Vodavi Starplus 96ex Hybrid Key Telephone System Installation Manual
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C. Dial parking location (790 to 795) where the C. If you hear busy tone, press TRANS and dial call was parked. another parking location. Retrieving a Parked Call A. Lift handset or press ON/OFF button. B. Dial pound [#I]. 300.17 CALL PICK-UP: GROUP When intercom tone ringing, transferred outside line ringing, or recall ringing is heard at an unat- tended telephone: A. Lift the handset or press the ONIOFF button, B. Dial [281] on the dial pad or press the pre-pro- grammed PICK UP button to be connected to the calling party. NOTE: You musf be in the same pick up group as fhe ringing telephone fo pick up fhe call. Refer to the flex button programming. 300.18 CALL TRANSFER Outside lines can be transferred from one phone to another within the system. The transfer can be either screened (announced) or unscreened to either an idle or busy station, or UCD or Hunt Group. Screened Tiansfer A. While connected to an outside line, press station button where call is to be transferred (if programmed on your telephone), or press TRANS button and dial station number (100 to 195). B. The called extension signals according to the intercom signal switch position. C. When that extension answers, announce the transfer. D. Hang up to complete transfer. Unscreened Transfer When the called extension begins to signal, hang up to transfer the call (Recall timer starts). Transfer Search A. When attempting to locate a party, press a station key to signal a station or press the TRANS button and dial station desired. B. If the party is not located, press another sta- tion key to continue the search, or press the TRAN button and dial the station number. C. If the party is not located, press the TRANS button again and dial another station number to continue the search. D. When the called party answers, hang,up to complete the transfer. Answering a Screened Transfer A. Your intercom will be signalingaccording to C. Press the outside line button or loop button the intercom signal switch position. B. flashing on hold. Answer the intercom and receive the transfer notice. 300.19 TRANSFERRING CO CALLS TO A STATION FORWARDED TO VM While connected to a CO line: A. Press the TRANS button and dial the exten- sion number of the station forwarded to voice mail. B. The transferring station hangs up. The CO call will be directed to the mailbox of the forwarded station. NOTE: If the transferring sfafion attempts fo su- pervise tie transfer orjusf waits until the voice mail sysfem answers, fhen if becomes necessary fo reaccess fhe CO line and re-transfer them and go on-hook before the voice mail sysfem answers. lBis will ensure fhaf the CO party will hear thz personal greeting of fhe mailbox user and any applicable instructions. 300.20 CAMP-ON ff you call a station that is busy and wish to alert them to your call: A. Press the pm-programmed CAMP ON but- ton. B. Called station will receive two bursts of ring- ing. C. Wait for their response D. When called party answers, consult with them or hang up to transfer the call. If a station is in DND, only the attendant can Camp On using the attendant override feature. A flex button must be programmed for this feature to operate. Refer to the flex button programming. Answering a Camp On If you are on a connected call, hear two bursts of muted ringing, and your CAMP ON button is flash- ing, you have a call waiting for you. A. To answer, press the CAMP ON button. B. Any outside line you are wnnected to will be placed on hold. You may wnverse with the station placing the call. C. Press flashing outside line button, if a call is being transferred. If you do not have a pre-programmed Camp-On button either:

A. Go on-hook with present call. Camp-On wili ring through, or B. Place present call on hold. Then go on-hook. Camp-On will ring through. 300.21 CO LINE ACCESS To access outside line: A. Press idle CO line button, Pool button, or dial CO line group access code or LCR access code. B. Dial number desired for outside call. C. Lift handset to converse or use speaker- phone. . 