Communications System
Toshiba Voice Processing Vp100, 300s, 300 Configuration Manual
Toshiba Voice Processing Vp100, 300s, 300 Configuration Manual
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Page 41
2-2 Configuration hbwal INSTU Question b C d e f TluNsFfzRINlT reconnect-RNA recomw-t-BUSY tmnsfer axnpkte AIZ’ERNATEXFER reconnect-RNA recomxct-BUSY tmlskr amlpkte PBX I?4’IT CODE -sp33 , F Must include all company grezeting y mai- intercept maii distriition list pilot nurnw - extended mii~ (Not k =mfJeo fkxiik menu maii and system users (ma&axes with exwtsions and L maiJbaxesonly> A I FIgwe 2-l Order of Ouestions and Associated Tables in the INSTAU Program (conthued) ltshltm...
Page 42
PORT ilteqt Maii Company Greeting hfailtc~~ Call Bk&ng Number Max Smgk Digits for Menu Prefkt Digits for Menu Pre6x Extension Number Rings Before no Ansucr T’imes to Retry on Busy Next Ma.i.i AuwTiansfer to As3anc.e Message with Auto-Tmnsfer MAILBOX Intexcept Ma&ax Call Bkckjng Number Max Single Digits for Menu PreGx Digits for Menu Preti Ectcnsion Numhr Rings Before No Answr Msg Wait Rine Before No Answer Times to Retry on Busy Use Alternate ljans Cbdes Divert Msg to Other h6ii...
Page 43
2-4 CoRfiglJl-aion h&lnual 2.2 USING INSTALL U~~e~~w~~~ganewT~~~ern.~~~~~ question, referring to the Te VP System confiition package you mmpleted for the customefs~~nfigurahn~ B Entering 1NSTALL ,*- FollowthedireUionsintheI?asfaUaZ&xzandM fzianmue manual - INSTXLLATlON, Conntig Tw to connect your terminal to the VP 3CWVP 300 cabmet. Follow the directions in the hs&krh and Mahmance manual - CONFIGURATION ; ~7 f ; APPwxl-I0Ns-ERMIu& Communication with the VP XXI, to connect your terminal to...
Page 44
M Exiting INSTALL When the program is compIeta INSTAIL prompts Answer Y to copy all the data onto the configuration diskette as a backup. Tb exit before you are done with IN!XALL at the colon (z) type the followings .E Exiting (. E) saves the portion of the completed ax@uration to the hard disk. You can continue the INSTAU later from where you left off, or you can start the IIKIALL over. Refer to the Exiting Early and Resbrting or Continuing section of this chapter. 7dllbaWsysurn Rhaw5.3 uay.la31
Page 45
.! 2-6 configu&on Mm& e D Answering the Questions During an hstallation, it is rammended you have your completed T~hitxa VP System axQuration package to refer to- l3e con&uration package supplies you with the information you need to answer the questions A blank confiition package can be found at the end of the UNDERSTANDING CONFIGUIMTION chapter in this manuaL ’ Jh this section each INSTALLquestion is listed with an explanation and example rpnse. When you use INSTALL answer the questions with...
Page 46
Enter the number cxu-responding to the manufacturer% name and press 1-j. If the name is not listed enter 0 for other and press l-i?ZFjj The models for each manufacturer are . listed. Select the appropriate number for that model phone -em or typz 0 for other. The list of telephone system mode1 numbers varies, depending on the manufacturer%&cted. - - If your PBX type or mod@ number is not listed and you enter 0 for other, additional questions about your phcme system are aska Refer to Questions for...
Page 47
can be on or off premise. Include access codes, if neu%sary. Enter a D for a delay, after any aces codes you may use. (The length of the delay is determined by -em I%rameter 28.) EnteranEfor%xpectdialtone.~ Donotuseanyspaccs While the Tixhiba VP System is reloading after a power failure the ports can be fMed to an alternate answer point. Enter the code that causes incoming calls to ring at the alternate answer bcation. If NONE is entered, all ports remain off hook Busy) when the ystem is loading or...
Page 48
Defme every ma&ox, including iudividual maikoeq information+mly mailhes greeting mailboxes, and distribution List pilot numbers. Be sure to enter &ercept mailboxes (numbers dialed when a caller does nothing or enters q for a&stance.) l3e wording of this instruction depends upon whether your mailbox and extension numbers match. If adding users in range, you cannot cross maiIbox or extension fti digit boundaries. Refer to the USER Table chapter. Enter an empty line when the last mailbox is defined....
Page 50
Each @em port may be allocated to only one Integration Unit. Refer to the k&fafio~ and M~e7uzncemanual - INTEGRATION, for details on the specifk integration you are =fkP-b- If (location name) does not have a SYSTEM, the next question is If (location name) does have a SYSTEM, the next question is: If the above question is answered N, refer to NETWORKING.