dial on the Master to return. New Value of the adjusted analog control is stored in the addressed Display. Image Settings Master Brightness Contrast Saturation Tint Display Back Menu 17-32 Display List 2CV50 1:On 3 CV50 2: Off (Stdby) 4CV80 1:On 5 CV120 1: Off (Stdby) 6CV80 2:On Back Menu 17-33 Image 17-18 Analog controls per display Display with Remote Control only How to adjust analog controls per display 1. Program the Remote Control with the address of the Display you want to apply correction to the Brightness and Contrast setting. (see Address setting for the Remote Control, page 63). 2. From the main menu, select itemIMAGE SETTINGS. The Image Settings menu for that specific display (menu 17-29,menu 17-30, menu 17-31) appears on-screen and in the graphical display on the Master, showing the two main items ’Master’and’Display’. 3. Select the item you want to adjust, using the←or→key on the Remote Control and press keyENTERon the remote control to confirm. The bar scale, adjustable between -127 and 127, according to the selected analog control appears on-screen and in the graphical display. R5976468 CINE VERSUM SYSTEM 03112003 125

17. Adjusting the Picture 4. Adjust the level of the analog control, with default value the Master setting, by pressing the←or→key on the Remote Control. Selected ItemPressing Key←Pressing Key→ BrightnessFor less brightnessFor more brightness ContrastFor less contrastFor more contrast 5. If you want to proceed to re-adjustment one of the analog controls for all displays, select item’Master’ (menu 17-29, menu 17-30, menu 17-31). 6. The GUI menu returns to the Image settings menu of the Master, and the procedure can be repeated. (see Master Adjustment of the Analog Controls, page 123) 7. PressEXITon the Remote Control to return. New Value of the adjusted analog control is stored in the selected Display. 126 R5976468 CINE VERSUM SYSTEM 03112003