300.22 QUEUING A station can queue only one line at a time. If you see that a particular outside line is busy and you wish to be placed on a list waiting for that line to become available: To Place a Queue A. Press desired busy outside line button or pool button. (Busy tone is heard) B. Press preprogrammed LINE QUEUE button. Refer to flex button programming. A flex button must be programmed for this feature to operate. C. Hang up. To Answer a Queue If you hear ringing and an outside line of the line group (or a Loop or Group Key), you queued onto is slow flashing: A. Lift handset. B. Press flashing outside line button to answer. If your station has been programmed for Preferred Line Answer, you will have the line automatically upon lifting the handset. 300.23 CONFERENCE COMBINATIONS Only stations that have conference enabled will be able to institute a conference. l Add-on Conference: Four internal and one external or five party internal . Multi-Line Conference: One internal and two external. Establishing a Conference A maximum of five parties can be included in a conference. The internal party must lift the hand- set. A. Lii handset. B. Select intercom station or dial desired cutside wv. %A??PLUS@ 96EX Key Telephone System C. When called party answers, press CONF but- ton. D. Add next conference party by selectrig an- other outside line or intercom station. E. When party answers, press CONF button twice. F. All parties are connected. Exiting a Conference (Controller only) There are three methods of exiting a conference: A. Press the ON/OFF button to ON, press the MUTE button, and replace the handset (to monitor a conference). B. Press HOLD button to place outside parties on hold. Hold timer starts. If one of the two parties is internal, that party will be dropped. C. Press CONF and hang up or press the ON/OFF button to leave the other conference parties still wnnected in an unsupervised wnference. CONF button will flash and timer will start. There will be a warning tone before the other parties are dropped. Reentering a Conference When the wntroller m-enters the wnference, the diswnnect timer is reset. A. Lift handset to t-e-enter a monitored wnfer- ence. B. To reenter a wnference placed on hold, repeat steps for establishing a conference. C. To reenter an unsupervised wnference, lift handset and press flashing CONF button. The CONF button lights steady and wnfir- mation tone will be heard. Teminating a Conference To terminate a wnference the wnference initiator who is actively in the wnference replaces handset or push ON/OFF button to OFF. To terminate an unsupervised conference, press the flashing CONF button while on hook, all parties will be dropped. 300.24 DIRECTED CALL PICK-UP When incoming, transferred, or recalling outside line ringing, interwm ringing, or Camp On ringing is heard at an unattended telephone: A. Dial the station number of the known ringing telephone. B. Receive ringback tone, or call announce tone. C. Press the pre-programmed PICK UP button to answer the call. ’ User must have access to the specific outside line or a Loop key to do a directed call pickup. A flex 300-8 Issue 1, June 1991 . .

sTARPLUS@ 96EX Key Telephone System button must be programmed for this feature !o operate. Refer to flex button programming. 300.25 DIRECT INWARD SYSTEM AC- CESS (DISA) A. Call the phone number or the system admin- istrator specified of the DISA line. B. The system answers and returns intercom dial tone. C. Enter the DISA access code also specified by the system administrator, if applicable. D. Dial tone is returned. To place an outgoing call: A. Dial a group access code: 9,81 - 87. B. CO Dial tone is returned. C. Dial the desired telephone number. NOTE LCI? cannot 6e awessecl from D/SA. /f LCR is enabled, DISA users may dial 8 1 to access lines in trunk group 1. NOTE: The wnference timer (Refer to Sec. 610.7) will monitor a DISA Trunk-to-trunk” call and re- lease the /ines one (7) minute atter the time ex- pires. To reach an internal station: A. Dial the 3-digit station number. Ringback tone will be heard. B. Converse when party answers. NOTE: If the station dialed is unattended, busy or in DND, intercom dial tone will be returned (affer the Preset Call Forward 7Tmer expires) Refer to Sec. 600. IO 300.26 DO NOT DISTURB Activating Do Not Disturb: A. If you have been given the ability to place your phone in Do Not Disturb, press the pre- programmed DND button. B. DND button lights steady. The DND button can be pressed while the phone is ringing to stop the ringing. (Refer to One-Time Do Not Disturb below.) Removing Do Not Disturb A. Press the pre-programmed DND button. B. The button LED extinguishes and DND is cancelled. A flex button must be pro- grammed for this feature to operate. Refer to flex button programming. A. One-Time Do Not Disturb Allows you to prevent calls from ringing at your station while you’re on a call. The One-Time DND condition will automatically cancel when you end your call. A. Press the pre-programmed DND button while you’re off-hook and connected to a CO line or intercom call. The DND button LED lights and off-hook tones at your station are can- celled. To cancel: A. Replace handset. The DND button LED ex- tinguishes and DND is cancelled. A flex but- ton must be programmed for this feature to operate. 300.27 EXCLUSIVE HOLD When a line is placed on Exclusive Hold, no other station in the system can retrieve this call. Hold may be programmed to be activated on the first or second depression of the Hold button. CO Lines while in a transfer hold are always placed in an Exclusive Hold condition. 300.28 EXECUTIVE OVERRIDE Allows stations designated as “Executive” the ability to override and “barge inn on other keysets engaged in conversation. If you call a busy station: A. Dial [2!34]. Executive station will be bridged onto the CO line conversation in progress at the called station. Optional warning tone is heard and presented to all parties prior to cut-thtu. B. Replace handset at Executive station to ter- minate the override. NOTE: lf the busy party is mnecfed via infercorn to another patty, the inferwm wnnection will be dropped when the override occurs. NOTE: A decrease in volume may occur on the CO line after the bage-in occurs CAUTlON: USE OF THIS FEATURE WHEN THE EXECUTIVE OVERRIDE WARNING TONE IS DISABLED MAY BE INTERPREI-ED AS A VIO- LATION OF FEDERAL OR STATE LAWS, AND AN INVASION OF PRIVACY. CONSULT COUN- SEL WlTH RESPECTTO APPLICABLE LAW BE- FORE INTRUDING ON CALLS USING THIS FEATURE. Issue 1, June 1991 300-g

%ARPLUS@ 96EX Key Telephone System 300.29 EXECUTIVE/SECRETARY TRANS- FER If you are designated the Executive station and your phone is busy or in DND, all calls will be routed to the Secretary station. If you are the designated Secretary station, you can signal the Executive that is busy or in DND by using the Camp On feature. 300.30 FLASH When connected to an outside line: A. Press FLASH button to disconnect outside line and reseize outside line dial tone. . 300.31 FLASH ON INTERCOM When connected to a page zone or another inter- nal party, press FLASH button to disconnect page or intercom call. Intercom dial tone will be heard. . 300.32 FLEXIBLE BUl-l-ON ASSIGNMENT If you have buttons on your telephone which have NOT been assigned as CO lines, Pooled group, or Loop buttons, you may program them to suit your own indiviiual needs. There are five possible func- tions you may assign to these buttons: . e DSS/BLF: This button, when pressed, will automatically signal the assigned intercom station. DSS/BLF buttons are programmed by the station user. 0 FEATURES: This button can be programmed so that when pressed it will activate a particu- lar feature, thus eliminating the need for dial- ing the feature code. Some features require a flex button to be programmed for that fea- ture to be accessible to the station user. Where this is the case it is so designated in this Feature Operation Section and user guide. Feature buttons are programmed by the station user. Refer to Table 300-2 for a complete listing of code/features that may be programmed onto a flexible button. SPEED DIAL: This button can be pro- grammed to automatically access a speed number location for one-step operation. PBX and Centrex codes can be programmed into a speed dial bin and accessed by one button depression. POOLED GROUP ACCESS: A group of out- side lines can be placed under one button. When this button is pressed, the system will select an available line from this group for the user to place a call on. Pool buttons are assigned in data base administration. LOOP: This button will act as the direct ap- pearing button for outside lines that do not appear on the user’s individual telephone. Any phone that doesn’t have all lines appear on it must have a loop key. There is NO limit to the number of LOOP buttons a station may have. Loop buttons are assigned in data base administration. Table 300-2 Button Programming Codes 100-19s 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 288 294 296 297 392 590-597 690497 i7 m=l 7sfrJol 78# 790-795 Direct Station Select 80 Account Code Enter Call Back (flex Button Programming) 890-897 UC0 Group Pilot Numbers l-8 Pi& Up 898 UCD Availabfa/Unavailable Mute (flex Button Programming) 0 Attendant (1 st Programmed Attendant) tine Queue (flex Button Programming) ‘1 Internal Zone 1 Do Not Disturb (Ffex Button Programming) l 2 Internal Zone 2 Night Service (Attendant Station(s) l 3 hXemal Zone 3 Camp-On (flex Button Programming) ‘4 lntemai Zone 4 Headset Mode l 5 Internal Ali Call Attendant Overdde (flex Button Programming) *6 External Page Executive Override l 9 Meet Me Page Answer CG tine Gff-Net Forward (1 st Programmed Attendant) 90 All Cafl Page (tntemal & Extemaf) UCD Calls in Queue Display [SPD]m Speed Dii Access* Personal Park (00-19 Station) (20-99 System) Hunt Group Pilot Numbers l-8 [SPD]f] Save Number Redii Voice Mail Group Pilot Numbers l-8 [SPD]+[#] Last Number Redii Badground Music Personalized Messages ’ YY= Speed Dii Bin numbers Clear Personaffzed Messages Z& Personalized Messages Pemonalized Message Code The desired speed bin must ba programmed prior to assign- Call Park (system) ing the speed tin onto a flexibfe button. * 300-10 Issue 1, June 1991

sTARPLUS@ 96EX Key Telephone System To program flexible buttons: A. Press SPD button twice. B. Press the assigned button to be programmed (it must be programmed in data base as a multi-function button). C. Dial desired code (Refer to Button Program- ming Codes). To erase a flexible button: A. Press SPD button twice. B. Press the button to be erase C. Press FLASH button. D. Replace handset or press ON/OFF button. 300.33 HEADSET MODE If you wish to use a headset and have been given the ability to do so in programming. To activate Headset Mode: A. Dial [286] on the dial pad or press pre-pro- grammed FLEX button. B. LED will light steady. While Headset mode is active, the ON/OFF button will activate the headset and disable speaker- phone and intercom call announce operation at your station. To de-activate Headset Mode: A. Dial [286] on the dial pad or press the pre-pro- grammed FLEX button. B. LED will extinguish. Refer to flex button programming. 300.34 INTERCOM CALLING Placing an Intercom Call A. Press station key of party to be called (if programmed at your phone): or dial station number (I 00 to 195). NOTE: Dialing a number in the numbering plan activates the telephone automatica&. B. You will hear ringing if called station is in the 7” answering mode; or three bursts of tone if called station is in the UH” or “P” position. C. Lift handset or use speakerphone, after the three tone bursts stop. D. Hang up to end call. Answering an Intercom Call With your intercom signal switch in the T (center) mode, you will hear repeated bursts of intercom tone ringing and the HOLD button will slow flash. A. Lift handset or press ON/OFF button to an- swer, or move the intercom signal switch to the H (up) mode to reply. If you receive a call from a Phone Box, you must press that DSS button to answer the call. ~ B. Hang up to end call. In the P (down) mode, you will hear three bursts of tone and one-way announcement. The HOLD button will slow flash and the calling party cannot hear conversations in progress. A. Lift handset or press ON/OFF button to an- swer, or move the intercom signal switch to the H (up) mode to reply. In the H (up) mode, you wili hear three bursts of tone and an announcement. Reply handsfree or lift handset for privacy. 300.35 INTERCOM TRANSFER Intercom transfer without DSS buttons: A. B. C. D. E. Receive or make an intercom call. Press the TRANS button. Intercom dial tone is heard. Dial the station where the call is to be trans- ferred. When 2nd station answers, you are in a su- pervisad transfer mode (1 st station is staged for transfer). Hang up (station 1 and 2 are connected). Intercom transfer using DSS buttons: A. Receive or make an intercom call using a DSS button. B. Press DSS button where call is to be trans- ferred. C. Hang up (station 1 and 2 are connected). Intercom transfer using DSS buttons with Search and Recovery: A. B. C. D. E. Receive or make an intercom call using a DSS button. Press DSS button to search for 2nd party. Press TRANS button to recover I st call and abort transfer. Repeat the last two steps until second patty is located. Hang up (Station 1 and 2 are connected). 300.36 LAST NUMBER REDIAL A. Press SPD button. B. Press pound [#] key. C. The last number dialed over an outside line will be automatically redialed. The system will automatically select the original line used to place the call and rediai the number. If that line is busy, the system will automatically select another line from the same group and redial the number.

STA~PLUS@ 96EX Key Telephone System . lf no lines are available in the same group, station will receive busy tone and can queue for a line. if the station user preselects a line before activat- ing LNR, the preselection will override the line which was used originally. 300.37 LEAST COST ROUTING To place an outside call when LCR has been enabled in the system: A. Dial [9]. B. Dial desired telephone number (ie: I+ area code+number) 7-digit number. C. Wait for answer. Lift handset or use speaker- phone to converse. If all lines available to you are busy, remain off- hook for four (4) seconds to automatically be queued onto LCR for an available line. LCR Que Callback If an LCR Queue Callback has been activated: A. When telephone is signalled, answer the call. B. Desired telephone number will automatically be redialed. NOTE: On/y one LCR Queue Call Back requesf may be initiated by a station. When a second requesf is made, the first request will be canceled. 300.38 LCR QUE CANCEL A. Dial the LCR Queue Cancel code, [74]. B. Replace handset or press ON/OFF button. 300.39 MEET ME PAGE To request another party to meet you on a page: A. B. C. Dial the desired two-digit paging code or press programmed button. Request that party meet you on the page. Do not hang up; wait for the requested party to answer. As soon as the paged party an- swers and is connected to you, the page circuit is released. Answering a Meet Me Page A. Go to the nearest Telephone and dial [*], [9] or press the pm-programmed flex button. B. You will be connected to the party that paged you. 300.40 MESSAGE WAITING Leaving a Message Waiting Indication Up to five messages can be left at any Station. If you dial a station that is busy, unattended, or in DND, you can leave a message waiting indication. A. Press the MSG WAIT button. B. Called party’s MSG WAIT button will slow flash. C. Hang up. Answering a Message Waiting Indication If your MSG WAIT button is flashing at a slow rate, you have a message waiting for you. The first message left will be the first one called. A. B. C. Press flashing MSG WAIT button. Station that left message will be signaled with tone ringing. If called station does not answer, press MSG WAIT button once to leave message. 300.41 MUTE KEY The MUTE button provides privacy during speak- erphone or handset operation by disabling the microphone.. A. Press pre-programmed MUTE button while off-hook on speakerphone or handset to ac- tivate. B. Press MUTE button again to deactivate. The mute feature automatically deactivates upon call temination. A flex button must be assigned to use this feature. Refer to flex button programming. 300.42 OFF-HOOK PREFERENCE If your phone has been programmed for Off-Hook Preference, you will access an outside line, or a feature by going off-hook or pressing the ON/OFF button. While Off-Hook Preference is enabled, you may access internal intercom dial tone by: A. Pressing your preprogrammed ICM button. B. LED lights steady or C. Dial your own 3-digit intercom number. (Do not lift handset or press ON/OFF button be- fore dialing intercom number.) D. Intercom dial tone will be heard. You may now dial an internal station or Feature Access code. Refer to flex button programming. Also refer to Prime Flex button programming. 300.43 PAGING If you have been given the ability to make page announcements: A. Lift handset. B. Dial the two-digit paging code, or press pro- grammed flex button. l l Internal Zone 1 3Og-12 Issue 1, June 1991

*2 Internal Zone 2 *3 Internal Zone 3 *4 internal Zone 4 *5 Internal All Call *6 External Zone l 0 All Call C. Speak in normal tone of voice to deliver mes- sage. Stations off-hook or in DND will not hear the page announcement. NOTE: When making a zone page or All Call page and the zone is busy, fhe page initiafor will receive ringback fone until fhe zone becomes available. You will then hear a warning fone and an make the page announcement 300.44 PBXICENTREX TRANSFER While connected to an outside line (PBX/Centrex): A. Press FLASH button. B. Receive transfer dial tone. C. Dial PBX/Centrex station number. D. Hang up to complete transfer. 300.45 PERSONALIZED MESSAGES Each station can select a pre-assigned message to be displayed on the LCD of any Key Telephone calling that station. There are ten possible messages which can be left. A. Dial m[8] on the dial pad or press a pro- grammed flex button. B. Dial the two-digit code for the message which will appear. 00 clears messages 01 VACATION 02 RETURN MORNING 03 RETURN AFTERNOON 04 RETURN TOMORROW 05 RETURN NEXTWEEK 06 BUSINESS TRIP 07 MEETING 08 HOME 09 ONBREAK IO LUNCH NOTE: This feature is not available to the atten- dant(s). 300.46 PERSONALIZED MESSAGE CODE ON A FLEX KEY You can program code 78 on a flexible key to speed access of pre-selected messages. A. Press SPD button twice. B. Press the desired flex button. LED flashes. sTARPLUS@ 96EX Key Telephone System C. Dial [78] + #. Confirmation tone is heard. User can now press that flex button and dial the two-digit message number 00-10 to activate or deactivate a personalized message. Confirmation tone will be heard. 300.47 PHONE BOX RINGING To receive ringing from Phone Box(es) at a station, a DSS button must be assigned on a flex key. Refer to Flex Button Programming for instructions on how to program DSS buttons. Also refer to Sec. 610.25 for Phone 50x Ring Timer. 300.48 PRIME FLEX BlJlTON PROGRAM- MING If your phone is programmed for off-hook prefer- ence and have been given the ability to enable or change the prime flex button. A. Dial [287j on the dial pad B. Then dial two-digit button number. To disable Off-Hook Preference: A. Dial [287j on the dial pad. B. Dial [00] on the dial pad. 300.49 PROGRAMMING YOUR NAME INTO THE LCD DISPLAY Every etiension (key and SLT) has the capability to program the users name so that people using display telephones will see the name instead of the station number. A. Dial [295l. B. Enter your name (up to 7 letters) using the pattern shown below. Table 300-3 Entered Digits to Letters Conversion Chati A=12 ~ G=l4. M=l6 T=l8 g$ H=*4 N=*6 U=*8 I=# 0=#6 v48 D=l3 J=l5 P=l7 w=19 E=*3 Q=*l x=*9 F=#/3 K=*5 R=*7 Y=#9 SPACE=## L=#I5 ’ S=#7 Z=#l C. Press SPD button to complete the program- ming process. issue 1, June 1991 300-l 3

sTARPLUS@ 96EX Key Telephone System To erase your name: A. Dial [29!3]. B. Press SPD button. Station Speed Bin 00 is used to store name in display information. 300.50 PULSE TO TONE SWITCHOVER The signaling on an outside line can be changed from dial pulse to tone (DTMF) manually while dialing out. To perform the change-over A. Dial an [*] B. Remaining digit will be sent using DTMF. The Pulse to Tone Switchover command may also be included into a speed dial bin. Refer to speed dial programming. 300.51 SAVE NUMBER REDIAL If you wish to save the last number you dialed for use later: A. After placing an outside call, keep handset off -hook. B. Press SPD button twice. To Dial a number that was saved using the steps above: A. Press SPD button. B. Dial the asterisk r] key. System will automatically select the original line used to place the call and redial the number. If that line is busy, the system will automatically select another line from the same group and redial the number. If no lines are available in the same group, station will rece.we busy tone and can queue for a line. If the station user preselects a line before activat- ing SNR, the preselection will override the line which was used originally. 300.52 PROGRAMMING PBX/CENTREX CODES ONTO A FLEX BUlTON For easy one-button access to Centrex or PBX features, perform the following steps: A. Program the Centrex or PBX code into a station or system speed dial bin, including hook-flash (flash key), r], and [#] commands. (Refer to station or system speed dial pro- gramming) Program that speed bin onto a flex button. Refer to flex button programming. 300.53 SPEAKERPHONE A. Press ON/OFF button to “ON”. Intercom dial tone will be heard. B. Press station key of desired party, or press available outside line button and dial number. Speakerphone is activated. - C. Press ON/OFF button to “OFF” to end call. NOTE: For further references in this section where ‘Tiff handset” is specified, you may also use the method of pressing the uON/OFF” button, if the telephone is programmed to be a true two-way speakevhone. 300.54 STATION SPEED DIAL If no outside line has been specified in program- ming, one will be chosen automatically or you can choose one now. A. Press SPD button and dial bin location, or press programmed speed bin button. Station Speed numbers are 00 to 19. B. When called pafly answers, pick up handset or use speakerphone. 300.55 STORING SPEED NUMBERS Station Speed numbers can be entered by keyset users. System Speed numbers must be entered by the first programmed attendant. If no attendant is specified, enter at Station 100. A. B. C. D. E. Press SPD once, then press a desired out- side line key or pool key or select an outside line automatically by pressing the SPD button a second time. Dial the speed bin location. 00 to 19 for Station Speed numbers; 20 to 99 for System Speed numbers. Dial telephone number. (including special codes described below) - - - - TRANS - Pressing the TRANS button during number entry initiates a Pulse-To- Tone switchover. HOLD - Pressing the HOLD button dur- ing number entry inserts a Pause. FLASH - Pressing the FLASH key inserts a Flash into the speed number. TRANS - Pressing the TRANS button as the first entry in the speed bin inserts a nodisplay character causing the num,- bers stored in the bin not to appear on the Key Telephones display when the bin is accessed. Press SPD Hang up. To program several speed numbers in a row, press SPD button twice to conclude programming a number and then just enter the next speed number bin to be programmed. If the station has 300-14 Issue 1, June 1991

no line appearance for the line programmed into the speed bin, that line will come up under the Night Answer must have a loop button appearance Loop button or Pool button when accessed. if the ringing outside line does not appear at their phone. 300.56 SYSTEM SPEED DIAL If no outside line has been specified in program- ming, one will be chosen automatically or you can choose one now. 300.59 VOICE MAIL OPERATION (VM) Forward Callers to vour Mail box Intercom and Transferred CO callers may be routed directly to your mail box by forwarding your phone to a voice mail group. Callers will then be greeted by your personal voice mail greeting available (Refer to Call Forward - Voice Mail Op- eration) A. B. Press SPD button and dial bin location, or press programmed speed bin button. System Speed numbers are 20 to 99. When called party answers, pick up handset or use speakerphone. 300.57 UNIFORM CALL DISTRIBUTION WW A. Number of Calls in Queue Display From an idle display key telephone: 1. Dial [297j or press programmed flex button. (ON/OFF button LED lights steady) 2. Dial 3-digit UCD group number (890-897). 3. Your display will tell you how many calls are in queue for that group. 4. Dynamic update of display occurs as queue condition changes. 5. Lift the handset or press the ON/OFF button to terminate mode. PIOTE: This feature cannot be used with a call in progress and the station will be considered busy for incoming cak B. AVAILABLE/UNAVAILABLE MODE If you are a UCD agent, you may place your station in the Available mode to receive UCD type of calls or you may place you station in the Unavailable mode to block UCD type calls from ringing your station. To go Available: I. Dial [898] on the dial pad or press pre-pro- grammed Available/Unavailable flex button. 2. You may now receive calls. To go Unavailable: 1. Dial 18981 on the dial pad or press pre-pro- grammed Available/Unavailable flex button. 2. You are now blocked from receiving UCD calls. 300.58 UNIVERSAL NIGHT ANSWER(UNA) If you hear outside line ringing at another station and wish to answer it, dial [75j on the dial pad. The connected outside line can be transferred or dis- connected. Each telephone utilizing Universal Retrieving Voice Messages If your Message Waiting key or programmed Voice Mail group key is flashing, you may have a voice message waiting for you. To enter the voice mail system to check for mail: A. Dial the Voice Mail group number or press the programmed voice maii group key or flashing Message Wait key. B. You will immediately be prompted to enter your password for your mail box. Receiving a Voice Mail Message Wait To receive ZI message waiting indication that a voice message has been taken for you, the Voice Mail system must be programmed to provide such an indication. After the voice mail system receives a voice mes- sage for a station user: A. The voice mail must go off-hook and dial the voice mail message wait code [60]. B. Then dial the 3-digit extension number of the station user who received a voice message. Turning the Message Waiting Lamp Off When a station user retrieves the voice messages from the voice mail system, the voice mail system must: A. Be programmed to go off-hook and dial the message cancel code [61]. B. Then dial the 3digit extension number of the station user who retrieved the voice mes- sage. A. VM Tone Mode Calling Option Allows the Voice Mail system to override a called stations H or P intercom switch settings. When placing a call to a station and Tone ringing is desire (the Voice Mail system MUST be pro- grammed to: A. Dial [w. X B. Then dial 3digit station extension (call tone rings station).

300.60 VOLUME CONTROLS There are two volume control wheels on the right side of the Key Telephone. Spinning the switch toward you decreases the volume. The front switch is for voice, background music, and speak- erphone volume. The back switch is for tone ringing volume. SINGLE LINE TELEPHONE FEATURE3 .300.61 ACCOUNT CODE SLT stations can enter an account code to identify the call or calling station. Entering Account Code before a call: A. Lift the handset. B. Dial [80]. C. Dial the account code. If the account code contains fewer than 12 digits, dial r] to return to intercom dial tone. Dial tone is heard. D. Dial [9] or CO Access code and the desired number. Entering Account Code during a call: A. Depress the hookswitch momentarily. Your call will be placed on hold while you enter your account code. B. Dial [80]. C. Dial the account cod If the account code contains fewer than 12 digits, dial r] to return automatically to the call. 300.62 CALL BACK A. Briefly depress and release the hookswitch. B. Dial [#4]. C. Replace handset. Only one Call Back request can be left at a station; the second request will convert to Message Wait- ing Request. 300.63 CALL FORWARDING To call foward calls to another station: A. Lift handset. B. Dial [#2]. C. Skip step c for immediate fonvarding, other- wise dial the appropriate code: [2] = Call Forward No Answer [3] = Call Fonvard Busy [4] = Call Forward Busy/No Answer [q = Call Forward Off-Net (via speed dial) D. Dial the 3-digit extension number or speed bin number where calls are to be forwarded. Confirmation tone will be heard. E. Replace handset. To Remove Call Forwarding: A. Lift handset. B. Dial [#2] or [##I. Confimation tone will be heard. C. Replace the handset. 300.64 CALUNG STATION TONE MODE OPTION Allows a calling station to override a called key station’s H or P intercom switch setting. When placing a call to a key station and Tone ringing is desired: A. Dial [%I]. B. Dial 3-digit station extension (call tone rings station). 300.65 CAMP-ON After receiving intercom busy tone: A. Briefly depress and release the hookswitch. B. Dial [##‘I. When the called party answers, consult with them. While on a CO line you receive a Camp-on warn- ing tone through handset: A. Chwse desired call (hang up on present call and take the new one, or ignore the Camp-on signal). (also see Personal Park) 300.66 CALL PARK (System) To place an outside call on hold and consult with, page, or call an internal patty and/or transfer the outside call. While connected to an outside line: A. Depress and release the hookswitch. The caller is put on Exclusive hold. B. Dial parking location (790 to 795). Hear con- firmation tone. C. If you hear busy tone, depress and release .’ the hookswitch and dial another parking loca- tion. Retrieving a Parked Call A. Lift handset. B. Dial pound [#]. C. Dial parking location (790 to 795) where the call was parked. 300.67 CALL TRANSFER: Making an Unscreened Transfer A. Briefly depress and release the hookswitch. B. Dial desired intercomnumber. C. Hang up to complete the transfer. 300-l 6 Issue 1, June 1991